The beacon of youth

Chapter 866 Verbal Praise

Li Yuming, who rushed back with the soldiers, was not impressed by Deputy Minister Li's verbal praise, because no matter how big things he did, it was only verbal praise, and there was no real benefit, so it was meaningless.

Li Yuming didn't dare to say it even if he didn't catch a cold. Li Yuming had been the company commander of the guard for a long time. He knew who Li Yong learned this statement from. Back then, Commander Wang always praised our brigade commander like this. Isn't the brigade commander You have to listen honestly.

But no matter what, it's still a compliment, and it's better than being reprimanded by the chief for not fighting well. Li Yuming, who had already figured this out, asked shyly:

"Hehe, brigade commander, thank you for your praise. I have heard you say before that the emperor of the British people is a woman. You said that this woman can also be the emperor? Isn't that nonsense? The old saying is good, my mother is the housekeeper The houses are falling down, no wonder they always lose battles, look at their soldiers, they are just as virtuous as girls."

Li Yong almost burst out laughing. He didn't expect that Li Yuming, who had been thinking about fighting all day long, still had such a serious machismo idea, and he said the same thing.

Before Chief Li could figure out what appropriate words to answer, whether to express agreement or disapproval, the deputy company commander He Cuihua didn't like to listen:

"Li Yuming, what nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean old women are in charge of their houses? I am a woman. What's wrong with you? Are you inferior to you in fighting or doing work? If you don't say one, two, three today I'm not done with you."

Li Yuming was so scared, that's right, damn it, why did you forget about the girl He Cuihua, there are tens of thousands of people in the brigade, who doesn't know how powerful He Cuihua is?It's not right to discuss women in front of her! ! !Aren't you looking for death?Broken broken.

"Ah, ah. Humph, hehe. It's Deputy Company Commander He. I don't speak very clearly. What I'm talking about is British women. It has nothing to do with our Chinese women. All Chinese women are Hua Mulan. Every one of them is a great hero, for example, you, Deputy Company Commander He, is a great hero who stands above heaven and earth, and the greatest soldier in our entire brigade."

Of course He Cuihua knew that Li Yuming was talking nonsense.It's bullshit, but she is also a company commander, in theory, she is still her superior, and if her superior flatters her, she has to give her a step down.

Just when Li Yuming and He Cuihua were chatting nonsense about women, a soldier ran over from a distance, making a fuss while running, shouting: "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, let's get rich, get rich. We've made a fortune."

Li Yong went up and gave the soldier a kick: "Whoever gets rich or not, report it properly and stand upright."

There was a lot of laughter around, even He Cuihua, who was still angry just now, couldn't help snickering.

The soldier who ran over rubbed his ass.He stared at the people who came to watch the fun, and muttered in a reasonable voice, what's so funny.It seems that none of you have been kicked by the brigade commander, and then you stood up and reported:

"Report to the Brigadier. Let's grab a large enemy warehouse. I went in and took a look. Good guy, I almost lost my eyes. What's in it, what's in it, the specific quantity-hehe, too many, I Can't count."

Well, this is the real good news. The reason why the team came here is not because of the large supply point here, but to catch the enemy's warehouse is the central idea of ​​this trip.

"Good job, give a verbal praise, and lead the way quickly, let's go and open our eyes to see what good things are in the large warehouse of the United Nations Army, let's go."

Li Yong's style of work is familiar to all veterans. The brigade commander will give you a verbal praise after the work is done. Want to make meritorious service?Then the brigade party committee held a meeting to study it, and Wang Chengde's political commissar made a decision. However, the brigade commander's verbal praise was also good, and not everyone could get it.

A group of people walked towards the warehouse with a whimper. Li Yuming, the company commander, asked the soldiers to clean up all the surrounding areas, and put on posts at key positions. Fixed posts and mobile posts should be arranged together, and multiple machine gun firepower points must be strengthened. We can't Learn from the British, not only to reap benefits but also to pay attention to safety.

Li Yong agreed with Li Yuming's arrangement very much, although Li Yuming spoke carelessly, but this kid has a delicate mind and is a good material to be a commander.

The two large iron gates with a width of several meters were originally open. The British were suddenly attacked by a small team when they were rushing to transport supplies. There was no time to close the gates. Go smash it.

Several flashlights lit up together, and the snow-white beams of light added a touch of color to the dark warehouse. The soldiers walked in cautiously, for fear of damaging the treasure inside.

There is a baby in it?Indeed, needless to say, ordinary soldiers, even Li Yong, the so-called chief who is well-informed, was shocked. Why?Because Yankees are too rich.

Yi-Government-Fu is a temporary supply point for the U.S. military. The materials in reserve are a full set of supplies for two field infantry divisions. They have everything that one expects to find. All kinds of materials are not carefully classified, and rations, weapons, ammunition, and quilts are all messy things. They were placed in piles and piles, piled up like a mountain, so many that ordinary soldiers couldn't bear it psychologically. No wonder the soldiers who reported first were excited. So many things can be given up casually?Yankees are too rich too.

We Wang Laowu have never seen so much money! ! !It was posted, indeed it was posted, and Li Yong also felt that it was posted. When the army was first established, he saw Hu Zongnan's warehouse and thought it was great. Unexpectedly, it was nothing compared to the Yankees.

Li Jia, the instructor of the squad, has a very calm personality, but Li Jia was also shocked by the supplies in the warehouse. Li Jia whispered: "Brigade Commander, we always say that Jiang Jieshi is the captain of the PLA's transportation team. I think the American talent A true captain."

Li Yong: "Hey, you're right, the Yankee is Jiang Jieshi's godfather, the real backstage boss, and he is the real landlord and old fortune."

My God, this is too much. The soldiers who entered the warehouse cheered. Li Yuming, He Cuihua and others threw themselves into the pile of supplies and rummaged through the things that were useful to them. Taking gold stars, the two feel that everything is useful and good, and they are reluctant to throw away everything.

San Niu used a bayonet to pry open a large square wooden box, which was full of tin cans with foreign characters coded on it, and after a closer look, he knew, damn it, clear beef cans.

Man is a strange animal. Before seeing these cans, everyone forgot to eat, but when he saw the American cans in the box, he immediately felt hungry.

Li Yong glanced at his watch. It was already past one o'clock in the morning on the second day after the attack was launched. It was eight or nine hours of continuous marching and fighting.

Eight or nine hours without a break or a meal, the stomachs of the soldiers were all empty, and the company commander Li Yuming couldn't move when he saw the canned food. If it wasn't for Li Yong standing aside, this guy might have already attacked.

"Brigade Commander, shouldn't we have dinner? I'm so hungry, my stomach is gurgling, and I don't want to eat the rations of the Yankees." Li Yuming quietly encouraged.

Have a meal?Meals are not the most important thing at the moment. All the soldiers in the squad are still fighting in wet cotton clothes. With so many quilts, if they don't change into them, they will feel sorry for the rich UN Army.

More than 200 soldiers came in by turns to change their clothes. Everyone put on a brand-new United Nations-army uniform. If the nose was not high enough, the eyes were not blue enough, and the hair was not yellow enough, it would be a pure U.S. army changing clothes. Pretend, by the way, it is dark now, and no one can see clearly the eyes, nose and hair.

There are also three female soldiers in the squad, the instructor Li Jia, the deputy company commander He Cuihua, and a guide, the female soldier Jin Yingja of the Korean People's Army.

Li Jia and He Cuihua are not dissatisfied with the change of clothes. Soldiers from the old army of the People's Liberation Army, all the equipment on their bodies is captured. At first it was from the little devils, and later it was from the Kuomintang. Now we use the United Nations -Army, if there are new ones, of course they need to use them. It’s normal for fools not to use them. Only Jin Yingzi has some resistance. Jin Yingzi thinks it’s uncomfortable to wear the enemy’s clothes. We have to spread them out under the leadership of the Prime Minister It is a decisive battle with U.S. imperialism in an upright manner.

Damn, with your little team, you still want to fight the enemy openly. Isn't that lack of understanding? Li Yong is not in the mood to say that she is a fool, but he just asked someone to call the second son of Changning in the third row.

Ning Erzi is the most familiar with Jin Yingzi in the small team, and the two also have friendship. Li Yong told Ning Erzi that he and Jin Yingzi should communicate more often, and give this girl a change of mind. If there is a decisive battle, the volunteer army is the main force, and the People's Army can just beat the side drums.

There are still some things that Li Yong didn't say, a decisive battle with US imperialism?If the decisive battle continues, it will be like North Korea killing off all the men on the island. If the race is gone, how will the entire nation survive?

Changing clothes is also particular. Deputy Minister Li asked the soldiers to adjust their military ranks as much as possible, and they will have to march in the enemy's theater in the future. If they don't do it well, it will be easy for people to see their flaws.

Li Yuming, Li Jia, and He Cuihua put on the uniforms of U.S. military captains. San Niu, Xiao Cheng, and Ning Erzi are all lieutenant uniforms. As for Li Yong, Chief Li, after searching all over the place, they finally found a set of colonels of the United Nations Army. Military uniform, by the way, and a bust coat with a suede collar.

Well, not all the things the US imperialists do are bad, but what the military uniforms do is really good, and it deserves verbal praise.

The soldiers were making wild jokes, saying that one of his mothers did not pay attention and became a member of the United Nations Army. Only the joke of the deputy company commander He Cuihua made people feel a little embarrassed.

Thanks to the old buddies Walking Fox, leo Jielos, nh1234, Cai Yilei, Bookworm, Blue Sky Crow, 9166067813, monthly pass with many questions, thank you everyone. (To be continued..)

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