There are many veterans who participated in World War II in the British battalion. These veterans gradually calmed down after the initial panic, because they found that there seemed to be only a few heavy machine guns attacking the entire camp. Formation of an infantry battalion is impossible.

The British reacted quickly. The large searchlights on the roof of the warehouse went out, and the front and rear lights of the cars were all turned off. The veterans with combat experience began to fight back under the yelling of the commander. It was a bit late, the fuel tanks of several cars were hit by heavy machine guns and caught fire, and the M46s that were smashed into a fireball seemed to be several huge torches, illuminating everything around them.

Some of the British soldiers in the flames were running around indiscriminately, and some were looking for hidden places to fight back. Most of the frightened and frightened ones who ran around were rookies who had never experienced brutal battles. , As a result, the concealed veterans were still fighting the volunteers with the weapons in their hands, and the soldiers running around were all beaten into a sieve by heavy machine guns.

The volunteer army that attacked the British had only one heavy machine gun squad?Of course not, this is the opportunity that the reluctant artillery squad was waiting for. Their task was to eliminate the enemy's counterattack firepower at a fixed point. This was a plan formulated before the war.

The artillery squad leader kept talking about the distance, direction, and firing angle of the small cannon. Under the control of the experienced archer, the shells fell from the sky as if they had eyes, blasting the hidden firepower behind obstacles one by one. Lose.

The shooting skills of the British soldiers are much better than those of the Americans. They don't use superior firepower to fight back indiscriminately like the American army when they encounter an attack.This is a bit like the Volunteer Army, but in an environment where the enemy is dark and we are clear.No matter how good your shooting skills are, it's useless not to find someone.

Boom, boom, boom.Mortar shells bloom everywhere, and human bodies fly into the sky along with weapons and objects. The artillery squad of the squad has only five small-caliber mortars, and there are even fewer shells. Therefore, every shell must be used accurately. At the same time, you can't accidentally injure your comrades, because the hidden positions of the comrades in arms of the three infantry platoons are less than 40 meters away from the area hit by their artillery fire.

The battlefield is not a training ground, and the British are not bandits, in the dark of night.With the help of the firelight of the car being lit, while ensuring the rate of fire, it is necessary to throw the shells exactly on the enemy's head. This kind of tactics is not something everyone can do.

The soldiers of the squad artillery squad can do this, because they have experienced too many such or more brutal battles than the present, who are we?It is the ace in the infantry of the People's Liberation Army, the heroic unit on the Northwest battlefield, and has fought countless battles. Do you still care about such trivial matters?

Veterans often say this, what is war?The most popular explanation is: War is to treat guests to dinner, and the enemy serves the meals.Let's go up and eat, and then we'll be done.

Li Yong had high requirements for the artillery squad. The twenty or so soldiers in the squad were selected from the top five infantry battalions in the brigade. It was not difficult to control such a battle.

now.The three guard platoons of the squad were in ambush at a distance of less than 40 meters, and more than 200 soldiers lay on the ground to watch the excitement, watching the machine gun squad and artillery squad fighting fiercely with the enemy.By the way, there is also a blasting team led by their brigade commander to blow up the tank.

Three tanks were knocked out one.The remaining two vehicles were like headless chickens, and the fat m46 writhed like a duck that had taken aphrodisiacs.Li Yong wondered why the enemy tanks did not organize an effective counterattack. You must know that the M46 is the latest main battle tank of the US Army, and the tankers who use them should be the best, but Li Yong really can't see the enemy's tankers. Where is the excellence? This is also an army that fought with the Germans on the battlefield of World War II?No way.

However, these are not what Li Yong should consider now. It is best if the enemy cannot react. No matter what the reason is, just do it.

Boom, the second shell came out of the chamber. This time the armor-piercing shell hit the running part of the m46. In the violent explosion, I saw the induction wheel, drag wheel and a section of the track of the m46 fly into the sky. The first load wheel Ji Li Gu Lu rolled tens of meters away.

The m46 is a very powerful armored weapon. The weight of more than 40 tons is more than ten tons heavier than the Russian t34. The armor protection capability is not comparable to that of the t34. However, no matter how powerful it is, it has limitations at the time, and there is no side skirt. The running part of the protection is easily hit by armor-piercing projectiles.

The track was broken, the suspension system was damaged, and the huge tank body tilted down with a bang, and the [-]mm tank gun almost poked on the cold ground.

Only two shells were used, each time with one hit, and the second tank was successfully destroyed. The dark night environment is very beneficial to the anti-tank team, but Li Yong became more and more nervous, because at this time the anti-tank team was also the last When it's dangerous, it's extremely dangerous.

Killing the first tank is based on firing the enemy first, and the opponent is caught off guard when the enemy is clearly visible. The reason for knocking out the second tank is that the tactics are correct and the enemy's reaction is too slow, but the American recoilless gun is more than ten meters away. The twenty-meter-long tail flame also easily exposed the position of the anti-tank team. If the enemy's combat response was correct, the third tank would easily lock the position of the anti-tank team and launch an attack. Machine guns can cost your opponent dearly.

The two tanks of the enemy were destroyed, and the anti-tank team itself fell into an extremely dangerous battlefield environment. It was easy to be locked and destroyed by the enemy's tank guns. Once Li Yong's anti-tank team was destroyed by the enemy, the consequences would be extremely serious Yes, the recoilless gun is currently the only anti-tank weapon in the team. If the only anti-tank team with an anti-tank weapon is counterattacked by the enemy, the soldiers in the team can only use explosives and grenades to fight against the tank.

The M46 Patton weighing more than forty tons is a nightmare for infantry when it rushes up. The squad without effective anti-tank weapons can only use human lives to blow up this tank.

How much does it cost to blow up an enemy tank?is a class?Two classes or three classes?A small team with only more than 200 people can't bear a large number of casualties at all. If the battle really reaches that point, the small team's mission is likely to fail.

Li Yong and the soldiers of the whole brigade have not fought such a useless battle since the day they became an army.

The [-]mm gun-launched grenade is specially designed for anti-personnel. Li Yong doesn't want to use himself and the soldiers of his squad to test the power of the US artillery shells. , we must evacuate in advance before the enemy tank guns are fired, time is life, and the action must be faster and faster.

However, Li Yong, who was about to lead the soldiers to transfer, suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. The enemy tank that was expected to fight back from his anti-tank team did not make effective attacks. The cover of the turret above was lifted, and a person jumped out from inside.

In the flames, a person jumped out from the top of the tank turret. Judging from the attire, it must be the tank soldier in the car. What kind of rhythm is this?want to run?

Before Li Yong could figure it out, several people jumped out of the tank one after another. These guys ran away regardless, leaving the huge m46 behind.

Damn, the enemy really wanted to run away, Li Yong understood now, all the members in the car ran away, which shows a problem, this latest American m46 has lost its combat effectiveness.

transfer?The enemy has already run away, why should we move, Li Yong stopped the deputy company commander He Cuihua who was still reloading the recoilless gun, and shouted loudly: "Cuihua, there is no need to reload, the enemy has run away. "

He Cuihua took a closer look, isn't it? A few tank soldiers ran away, moving faster than dogs.

Deputy Company Commander He was very happy. Damn, how dare such a soldier dare to fight me?Bah, what British and Americans are all shit in front of our People's Liberation Army.

He Cuihua and her squad have been in North Korea for a while, but Deputy Company Commander He is not used to calling himself a volunteer army. The People's Liberation Army is the People's Liberation Army, and they came to North Korea to liberate them. We are not used to calling ourselves volunteers.

Excited, He Cuihua put down the shells of the recoilless gun in her hand, took off the Tom submachine gun from behind, pulled the trigger, and threw a shuttle at a few fleeing tank soldiers. Let's have a good time first.

Everyone knows the temper of Deputy Company Commander He, and Li Yong has no time to care about it now, so he had to let him go, because at this time, the voice of the instructor Li Jia came from the walkie-talkie: "Li Yuming, our shells have run out. Now, it's your turn to do it."

The team's tactics are to first use heavy machine guns to kill a large number of people, then artillery fire to clear the enemy's counterattack firepower at fixed points, and finally three infantry platoons charge at close range, striving to defeat the enemy with one attack, and are responsible for commanding heavy machine guns and small artillery The signal from Li Jia's walkie-talkie was very clear that the infantry was about to charge.

The more than 200 soldiers in the three infantry platoons have been waiting impatiently for a long time, and the company commander Li Yuming is also waiting impatiently. Damn, didn’t you say that the artillery squad didn’t have many shells? There was a fire, and as soon as Li Jia's yelling ended, Li Yuming yelled loudly: "Grenade."

The grenades were ready right away, and the soldiers were sweating in the cold weather. Under Li Yuming's order, more than 200 American-style cantaloupe grenades were thrown out together.

Thank you old guys for your monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards, thank you for your support.

To answer Zhongshan White Wolf's question, it's the old bus, not the minibus, ha ha. (to be continued..)

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