Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 195 Night Attack

It's true that the Mithril Shell team didn't take the initiative to fight monsters, but they expect people from the Celestial Dynasty to shout long live understanding to you?

The most important quest item, the "mysterious shard", Lao Mo had also deposited it in the bank early.Then if the opponent makes a move, Wildhammer's backpack full of materials becomes the top priority.Once the Wildhammer is hung up, there will be a backpack full of materials, wouldn't it be heartbreaking to lose any of them?

"How about... let's go back to Xingmu City first?" Qinggang said his suggestion, "Can the leveling be postponed, let's go back to the blacksmith in the city, and it won't be too late to level up after consuming all the materials. .”

"That's not right," the old devil immediately shook his head, looked at Fang Yi, "Keike and the others are probably here to upgrade, and the other side's follow-up tasks are likely to have level requirements, in case they also have to go to Voyager Go to the copy on the street, what should I do then?"

Fang Yi nodded, knowing that Laomo was right to worry. As a team with long-term goals, it would never do the thing of picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yi said, "Practice until twenty first. Didn't they recognize it today? If we are really found, we will run to the high ground. The most important thing is to keep the level, and the materials can't be lost."

Several people analyzed it for a long time, but there was no good solution, so they could only be careful when leveling.

It was getting late at night, and several people got into the tent.There are players camping in all directions, and there is no need to keep vigil. Fang Yi changed the character status to sleep mode.

Listening to the original light music played by the system, Fang Yi's mind kept flashing today's leveling process, and he planned the walking route to bypass the players and bandit scouts tomorrow.I also thought about how to use the materials dropped by the Tyrannosaurus boss reasonably... After a while, I felt a deep drowsiness.

Fang Yi lifted his heavy eyelids, and habitually glanced at the situation outside the tent. In the night, the bonfire was crackling and burning vigorously, and the sounds of carnival players could be faintly heard in the distance.Fang Yi touched the equipment around him, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep~


"Boom, boom~"

In his sleep, Fang Yi felt the bed under him twitch lightly, followed by a burst of chaotic knocking sounds, as if someone was beating a snare drum in his ear, which made a certain thief feel restless.

The scene of the couple upstairs doing exercise immediately appeared in Fang Yi's mind.But think about it instead.Upstairs seemed to be an old couple in their 70s, followed by a clever mind: Damn, am I not in the game?

After waking up, Fang Yi's whole body tensed up. When he opened his eyes, he touched the scimitar at his waist.Turned over and got out of the tent.

The cool air immediately gave Fang Yi goosebumps.The first thing that catches the eye is the bonfire that has long been extinguished on the ground.Only lumps of red charcoal flickering in the breeze remain.Fang Yi drew his knife and sneaked to find cover. A set of coherent movements was completed in an instant, and then he raised his head and looked around.

The good weather of the day continued this evening.Under the bright moonlight, the surrounding scenery is unobstructed.There was no abnormality on the ground covered with wild grass that was silvery white by the moonlight, and the only things standing upright on the grassland were the sparse tents and lush bushes around it.

Fang Yi touched the cold sweat on his head, and wondered if he was dreaming?But the knocking sound in sleep was so real, until now, Fang Yi could still hear the beating sound of his heart "thumping".

But the more things he experienced, the more cautious he became. Fang Yimao hung up the listening and reconnaissance again in the shadow of the tent, looked around carefully again, and the cold sweat on his back immediately came down.

"Hurry up and put on the equipment, don't make a sound!"

Fang Yi sent messages three times in a row on the team channel, and he also got into the tent without a sound, and quickly put on his equipment.

Walking at night without dark vision skills is really killing people~ After Fang Yi put on the reconnaissance skills, he immediately noticed that there was a problem under the canopy in the far south—the shadows of these big trees under the moonlight were obviously a little bit fatter!

After discovering the first place, followed by the second and third place, Fang Yi gasped as he looked further away. There was definitely something hiding in the shade of the trees, and it was not too small!

"What's wrong?" The pastor was the one who woke up first, Qing Gang asked in a low voice on the team channel, Fang Yi could still hear the rustling sound of getting dressed coming from the tent.

"There is an ambush, put on your equipment quietly!" Fang Yi had climbed out of the tent for the second time at this time, and the "shadow" in the distance was a little ready to move at this time, obviously discovering that there was movement in the camp here.

Fang Yi was not the only one who discovered the abnormality. Not far to the south of the camp of the Mithril Shell Team, a player without any equipment got out of the tent. He suppressed his voice and shouted: "Get up! There is an enemy attack!"

What the hell!

Fang Yi gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to swear: It's a very quiet night now, there isn't even a cricket chirping here, and this low-pitched voice has spread two miles away!

Sure enough, as soon as the nameless player shouted, not only the vigilant players around reacted, but also the quiet "shadow" in the distance began to squirm, followed by Fang Yi's "dong dong" beating in his sleep. The sound of the ground and the trembling of the earth, the quiet summer night was instantly drowned out by the terrifying roar.

With Fang Yi's current eyesight, he can barely make out some tall creatures walking on two legs, carrying huge weapons in their hands. As for the smaller black shadows, they can't see what they are at all, they are just a mass of darkness , the number is so large, Fang Yi can only think of one possibility - being attacked by wild monsters.

"Don't pack up the tent, run!" Fang Yi pulled up the Wildhammer who had just put on his helmet, and was still a little dazed. He glanced at the situation of the other two teammates, and immediately ran in the opposite direction, "Wildhammer See what those are in the distance?"

Many of the players here are not low-level, and it is not certain who will win and who will lose in this kind of monster night attack.But Fang Yi didn't have the consciousness to lead the battle for others, and it was only reasonable to retreat to the rear as soon as possible.

The unscrupulous running of the monsters quickly woke up the player, and they poked their heads out of the tent one by one to observe the situation.The players in the outermost corner of the pitiful camp were run over by the torrent of monsters before they could put on their equipment in a hurry. For a while, the screams and screams were all in one piece, but they were drowned in the roaring roars in an instant.

Qing Gang and Lao Mo are also veterans of the game, and quickly put on their equipment and followed Fang Yi and Wildhammer.

"Damn, that's... yes yes yes..." The only dwarf warrior in the team with dark vision, looking back under Fang Yi's reminder, immediately jumped three feet high and shouted loudly.

"What kind of monster is it?" The old devil asked anxiously seeing Wildhammer's expressionless expression. "What does it look like?"

At this time, the crowd had already run far away.The monsters in the distance are raging in the player's camp, and the speed has slowed down a lot. The Wildhammer stopped and hit his head, "It's an orc! Orcs and giants...those are two-headed giants!"

Fang Yi stared.He looked at the large number of players commotion around him.The old devil at the side spoke first: "Two-headed giants... this kind of thing has never happened before~ How did they come down?"

"Forget about it. Check your status," Fang Yi straightened the dwarf warrior's helmet and grinned. "The people camping here are all advanced players, maybe it's a great opportunity for leveling~"

At this time, the players were awakened by the sound of the battle. After realizing what happened, some players started to form a team and rushed towards the corner of the monster group.Fang Yi said to himself cleverly. Two-headed giants have dark vision, which has a great advantage at night, and it is the wisest choice to temporarily avoid their sharpness.

With Wildhammer's qualified night vision goggles, Fang Yi and the others successfully avoided the sharp edge of the monster army, and followed the counterattacking player team to the side. Some scattered orcs and trolls became the warm-up targets for the players.

Wildhammer let out a roar, and cut down an orc who wanted to sneak attack with his sword. Fang Yi, who was next to him, followed up with a skillful kick and knife, and easily accepted a share of experience.Qinggang and Laomo added some buffs to them from time to time, and the shield of Wildhammer and Fang Yi's scimitar were also affixed with light spells. In the dark night, they were like two saints possessed by holy light, rushing to kill all directions in the crowd of beasts .

The players present are all elites who have gone through countless battles. Even if they don't form a team, their cooperation with each other is top-notch.Seeing that Fang Yi and Wildhammer's damage is terrifyingly high, and their skills are also good, all kinds of healing spells and statuses from the surrounding players are thrown at them without hesitation - after all, joining the battle will give you experience, which nanny Don't you like ferocious fighters?

Fang Yi also slowly got used to the feel of the scimitar at this time, and he swung it more freely. The crude equipment of the orcs and trolls could not hold two knives in the hands of the thieves under the blessing of full state. It was like cutting melons and vegetables. life of the monster.

As he was chopping vigorously, Fang Yi saw a flash of white light in the center of the battlefield from the corner of his eye. Just as he turned his head, a more dazzling light had pierced out of the darkness, and a chain of lightning the thickness of a bucket was drawn across the air. , penetrated the figures of dozens of players, instantly illuminating the world like daylight.

The deafening sound of thunder followed closely, and the figures of the group of players who were hit by the lightning flashed away. It seemed that they would not survive, but Fang Yi was more concerned about the source of the lightning, the one holding the staff. Huge figure—boss?

As if to verify Fang Yi's guess, less than half a minute later, at a position slightly north of where the chain lightning appeared, there was a faint sound of howling ghosts and wolves. The shadow really stood there.

Surrounded by ghosts around the other party, white skeletons and ugly ghosts surged out of the void. The light and shadow effects comparable to top-level movies made Fang Yi feel chills when he saw it, and the players who followed the ghost shadow coverage seemed to be Frightened like crazy, they ran away one after another, and many of them became the ghosts of the orcs.

Fuck, crowd fear!What kind of boss is this? (to be continued..)

ps: This chapter is for the time being at night, Feidan will take a rest at night and go out for a stroll~

Friends who have started watching Mithril Throne know that Feidan’s coding speed is slow. If you want to guarantee three chapters a day, you have to sit in front of the computer almost all day long. It’s too uncomfortable for a long time. Let’s take a break tonight ~Hey~

Daoists who like Mithril Throne don’t be stingy with your support

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