The beacon of youth

Chapter 862 Fighting against Aliens

A sudden situation made Li Yong think about how to kill the enemy tanks. ∈♀ Vertex Fiction,.

Li Yuming, who has been with Li Yong for a long time, is very familiar with the habits of his chief, and quietly reminded him: "Brigadier, didn't we seize a recoilless gun and five shells, after the battle started, the three tanks I'm in charge, and I promise to kill them all."

That's right, why did I forget about this? The team seized a recoilless gun on the beachhead of the Linjin River, and it was Li Yuming who fought it all the way. No wonder this kid remembers it so well. The only dedicated anti-armor weapon in the unit, with this cannon, Li Yong felt a little more in his mind.

Three platoon leaders, two machine guns and the squad leader of the small artillery squad were called over, together with three people from the company headquarters, they squatted together to listen to Li Yong's battle plan.

"According to the reconnaissance and analysis, the enemy has only one British battalion in the area around the Uijin government, but the strength of this battalion is more than twice that of ours, so we can't fight the enemy head-on. My plan is to use the method of encircling three and releasing one." Defeat the enemy, do not strive for total annihilation, just drive the enemy away, our goal is the supplies here, as long as the enemy is defeated, our intention will be achieved."

Everyone is smart and knows how much they have. In the words of the soldiers, we can eat as much food as we have a belly. It is obvious that a British battalion with more than 200 people was used to encircle and wipe out a British battalion with more than 500 people. It's not very realistic either, crushing is the best option.

"Brigade Commander, just tell us what we should do. We will fight as you arrange." Several platoon leaders expressed their opinions one after another.

"That's right, the third platoon has the most troops. The third platoon presses up from the front, and the first and second platoons support from the left and right wings. The three platoons must engage the enemy at the same time and fire at the same time. When to start attacking, follow my orders. Machine guns and small The artillery squad is responsible for suppressing the enemy's firepower, and after the battle starts, you must fire at the maximum rate of fire, and your small artillery squad must shoot out all the ammunition."

Of the three guard platoons in the squad, the third platoon of Ning Erzi has the most personnel, and the entire platoon has more than 100 troops. Therefore, Li Yong let the third platoon take charge of the frontal main attack, and the other two platoons supported from both sides. As for the heavy machine guns and small cannons, the battle started In the future, it will be the most important support firepower.To be used throughout.

Li Yong's order made the squad leader of the small cannon squad a little anxious: "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, our squad doesn't have many shells. If all of them are shot out, our small cannons will have to be hung up to ring the bell."

The squad leader of the artillery squad is an old soldier who is very familiar with Li Yong and has no scruples about speaking.

The mortar shells were carried by the soldiers of the artillery squad hard. From breaking through the Linjin River to passing through tens of kilometers of mountains, the soldiers threw away their backpacks and were not willing to throw away a single shell.Even Li Jia, the instructor, helped memorize two rounds, and it really hurts when one guy hits all of them.

Li Yong understands the feelings of the veterans. The shells are precious, but the enemy on the other side is not the bandits and local armed forces in the past.It is an out-and-out regular army. The biggest feature of fighting the United Nations Army is its firepower. Once the firepower cannot suppress the enemy's troops, it will suffer a big loss.So now it's not a question of how precious the shells are. Li Yong's principle is.As long as you have it in your hand, you must take it out and use it, even if you run out of it, you must use it.

The second son of the third platoon Chang Ning, who had won the main attack task, was in a good mood.The second son Ning took a picture of the artillery squad leader who was a bit sad: "What are you in a hurry for, isn't it just a few shells? No problem, our platoon is responsible for capturing them for you. After the battle, I promise to get the shells back for you. Get back as much as you drop."

Ning Erzi's promise made the squad leader feel better: "Ning Erzi, you keep what you say, don't bully me."

Deputy Minister Li Da is a little angry. Do you think the squad leader of the artillery squad is a little bit clueless? Who is the enemy we want to attack?You're the defender of the Ui government, you're a rich and rich tycoon, and you still care about your three melons and two dates. As long as you can fight and win, you don't have to worry about shells?Depend on.

Li Yong continued to assign tasks: "Li Yuming is in charge of the attack of the three guard platoons. The specific operational principle is to approach in a concealed manner, close to the throwing distance of the grenade."

Li Yuming was stunned for a moment. It seemed that what he discussed with the brigade commander just now was not like this: "Brigade commander, didn't you agree that I will be responsible for killing the enemy's tanks, and you let me lead three guard platoons to attack whoever will fight the tanks?" ?”

"Who is going to fight the tanks? Isn't there me? I will bring a combat team and a recoilless gun to deal with the enemy's tanks. The battle is ordered by my recoilless gun. Our anti-tank team started first, and then restarted." The machine guns covered the fire, and the artillery then targeted the enemy's counter fire."

Speaking of this, Li Yong glanced at the squad leader of the artillery squad: "When your artillery shells are fired, the three guard platoons will launch an attack, and strive to defeat the enemy with one charge. Do you understand?"

Li Yong's voice is very clear, and the deployment is also in place. Of course everyone can understand, but let the brigade commander personally lead a combat team to fight tanks?Isn't this nonsense? Have you ever seen a brigade commander shoot tanks by himself? It's too dangerous.

The people who came to discuss the issue were all veterans. We all know the difficulty of infantry fighting tanks. Since the time of the Red Army, almost every battle with the largest casualties in the army has something to do with the enemy's aircraft and tanks. The brigade commander does this - how can we make people feel at ease? .

The first one to shout out was the company commander Li Yuming: "Brigadier, I disagree with your decision. The enemy's tanks must be destroyed, but you can't go. My opinion is that I will lead an anti-tank team to deal with the enemy's tanks. The deputy company commander He Cuihua will lead the troops to attack."

This was a good opinion, and it was in line with the situation at the time. With He Cuihua's ability, he could completely replace Li Yuming, the company commander, but there was one problem that Li Yuming didn't consider.

The captured US recoilless gun is a new gadget, and there is no such equipment in the independent brigade in the Northwest, so no one in the squad has seen it, let alone used it. Li Yuming may be able to Simple to use, but you can kill three m46s with only five shells?But it is difficult.

There is no time to practice, no opportunity to practice, and no shells to practice. So, among the more than 200 people in the team, has anyone seen or used such equipment before? --only one person.

Li Yong is a genuine military student, and was once the company commander of an infantry company in the People's Liberation Army. Of course, he is very familiar with infantry light weapons, such as [-] fire, [-] Wu, and [-] force. Li Yong felt that only himself, the so-called chief, was the most suitable candidate for destroying the tank.

"Are you going to fight a tank? Have you seen this thing? Do you know the technical parameters of the recoilless gun? Can you ensure that you can kill all the enemy tanks with five shells??

Li Yong's few questions made Li Yuming speechless.

"But, but."

"There's nothing but, it's decided that I will lead a combat team to deal with the enemy's tanks, Li Yuming will lead the troops to attack, and Li Jia will be in charge of heavy machine guns and small artillery fire support."

This is Li Yong's final decision. Everyone can only obey, and his tone slowed down. Li Yong continued: "Comrades, since the establishment of our brigade in [-], there have been countless battles and casualties. We ask ourselves, all the battles are fought at home, we..... are fighting a civil war, today - what we have to face is the real alien race, we are going abroad to fight against the alien race, so this battle can only be won but not won Some comrades will say, didn’t we fight the enemy’s planes, and we also fought a battle when we crossed the Linjin River, and, ah, have we just eliminated dozens of South Korean routs? I said, that is nothing, it is not a real battle, it can only be regarded as an appetizer before our meal, and eating this British battalion is our main meal, comrades, do you have the confidence to swallow the enemy?"

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, isn't it? When did our independent brigade kill dozens of enemy soldiers and call it a war, and the next battle is to fight the enemy face to face, which is called a war.

The civil war—seemed to be a thorn in Li Yong's throat, stimulating Li Yong's nerves all the time. Today... finally had the opportunity to pull out the thorn.

"He Cuihua, follow me." After a short battle mobilization, Li Yong led the deputy company commander He Cuihua and a dozen soldiers from a combat team to move forward quietly.

The sky—it was getting darker and darker. More than 200 fighters of the squad surrounded the past from three sides. With the cover of the night, the soldiers approached 1.1 meters forward. When they got close to a certain distance, they crawled forward on the ground. Yong's order was that the three guard platoons of the squad should get close to the throwing distance of the grenade.

The farthest record of the grenade can reach more than 60 meters, but that is the achievement of very few people. The most effective combat distance is only 40 meters, so the soldiers of the three guard platoons must approach the enemy to a combat distance of no more than 40 meters Within, this is the most critical distance, as long as you can covertly reach the position, according to Li Yong, the victory is already half lost.

Dragging the barrel of the recoilless gun, Li Yong and He Cuihua led a dozen soldiers and crawled forward on the ground like everyone else. When the recoilless gun is fired, there will be a tail flame several meters long, so the choice of firing position is very important.

It's close, the enemy tank is less than 100 meters away from the eye side, and the huge body of the m46 can be seen clearly even in the dark. Li Yong chose to start with the side armor of the m46. The recoilless gun in hand may not be able to penetrate. (To be continued..)

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