Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 177 Untouchables

Fang Yi originally thought that in the dungeon there were some servants who had made mistakes and were imprisoned, at most there were some civilians who were kidnapped by Li Xu, but Fang Yi was really taken aback by the situation in front of him.

Behind the row after row of iron fences, densely packed figures mostly leaned against the corner and dozed, and some stood or sat, filling every cell.With the light of only a few torches, Fang Yi saw that behind the fence were mostly poor people in ragged clothes, and occasionally some of them were neatly dressed, and they also had sharp eyes, standing there blankly, like a lost The shell of the soul.

These are obviously the residents living at the bottom. Some of them even wore straw hats that they only used when they went to the fields, and their hands and feet were still stained with muddy water that hadn't been cleaned in time. I don't know if it was the gardener in Li Xu's mansion or Xing Mu. city ​​farmers.

Slowly sneaking in the damp passage, Fang Yi had long forgotten the pungent and unbearable smell that filled the dungeon. His eyes swept over the dark and lifeless "prisoners", and an inexplicable emotion slowly brewed in his heart.

Fang Yi didn't show his body, because he knew that as Li Xu's most important target, Gelbo would not be locked up with these "untouchables".

"Mom, I'm hungry."

After turning all the passages in the dungeon, just as Fang Yi felt more and more that the oppressive atmosphere here made him feel extremely uncomfortable, he heard the voice of a weak little girl from the dead crowd.

Following the prestige, through a group of motionless figures, a little girl in a red skirt came into Fang Yi's sight.The skirt made of coarse cloth is poor in workmanship, and even the red color on the skirt is a little mottled and impure, and it looks a little whitish under the jumping torches.

But when he saw the little girl standing behind the iron fence, Fang Yi felt inexplicably relieved, and even the red color on the worn dress seemed to jump up in Fang Yi's vision.Fang Yi himself didn't know why, and his dull mood suddenly became brighter. [

Fang Yi could vaguely hear the little girl's mother comforting her daughter in a low voice, and occasionally the little girl's low laughter.

Walking near the exit of the dungeon, the relatively fresh air made Fang Yi's lungs feel much more comfortable.Fang Yi was shocked, and suddenly understood the question that confused him just now - why did he feel that way when he saw a little girl?

Because there was hope in the little girl's eyes, and that kind of hope was incompatible with the adults in this gloomy prison cell surrounded by a breath of death.

Fang Yi walked around the four drunken jailers, looked back at the depths of the dungeon in the dark and light, and squinted at a few jailers who were insanely selling alcohol.Leaving the dark dungeon with a sound


There were no torches in the corridors above the third floor, and they were all replaced by huge candles supported by golden brackets.Without the smell of tar from the torches, the interior of the elaborately decorated castle also has an extravagant atmosphere.

In the largest room on the fifth floor of the castle, a fat man was pacing back and forth on the big red carpet, with a sullen face, and from time to time he used his fingers to cup his back.The huge belly swings back and forth as the owner walks, which looks a little funny.

If Fang Yi was here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this short, fat man wearing a luxurious fur cloak was the prototype of the flamboyant statue in the courtyard, the wealthy businessman Li Xu.

But Li Xu was not in a good mood at this time, very bad.

"Tomorrow, I will chop off all the heads of these thugs! Then throw them into the sea and feed them to the sharks. I don't believe Charlie, an old bastard, can find out!? No! I'll cut them off tonight! I don't believe Charlie"

The old butler standing aside like a sculpture knew his master's temper very well, so he wisely chose to turn himself into a wooden man, and would only listen and not speak unless the master asked questions.

Li Xu vented on his own, sweat was already dripping on his fat accumulated face, and he sat on the sofa panting, while the old housekeeper walked to the small wooden table on the other side, and prepared the food in advance. The silver tray containing ice cubes was placed at Li Xu's feet.

Feeling the cool air around her feet, Li Xu let out a long breath, kicked off her leather boots, and put her feet directly on the carpet. "Huh... that Gelbo hasn't let go yet?"

"Not yet, but we still need his skills to repair the map, and we don't dare to use too severe punishment..." The old housekeeper looked up at Li Xu, who had his head up and his eyes closed. meaning.As long as you are willing to use punishment, getting the other party to submit is not a problem.

Li Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the huge metal bracket supporting fifty candles on the ceiling, and said coldly, "I remember Gelbo seems to have a little nephew, why haven't I been looking for it? Bring him back tomorrow , Let's see how the old man reacts." [


"As the lord of the city, old Charlie has to take into account the business issues with Cedar City. Besides, we also have a lot of good goods to be transported from Cedar City. Let's save the lives of these untouchables. But they If you die from freezing, starvation, disease, or unexplained death, it shouldn’t be my business, right?”

The old butler bowed his head and remained silent, as if he hadn't heard Li Xu talking to himself, but just being a loyal listener with all his heart and responsibilities.

"By the way, if someone dies of illness, put the corpses in the dungeon for a few days first, and then remove the corpses when they are almost rotten. In this way, a few more people may die. I must get that piece of land," Li said. Xu picked up the wine bottle beside him, poured a full glass of blood-red wine into the exquisitely crafted glass, stood up tremblingly,

"Well, it's time to visit our Mr. Gelber."


Fang Yi is a little depressed now.

After leaving the dungeon, Fang Yi went all the way up, and went in to check when he encountered a room guarded by guards, but found nothing.When we reached the fourth floor, we encountered real trouble.

There are only two revolving stone staircases in the passage from the third floor to the fourth floor, and both of them are guarded by level [-] NPCs.Fang Yi tried to sneak past while the guards turned around several times, but the vigilant guards found clues and had to retreat to the stone steps on the third floor.

Do you still have to kill him?

Fang Yi kept tapping the hilt of the sword with his fingers, hesitating for a while.It’s been a long way to sneak here. If you are discovered here, the previous efforts will be in vain. Even if you find Gelbo, you still have to say whether you can rescue him.

When Shar introduced this old man to himself, he didn't mention whether he had a combat level.And seeing that this person was captured so easily, even if he had combat power, he would not be much stronger.

It's just that it's going to be midnight, Fang Yi thinks it over and over again, and decides to give it a try, if it doesn't work, at worst, he's trying to escape and think of other tricks, and it's not an option to waste time here.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi pulled out the double blades under the cloak, and stared intently at the twentieth-level ranger standing on the stone steps, who was about to strike blood in this magnificent castle.

At this moment, a rush of bells suddenly came from the mouth behind Fang Yi, which seemed unusually abrupt in the extremely quiet castle.The guards who were standing on the stone steps chatting heard the bell immediately drew their weapons and rushed to the entrance of the third floor. look over.

Fang Yi was hiding in the corner at this time, not daring to vent his breath, and his heart was pounding: Hey, I was almost stepped on, this ranger is a rabbit, how can he jump so far?

"Someone is attacking the castle!" The ranger squatting at the entrance shouted back to his companions, "Keep two, and the others follow me downstairs."

The actions of several people were not delayed. The ranger and one person ran quickly to the stairs leading to the next floor, and the remaining two guards returned to the stairs and continued their work, but they did not realize that there was a sneaky person behind them. The figure touched the distant room.

The fourth floor is much smaller than the third floor, with only a small living room and a circular corridor, and only a dozen rooms.Fang Yi skipped a few unguarded rooms and came directly to the end of the spacious corridor.

At this time, the shouting outside became louder and louder, and it had clearly reached Fang Yi's ears.Fang Yi could even hear a few words of national abuse occasionally heard in the chaotic battle:

Is this the player attacking the castle?You won't really come to steal from the rich and give to the poor~


Fang Yi lurks in the shadow of the corridor, looking at the four fully armed soldiers guarding the door of the room at the end, he thinks that the real master is probably here, and he will fight if he doesn't.Just as he was thinking about which one to attack first, Fang Yi heard crisp footsteps coming from the stairs behind him, mixed with a series of tinkling metal impacts.

On the other side of the corridor, an old man seemed to have just come down from the stairs. His face looked to be in his fifties, but he was obviously in good condition. He had jet-black hair and was wearing a decent old-fashioned white shirt and black trousers. The floor of the exquisitely crafted white-gray short boots thumped, and a large bunch of keys on the waist jingled as the old man walked.

The old man walked slowly towards the corner where Chao Fang Yi was, while talking to a younger and thinner man next to him.

"The few who died of illness last time were thrown into the stone well. Catch some mice in the stone well and put them in the dungeon. These mice are used to eating meat. Let them bite the living. ~" The old man said slowly, as if he was arranging daily chores casually, and the young man beside him kept nodding, indicating that he had written them down one by one.

"Among the people below, apart from some stupid adventurers, there must be those diehards from the slums who came to save their families. It just so happens that there is such a justifiable opportunity, don't stay alive, the master will be very happy to hear the news of."


"By the way, among the untouchables caught this time, are there any good quality ones, last time..."


The old man wanted to explain something, but when he heard a strange voice from the young man behind him, he couldn't help but frowned. He turned around and wanted to reprimand him, but found that his subordinates were staring at him with wide eyes. The limbs opened strangely, and the blood column that soared from the side of the neck sprayed directly onto the right wall on the right. (to be continued...)

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