The beacon of youth

Chapter 863 M46 Barton

Li Yong only had five shells in his hand, which were specially equipped by the Americans to guard against the imaginary attack of the Chinese armored forces. They may have also estimated the quality of the South Korean soldiers, so they only gave five shells.

From the point of view of the Americans, facing the attack of the Chinese, these soldiers who were randomly drawn by the government of the Republic of Korea are still uncertain whether they can fire the artillery. There are too many shots, sorry, damn Koreans, it's best to only equip them with one shell.

The ammunition types of recoilless guns are divided into armor-piercing ammunition, armor-breaking ammunition, and high-explosive grenades that specialize in killing personnel. Different ammunition types are selected according to the target of the attack. The tanks in the area did not appear, but the artillery and shells equipped by Sha Fei fell into the hands of the volunteers together.

The squad was lucky, the five shells captured were all armor-piercing shells against armored targets, otherwise, even if his heart was higher than the sky, Vice Minister Li could only hold his nose and cry. (Military history records that the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Forty Army captured a recoilless gun when it broke through the Linjin River)

Set up the gun, load the ammunition, adjust the high and low shooting range and launch angle, and aim the side armor of the m46 steadily. A series of actions are completed within a few minutes, and the next thing to do is to wait for the news from the three guard platoons.

The waiting time was extremely long, every minute seemed so difficult, Li Yong raised his wrist to check the time from time to time, the second hand ticked lightly, and the time was close to midnight.

The third battle was launched at seventeen o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say, the soldiers started from breaking through the Linjin River.It has been seven hours of continuous marching and fighting, and the meal is eaten in advance.Don't even think about drinking water, the water in the kettle has long been frozen into ice.When marching, a few soldiers found it in the way and threw away the water bottle to reduce the load. When they were thirsty, they picked up a handful of snow and put it in their mouths. When they were hungry, they took out a few grains of fried soybeans from their pockets and chewed.

Fried soybeans are a good thing, you can eat them while marching without wasting time, this was specially prepared by Li Yong before the troops set off, just for emergency, some soldiers didn’t understand it at that time, they didn’t understand why the brigade commander loved it so much Fried soybeans.Li Yong is not a god of foresight. This is based on the experience obtained from the materials of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The fried soybeans can not only add to the belly, but also not afraid of freezing. No matter how cold the weather is, you can eat it at any time. Warriors' favorite.

Is it difficult?It's very hard, but it's nothing, the next battle is the real feast.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a few minutes it would be New Year's Day in [-].It’s the day for Westerners to celebrate the holidays, and the holidays are good. With the strong production and transportation capabilities of Merit Point, even in the cold Far East battlefield.Soldiers on the front lines of the US military can also eat canned turkey and drink champagne, but that is not a festival for us Chinese.It has nothing to do with the small unit, according to the words of former enemy commander Han Xianchu, deputy commander.Fucking American imperialism isn't a good thing, but God shouldn't be a bad guy.Let's give them a big gift when they celebrate the festival.

Li Yong, who was lying on the snow, felt that the cotton coat on his body was useless, and it was no different from being naked. Damn it, it was too cold.

Hold on, hold on, your hands must not shake, and you will count on this hand to destroy the enemy's tanks later.

In order to provide some heat to his stiff arms, Li Yong had no choice but to put his right hand in from the hem of his cotton-padded jacket, and put it on his belly to keep warm, so that his belly could warm his powerful arm. It was cold, from the heart to the outside Shivering, Deputy Minister Li finally felt a little bit of the hardships of the old seniors. At this moment, three blowing sounds came from the microphone of a soldier with a walkie-talkie next to Li Yong.

This is a pre-arranged special signal. Three blows mean that Li Yuming and the others have arrived at the attack position in concealment. Because their lurking location is too close to the enemy, even talking on the walkie-talkie may be discovered by the enemy. Breathing sound to indicate arrival at designated location.

The three guard platoons are already close to the throwing distance of the grenade, and the next step is to see the actions of their anti-tank team.

Li Yong was secretly delighted. What he was most worried about was that the squad would be discovered by the enemy when they approached. In that case, they could only change a sneak attack into a strong attack, and a strong attack would have to pay a price.

The squad has fewer personnel than the opponent, and it is not suitable for storming operations unless it is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, the British soldiers in this battalion put all their minds on grabbing supplies, and they worked under bright lights. The squad soldiers crawling in the dark didn't notice it at all.

Put the huge body of the m46 firmly into the aiming aperture, take a deep breath, hold your breath, hold your breath, don't rush, be steady, be steady, gently pull down with your right index finger.

Huh, a blinding glare suddenly lit up in the dark night, and an orange-red flame spewed out from the tail of the recoilless gun. All the trees were scorched.

A round of armor-piercing projectiles was fired from the muzzle at a high speed with an initial velocity of about 500 meters per second, and it took less than a second to come into intimate contact with the huge M46 body.

Boom, at a distance of less than 100 meters, the warhead of the conical warhead of the armor-piercing projectile tore through the side armor of the m46, and the energy-gathering jet produced by the explosion of the high-explosive charge entered through the bullet hole, thousands of degrees The high temperature caused the tank members in the car to become coke without any reaction.

In the dark night, the huge body of the m46 just shook slightly, giving people the illusion that the shells fired at high speed had no effect at all.

What is the pause time?In just a few seconds, the high-temperature jet ignited the fuel in the car and then caused the ammunition to explode. The airtight environment turned the huge body of the M46 into an iron-clad coffin filled with explosives and fuel. The 40mm cannon was blown away more than ten meters away with a "bang". This vehicle weighed more than 46 tons, and the latest model of the US Army, the M[-] Patton, was completely destroyed.

The recoilless gun is a powerful anti-armor weapon for infantry. It is light in weight and easy to carry, and can be easily operated by an infantry squad. And it is easy to expose one's own firing position, so the opponent's counterattack firepower can easily kill the exposed anti-tank team.

From this point of view, it is also reasonable for the Americans to only equip the defenders in the South Korean army bunkers with a few shells.

Li Yong is well aware of this characteristic of recoilless guns. After the first armor-piercing shot was ejected from the chamber, he led the soldiers to quickly shift the firing position. He didn't want to destroy only one tank and be killed by the tank guns on the other two tanks or the guns on the vehicle. Parallel machine guns are killed, such a business is not appropriate.

The new launching point was selected in advance, only tens of meters away from the first launching point, behind a small dirt bag, Li Yong and the soldiers of the demolition team did not have too much trouble after destroying the first tank. Rejoicing, but using trees and weeds as cover, even the guns and people moved quickly, the sooner the better.

Maybe it was a little dazed by the sudden attack. The remaining two tanks did not use various means to find the position of the anti-tank team as Li Yong expected, but seemed a little flustered. The roar became louder, but one or two minutes passed, and the two tanks did not see a single shell or bullet.

According to Li Yong's understanding, the enemy's tank soldiers seem to be a bit too slow in responding to battle. This doesn't look like a well-trained army. Why is it like this?Could it be that the United Nations Army wants to be friendly to the Volunteers?This is of course nonsense, but now Li Yong is not in the mood to consider the feelings of the United Nations Army, he must hurry up and prepare for the next attack.

In the new firing position, only a barrel of the recoilless gun supported by the tripod is vaguely exposed, which is called the Three Caves of the Rabbit in terms of tactics.

Enemy attack, enemy attack, the area under attack that is scrambling to transport supplies is in chaos. The destruction of m46 is like pouring a bucket of boiling oil into a pile of grasshoppers, and soldiers are scattered around.

The battle started with Li Yong's anti-tank team. At the same time as the recoilless guns were fired, the five Maxim heavy machine guns of the machine gun team began to cover the entire scrambled supplies with firepower.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The old shooters of the machine gun squad knew that the best time to destroy the enemy's vital force is when the enemy is in chaos, and they all fired at the maximum rate of fire.

The five Maxim heavy machine guns occupying a favorable position were condescending, and at a distance of about [-] meters, they frantically fired at the British soldiers in the fan-shaped encirclement, and the bullets swept past like a gust of wind.

The attacked area, which was bright as day just now, turned into a hell on earth within a minute, with corpses, debris, soldiers running around looking for hiding places, and vehicles that were hit and set ablaze.

"It's the Chinese, the Chinese are here, damn it, turn off the searchlights, the car, why are the headlights of the car still on, bastard, do you want the machine guns of the Chinese to kill you Do you have holes drilled in your head?"

It has to be said that the response of this British battalion was still very quick. After the initial panic, it gradually stabilized. Under the yelling of commanders at all levels, the soldiers began to use the blind spots of firepower to fight back.

The British have a voluntary military service system, and there are many veterans in the army who have served for a long time. These veterans did not blindly panic after the army was attacked, nor did they panic when they saw the corpse like recruits, but counterattacked on the spot . (To be continued..)

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