Putting on a full set of dry new clothes, not to mention the beauty in my heart, the soldiers in the squad talked together and said that the Yankees are still rich, and damn it, they are really rich landlords.

It feels good to beat local tyrants, and fighters in a good mood are joking together.

He Cuihua's target was the instructor Li Jia, and this girl didn't know what she had done wrong, so He Cuihua approached Li Jia and asked quietly: "Hey, sister Li Jia, how about wearing the new clothes of the United Nations Army? Is it a bit back to the feeling you had when you were in the 36th Division of the Kuomintang, look, the military ranks are the same, are you also a captain officer?"

Li Jiazhen was a little angry. Back then, she was a captain officer of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang Reorganization. When she was captured by Li Yong, she was very resistant. It was He Cuihua who was in charge of guarding her. Shaking in front of her, she said that if she dared to escape, she would be shot.

Li Jia knew that He Cuihua was not joking with her at the time, but was serious. If there was even a little change in her back then, He Cuihua might have solved it.

But that was all a flash in the past. Now Li Jia is an authentic soldier of the People’s Liberation Army. Li Jia usually does not have the same knowledge as He Cuihua, but it does not mean that she has no temper. When an honest person gets angry, the consequences are very serious, not to mention that Li Jia is not an honest person:

"What's wrong with being a soldier in the Kuomintang army? Two-thirds of our brigade has been in the Kuomintang army, and the brigade commander has also been in the army. How about it? Chief of our People's Liberation Army, what's the matter with you being a guerrilla captain? Why don't you sneak into the brigade commander's bed whenever you have time, don't think I don't know. Hmph."

Li Jia, who is sharp in words, usually doesn't talk much, but in theory, he has a gun with a stick.He Cuihua was confused by a few words, He Cuihua was a girl after all.Unprepared for Li Jia's counterattack, her pretty face flushed red, and she left humming.

He Cuihua, who has always been strong, lost the battle. Li Jia regretted it a little after she finished speaking. What happened to him? She is more stable!

Not to mention how Li Jia was entangled, others couldn't understand what was going on between women.The soldiers who put on new clothes smiled and started eating. American canned beef, as many as you want, opened your belly and made it.

Li Yong asked the soldiers to open the cans together, then heat them with seized fuel oil, boil them before eating, the supply point of the UN Army is good.Gasoline and diesel are available in abundance, just right for heating.

In the severe cold weather of dozens of degrees below zero, dripping water turns into ice, and pee turns into sticks.Wearing wet cotton clothes for eight or nine hours of continuous marching and fighting, the torture of the harsh environment on the human body has reached a limit, and now I have changed into new clothes.I also ate boiled canned beef, and a bowl of soup with meat used to go into my stomach.The temperature of the whole body has increased, and there are only two words that can describe the mood of the soldiers at this time - comfort.

The council-government was defeated.A British battalion was also defeated, and the enemy's supply point was also obtained. They put on new cotton clothes and ate steaming canned beef. The team suffered few casualties. Is the mission over now?The beauty of thinking, can the war be over?no end.

Li Yong is now checking things while eating. The team has seized the equipment of two field infantry divisions. This is the material equipped according to American standards. If it is used by the Chinese army, according to the frugal habits of the soldiers, it is enough Tens of thousands of volunteers have been using it for a while, and they are all good things.

Things are good, but whether they can keep them is another matter. The United Nations Army has powerful air power. If you know that the Yi-Government has fallen into the hands of the Volunteers, you only need to send a few sorties of fighter-bombers and bring a few One napalm bomb, and the hard-earned supplies will be reduced to ashes.

It was only a few hours before dawn. Because the Volunteer Army had no planes, the supply points built by the Americans did not consider the issue of air defense at all. The large warehouses were built on flat ground. Such a goal is simply too obvious. I have participated in In World War II, American pilots with thousands of hours of flying experience had no difficulty in blowing up such targets.

"Brigade Commander, I have counted. The three infantry platoons, plus the machine gun and artillery squad, have consumed more than half of the ammunition in total. After investigation, we found more than 300 enemy corpses. More than 100 people were captured, and more than 400 enemies should have been wiped out. There is no way to sort out the materials seized, and the large weapons include a tank and two half-track armored reconnaissance vehicles." The company commander Li Yuming came to report.

There were quite a few seized, not only one of the latest M46 Patton, but also two half-track armored reconnaissance vehicles, which was really good news, but Li Yong was not in a happy mood.

A British battalion was full of more than 500 people, killed more than 300, and captured more than 100. That is to say, there are still about [-] British soldiers who escaped. It is impossible.

It doesn't matter if the ammunition is exhausted. The big boss of the United States has plenty of money, so it is easy to replenish it. Li Yong informed the soldiers of the squad that as long as they think it is useful for combat, they can take as many supplies as they want from the Yankee warehouse. As much as you can recite it.

When Li Yuming was reporting, the second son of Changning in the third row hurried over: "Brigade Commander, your idea is correct. I asked the soldiers to divide into several groups and search along the railway line. I really found two big The tunnels are all hundreds of meters long, and the inside is so dark that you can’t see anything, so it’s no problem for cars to drive directly in.”

The three platoons of guards in the squad were all scouts, and they were all sent out by Li Yong as soon as the battle was over.

Vice Minister Li was overjoyed by the results of the investigation by the second son Ning, and Li Yong patted his thigh fiercely, "Okay, this is what I want."

In fact, Li Yong was thinking about this issue before the troops set off. Once the squad fights smoothly and gets the enemy's supply points, how will they hide the supplies next?

The area around Ui-jeong-fu is the intersection of roads and railways. Judging by the mountainous terrain of North Korea, as long as there are railways and roads, there must be tunnels. Tunnels are natural hiding places for materials. Transporting the materials in the warehouse is equivalent to locking the seized materials and ammunition in the safe. It is useless to have more US military planes.

"Li Yuming, how many of the captured enemy cars are intact?"

"Brigade Commander, I checked. There are at least [-] cars that can be driven, and some of them are full of supplies and ammunition."

The Yankees are really rich. Not only did they leave a lot of supplies to the British, but they also left dozens of cars. Even if some of them were damaged by the squad, there were still more than [-] cars intact.

"Order the troops to grab supplies immediately after eating, try to get all the things into the tunnel before dawn, and also use the prisoners, tell them, as long as they are honest and obedient, help us work, the volunteers We can guarantee their safety, otherwise they will all be shot."

After Li Yong's order was issued, but Li Yuming stood there without moving, Li Yong wondered, "What? Is my order hard to understand?"

Li Yuming: "Brigade Commander, your order is very easy to understand. I also know that the supplies must be transported to the tunnel in time, but you asked me to notify the prisoners that they will also participate in the rescue. How do I notify them? I can't understand a word they say. They couldn't understand what I said, and we smashed them with the butts of our guns when we arrested them."

Li Yong slapped his head, but it was true, he forgot that the captives were British as soon as he got busy. No matter how smart Li Yuming was, he couldn't speak English.

Is Li Yong good at English?Of course, ordinary conversation is no problem. Thinking back then, Chief Li spent a period of time trying to learn a foreign language in order to obtain a degree certificate. Later, he finally passed the fourth level. I thought the fourth level certificate obtained by rote memorization was Zhang Fei paper, who would have thought it would be used today, this may also be called God has eyes.

More than 100 captives, shivering and huddling together, they may be exhausted and they can't figure out why they just became captives of the Volunteer Army. Didn't they say that the UN-Army has a very strong three-dimensional defense line? There are everything in the sky and underground. Why? It can't beat the Chinese-Chinese who are armed by peasants.

Bypassing the burning tanks and cars and asking the soldiers to throw the bodies of the British on the side of the road into the woods, Li Yong came to the captives with a group of troops.

A hundred or so captives have just come from warm Hong Kong. They must have enjoyed too much time. Some captives are still in a state of confusion. They hold their heads and look around from time to time to meet their gazes. It is the black muzzle of the soldiers of the squadron.

The outfits of the soldiers in the squad made these captives very puzzled. Like them, they wore the uniform of the United Nations Army and looked exactly like Koreans. Could it be that the army of the Republic of Korea turned against them?This is also impossible.

A prisoner asked cautiously: "Who are you, are you Chinese or Korean? We are friends with your President Syngman Rhee."

The soldiers in the squad couldn't understand what this guy was talking about, so they just yelled loudly: "Be honest with me, and anyone who dares to make trouble will be shot."

They couldn't understand what they were talking about, and they didn't get to the same place in two words, but the soldiers in the squad could still tell from the yelling tone. The prisoners stared and remained silent, and they probably figured it out. , It should be the Chinese volunteers who fought with them.

Thanks to the old buddies Heifengyi, leo Jie Luoluosi, get rid of confusion, 700926, zys7534, adsftgwsf for the monthly tickets and rewards, thank you. (To be continued..)

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