The beacon of youth

Chapter 859 Briton

What is the [-]th parallel! !Li Yong has explained it to everyone countless times, but most people in the squad are still confused, because the soldiers don't know what longitude and latitude are, let alone what longitude and latitude are. Among those who don't understand, there are company commanders Li Yuming.

Li Yuming thought about it all but failed to figure out what the longitude and latitude lines are. Later, he simply gave up thinking about them. No matter what line he is, it can be three or eight, four or six, just treat it as if it doesn’t exist. The brigade commander said that the three and eight lines are Yankees Draw it, why is the line drawn by the Yankee so famous, I will also draw a line in the future, it is called the [-]th line, and it is also famous.

What Li Yuming didn't expect was that their team had already crossed the 37th parallel and was advancing towards the [-]th parallel, and their goal was getting closer and closer.

Uijeongbu is not big, but it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and railways and roads intersect each other. It is a very important transportation node in geographical location. In order to save time and provide timely support for frontline troops, the US military has set up a temporary supply point here.

Thanks to the great development of industrialization, the industrial production capacity of the United States before the war has reached nearly seven times that of the old empire Britain. After the end of World War II, the United States, which is intact and intact, has become the center of the world industry. 70.00% of the Western world The above-mentioned production capacity is concentrated in the United States, and the overall strength of the country has developed to an unparalleled height. The terrible production capacity of the United States has suffocated all countries. -The army also appears extremely rich and rich.

Ui-government supplies piled up like a mountain, weapons, food, ammunition, fuel, clothing, etc., and a large number of trucks were dedicated to transport.But even so, this supply point was not taken seriously by the US military.The big bosses in the United States think that such a little thing is very limited, but it is just a drop in the bucket.

After the Chinese launched the third large-scale offensive.The Yi government in the far rear also panicked, and all kinds of news were flying all over the sky. The defense line that was boasted to be impenetrable was broken through by the volunteers in one fell swoop, and the United Nations Army on the defense line was driven out like a bereaved dog.

This made the Ui government defenders, who were living a comfortable life, suddenly dangerous. Who knows when the Chinese will be able to fight over. Rumors are flying all over the sky for a while. Some people say that Chinese soldiers can endure hardship. A handful of fried soybeans You can let them fight for a day, and some people have heard that the Chinese can run over the wheels of the UN-armed cars with two legs.I don't know if it's true or false.

An order from Shangfeng caused the Yi government's defenders to panic instantly. The news revealed from the order was that several lines of defense had been breached and the Chinese were getting closer. What does the United Nations-army do?Is it all for nothing?

Most of the troops stationed in the Ui government area are logistics troops, and there are very few combat troops. Once the Chinese fight over, how will they deal with it.

God forbid, in order to preserve their strength, the Americans pushed several Korean divisions to the front.Then ordered the U.S. defenders in the area of ​​the Ui government to retreat quickly, and destroy all the supplies while retreating, so that the Chinese could not get any benefit.

Too much money is self-willed, and the piles of materials will be destroyed with one order.I don't feel distressed at all, but it takes time to complete the destruction of materials. Who can guarantee that the Chinese will not suddenly appear at this time.

run now.Afraid of leaving the materials to the Chinese, destroy the materials.Afraid of wasting time and being made dumplings by the Chinese, a savior appeared when the young American soldiers in the Ui-government area were worried about gains and losses.Ui-government came with a battalion of Brits.

The number of British in the United Nations Army ranks third, only less than Americans and Koreans. In order to reflect the style of a big country, the British transferred several battalions of soldiers from Hong Kong when several main brigades participated in the war. One of the battalions was arranged to be stationed in Uijung.

The British have their own little calculations. They can help the Americans in the war, but the boss has to pay for it. Isn’t there a supply station for the United Nations Army in the area around the Ui government, so we don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. Let’s let a new battalion be stationed there. The government can save a lot of money.

Could it be that capitalist Britain also bows down for five buckets of rice?

The answer is yes, the UK is no longer what it used to be. The British Empire back then was incredible, with sea and land dominance, and colonies in every corner of the world. When the United States declared independence, the British Empire burned Washington in a rage. But that was 200 years ago. The scenery at that time was thrown into the Pacific Ocean by the arrogant British. Now the Western Union is dominated by the Americans, and Yuhi’s big brother has been reduced to a follower.

After the end of World War II, the United Kingdom was in dire straits, and the country that was bombed by the bombers of the head of the Third Reich was in urgent need of construction. The huge loss of young men meant that only one in every ten women could find a man to marry. You should take a good rest and recuperate, and don’t fight any more wars within a few decades. According to the words of the Chinese, let’s have a baby at home. However, a war in the Far East by the United States in North Korea made the United Kingdom, which could not let go of its big-power airs, follow.

People are poor and short-sighted, horses are thin and long-haired, and although they still have airs, they don’t have much hard currency in their hands. The battalion from Hong Kong surprised the American soldiers when they first arrived, because on the cold Far East battlefield, this group The Brits from warm Hong Kong are actually wearing summer military uniforms with shorts and shorts.

Damn, the low temperature is tens of degrees below zero, and in North Korea, where peeing can freeze into sticks, the British actually let their troops wear shorts to go into battle. Are the British upper-class bosses who are known as gentlemen crazy?

Crazy?No, the lack of money is real. The British Empire, with its withering industry and agriculture, is really short of money. Not only is it short of money, it also lacks people, it lacks strong men, and it lacks everything.

Americans are not fools, since the British are poor, it is easy to handle, we have a lot of things for the government, so we give them all to the British, and let them figure it out.

A strange thing happened. All the Americans who were stationed in Uigwan ran away. Now it is the British who have just arrived. The Americans said before leaving that the British can take everything that Uigwan has. , but there is a condition that the materials that the British cannot use must be responsible for destruction.

What's the matter? Destroying supplies is not a war. It's nothing special. The British didn't take the advice of the Americans seriously.

But the British guy who came into contact with the US military's combat readiness warehouse was also taken aback. The Americans are so rich. They only drove here from Hong Kong with a battalion of more than 500 people, but the supplies left by the Americans were enough to Equipping two divisions, which is enough equipment for tens of thousands of people in two divisions, was abandoned. The Americans left without even frowning.

A battalion of British soldiers is enough to equip two divisions. The generosity of the Americans made the British soldiers who came from afar overjoyed. Everything was changed, new uniforms, new cotton clothes, and a lot of chocolate and Coffee, but no matter how hard it is, there are still too many supplies. In the end, even the British are worried.

Since it’s useless, of course it can’t be given to the Chinese, but when the British guy with a poor family wants to destroy it, he is a bit reluctant. In the end, the commander of this battalion decided to take some more if he didn’t need it. He couldn’t even get it. Destroy in situ.

The Americans left behind not only supplies but also a large number of cars. With the cars, it was easy to handle. A new battalion of British soldiers arrived to start loading supplies. The only thing that can't be saved is destroyed.

The British were scrambling to transport supplies, and then wanted to follow the example of the Yankees and leave, but no matter how fast they moved, they were always delayed because of the supplies. When a battalion of British soldiers scrambled to transport supplies, one of the volunteers The squad is getting closer and closer to them.

Li Yong and the soldiers of the squad have been marching continuously for four or five hours. Calculated according to the map and the actual marching speed, they are not far away from the government office they are going to attack, but what the soldiers see is still boundless A dark and endless forest.

Wearing a padded coat covered in ice armor, marching for several hours on the snow-covered mountain road is not a joke. Li Yong asked someone to ask how about Ning Erzi who opened the way ahead?Has the guide lost his way.

The most feared thing about marching in the dark is that the guide leading the way will get lost. I am familiar with it, so I have to rely more on the map and compass, and compare several aspects to reduce mistakes.

The clear voice of Jin Yingzi came from the walkie-talkie: "Don't worry, chief, I have been in this area before, and the road will not be wrong. According to my memory, there are still five or six kilometers to go."

Jin Yingzi, a female soldier of the People's Army, is very good. She is not only familiar with the roads in this area, but also has good physical strength. After four or five hours of rapid marching with the squad, she did not see any signs of being unable to keep up. You know, she The third row with Ning Erzi has always been at the forefront of the team, and the third row is also the one that consumes the most energy among everyone.

There were three guard platoons in the team, Sanniu's first platoon, Xiaocheng's second platoon, and Ning Erzi's third platoon. During the march, there was a little dispute over which platoon was in front.

The leader of the first platoon, San Niu, thinks that since we are in the first platoon, we should walk in the front and open the way for the team, while the second son of the third platoon leader, Ning, thinks that San Niu’s opinion is wrong, and that the third platoon is the most suitable one to open the way at the front Row.

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