Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 514 Goodbye Cable

The alpine centaur camp is much smaller than Fang Yi imagined.

An open space surrounded by wooden fences is the most intuitive impression of the residence.Some houses built with a mixture of stone bricks and wood are scattered in the open space.However, if you look closely, you can see that the distribution of these buildings is quite regular. There are always some small buildings similar to bunkers in key parts. If there is a battle, this small camp can be used as a small defense. Array.

The buildings in the camp are covered with snow, and it can be seen that the people and horses have been camping here for a long time, but the snow on the ground has been cleaned up, and some winter-specific herbs are planted around the house. It's neat, a far cry from the camp of the guardian druids on the other side of town.

Fang Yi stood outside the fence wall of the camp, and watched for a long time while stepping on the creaking snow - these fences are only a head higher than Fang Yi, and it is said that they can't stop the fanatical players at all, but the players around the camp They all stood obediently at the door, or looked inside like Fang Yi, lying on the wall, and no one dared to climb over the wall.

Everyone is not stupid~ Fang Yi glanced at the two mighty and brave centaur guards at the gate of the camp, and thought so.

Fang Yi originally planned to report his name directly and go in to find his old friend Cable, but there were too many players around the camp, and all of them were blocked from the door without exception. Fang Yi thought about it, but temporarily gave up making a head start Bird's plan, let's go around to see the situation first.


Fang Yi learned from the centaur who stayed behind in the forest that Cable is now the chief of the centaur tribe.It's just that Fang Yi can't laugh or cry every time he thinks of those stubborn centaurs.

The alpine centaur is an evil tribe, which is extremely dangerous to any players who approach rashly, but the previous experience has completely subverted Fang Yi's inherent concept.

Cable obviously mentioned Fang Yi to his compatriots, so the people who stayed in the forest were very polite to Fang Yi. Now more than half of the supplies on Fang Yi's body were given away for free by the people who "wandered" in the forest. Fang Yi, who had been there for n days, rescued the emergency.

But no matter how soft Fang Yi is, these guys never mention the mutation of the alpine centaur tribe - as a race known for being evil and "nerd", the situation in front of them is too weird, which has always been self-proclaimed. Fang Yi, who is rich in strength, is a little confused.

so.Fang Yi gave up his plan to go to the Druid's resident first.Instead, they first came to the residence of the centaur.


If you want to make a difference on this war map, the Alpine Centaur, one of the two tribes of Breath of Giants, is destined to be the focus of most players.Fang Yi waited and watched for a while, seeing that the players around him didn't intend to disperse, he thought that he couldn't go on like this~

So wait a while.Fang Yi walked through the crowd.Came to the gate of the camp.

"Dear Centaur Warrior. Hello~"

Fang Yichao bowed slightly to one of the guards guarding the door, then looked at the extraordinarily tall centaur warrior and said, "Please tell Cable, Chief Gravel, Fang Cui, an old friend from Cedar City, hopes to join the centaur warrior. Syria."


The centaur warrior who was two feet taller than Fang Yi looked down at Fang Yi.Then snorted and said in a low voice, "Please wait a moment."

After talking about the people and horses, he turned around and returned to the camp. Fang Yi watched the other party walk into the largest stone house in the center of the camp. Fang Yi talked to the guards of the horses and horses, and the group was already "excited"!

"Hi! Friend! Can you tell me what you said just now? I've been here for three days, and I've got nothing but a bag on my head from these big guys!" This is a carefree barbarian warrior.

"Master, didn't you bribe the guard? I gave ten star diamonds to no avail last time. How much did you pay?" This was a cunning halfling thief.

"Friend, are you interested in forming a team?" This is a well-equipped paladin who looked at Fang Yi calmly and was the first to hand out an olive branch.


The players around were all staring at Fang Yi with "hungry" faces, and a few extroverted players even approached Fang Yi to start a conversation.It's no wonder people are so excited. It's too difficult to trigger the plot here in the centaur tribe. The forest druids can still accept a few primary tasks, but here they don't even allow the door to enter. People are depressed after being held in for so long It's choking.

Fang Yi just smiled and greeted a few enthusiastic players, and didn't say much - he was able to talk to the players all because of the previous mission, even if he told others, it was useless~

Just seeing the human assassins in front of them patronizing and giggling without saying anything, some people couldn't help it.

"I said friend, although this task is all about personal ability, it is different now after all,"

A thin player squeezed out from the crowd, and said with a smile, but the expression on his face was somewhat sinister, "Our Dragon Coast players should be united now, shouldn't we? If you have any quest clues, please share them with everyone. I hide them by myself." What's the point of that, isn't it?"

The players around nodded and said yes, and immediately some people in the crowd started booing, "Don't be too selfish~" "People need to know how to be flexible~" Qi Shuhua stared at Fang Yi who was surrounded in the middle, the meaning was obvious : You still don't say?

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile when he heard it, and turned his head to look at the thin player who made the sound—elf, assassin?old family~

But this person is not very authentic~ From what I can hear, it is only natural for me to tell the clues of the mission, or else I would be like me?

The surrounding crowd was extremely tight, and the big men in combat equipment stood in front of them, their eyes staring at Fang Yi who was surrounded by each other with their own thoughts - people who have had this experience I must know that although people have not done anything, being surrounded like this will actually cause a lot of psychological pressure, and then it is easy to develop timidity and conformity, and finally they will give in.

It's a pity that these people are facing Fang Yi, who is thicker than the city wall. These psychological tactics are the leftovers of old players. They are used to bluff newcomers.

very limited.

Fang Yi personally hates this phenomenon, just like some units, some people claim to be old players, and play with all kinds of newcomers who are new to the game, taking pleasure in teasing and playing with each other until the "novice" becomes Become an "veteran", and then go to tease the next wave of newcomers.

They're all a bunch of idle, boring people, and to put it bluntly, they're all a bit bullying.

Su Yi Fang Yi just stood in the middle calmly, with his arms folded and staring at the elf assassin in front of him, sizing him up and down like a poisonous snake.The elf assassin, who was originally thinking of wishful thinking, was covered with goosebumps when Fang Yi saw it, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and his words were also unfavorable.

Fortunately, after a while, the guards who walked into the camp came back and signaled Fang Yi to go in.Amidst the loud exclamation of the crowd, Fang Yi didn't even look at the uncomfortable Elf Assassin, turned around and walked into the camp carelessly.

"I'll go, he really went in!?"

"No... Where did this kid come from? Hurry up and go to the forum, this is big news!"

"I seem to have seen him come in with the eye of the storm..."

A group of players discussed enthusiastically, and soon some interested people quietly quit the circle and slipped to the Blue Hat Hotel.


"Damn, what a bull!"

After Fang Yi walked into the camp, the elf assassin who was so stared at him with chills on his back spat and cursed bitterly.

"Still waiting?" Several players came out from the crowd and said to the Elf Assassin.If you look carefully, these people are the happiest ones who were booing in the crowd just now.

The Elf Assassin didn't say a word, but squinted at Fang Yi's back who had disappeared into the camp, rolled his eyes twice, and an uncomfortable smile appeared on his face, "Let's go to the forest Drew Yi's residence!"


Cable's appearance is still the same as before, with long black hair in a shawl, and the pale golden fur on his body looks domineering.The black and gold mane extending from the back to the ponytail seems to have grown a little too, somehow reminding Fang Yi of Monsoon who was napping in the pet space.

There are several hideous scars on the back and legs of the centaur, and there is even a wound on the stomach that runs across the whole body. The last time I saw it in the forest, there were not so many scars. I want to part with Fang Yi , Cable had another dangerous experience.

It's just that compared with the last meeting, the temperament of the centaur warrior has changed significantly.The original indomitable spirit of a brave man became very weak in Cable - it didn't disappear, but became more restrained, replaced by a more stable feeling.

Has this fellow upgraded again?

Fang Yi looked at the centaur in front of him, and suddenly this idea came to his mind.As a boss, it is undoubtedly difficult for Cable to upgrade himself, but the change in temperament is so obvious, what is it if it is not an upgrade?

"Haha, my friend, I knew we'd meet again!"

Naturally, Cable didn't know what Fang Yi was thinking. He made crisp footsteps with his limbs and hooves, laughed loudly, and stepped forward to give Fang Yi a big hug.


What is the strength of the horse?Fang Yi was almost torn apart by the opponent's hug, and he couldn't wait for Cable to let go of his arms, so Fang Yi had the strength to rub his sore shoulders, "I said boss, you are good at strength, want to murder?"

Fang Yi knew very well in his heart that after going through the last mission, his friendship with Cable was absolutely ridiculously high, so he had no scruples about speaking.

"Hahaha~" Cable looked at the complaining human assassin, looked up and down a few times, and laughed heartily instead, "The last time the wood elves parted ways, everyone went through a lot, didn't they?" (unfinished to be continued..)

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