The beacon of youth

Chapter 873 The Rich Yankee

There are only more than 200 people in the squad, and the captives are only more than 300 people. The target of these hundreds of people is too small. If you drill into the tunnels and culverts, you can't see people, let alone the planes in the sky. , even with infantry on the ground is not easy to find.

However, the fleet of the United Nations Army must not run empty once. If you can’t find the monk, you can’t find the temple. No one can move the large warehouse of the Yi-Government supply point. It’s there, needless to say Those pilots with vicious eyes can see even a fool, but although the warehouse is still in place, it has been emptied, but the Americans in the sky don't know about it. According to American thinking, Even if the entire valley is blown to the ground, the supplies cannot be left to the Chinese.

Even if you can't see the target, you have to bomb. The rich are willful. The strong industrial strength allows the U.S. Air Force to spend unscrupulously.

Dive bombing, horizontal bombing, various types of bombs and incendiary bombs were thrown down all at once. The density of the bombing points made the soldiers of the squad who were used to seeing big scenes secretly startled. Li Yong, who was lying in the cave, muttered: "Damn it, Yankees are really fucking rich."

He Cuihua next to her immediately stopped her: "The chief executive is not allowed to swear."

Li Yong is also speechless. When He Cuihua speaks by herself, she talks about Lao Tzu, but she always likes to restrict Li Yong. She even pretends that she, as the deputy company commander, not only protects the personal safety of the chief, but also Be responsible for the image of the head.

Nima, the image is the image. Chief Li Da has nothing to do with Deputy Company Commander He, so she can only go.

Thick smoke, raging fire, and debris instantly turned the area of ​​several square kilometers into a valley of death.The high temperature of thousands of degrees melted the snow and scorched the trees.Burn the stone into powder.

The napalm bomb is too powerful, and the thousands of degrees of heat generated by the boiling oil turns everything in its path into ashes.This is not the most terrifying thing. When the petrol bomb burns, it will volatilize a large amount of toxic gas and suck away the oxygen in the air.

Therefore, within a certain range, people can be suffocated to death even if they are not burnt to death, and people can be suffocated to death even if they are not suffocated. As long as there is no way to deal with it, it is difficult for living organisms to survive the attack of napalm bombs.

Black smoke and poisonous gas raged, and the smell that choked into the nose was suffocating.Li Yong, who was lying halfway up the mountain, almost couldn't catch his breath. His grandma was going to choke me to death.

This is still far away. If he is directly attacked by planes with napalm bombs on the ground, Li Yong doesn't know if he can survive, even if he hides in the anti-gun hole.

Looking at the big valley covered by thick smoke and fire, Li Yong's heart tightened suddenly. The situation was dangerous, and the hiding spots of the squad were scattered everywhere.The distance from the bombing point is also different. Li Yong is worried that his troops will suffer casualties if they do not respond well, and that would be too wronged.

how to respond?The soldiers of the squad have fought many battles, but because the previous opponent's air force was weak.Troops had little experience with carpet bombing and napalm.

Li Yong was nervously looking for a solution in his head, there must be a good way to deal with it, there must be.Otherwise, the three-year Korean War would not have been fought.

A flash of spiritual light popped out from Li Yong's head, yes.Just do it.

Li Yong yelled loudly on the radio: "Block the entrance of the tunnel to prevent the smoke from pouring in. Hurry up."

Let the soldiers seal their hiding places with sandbags, as long as they can withstand the burning time of the napalm bomb, it will be fine.

This is the experience summed up by veterans of the Volunteer Army after being attacked countless times by napalm bombs. When the napalm bombs fall, it is not enough to simply hide in the anti-bunker hole. Only when the opening of the anti-blasting hole is blocked can there be a chance of survival.

While warning the soldiers, Li Yong and He Cuihua were also nervously blocking the entrance of the cave. There were no ready-made sandbags around them. Li Yong used their military blankets and coats, wrapped them in snow and piled them at the entrance of the cave.

Surprisingly, the girl He Cuihua got a sleeping bag for the U.S. military from somewhere. The sleeping bag that He Cuihua regarded as a baby was used as a sandbag.

Carrying this sleeping bag, Li Yong jumped out of the cave, ignoring He Cuihua's resentful eyes, filled the sleeping bag with snow in a very short time, and then ran back as fast as he could. all piled up on the hole.

After all this was done, Li Yong leaned there to catch his breath, that was the end of life, he did what he had to do.

But things were not so easy. The small cave where Li Yong and He Cuihua hid was only a few meters deep and even smaller in width. The direct result of the small space was that the oxygen content in the cave was insufficient. How long can it last, but now there is no time to think about it. Fortunately, the entrance of the cave is not big, and the two of them made the entrance of the cave tight with messy things and snow in a few minutes.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, and the signal from the wireless walkie-talkie could not be transmitted. The explosions and bangs outside seemed to be cut off at once, and the inside of the mountain was another cave.

Without communication, there is no way to command, and everything depends on the soldiers fighting alone.

There are no soldiers in hand, and there is only one deputy company commander He Cuihua beside him, are you flustered?No, Li Yong believed in himself and the soldiers in his squad.

More than 200 fighters selected from more than [-] people. If they encounter a little difficulty and panic, what is the trump card? Li Yong lay down slowly. Since he can’t get out, he should hurry up and take a rest. A little oxygen in the hole.

He Cuihua also followed Li Yong's example, holding Chief Li's arm without moving. He Cuihua was not afraid at all. In her opinion, to be a soldier and fight is to be prepared to sacrifice at any time and be honored at any time, and die with her lover It's not bad to be together, this is how people should be, live and die, and die when they die.

The temperature in the cave was getting higher and higher, and beads of sweat gradually appeared on the heads of both Li Yong and He Cuihua. The narrow belly of the cave was like a crispy egg, which was baked in a huge oven. .

Panting for breath, Li Yong felt as if there was a fire in his chest and became more and more uncomfortable. His head was dizzy and his thoughts became blurred. natural reaction.

It's over?Came all the way from Shigatse and died in such a small place?Damn it, is I going to be suffocated to death in this cave?

Suddenly, He Cuihua beside him moved, and a small voice rang in Li Yong's ears: "Brother, listen, the Yankee plane seems to have flown away."

He Cuihua's voice made Li Yong sober, didn't he? There was no violent bang and vibration when the bomb exploded outside, and there was no humming sound from the aircraft engine. Looking at the watch on his wrist, the time was almost gone More than half an hour.

More than half an hour, to Li Yong, felt as long as several days and months, as uncomfortable as sitting on a red-hot iron stove. The Yankee's plane left?possible.

I'm going to fuck him, hurry up and open the hole, or I'll really have to confess.

Li Yong stood up staggeringly, threw himself on the entrance of the hole, and used both hands to dig it out desperately.

The blocked hole was moved away, a heat wave rushed towards his face, and the pungent sulfur smell rushed towards his face. Li Yong took a deep breath, and the gas mixed with the sulfur smell rushed into the lung duct.

Hehe, hehe, hehe, Li Yong coughed violently, almost blowing out his lungs, but no matter what, he was finally able to catch his breath.

It was still a cold winter of tens of degrees below zero. The low temperature of tens of degrees below zero seemed to turn into summer in a few minutes. There was also a smell of burnt barbecue in the roiling heat wave. Li Yong knew in his heart that this smell It was issued after the bodies of more than 300 British people killed by the squad were charred by napalm bombs.

It is said that these hundreds of British people were unlucky enough. They were first beaten to death by the volunteers and then frozen into popsicles, and then burned into roast pigs by American napalm bombs.

Finally, he was not suffocated, Li Yong, who had seen the carpet bombing and napalm bombs, took a few deep breaths, and then quickly used the walkie-talkie to ask how the troops were doing.

After a short time, Li Yuming and several platoon leaders ran over. Li Yong hurriedly asked about the loss of personnel. It’s unbearable to suffocate, if the Yankee’s plane doesn’t leave, we will be suffocated even if we don’t get blown to death.”

After Ning Erzi finished speaking, he also made a few exaggerated suffocation movements. Li Yong was not in the mood to watch Ning Erzi's nonsense, and continued to ask: "How is the situation of the captives? Did anyone escape or die?" Ning Erzi's third row was also responsible for the prisoners. the caretaker.

The second son Ning replied somewhat proudly: "Hey, they are much more honest this time, they are all trembling with fright, not to mention running away, even if we drive them away with a whip now, Brigadier, aren't you Have you ever said that British men almost died in the war, and a man can marry ten wives, if this is really killed by a Yankee plane, wouldn’t he even have the heart to cry.”

The soldiers around laughed. Li Yuming, the company commander, pointed to the panting prisoner who ran out of the culvert and said, "What kind of shit are you running? Their American fathers don't take their lives seriously at all. If we didn't remind them In time, this group of guys will end up the same as those dead people."

The large fleet of the United Nations Army flew away, and the valley around the Yi-Government-Fu became a purgatory on earth. Fortunately, the team was well prepared, and there were no casualties. The materials that were painstakingly snatched from the British It was considered complete, Li Yong's heart was also put in his stomach.

Thanks for the support of the old guys, the old bus is sick, the update is postponed, it may have something to do with the air conditioner. (to be continued..)

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