
Fang Yi exhausted his last bit of strength to climb up to the shore, unable to support his body any longer, and lay down in the puddle with a "bang", he didn't even care about being splashed all over by the muddy sea water, just panting heavily gruff.

Pieces of white mist spit out from Fang Yi's mouth with his breath, and there was a whirring sound like a broken bellows in his throat.Now Fang Yi only feels that the stars are popping up in front of his eyes, and the system's sharp alarm sound of "severely insufficient physical strength" is also ringing in his ears, but now Fang Yi just wants to lie on the ground like this forever and never get up again.

I didn't feel so tired when I ran [-] meters for the first time...

Right now, Yi's physical strength has reached its limit, and if it is any lower, it will be considered as overdrawn by the system. With Fang Yi's physical strength of only 15 points, if he persists for more than ten seconds, he will be kicked offline by the system.

So what Fang Yi can do now is to lie motionless on the ground, save every trace of physical strength, and restore himself to normal state as soon as possible-Fang Yi has already poured a bottle of physical strength potion, but because the physical strength value has been hovering near the overdraft line, the recovery effect very limited.

And on the beach a few feet away behind Fang Yi, there is a huge creature lying in the sea water only one foot deep - light green scales cover the whole body, the slender and powerful body is streamlined with strong muscles, coupled with a pair of The long snake-shaped tail can give people a strong sense of visual impact.

That's right, this is an elite Naga.

It's just that this Naga's abdomen is bleeding at this time, dyeing the surrounding turbid seawater dark red, and its gray eyes are staring at the human assassin lying not far away.The mouth kept making a "gurgling" sound.

This kind of injury is not enough to pose a fatal threat to this 30-level elite Naga, but even when its strength is at its peak, it can only lie limp on the ground after being stepped on by a nearly 4000-pound silver dragon. a result.

"Master, I suggest you increase your physical attributes,"

Silver Dragon held his beautiful silver head high, looked at his master and blinked, and said unhurriedly: "According to my observation, your physical attributes have fallen behind most adventurers of the same level. gone."

"What's the use in fighting just relying on physical strength, what is needed is tactics and wisdom. Do you understand wisdom?" Fang Yiqiang got up from the ground.He glared at the pet, which was neither big nor small, and then turned his gaze to Naga in the water.

"If my understanding is correct, master, your intelligence attributes are the same as mine, and in the near future, my intelligence will definitely surpass yours." Supreme Treasure's thick front legs slightly exerted force.Naga stepped on it and let out a **** moan.

"……To shut up."

Fang Yi directly issued a "seal order" to Supreme Treasure who was his counterpart, turned his sore arm, and walked up to this Naga.Looking at this fierce monster on the ground, Fang Yi couldn't help but be lucky.


Fang Yi spent some time tracking the turbulence between the islands before, and finally came to the sea to the east of the island group, where the turbulence that crosses the gaps between the seven islands comes from.It's just strange that the Morning Star passed by here before, and I don't know why it didn't come across it.

But now that he found it here, Fang Yi naturally couldn't let it go, so Fang Yi decisively took out the hook claws from his bag, tied one end to Supreme Treasure's claws, and the other end to his waist, and began to dive into the sea for the second time.

But this time what is waiting in the sea is not just turbulent currents—there are Naga ambushing under the sea here!

Since Fang Yi's sight is not affected by the light, he found the ambush when he was tens of feet away from the opponent.Fang Yi himself had no confidence in fighting in the water. His first reaction was to lure the opponent into the shallow water area. However, his swimming level was as high as several floors.

After discovering that this guy was still an elite, Fang Yi decisively used his big move—calling Supreme Treasure to pull him up.

Right here in the sea water, Fang Yi fought while retreating, spending a full 5 minutes with this elite.Fighting in the water consumes more than twice as much energy as fighting on land, and Fang Yi was already exhausted when he landed.


There is a clear difference between the Naga in front of me and the Naga near the Falling Star Sea—the scales on her body are lighter in color, her body is stronger, and the weapons she uses surprised Fang Yi very much.

Due to the corrosive effect of seawater, only a small number of underwater intelligent creatures can be equipped with metal weapons.The exquisiteness of the spear in the hands of this Naga elite far exceeded Fang Yi's expectations.How can I say that Fang Yi is also a high-level blacksmith, and the spear tip in front of him is engraved with complicated magic runes, it must be a magic weapon.

Are there any masters of forging weapons in the underwater world?There must be, but a weapon of this level should not fall into the hands of a level 30 monster.

"I know you can understand me,"

Fang Yi tilted his head and looked at the muscular Naga, thinking that swimming is a good way to train his body, but he said with a smile on his mouth: "Tell me, what's the situation underwater, how many teams do you have, what's the undercurrent here?" What's going on?"

The tall Naga's head was a bit bigger than Fang Yi's. In that chapter, his mouth opened like a giant python. He just looked at Fang Yi coldly without uttering a word.

"What camp is it from?" Fang Yi still lowered his head when he spoke, but Supreme Treasure knew he was asking himself.

"Evil reptiles," Yinlong raised his proud head and said coldly.

"very good,"

Fang Yi rubbed his sore shoulders and felt that his strength had recovered, so he rushed to Supreme Treasure and said, "Slap it unconscious, and then drag it to the beach next to it."


The fog on the sea came and cleared quickly, and the lazy sun finally showed its face, casting a few beams of lazy sunshine.The river between the islands is clear and transparent, and it is even more fascinating when it is illuminated by the sea water.

On the empty beach, there was a huge rock, and the strong Naga was firmly tied to the rock by a rope, facing the sun.On the left of Naga is a big dog with a light blue mane all over his body, and on the right is a majestic silver dragon.

Fang Yi was sitting between the two pets, looking at the "loyal" Naga with great interest.

Naga is an amphibious creature that can breathe both above and below water. Apart from the tight scale armor on the body surface, the abdomen has thick skin similar to that of lizards and crocodiles to adapt to combat on land.

But they still need water after all, and Naga is less adaptable than murlocs in this respect.

Although the winter sun is not strong, it is still warm on the unsheltered beach. With the sea breeze blowing non-stop, the water stains on Naga's body quickly evaporated, leaving a whole body covered in bruises. The salt grains stick to the body, which looks quite funny.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry, anyway, there were no other clues, so he stayed where he was for a while, Fang Yi left Ji Feng here to watch Naga who was tied up by five flowers, and himself and Supreme Treasure returned to the sea area where Naga was discovered before. dived into the sea for the first time.

This time Fang Yi kept an eye out, as soon as he saw movement on the bottom of the sea, he immediately greeted Supreme Treasure. After several visits, one person and one pet have experience, and they have cultivated a considerable tacit understanding, and soon seduced three Naga. ——All the elites, all the excellent equipment, Fang Yi saw in his eyes, his brows were already slightly frowned.

Supreme Treasure grabbed a few more big rocks from the island, so Naga No. [-] had three more companions.

Fang Yi was idle on the sidelines, just when Chen Jing and Luo Lie sent a message, Fang Yi simply chatted with a few friends for a while, and heard that the two had "connected" and that the guild was in Cantor City. The arrangement was also very smooth, and Fang Yi was also in a good mood.

Because I am a person after all, if I manage those shops by myself, it will take several weeks just to build the shops and the auction house. Fang Yi can't afford to delay that time, so it is appropriate to entrust the people in the guild to handle it. The so-called specialization in the art industry, Fang Yi doesn't think he can do better than the other party.

after an hour.

Naga No. [-] was no longer as brave as before. Although the wounds on her chest and abdomen had healed, she was severely depressed due to excessive blood loss.Fang Yi also specially built a few bonfires in front of several Nagas, and the monsters roasted were so ecstatic.

Fang Yi leaned in front of Naga No. [-], muttered a few words in a low voice, then put his ear close to his face, nodding "hmm" from time to time.Naga No. [-] has been roasted for a long time, and her mind is blurred, foaming at the mouth, humming and chirping, and she doesn't know what to say.

Several of the same clansmen next to them were desperately poking their necks to listen, seeing Fang Yi's expression, several Nagas were furious, and cursed indiscriminately, presumably they were despising the soft bones of their ide compatriots.

Fang Yi here whispered to Naga No. [-], nodded in satisfaction, then stood up, raised his foot and kicked over the bonfire in front of him, and the burning firewood fell into the sea, making a "chi chi" sound. Several Naga looked at the white smoke, subconsciously stretched out their tongues and licked their own lizard mouths.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Fang Yi came to Naga No. [-] and said with a smile.

"Woo..." Feeling the burning of the bonfire beside him, this man obviously hesitated, but before he could make a second sound, Fang Yi's scimitar had already been handed over, and with a "puchi", Naga A deep gash was cut in his neck, and blood spurted out far away, even splashing on Fang Yi's body.

Fang Yi ignored the blood splattered on his body, walked over with a stride, but before he could speak, the remaining two Naga were already howling at the top of their throats

"I say I say! I confess!"

Naga's lingua franca spoke strangely, but Fang Yi laughed happily when he heard the other party speak.

At this time, Naga No. [-] had died for a long time. (To be continued..)

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