The beacon of youth

Chapter 872: During the Bombing

That's right, what Li Yuming is talking about is the B29 Super Sky Fortress with four engines, four 2200 horsepower, Wright eighteen-cylinder star-shaped air-cooled propeller engines are buzzing and spinning, powerful power, and the huge body makes the surrounding The wind of the small plane was completely covered.

Indeed, such a large bomber is very domineering, and a single bombing can set a large area in flames at the same time. Li Yuming, a veteran who has fought countless battles, also felt very shocked.

The overbearing of the United Nations Air Force does not end here. A large fleet needs to be escorted by tactical reconnaissance planes and tactical fighter jets. However, Li Yong observed visually that there were no reconnaissance planes or escorting fighter jets in the large fleet flying over the sky.

This situation can only illustrate one problem. The Far East Air Force of the United Nations does not regard the target to be bombed as an opponent at all. In their opinion, the fleet is simply going to carry out a bombing mission and drop the bomb when it arrives. Just throw it away and it's over, that's all.

what to do?Li Yong also had no good solution, he could only hide himself and the soldiers of the squad as much as possible.

The old troops of the People's Liberation Army have had too many similar experiences. It has been like this since the Red Army period. Seeing the bombs on their heads keep falling and the soldiers around them continue to die, there is nothing they can do. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Brother, the Yankees are too arrogant. When we can have our own plane, we will also blow up the dog-day United Nations army. I will also fly the plane."

Deputy company commander He never regarded himself as a woman when he was fighting, and he talked like a veteran of the People's Liberation Army when he spoke.Every now and then, I'm older than I am, but I'm shorter.With He Cuihua's personality, if she can really fly a plane, she must be a very good pilot.He Cuihua's shortcoming is that her education level is not high, but her mental and physical qualities are excellent, she dares to fight and fights, and she is not afraid of opponents.

He Cuihua's question represented the aspirations of many soldiers. When will we have our own aircraft?It must be a great feeling to be able to lay eggs on top of the enemy's head at any time.

Li Yong gritted his teeth and told He Cuihua, we will have the plane soon, don't worry.

He Cuihua immediately became excited, because Li Yong's identity is the deputy logistics minister of the Volunteer Army.What I know is not ordinary news. Dayong said that if we want to have a plane, it must be true.

But it is just a trouble, and it is still far from mastering the air supremacy. The advantages of the MiG are good air combat capabilities, strong vertical maneuverability, and powerful firepower (one Sanqi gun, two [-] guns, and [-] rounds of ammunition). The disadvantage is that the range is short, even if the auxiliary fuel tank is installed, there is no way to fly too far.In addition, MiGs do not have ground attack capabilities and are scarce in number, so even if the Volunteer Air Force participates in the battle, it is only to defend the fragile communication lines in the rear, and the front-line combat troops have no way to get substantial support.

Three years of the Korean War.The front-line combat units of the Volunteer Army have basically never received air support. Even though the Volunteer Air Force modified the MiG [-]bis fighter jets later, the situation has not improved.This was determined by the specific historical environment at that time, and Li Yong had no way to change anything.

(The pilots of the New China Air Force basically come from the old Northeast aviation school. A total of more than 500 pilots have been trained, and they are also the ones who fly the MiG. A large part of the old aviation school’s wealth is retained by the Japanese army personnel, the flight instructor is the ace flying unit of the Japanese Kwantung Army)

At this time, Li Yong's mind was not limited to planes, Chief Li's head was still thinking wildly. Even if there were no planes, it would be good if our volunteers had some surface-to-air missiles. It would be nice to take down these arrogant Yankee planes. It’s not a blink of an eye, even if there are no high-end products like Hong-Qiu and s-300, some old models of Hong-Qi [-] and Hong-Qi [-]-B are also fine, the worst ones should be used by individual soldiers The Hongying series.

Cut, but this can only be thought about, it is called YY in fashionable words, what are the surface-to-air missiles, what are the red-flag and red tassel series, the new China in [-] even needs the support of the Soviet Union for anti-aircraft artillery, Not to mention any high-end weapons.

While Chief Li was thinking wildly, He Cuihua next to him poked Li Yong with his elbow: "Dayong, what do you think the American-gringo's plane is going to do? Is it going to come down and be a prisoner?"

Li Yong looked up, isn't it? At this moment, the large fleet of planes in the sky was circling back and forth above his head, and several p51 Mustangs and f80s swooped down with strange screams, flying back and forth at a height of several hundred meters to tens of meters. Just like a headless chicken.

Why come down to be a prisoner? The United Nations-United Nations-Air Force is looking for bombing targets. The planned attack area is not large, but now there is not even a moving figure, let alone a figure, not even a rabbit shadow. See, this makes the huge United Nations-military fleet how to do it.

The P51 Mustang that came down for reconnaissance was flying too low. At the lowest point, it seemed to be only tens of meters above the ground. The airflow from the engine raised the snow on the ground to a height of more than ten meters. I can see clearly.

He Cuihua, who has always been fearless, was enraged. She thought it was the enemy's provocation. Isn't it just bullying that we don't have anti-aircraft weapons? I will kill you even with a submachine gun.

But He Cuihua still knows the seriousness, and she has to ask Li Yong for instructions: "Brother, the American is too bullying, I'll get out and find a place to hug him a few times."

Chief Li held down He Cuihua: "Don't mess around, this is a battlefield, do you still need me to teach you to obey the command in all actions?"

He Cuihua remained silent and watched the planes in the sky honestly. Li Yong hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to call everyone to take cover and not expose the target.

The order not to fire is very necessary. You must know that the members of the squad are veteran soldiers who have participated in many battles. Such soldiers have strong combat effectiveness and rich experience, but they are also very angry. Show off your might in front of them.

Once someone fires and exposes the target, it will be broken. What the United Nations Air Force in the sky wants is someone to fire at them, and then determine the specific position. Ten super sky fortresses can carry out high-altitude horizontal bombing of several square kilometers. When you want to run, you can't run away.

He Cuihua muttered: "Toss it, what's so great, aren't you just like those landlords in our family, don't look at their tossing joy now, when the time comes, we will make a list together, hum."

Li Yong is not in the mood to listen to what He Cuihua is muttering now. Chief Li is worried about his precious m46. The team drove all the car equipment into the big tunnel while hiding, and sealed the hole with sandbags. Don't look at the Yankees who are awesome in the sky, as long as they don't come down to the ground, they have nothing to do with the supplies, but that tank is different, the large M46 Patton can't get into the cave at all, so Li Yuming had to With a few people, the tank was driven to the foot of a mountain, and the big guy was buried with mud, trees and snow.

Chief Li was worried that the airflow brought up by the low-flying fighter jets would lift the camouflage on the tank, and in that case, all the previous efforts would be useless.

Li Yong's worries were not groundless. During the Battle of Yunshan, the infantry soldiers of the Volunteer Army captured several United Nations-United Nations-army planes in the dark. The plane was covered up and prepared to go to the rear, but at dawn, the airflow brought by the United Nations-army plane blew the bellflowers into pieces, and the captured plane was also exposed to broad daylight. All efforts were in vain.

"Li Yuming, how did you hide the tank? If you made a mistake, I'll ask you."

Li Yuming on the walkie-talkie replied with a smile: "Don't worry, Brigadier, we have made it solid, and the American-Gringo plane can't be found."

A few Mustangs tossed at low altitude for five or six minutes, and almost opened the mouse hole to have a look, but still found nothing. The air chief who led the team shouted angrily on the public channel: "Is it the British? -Are all the nationalists dead, why no one came out to indicate the bombing target."

The British-Chinese-people are not dead, and the living are locked in a big tunnel by the squad, and they are watched closely, come out to signal?There is no such possibility. Besides, the British-Chinese are not stupid. Is it necessary to help the American-Chinese and lose their lives in the war in North Korea?

I didn't see Chinese, Korean, or even British. Everything seemed to disappear out of thin air, and the silver-white area was dead silent.

But the bombing must be carried out. The powerful U.S. Far East Air Force is not just for nothing. Even if the target cannot be seen, it will blow everything nearby to the ground.

The powerful motor shook the sky and the earth, and the fleet of aircraft in the sky swooped down in waves, and then dropped the high-explosive bombs, yellow phosphorus bombs, and napalm bombs they carried.

This is the attack routine of fighter-bombers, and what is even more frightening is that the ten super sky fortresses seemed to be standing still at high altitude, and they threw bombs down densely.

The soldiers of the squad looked dumbfounded, my dear, these four big-headed guys have too many bombs in their stomachs, so many that it makes one's scalp tingle, even the so-called well-informed Li Yong I was also in a cold sweat. I used to hear people talking about carpet bombing, but today I experienced it myself.

Thank you old buddy Yanbing, Quancheng people, the taste of life, the monthly ticket and rewards of Fengmo 1234, I am sincerely grateful (to be continued...)

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