Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 625 Big Sister Chen Jing

Because the sea water is very clear and there is no sundries, so even though the light is extremely lacking under the heavy fog, Fang Yi can still clearly see the scenery on the bottom of the sea within a hundred feet.

The shape of these islands in the sea is actually similar to icebergs, with a small part exposed on the sea surface, and a conical mountain below the water surface, but the rocks under the islands will always be connected to the bottom of the sea.Judging from the distance between several islands, the bottoms of these islands are undoubtedly connected together.

Fang Yi held his breath and dived underwater, holding the scimitar in his right hand, pawing and pulling at the bottom of the water from time to time, the stirred up sand and mud flew in all directions, and was quickly carried away by the water without a trace.

Um?There is an undercurrent!

Fang Yi's expression brightened, and he immediately stirred up another piece of seabed dust in a dignified manner. After the flying dust and mud dispersed, he was taken away by an undercurrent just like before.

Fang Yi subconsciously felt that the undercurrent was weird, so he tentatively went a little farther away, and soon felt a strong force around him, engulfing himself and rushing between the two islands!

This force came very suddenly, and the nearby sea water was so clear that it was difficult to see with the naked eye. Fang Yi lost his balance immediately by this undercurrent. He had already turned a few somersaults in the water and rushed out. far away.

Fang Yi's swimming skills are limited to treading water and dog-planing. Where has he ever encountered such a situation? He lost his balance completely after being poured a few mouthfuls of salt water. The trench, unexpectedly being sucked into the undercurrent within a few seconds, has been washed into the underwater canyon between the islands!

At this moment, Fang Yi heard the sound of water "哗啦!" from above his head.Clinging to his thigh, Fang Yi has been pulled out of the sea by a powerful force!

"Hoo hoo ~ ah bah!"

Fang Yi, who drank a lot of salt water in the sea, couldn't help but gasped a few times, and then spit out a few mouthfuls of saliva, his naked body was blown by the sea wind like a popsicle.

"I said you can't be a little less energetic, I almost broke my waist by you!" Fang Yi took off the mask and twisted it, and said angrily to the silver dragon above his head.

At this time, Zhizunbao's right hind paw is "holding" one of Fang Yi's thighs questioningly, and he is climbing up gracefully.

"Master, with all due respect, your water quality is really bad, so you dare not venture into the middle of the sea rashly." Yinlong looked down and saw that his whole body was wet.Fang Yi's expression was extremely excited, but his tone was still so flat: "Your apprentice, I am not good at water, and if I am really swept into the deep sea by the undercurrent, there is nothing I can do."

Fang Yi wanted to say that his nickname was Fang Bold, but after thinking about it, he had to give up.This means that he must be reprimanded by his pet again.

"Take me to land. Let's come back and take a look after the water on my body is dry." Fang Yi gave orders to Supreme Treasure while looking down at the calm sea not far below him, with a smile on his face.


Fang Yi guessed right.There are indeed undercurrents surging between the several islands. The sea area around here looks calm and calm. It turns out that the intense undercurrents are all hidden under the sea surface!

But the sea outside the island was "really calm", and Fang Yi didn't find an abnormal undercurrent.

This is simple. Although the area occupied by the seven islands is large, at least there is a search area. Fang Yi followed the direction of these undercurrents to trace the source, and soon came to the easternmost part of the pirate group.


Chen Jing has been very busy recently.

Most of the guild members are going to be transferred to Cantor City, leaving only a small number of guild members' temporary residence naturally seems a bit empty, Chen Jing must start preparing for the sale of the right to use the guild residence; Do prestige missions in Kantor's civilian army; and the battle of Breath of the Giants is coming to an end, and more than three elite teams will be left to participate in the next battle in the Valley of Fear...

If it wasn't for the assistance of the mulberry pickers, Chen Jing would have collapsed from exhaustion.


"Although the civilians in Kantor City haven't rushed back yet, guards have been refreshed in the city." The mulberry picker tilted his head slightly, and his voice was always so quiet, "Our advance team has arrived there and started recruiting NPCs and players are building an auction house, but there is still a huge gap in funding..."

"Don't worry, Fang Yi has invested 200 million in advance, which should be enough,"

Chen Jing rubbed her temples, said with a long sigh of relief: "The auction house should be built first, and the rest will be left behind."

"Hmm!" The mulberry picker took a quill and wrote down a few more words on the scroll, then frowned slightly, thinking about what else he missed.

"Picking mulberry, if we can seize the opportunity this time, the development prospects of Taohuawu public households will definitely be limitless, and the profits it will bring to the big boss will be hard to estimate~" Chen Jing sat back on the chair next to the fireplace , looked at Caisang mm with a smile and said.

The big boss naturally refers to Mo Caisang and Duan Xiaoyao's father, Duan Nanjiang.

Mo Caisang and Duan Xiaoyao are not biological sisters. Duan Nanjiang first adopted Mo Caisang and then Duan Xiaoyao.However, Duan Nanjiang always regards picking mulberry as his own, and the relationship between the two sisters has always been very good.

If you don't mention your surname, no one will be able to tell that Mo Caisang has no blood relationship with Duan Nanjiang and Duan Xiaoyao.

"That's right, it's really right to ask Sister Chen to take care of this investment," Miss Caisang said with a smile, and simply pulled a chair and sat opposite Chen Jing, taking a rest for a while.

The firewood in the fireplace was burning vigorously, making the room warm like spring, in stark contrast to the ice and snow outside.

Chen Jing shook her head with a smile, lowered her head and added a piece of firewood to the fireplace, and said with a smile, "I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about Fang Yi. This opportunity was actually won by Fang Yi himself. He You can find another powerful guild to cooperate with, but you chose us, why do you say?"

Everyone is a sensible person, so naturally they don't think that Fang Yi gave up a lot of opportunities to Taohuawu as a matter of course. Ms. Caisang and Heishan Xiaoyao are both grateful.Although Fang Yi's private investment here has corresponding benefits, but like Chen Jing's, if Fang Yi chooses a big guild like Cyan Paradise, then the benefits will undoubtedly come faster and more abundantly.

Duan Nanjiang's company can only be regarded as a medium-sized company. In reality, there are other businesses. It is very courageous to invest millions of working capital in games.

Jian Er Thirteen has already complained to Chen Jing countless times, saying that Fang Yi is an unprincipled person who values ​​sex over friends and expresses strong contempt...

"That's because of you, Sister Chen. If it weren't for Sister Chen's friendship, the Taohuawu Guild would definitely not have the scale it is now," the mulberry picker said sincerely.

"Hehe, silly girl, you think Fang Yi is stupid," Chen Jing said slowly, seeing that Cai Sang was a little dazed, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile.

"Fang Yi is so shrewd that he rarely suffers a loss. But he is also very smart. When he makes money, he will try his best to help the people around him to make a fortune, because this way the business can last for a long time. Everyone says that he is There are too many enemies in "God of War", it's a nature of vengeance, but those people don't think about it, just relying on Fang Yi alone, can he achieve what he is now?"

The mulberry picker listened carefully to Chen Jing's seemingly irrelevant words, and his expression gradually became clearer.

"He is really good to his friends, but just relying on his relationship with me, he will never invest so much money to cooperate with Taohuawu. He once asked me about your father's company, I can assure you , Fang Yi must have checked the company's past business records and integrity in private. To put it bluntly, if Boss Duan's professional ethics in business is not acceptable, whether Fang Yi will choose us will have to be discussed~"

Chen Jing looked at the mulberry picker with burning eyes, and said with deep meaning: "But this is only one of the reasons, little girl, and the other reason is that Fang Yi feels that he is destined to fall in love with you and the Black Mountain demon~"

"Ah?" Ms. Caisang was stunned, she didn't know what she thought of, she quickly lowered her head, a blush rose from the base of her neck to her chin, then to her ears, cheeks, and tip of her eyes, instantly her whole body turned into a red apple .

Seeing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but give a "puchi" smile, and reached out to pat Caisang on the head,

"Don't think too much, I don't mean to be a matchmaker. I just want to tell you that Fang Yi and I have come all the way from the time when the virtual game was just booming. At the beginning, the rules in the game were not perfect. Open your mouth Silent and swearing, people who take pleasure in PK killing people, and people who take pride in shamelessness and lowliness are everywhere, and as for the hooligans who molested girls, they are repeatedly banned."

"The game is actually a magnifying glass. Even the smallest flaws will be infinitely magnified in the game. We are used to those dregs who hide their heads and show their tails and love vanity, so we cherish people who share the same interests. So believe me , now Fang Yi must have regarded you - you and me, and Xiaoyao, as his own. And you are indeed very good, but you can't feel it."

After saying this, Chen Jing believed that Ms. Caisang had already understood what she meant, so she stretched out her hand and held Ms. Caisang's soft and slender palm, "Although you don't usually say it, I know that you and Xiaoyao have some burdens. After all, these investments are not small sums. Believe me, Fang Yi’s temperament is to either do it or not, and since he has made a choice, he will not hesitate to scribble endlessly, we just need to do our own things well.”


Mo Caisang nodded lightly, the doubts in his eyes disappeared, and he had regained his clarity, "I understand what Sister Chen means."

"Then let's take care of the affairs here," Chen Jing smiled, stood up and stretched, "The opportunity to show off is coming~"

The two had a thorough talk, and both of them solved some doubts, especially sister Caisang, who felt a lot more relaxed.But after a while, the mulberry pickers noticed that Chen Jing's expression was a little strange—shocked with surprise, it seemed a little unbelievable.

Because Chen Jing just received membership applications from Rashomon and a person whose id is "Yuan Shao". (to be continued..)

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