Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 513 The Difference Between War and Combat

As the only hotel in Broken Ridge where players can rest, the Blue Hat Hotel is always overcrowded. Players who come here for entertainment often have to spend some gold coins because they can't find a place in the lobby. A small private room - where, of course, you can't eavesdrop or find out anything.

The fire in the hall was burning vigorously, driving away the frighteningly cold air in the severe winter, and also kept the biting cold wind out of the door.

Fang Yi and the others were lucky. There were not too many people in the hotel in the morning, and they found a seat by the window. Eye of the Storm ordered a few bottles of expensive fruit wine, and filled Fang Yi's glass first.

"Cheers to the first great god we've met!" Eye of the Storm raised his glass and shouted loudly.



A bottle of blueberry wine worth more than 300 gold coins was swallowed by several guys who did not move and admired it. Fang Yi carefully felt the taste of berries and alcohol on his tongue, and smacked his lips in satisfaction.

There are a lot of opportunities to make money in the game, and gold consumption caves are everywhere.Whether it's the pink corridors in the Underdark, or the various restaurants in the surface world, it's not easy to control your belt buckles and wallets in these places~

Hearing the sound of the north wind whistling outside the door, feeling the warm and pleasant air in the tavern, after a few glasses of wine, everyone who was already in a good mood became familiar with each other.

Fang Yi can also see it, don't look at the thin skin and tender flesh of the eye of the storm, it looks like a little boy at first glance.In fact, he is a hot-tempered guy, otherwise he would not use the trick of ice cone + blazing ball to kill one thousand enemies and self-destroy eight hundred - you know, the cost of making these two scrolls for a mage is several thousand Gold coins, not to mention the huge amount of experience consumed~

As for the attractiveness of the id Cube to ordinary players, let alone, because compared to previous games, the star effect in "Miracle" is even worse!

As we all know, the game "Miracle" is very technical, and if it is more advanced, it is the consciousness and understanding of playing the game.There are more than [-] million players in the game, and you want to be the best among them and be known to everyone.Only those who have really experienced the game know how difficult it is.

So several players, including Eye of the Storm, were very enthusiastic about Fang Yi.Those who asked about game experience, those who asked about Fang Yi's legendary experience, and those who wanted to observe the orange dagger up close, it was very lively for a while.Fang Yi naturally did not refuse anyone who came.One by one to meet the requirements of the other party.

Anyway, others can't see the properties of the dagger.It doesn't matter if you look at the shape~

After drinking for three rounds, seeing that the timing was almost the same, Fang Yi also took the opportunity to ask his own question.

"...I saw that you were very concerned about that storm deer before. Is there anything special about it?" Fang Yi asked curiously after taking a sip of fruit wine.

Eye of the Storm laughed, with a smug expression on his face, raised his reddened white face, and said with a smile: "Master, you don't know this, but this involves a hidden mission~"

"Oh~" Fang Yi raised his eyebrows, and didn't say much—hidden missions are the most precious resource in the game, and it's hard for Fang Yi to take the initiative to ask for advice when it comes to such things.

"Now this news is monopolized by several high-end teams, and most players don't know about it. However, more and more players are coming to Breath of the Giants, and they will be discovered sooner or later. It doesn't matter if I tell you now," Eye of the Storm paused. just said.

Fang Yi quickly made an expression of listening attentively, and quietly listened to the other party's narration.

The war map between the Dragon Coast and the Tumis Empire is vast and divided into three regions - Giant's Breath, White Mountain and Fear Valley.The ultimate goal of the two players is to capture all the fortresses in these three areas, drive the hostile players out of the war map, and win the war.

The location of Giant's Breath is in the north of the war map, and it is in a three-legged situation with the two outer regions.On the map of Breath of the Giants, players on the Dragon Coast need to increase the local garrison as quickly as possible—that is, the reputation of the druids in the Gusmel Forest, so that they can enter the npc army as quickly as possible , there is a greater chance of getting the reward before other players.

But it is not so easy to join the army. These druids are very rigid, and they don't lie to the players.

The normal way to improve your reputation is to take your time - killing players from the Tumis Empire, killing the monsters designated by the druids, etc., or having some adventures.

And these rare monsters called Storm Deer are part of the adventure mission!

It has long been impossible to figure out which player discovered this first, but what is certain is that since the regional war system in the game was activated, this kind of monster randomly spawned in the forest has a chance to drop special items. You can directly meet with the druid leader, and forcibly raise the reputation to friendly!

"That's what it dropped,"

Eye of the Storm looked at Fang Yi, and took out a spherical object from his backpack—it was a light gray spherical object with large and small spots scattered on it, and it was about the size of a grape.

"What is this?" Seeing the thing in Eye of the Storm, Fang Yi's heart was moved, but he didn't show it on his face, he just asked calmly, "Pet egg?"

"I don't know, those old-fashioned forest druids have never disclosed this information~" Eye of the Storm curled his lips, looked at his teammates next to him, and then looked at Fang Yi and asked: "Fang Fang, how much do you see?" Shi Guang, have you seen this thing?"

Fang Yixin said that of course I have seen one, and there is one in my backpack that is exactly like yours, but it is big enough for you to be a grandfather...

Even so, Fang Yi shook his head.Although the things in the backpack look the same as this thing, they are much smaller in size. Thinking of the level gap between the giant storm deer and the little white deer, Fang Yixin said that it is better to keep a low profile~

Originally, everyone in the team was looking forward to it. After all, Fang Yi’s main business in the game is hunting treasures in the wild. He has accumulated a lot of fame from "God of War" to "Miracle". It's kind of sensible.

"Did the Storm Deer drop anything else?" Thinking of another scroll, Fang Yi continued to ask.

"Yes, I also lost a blue outfit and a green outfit, which are standard equipment for low-level rare monsters~" The thief walking next to him was the first excavator to pick up corpses, and he immediately responded after hearing Fang Yi's words road.

... From this point of view, the scroll should be a special drop from a high-level rare monster. Fang Yi pondered for a while, thinking that he should go to the forest druid to have a look.

"Actually, those forest druids value this thing very much."

Eye of the Storm poured down a glass of fruit wine, played with the stone ball in his hand, and said with a frown: "It's just that they have been refusing to tell the players what the thing is for, just take it back, and then the reputation will be raised to friendly... It always feels weird."

"Yeah," the thief player next to him also pouted and said with a puzzled look on his face, "It's not like we don't have expert appraisers, but whether it's those large teams or the few studios that came here before, no one There is a way to identify it."

While listening to the nagging of several people, Fang Yi picked up the wooden cup and took a sip of the sweet fruit wine, but his mind turned quickly.

Eye of the Storm and these people are not simple, can you still think of this?The meaning of the other party's words is obviously worried that there are some secrets hidden on the stone ball, and that they are afraid of being tricked by those druids - neutral or good camp ≠ saint, people will play tricks, if there is something here Secretly, the most reasonable choice for Druids is to hide the news from the players until someone triggers the relevant task.


The water here is not shallow~

"Oh, by the way, I heard that a centaur tribe has recently moved here in Giant's Breath. Do you know where it is?" Fang Yi asked the mage opposite, remembering the purpose of his trip.


After bidding farewell to Eye of the Storm and others, Fang Yi left the Blue Hat Hotel and went straight to the druid camp in the south of Broken Ridge.

The Forest Druids mentioned in Eye of the Storm, the full name is "Bearclaw Tribe, Green Guardians of the Forest of Gusmel," used to refer to other guardians of the forest such as elves, goblins, certain powerful beasts and good They are distinguished from centaurs and the like, but the name is long and convoluted. Everyone simply calls these druids forest druids.

On this vast map of war, both the Dragon Coast and the Tumis Empire player forces have an official reputation clearly specified by the system. Fang Yi's side is the forest druid, and Tumis' side is the Jagged Council ——An official power belonging to the empire.

But apart from these two, there are actually some hidden forces on the war map.Most of these forces are in the neutral camp. Players can work hard to win these powerful tribes to their own camp, thus greatly increasing the chances of winning the war.

The alpine centaur tribe who migrated from the forest belonged to one of them.

After searching for news on the forum, and asking about it from the Eye of the Storm, Fang Yi realized that it is very difficult to become friends with these neutral tribes. There is no precedent for successful player lobbying on the entire war map.

Why did the alpine centaur become a neutral tribe?Fang Yixin said that if I remember correctly, the alpine centaurs are one of the most evil tribes in this forest. They are incompatible with those forest guardian tribes. Logically speaking, they should not appear here, and they have become a neutral tribe?

After walking for a few minutes, the big tree house built with giant cedar trunks in the distance has appeared in Fang Yi's vision - that is the residence of the forest druids.

However, Fang Yi, who was full of doubts in his heart, subconsciously stopped, looked at the tree house in the distance, turned around and walked towards the town exit on the right. (to be continued..)

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