Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 196 The Big Man Has Great Wisdom

At this time, more and more players gathered in the battlefield, hundreds of torches had almost driven the night away, and the situation of the battlefield gradually became clearer in front of everyone.

It was a mixed army of hundreds of orcs and trolls that attacked the player's camp, mixed with some cannon fodder such as goblins and kobolds, but the main force of the battle was a group of tall two-headed giants in the middle of the battlefield.

These giants are extremely powerful, and they all hold huge wooden sticks or spears in both hands. Judging from the diameter of those weapons, they seem to be made by directly pulling up trees and removing the crowns.

Converted to the height in the real world, the two-headed giant would have to be more than four meters long. By the light of the torch, they could vaguely see their taupe skin and short, tangled hair all over their bodies.

The giant boss in the middle holds a staff in his right hand and a stubby tree trunk in his left hand. Every time the boss waved the staff in his hand, a super-wide range of magic would fall from the sky, causing the players around him to cry and howl.The giant stick in his hand is also unambiguous, and every time he swings it, there will always be a white light flashing to represent the player's death.

Fang Yi twisted his waist to gather energy, and the scimitar hit the neck of an orc who was about to attack. The blood sprayed and cut half of the neck of the attacker, and he grabbed the dwarf warrior who was about to charge forward.

"Wildhammer! Come back and protect the old devil!" Fang Yi shouted loudly, finally avoiding the situation where the Wildhammer led a somersault, and stretched out his hand to attack the priest and the old devil not far behind. Get together.

When Qinggang was awakened by Fang Yi, he was wearing chain mail. At this time, the mace and the small buckler in his hand were covered with monster blood, and his body was dyed red for a long time.But the eagerness on her face meant that the female priest was in high spirits at this time, and even the eyes of the mage next to her were shining.

"Diabe, these monsters are simply here to give experience. At this rate, our experience tonight must be one-third~" The old devil also killed him, and even the staff was stained with blood. I don't know which unlucky guy was knocked to death by the mage.

At this time, the nearby monsters have been almost cleaned up, and the players flock to the center as if possessed, and more of them approach the battlefield not far away with the intention of exploding the boss and getting equipment.

However, Fang Yi's expression was stern, and he suppressed his voice to remind everyone. "Retreat immediately. That boss is a mage-like profession. How can a race with low intelligence like them have spellcasters? They may have mutated, and this muddy water cannot be waded!"

Wildhammer, who was held back by Fang Yi, was originally not happy, but now he heard from the thief that there is a mutant boss.Immediately, his eyes lit up and he swung the dagger in his hand. "Mutated boss! Is it possible that there will be epic equipment? Then what are we waiting for. Hurry up and fight the boss, and you will be robbed!"

"Little fat, you are stupid," Qing Gang was the first to understand the meaning of Fang Yi's words.At this time, the round shield was hung back on the back, and hearing the words, he couldn't help but tapped the dwarf warrior's helmet with a hammer, "The normal model of the two-headed giant is level 21, after the mutation, I'm afraid it will be harder than that Tyrannosaurus boss." Entangled, are you going to die now with all your might?"

The old devil frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the tall figure who was showing his power in the distance, "I also remembered Fang Fang, didn't we check the information of the two-headed giant before, these natural fighters have little intelligence Some reached 10 points, how could it be...?"

In fact, Fang Yi is also a little entangled. The mutated boss is something that can be encountered in the game but cannot be sought. Only when certain conditions are triggered—this may be triggered by the player, or it may be monsters fighting each other, can the boss mutate.

These mutated gadgets, regardless of experience or dropped equipment, are enough to drive any player into madness.But good things have to be enjoyed by fate. At this time, Fang Yi looked at the boss in the distance like looking at a mobile treasure house with instant death magic. The feeling of love and hatred is probably the portrayal of most people's hearts at this time.

"Have you heard of the task about the two-headed giant?" Fang Yi looked at several teammates and suddenly thought of a possibility.

The three of them looked at each other and shook their heads collectively. The old devil said, "This ogre camp sounds strange, and its scale is surprisingly large, but there is only a small village nearby where people live. The discovery task is only the one we did yesterday."

"It's also possible that other people discovered the hidden mission and didn't announce it," Qinggang added. "Do you think the current situation is that someone triggered the mission?"

Fang Yi didn't answer Qinggang's question immediately, but lowered his head and thought for a while, then took out the few remaining Giant Fruits from his backpack, and distributed them to Lao Mo and the others, "Everyone doesn't have enough rest tonight, and I guess the physical strength is very weak. It's almost used up, you eat this, and then run to the periphery of the battlefield."

"What about you?" The old devil looked at the fruit in his hand, knowing that the thief might have some plans, "Remember, we are giving the team again, don't always want to take risks by yourself."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to take a closer look. If it's really a mutant boss, there must be a reason for it. Then we'll prescribe the right medicine," Fang Yi chuckled, "If it's really because of the players, we can't just be their cannon fodder for nothing. , Let others pick up a big deal for nothing~"


Compared with the battlefield where killing sounds shook the sky and magic spells blared, it was slightly westward, and the sparse woods next to the small village were extremely quiet at this time, but if you looked carefully, you could find that there were people gathered in the shadows of the trees. A large group of players.

A team of nearly a hundred people waited silently in the woods. Only the occasional coughing sound and the sound of swords and scabbards intersecting could prove that these were all living players.

Several people at the head of the team stood by the edge of the woods and looked over by the moonlight. It was impressive that they were members of the team that had chased the Tyrannosaurus before, and shells and sparks were also among them.

Several people were staring intently at the battlefield not far away, and the brilliance of spells flashed from time to time, just like someone setting off batch after batch of gorgeous fireworks at night, but they all knew that every time the light flashed, there would definitely be Several players lost a level of experience and returned to the distant Star City.

"Is it really safe to leave Mu Mu alone? Should I withdraw him earlier?" Someone in the crowd broke the silence and asked in a low voice.

The leader, Bai Ling, turned his head and glanced at the druid beside him, and Kai Ke gave an indiscernible smile, "Besides being a bit grumpy, everyone knows his skills better than me. If you're careful, you should be fine, even if you are discovered by the boss." Come on, don’t we still have a small team there, besides, the speed of that big guy can’t keep up with him.”

Shell's voice contained a smile, and everyone present could hear the confidence in it, so no one voiced doubts anymore, but Bailing held the bright silver half-length spear in one hand, and patted it in the palm of his hand,

"Beike, it's thanks to your plan that we were able to steal the holy object from the altar this time. But if we are guessed about using these players as a shield, the reputation of our Celestial Dynasty Guild will be..."

"Compared with the first piece of epic equipment in "Miracle", what is this reputation?" Bei Ke took a step forward, stood next to Priest Bailing, stared into the other's eyes and said, "This thing's The value is definitely beyond your and my imagination, with this free worldwide system advertisement, our guild residence will be built later, so why don’t we worry about sponsorship?”

Seeing Bai Ling's eyes flicker, he nodded slightly, and the Druid raised his eyes and looked into the distance, "Besides, these players are all rushing to the boss's equipment. If they have the ability, they will kill the boss, and if they don't, they will be killed by the boss." .I think their combat power will be exhausted soon, let's prepare."

Bailing clenched the half-spear in his hand, and patted Bei Ke's shoulder, "You will lead someone to protect a few thieves later, after the boss falls, you must grab the dropped things, otherwise our work will be in vain."

Bei Ke hummed, and nodded calmly. Looking at the excellent light and shadow effects above the distant battlefield, he suddenly thought of a certain thief: If only he was struck to death by the boss's chain lightning...


Of course, Fang Yi didn't know that someone was casting a super long-distance curse on him. At this time, he was quietly retreating from the crowd, and walked towards the outside of the battle circle calmly.

At this time, the players have already organized an effective defense line, and the battle levels and players' positions are also very clear. It seems that it has become a super-large-scale boss battle, but Fang Yi still has no intention of stepping forward to take a share, Ma Liu I found a place far away from the boss, and watched the super battle with my arms folded.

The spells in the hands of the boss seem to be inexhaustible, and the fourth-level spells such as chain lightning and super-wide-range roar are thrown out as if they don’t need money. This kind of spells are like weapons of mass destruction when used from the boss. The nearby crispy players fell down in pieces like harvested wheat.

But the players still rushed up without hesitation, because from time to time there were loud voices in the crowd shouting "Hurry up, the mutated boss will drop the orange outfit" "The boss's spells are almost used!", and the players' spells and swords slashed There was indeed blood on the boss, and the double stimulation of experience and equipment made the players red-eyed.

Fang Yi knew that it was really difficult to maintain his sanity in such an environment. It's not that he hadn't done it before, and sometimes he would rush up again after hanging up once, just for the illusory equipment.But now Fang Yi is a complete old fritter, and he has already seen that the situation in front of him is a bit abnormal.

There are definitely some players in the crowd who took the opportunity to make a fuss, which is normal, but the number is too much, and the booing techniques are too professional?Fang Yi found at least four or five players standing outside who only yelled and didn't move. They echoed each other and agitated the scene like a raging fire.

Fang Yi sneered twice, and said to himself that you play slowly, I don't want to take all this experience into it.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Fang Yi felt a chill in the back of his head, his nerves tensed suddenly, his body subconsciously slumped forward, and he felt something rubbing against the back of his head.Before he turned around, Fang Yi had already swung the dagger, and swiped his left hand backwards based on his feeling—Nie Ma dared to plot against me! ? (To be continued..)

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