Ning Erzi has a good reason. The third platoon of our guards is a scout. If the scouts don’t go to the front, who will go to the front?Li Yong finally adopted the opinion of the second son Ning, the leader of the third platoon, because the second son Ning and his platoons used to lead the way when they were in the whole army, let alone now.

A long-distance march is enough to test the physical strength and endurance of a person or an army, especially when marching in an extremely harsh climate. Fortunately, the soldiers in the squad are all selected veterans who are used to the long-distance raids of the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army. Tactics, no stranger to walking.

Li Yong didn't say too many words of encouragement, and his 200-plus soldiers were unnecessary. Deputy Minister Li just gave the soldiers a promise to lay down the supply point of the enemy of the Yi government. The benefits come first, how come? Do anything.

With the words of the chief, it is easy to handle, because everyone knows that Americans are real landlords and riches, and there must be a lot of good things in the government. Besides, the cotton clothes they wear always have to be changed. If the equipment is not qualified at low temperature, it is easy to cause major problems.

According to the guide Jin Yingzi’s speculation, we should be able to reach the designated place after walking a few kilometers, and the troops hurried on their way with high spirits, but at this moment, an unexpected situation happened, and a soldier rushed to report to Li Yong in a low voice: “Brigade Captain, there is a situation, look at the back of our team."

The person who came to report was a squad leader in charge of the back of the squad. Li Yong was also a little puzzled, what's behind?On such a cold day, in a bitterly cold place where urinating would be a big problem, what else can there be after midnight, but I was surprised when I looked carefully.

Under the moonlit night, the team's marching line was obviously elongated, and there was a group of indistinct figures.From a distance of tens of meters, the shadowy figure was marching with the squad.

What the hell kind of rhythm is this!Ghost?

Ghosts of course not.Besides, the soldiers who rolled out from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood were not afraid of ghosts.After several years of bloody battles, the nerves of Li Yong and the soldiers have long been so hardened that they are not interested in ghost legends. What is so great about ghosts? Apparently it was also a group of armed men, and the number was not less than fifty or sixty.

The soldiers who ran over continued to report: "Brigade Commander, this group of people just appeared. After seeing us, they scrambled and followed them. I took a closer look at their uniforms. I also listened to their accents. It's a South Korean soldier who followed us for some reason."

Fifty-six South Korean soldiers followed the fast-moving detachment in the middle of the night, which was really interesting.

The surrounding soldiers stared at Li Yong nervously, not because they were afraid, but because the situation was so sudden that they didn't know how to deal with this group of chaotic soldiers is the most correct way.

Li Yong quickly analyzed the current situation. These dozens of South Korean soldiers must have been routed from the defense line.I don’t know why I ran here. I must have seen the squad in the march and thought it was my own people, so I followed up stupidly. Yes, because the soldiers in the squad were wearing the clothes of the United Nations-army? .

The actions of the squadrons interspersed with the march are kept secret.Moreover, the Yi government was right in front of him, and this group of rout soldiers must not be allowed to mess up Huang's team's attack plan. This was Li Yong's bottom line.

The platoon leaders Sanniu, Xiaocheng, and Ning Erzi were called over.Li Yong pointed to a group of people who were not too far away, and then pointed to the military uniforms on everyone, and said, "More than 50 South Korean routs. Misunderstood us as their own people, and strive to solve them within 10 minutes. Don't shoot, are you sure?"

The team had no problem killing this group of people, but they were already very close to the Yi government office, and the sound of gunfire and grenade explosions might alarm the defenders there, so Li Yong was determined to get rid of them without shooting.

Li Yuming, the company commander, and several platoon leaders turned their heads to look at the group of people who were still following the marching column. Li Yuming replied dismissively: "Brigade Commander, these guys are not prepared at all. Look at the crooked walking posture. It is impossible to have any combat power, we will quietly lean in, two against one, I guess it will take less than 10 minutes to kill them, don't worry, we guarantee to complete the task."

Li Yuming was a soldier with rich experience in the battlefield, so he didn't talk big.

The three guards platoon turned around and posted them quietly. The leaders were the company commander Li Yuming and the guide Jin Yingzi. It was Li Yong's idea to call Jin Yingzi. Let Jin Yingzi say hello to the opponent, numb the opponent's nerves, and buy time for the troops to advance. No matter whether the opponent is prepared or not, there is nothing wrong with being more careful.

A very crisp voice sounded abruptly in the cold night: "Who are you, what part of the people are you? Who is the officer?"

Of course, it was the girl Jin Yingzi who asked the question. Jin Yingzi walked over steadily with a big gun on her back. Li Yong's order was not to shoot, so Jin Yingzi didn't hold the m1 rifle in her hand. So the other party misunderstood, and Jin Yingzi, who came over by misunderstanding, was not hostile.

There are a large number of female soldiers in both the North and South Korean teams, so the dozens of South Korean soldiers who followed them didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Jin Yingzi's question. A guy who looked like a leader replied tremblingly:

"Report sir, we belong to the Eighth Division, guarding the first line of defense, the Chinese artillery fire is very fierce, the breakthrough speed is too fast, and the Yankees can't come to support, so we can only run away, sir, are you going to Are you going to Yigovernment? It’s a good place, with plenty of food and drink, but now all the Americans in Yigovernment have run away, leaving only a battalion of British guys.”

Jin Yingzi wondered how a group of rebels from South Korea knew about the situation of the Ui government, and continued to ask calmly: "The Ui government is only British? How did you know?"

"Sir, what's the matter? Are the supplies of our Eighth Division pulled from the Ui government? The Americans have already left, don't you know?" These people don't know.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Jin Yingzi choked on the South Korean soldier, and then signaled Li Yuming with a wink that she should report the situation to Li Yong first.

Soldiers of the Eighth Division of South Korea?This South Korean Eighth Division is really interesting, as if they can be found in every defeat of the United Nations Army on the Korean battlefield.

Since the guy in the lead still has some value, let's stay, Li Yong told Jin Yingzi, order Li Yuming and the others to do it, but capture the guy who answered the question alive.

Jin Yingzi trotted all the way back to the back of the team, whispered a few words to Li Yuming, the company commander, and Li Yuming yelled: "Do it."

Li Yuming yelled in Chinese, and dozens of South Korean soldiers were obviously taken aback, wondering why the officer who had been silent all this time spoke Chinese.

They didn't understand, but it didn't mean that others didn't understand either. After hearing the order, the soldiers of the squad rushed over fiercely. Two of them dealt with one, and aimed at the vital parts with the bayonets they had prepared in their hands.

In an instant, on the small road leading to Uijin, there was the sound of metal sharp objects piercing into the chest and the sound of humming from the throat, which is a kind of life uttered at the last moment screams.

The soldiers of the squad were born as guards and scouts, and they are experts in this kind of work. With a few snow-white bayonets coming in and out, more than fifty soldiers from the Eighth Division of South Korea were all overthrown. Guns solve battles.

The combat action is too fast, what 10 minutes are there.

The second son of Changning in the third row proudly pulled out the bayonet in his hand from the neck of a South Korean soldier, and with a little force with his left hand, he gently placed the corpse on the ground without making a sound or letting his body get wet. With a little blood on it, his movements were extremely chic, and he glanced sideways at Jin Yingzi, who was more than ten meters away, from the corner of his eyes.

Jin Yingzi, who was always marching with the third platoon, competed with Ning Erzi intentionally or unintentionally. With such an opportunity, Ning Erzi would of course show the ability of Chinese scouts in front of this North Korean female soldier.

Jin Yingzi didn't seem to notice Erzi Ning's movements, and tied up the captured soldier with several soldiers. The tied up soldier was terrified, and shouted in horror, "Who are you? Why are you here?" kill us."

Li Yuming, the company commander, was annoyed by being called, and dragged the only prisoner over. First, he slapped his two big mouths and then asked, "Comrade Jin Yingzi, what is this guy shouting about?"

Jin Yingzi has been with the small team for a while, and speaking psychologically, I didn't really feel the horror of this small team until today. The soldiers who are usually very friendly are very skilled in killing, and their techniques are like machines. Ning She saw all of Er Zi's flamboyant movements, and she didn't react because she——was a little frightened.

Hearing Li Yuming's question, Jin Yingzi came back to his senses and said in a panic, "He—he's asking who we are and why we attacked them."

"Damn, these idiots don't even know why they died. They're so fucking useless. Tell him that we are Chinese and a volunteer army. As for why you want to kill them, it's because you don't like them, hahaha."

Li Yuming stretched his neck and laughed, and an unharmonious voice rang in Li Yuming's ears: "Don't worry, the brigade commander asked you to take the prisoners there." It was the deputy company commander He Cuihua who spoke.

Li Yuming, who was laughing loudly, seemed to be a croaking duck whose neck was strangled all of a sudden, dragging the prisoner towards Li Yong cursingly.

Thank you, old guys, I have seen the monthly pass and the tipping old bus. (to be continued..)

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