Seeing Xia Ou's ignorant eyes, Fang Yi secretly smiled in his heart. Although his charm is low, the effect of his deception skills has not diminished at all~ "Have you bought back what I want?"

"I bought it." Xia Ou quickly took out a ball of rope from his bulging arms and handed it to Fang Yi. "The owner of the grocery store thought I was going to do something bad. I added five more gold coins. He It was sold to me."

That's because your negotiation skills are too low, young man.

Fang Yi smiled inwardly, took the rope, stretched it vigorously with both hands, and checked the two iron claws on the investment end.

Iron Hook (Normal Quality): It is used to climb smooth cliffs or perform some hidden activities. It is very dangerous. Beginners should use it with caution.

After Fang Yi heard Xia Ou introduce the structure of the Lixu mansion, he immediately decided to buy such a tool.In fact, this thing can be said to be a must-have for every player, but Fang Yi has never encountered a situation where he needs to climb up and down in the game world, so he has never bought it.

"Sir, don't you ask me to use this thing in the future?" Xia Ou saw Fang Yi put away the hook claws, and asked eagerly, "I heard they said they would use this thing, those high walls and stone walls are just decorations, right? "

"You're still too young." Fang Yi actually wanted to say that Xia Ou's agility attribute is too low, and it's okay if no one interferes. If something happens, he will definitely fall down. "Let's talk about it when you are older."

Hearing what Fang Yi said, Xia Ou nodded slightly disappointed, "Oh, then shall I wait here for you?" [

"If I haven't come out in the middle of the night, go back to the Adventurer's Hall immediately. Stay there honestly and wait for me to find you." Fang Yi put away his things and solemnly said to Xia Ou, "If you want to If your uncle comes back safely, he must do as I say."

Unlike players, the NPC in the game will not be revived if it hangs up. If something happens to this little Xia Ou, Fang Yi will have to look for the clues of the mission again, wouldn't it be very painful.

"Yes, I see." Xia Ou nodded heavily.

Watching Xia Ou skillfully climb up the big tree.Hidden in the canopy.Only then did Fang Yi wave his hand at the opponent's position, and touched the wall not far away.

"It's still visible..." Little Xia Ou sighed depressingly.

I thought that I could hide in the tree well enough by taking advantage of the darkness, but who knew that the eyes of the thieves under the tree seemed to be able to see through.He stared at his position and smiled.Then turned and walked away.Xia Ou was discouraged for a while.

But the disappointment was only for a moment, Xia Ou looked at the figure that quickly disappeared into the night, and clenched his fist: I will definitely be as strong as Mr. in the future!


The cold moonlight shines on the manor that looks like a giant beast.Dyeing everything in the manor with a dull silver-gray, coupled with the occasional breeze that blows across the face, adds a touch of tranquility to the luxurious and empty manor at night.

But Fang Yi, who was hiding in the corner, didn't have the leisure to enjoy the beautiful scenery. At this time, the thieves' attention was all focused on the torches scattered around in the night.

The guards patrolling back and forth used all the roads they could walk. Although there was no place to go, Fang Yi did not dare to take the right road at the risk of being heard by people in such a quiet night. After all, this is the lowest place. Humanoid NPCs of various professions at the nineteenth level.

Fang Yimao walked on the vast lawn of the manor, ducking into the flowers when he saw it, and hiding in the bushes when he saw it.The hiding skill that has been practiced so hard at this time highlights its role at this time.As long as they remained motionless, basically these guards wandering around would not be able to notice that there was actually a big black-faced man squatting next to the flower bed.

Sound movement is no stranger to Fang Yi, he controls his breathing and walks lightly, Fang Yi "floats" along the ground like a ghost towards the mansion near the sea.


When he was about to reach the foot of the ancient castle-like buildings, Fang Yi discovered something that made him unable to complain - there was a statue of Li Xu right in front of the mansion. [

How do you know this is Li Xu?Because the four-foot-tall marble base of the statue is engraved with a few bold characters in the common language: Pearl of the Dragon Coast, Earl of Startwilight, Lish, Brown.

Fang Yi deliberately went to the statue to have a look. The whole body of the statue was carved out of marble. A fat man with a solemn expression was wearing gorgeous aristocratic attire. Something in front, the statue's gaze also extended to the ground not far away along the direction of the crutches.

Seeing the first image of this statue, Fang Yi subconsciously popped out a very appropriate sentence.

Huh?There is money on the ground!

This license is really flamboyant. In the world of Faerun, the first ones worthy of having statues must be the gods, and then the heroes and great men of all ages.Fang Yi looked at the statue with the belly of a general, and thought to himself, does Li Xu want to be immortal?

But I really like the style of this statue, it's realistic, I'll buy another wild one for myself sometime - Fang Yi thought so.


Li Xu's mansion faces north and south, and it is next to a beach on the east. When you go out, you can see Xingmu City in the south, and the blue Sea of ​​Falling Stars on the left.

The whole mansion is in the style of a medieval European castle, but the word giant must be added in front of the castle.Fang Yi took a visual inspection and found that the castle in front of him was five or six times larger than the backyard of the adventurer's hall.

But... Sure enough, as Xia Ou said, Nima is such a big building that there is not even a single household on the first floor.

Fang Yi circled the castle completely, not to mention the household, everything below the second floor was covered with gray stone bricks, and there was not even a place to stand on.Seeing this situation, Fang Yi felt even more itchy. What treasure are you looking for? This Lixu’s house is obviously a big vault~ Don’t need too much. Give me 10,000+ gold coins plus some diamonds and emeralds. just fine~

Fang Yimao found a dark corner, took out the hook claw bought by Xia Ou from his backpack, and then called out the skill panel to light up the proficient hook claw skill.

Proficient in hook claws can improve the range and accuracy of throwing hook claws. With a high skill level, hook claws can also be used as weapons—but before getting equipment of rare quality or higher.Fang Yi didn't intend to waste skill points on this.

Fang Yi's current sensitivity value is 24 and strength value is 14. With the proficient claw skills to ensure accuracy, he successfully fixed the hook claws on the parapet wall of the third-floor platform after three attempts, and then looked around cautiously. After confirming that no one was there, he climbed up the rope slowly.

During the climbing process, there is no way to keep sneaking. Fang Yi listened to the movement of the platform above, and had to keep watching if any patrolling guards noticed a wretched black figure hanging on the wall—fortunately, he was lucky. The ten or so seconds of climbing time did not attract the attention of the guards.

Fang Yi, who reached the bottom of the platform, leaned on the wall with one hand, and Fang Yi poked out half of his head.Take a look at the situation on the platform.

Only two guards in armor stood at the far end of the platform.While chatting and farting facing the outside, Fang Yi grasped the edge of the stone wall with his left hand, gently removed the claws from the wall with his right hand, rolled up the rope and threw it into the backpack.Then use your arms hard.The moment he climbed onto the platform, he entered a stealth state.

The door to the platform exit was tightly shut.Fang Yi gently opened the half-open account.He jumped in loudly.

"Huh? You opened the door?" One of the two guards was quite vigilant. He accidentally scanned the half-opened door and cautiously held the long sword at his waist.While holding a torch and walking towards the door next to the gate, he asked his companions.

"Uh... I don't remember, don't be so nervous, we are on a high platform of more than 40 feet now, and if something happens, the guys below will be unlucky first." Said casually.

The sword-wielding guard ignored his companion's complaints, went to the bed, pulled the wood away, and looked down by the light of the torch. The dust is also flat, obviously it has not been cleaned for a long time.

The guard who looked down breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and closed the door tightly, "Did I remember wrong? There was only a small gap before?"


Fang Yi looked at the cloth in his hand and made sure that there was no dust on it, so he loosened a corner of the cloak and let the cloak swing behind him.

The trumpet thief Fang Yi practiced during the internal test was also a well-known thief, such as the city lord's mansion, the mage tower, the dragon's lair, and even visited the underground country. Just sneaking in and peeping with a hand mark... No, it's a good skill for treasure hunting.

Compared with the tranquility outside, the inside of the castle is brightly lit, with two torches hung every two steps, reflecting the luxuriously decorated corridors in every detail, making an uninvited thief quite disturbed.

The main purpose of coming in this time is to find Gelbo. Although he knows that there must be Xu’s treasure room in the castle, Fang Yi knows the importance. The hidden value of this kind of map that needs to be repaired must exceed the value that can be stolen here. thing.So after walking around the corridor for 2 minutes and avoiding two waves of patrolling guards, I finally found the entrance to the dungeon.

The dungeon was beyond imagination. Fang Yi felt that he had almost gone down three floors, and only then did he see the end of the stairs, but it was followed by a loud noise.

Four jailers were gathering around a small wooden table, each holding a few cards in their hands, but all four of them were blushing and shouting at the top of their lungs, looking as if they were about to eat the person opposite them in the next moment. Like falling.

Fang Yi tiptoed, leaning against the wall on the right and carefully passed the entrance of the dungeon.The place where several jailers were located was the only entrance to the dungeon, and there were not many places to pass through. Fang Yi felt that his cloak that was tightly pressed against the wall was soaked with water on the wall.Even so, the tip of Fang Yi's nose was less than two feet away from the jailer who was facing away from him.

However, the gamblers were all in a state of "forgetful" and didn't notice an abnormal mark on the wet wall on one side. In a blink of an eye, the water stain was covered by new seepage from the wall, and it was difficult to see any abnormality.

Fang Yi shuttled in the shadow of the torch light, and gradually frowned—the situation in front of him was a bit unexpected. (to be continued...)

ps: The baby has some physiological diarrhea. The doctor said it was fine at first, but it got worse after dinner. Feidan is a little worried. Go to the hospital to have a look. Let’s have two more changes today.

Continue to have the audacity to ask for support ^_^

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