Fallen Genius

Chapter 12 Big Beauty Purchase

In the house, four maids were sitting around a large red-lacquered round table, eating melon seeds and discussing a stack of checklists.

"What's wrong with the young master today? He's been weird since he came back from Hucheng Lux Academy. He threw us this big stack of checklists and locked himself in the study." Chunlan lay on the table, looking at the thick Stacking the shopping list, feeling depressed.It was full of ordered components that she couldn't understand, such as thin copper wires, steel seats, magnets, large iron cages, connecting rods, etc., each with pictures and explanations.

"It's okay that you are three, the young master asked you to buy those accessories, but I want to buy the spirit beast power pill, you know, that kind of goods are in short supply, and you may not be able to buy them if you have money, and the young master also restricts I have to buy it back before the sun goes down." Dongmei said, almost every word she said had a melon seed peeling out from between her lips.The skill has already been perfected.

"Then you still grab melon seeds from us?" Xia Zhu squinted at Dongmei.Just when she moved her eyes, a piece of melon seed skin passed through the void with a strong smell of powder, and landed precisely on her exposed cleavage. It was very correct, like a person who wanted to die, suddenly He bravely jumped down from a very high mountain peak, but plunged headlong into the snow-white mud.

"This is the last one. I'm going out to buy the Spirit Beast Power Pill. Otherwise, the young master will definitely punish me for being late." Dongmei got up and left without giving Xia Zhu a chance to spit it back.

"Sisters," Qiu Ju stood up, "The young master's will must not be violated, and the young master's orders must be fulfilled. Now, act."

The remaining three maids scattered, leaving only a field of melon seeds.

What Fu Shubao wants the four young maids to buy is closely related to what he is about to do, that is, he wants to rebuild the gun modifier.After coming to this world, he was unable to remanufacture his physical reformer due to limited conditions, and the realistic conditions also made him unable to bring up this idea, but after seeing the exhibition of the power refiner, he was suddenly inspired. Smelling a chance of success, that is to use the world's power refiner manufacturing to remake his body reformer!

Of course, complex electronic components and computer programs are absolutely impossible to have anymore.

The new physical reformer is based on the ethical basis and manufacturing process of the power refining device, so it is no longer the physical reformer in the original world, and its function will no longer be simply Transforming the body, but assisting his strength training while strengthening and transforming the body!

In the study room, Fu Shubao was looking intently at the gift that his wealthy father sent him all the way.

It is exactly the same as the fake seen in the Great Hall of Strength of Hucheng Lushi Academy, the texture, size and even some subtle places are completely consistent, except that the former is made of metal and it is made of stone.Ali, the customer, said that the real Xiuzhili refining tool is made of Wannian Xuanhan Stone, which is no different from ordinary stones at ordinary times, but once it is put into the Spirit Beast Lidan, it will become extremely cold.This is also the reason why he was anxious to let Dongmei go to buy the spirit beast power pill. He wanted to confirm two points, one is whether the ten thousand year cold stone will become cold, and the other is that the spirit beast power pill can be converted when the cultivation power is refined. Quickly increase strength and cultivation base.

After tossing and turning, Fu Shubao has read it eight times.

"It's strange, there is no mechanism, and the stone itself is a complete individual, so where to put the spirit beast power pill? Could it be... my god! The Awu Mountain warrior 500 years ago is so fucking perverted!" Fu Shubao's gaze suddenly Fixed on the oval part, then gritted his teeth and stuffed it into his mouth...

With a soft snap, the oval part suddenly opened.Fu Shubao hurriedly took it out, only to find that there was a round hole in the oval part after a look.Its volume can hold a pigeon egg slightly bigger than a thumb, but it is more than enough to hold a spirit beast Lidan.

This discovery made Fu Shubao ecstatic.

In fact, without the final confirmation, he already had a very strong premonition in his heart—this is the real cultivation weapon in the legend!

The next thing to do is to wait for the spirit beast power pill, but Fu Shubao is not willing to waste this time, he opened a book about the manufacture of power refining equipment that he specially borrowed from Hucheng Lux Academy at any time to read. up.This time, after coming out of the Hall of Power where the power refiners were exhibited, he borrowed a lot of books from the library of Hucheng Lux Academy, most of which were related to power refiners and spirit beasts.

Spirit beasts, as the name suggests, the spirit beasts in this world are beasts with extraordinary spirituality.This world is full of spiritual energy, and in some special environments, the concentration of spiritual energy is particularly thick, and the beasts that grow in these environments will passively and actively absorb this spiritual energy, and with some special conditions, these spiritual energy will be absorbed again. Gradually gather into a crystal the size of a pigeon egg, that is the spirit beast Li Dan.It can not only make the mutated beast have extraordinary spirituality, but also make it have power beyond imagination!

Spiritual beasts are ranked in terms of strength rather than type, and their strength is directly related to the spirit beast power pills in their brains. Therefore, from this point of view, the strength of spirit beast power pills has nothing to do with The level determines the strength and level of the spirit beast.The spirit beast power pills in this world are divided into four levels, which are general spirit level, righteous spirit level, holy spirit level and the highest god spirit level. Therefore, the spirit beasts in this world are also divided into four levels, namely ordinary Spirit-level spirit beasts, righteous spirit-level spirit beasts, holy spirit-level spirit beasts, and divine beasts. , and the power refiners closely related to the spirit beast Mili Dan are also divided into general spirit level power refiners, righteous spirit level power refiners, holy spirit level power refiners, and god level power refiners.

Legend has it that a long time ago, in ancient times, there was a tiger of the holy spirit level in the area of ​​Hucheng. It had wisdom beyond human beings and unimaginable power. Unimaginable wisdom, over time, the place where this spirit beast tiger haunts is called Tiger City, and it has been used to this day.

Unofficial stories are certainly not to be trusted, but it is a fact that the spirit beasts in this world do possess extraordinary spirituality and power. The legendary beasts even possess god-like power, not to mention the power to destroy a mountain, even a city. Can be destroyed between breaths.

Ten lines at a glance, the books are reduced one by one under Fu Shubao's shorthand reading.With the gradual enrichment of relevant knowledge, his idea of ​​remanufacturing the ** reformer has also been gradually improved.

"Wrong, in this world, what I am going to make is no longer a body reformer, but a comprehensive strength training device." The thing has not been built yet, but Fu Shubao already has a preliminary understanding in his heart.

The core component of the new equipment must be the Cultivation Power Refiner, and other auxiliary functions, such as strengthening the body, improving strength and cultivating the mind, will be realized simultaneously. A device that combines physical fitness and strength training and amplifies its functions!And this is the core concept of the comprehensive training device.

Although the young master is still a young master, from head to toe.

But a genius is still a genius, and depravity is just an appearance.

It was getting dusk.

After sorting out his thoughts, Fu Shubao stretched his waist, looked at the sky, and said to himself, "Why haven't you bought the Spirit Beast Power Pill yet? Could it be that, as I feared, the Spirit Beast Power Pill is very Is it difficult to buy?"

"Master, I'm back." A crisp voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Just thinking about this question, the person came back. It seems that I was just a little impatient." Fu Shubao smiled in his heart and said, "Is it Dongmei? Come in."

The door of the study was pushed open with a bang, and Dongmei, who was wearing a white maid skirt and a pair of pink ankle boots, walked in, pretty and delicate, holding a white wooden box in her hand, Look very careful.

"Uh, have you bought what I want?" Fu Shubao's eyes fell on the box in Dongmei's hand.The box is exquisitely carved, and the paint color is uniform. It looks like something of great value.

Dongmei stepped forward, put the wooden box on the desk, and said in a crisp voice, "It's a coincidence, I've been all over the streets and alleys of Hucheng, and I've gone to all the merchants that sell spirit beast power pills." It’s out of stock, but it’s out of stock. You need to pay a deposit, and then the delivery will take a month. After running for a long time, I thought I couldn’t buy it back, but a middle-aged man said that he happened to have one to sell, so I bought it at a price. come down."

"Middle-aged uncle?" Fu Shubao asked with some doubts, "What does he look like?"

Dongmei thought about it for a while, "He is about forty years old, he looks good, and he is tall. Oh, by the way, he also holds a fan, and he has the elegant demeanor of an artist."

"Has he ever opened that fan?" Fu Shubao's heartstrings couldn't help but tense.

"He opened it, he kept fanning it when he was negotiating business with me."

Fu Shubao said anxiously: "Then... is there a picture of an erotic woman on the fan?"

"Oh, the young master used all these to tease Dongmei..." Dongmei's pretty face turned red, and said shyly: "If the young master wants to see, Dongmei has a good erotic palace, why bother to imagine a middle-aged uncle painting that on his fan What kind of picture?"

"What exactly is the painting?" Fu Shubao didn't think about it, it was the young maid in front of him who thought about it.

"It's mountains and rivers, not a beautiful woman's erotic palace." Dongmei said the truth in a hurry.

"Fortunately it's not him..." Fu Shubao's tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

"What isn't he? Does the young master know that uncle who sells spirit beast power pills?"

"I don't know, it's none of your business here, you go down and rest."

"Yes, master, but... the servant guesses that the young master has been sitting for a long time, how about asking the servant to rub your shoulders?" Dongmei didn't leave, but ink began to smear.

"I almost forgot that you will be rewarded for completing the task..." Fu Shubao suddenly understood, and immediately said: "Dongmei, you did a good job, put your butt up."

"Young master, what do you want?" Pink's face turned even redder, but Dongmei obediently raised her plump buttocks high, while looking at Fu Shubao "poorly".

There was a crisp sound.

The buttocks are rippling.

"Alright, let's go to Butler Jia to receive ten silver coins as a reward. The young master has business to do now. Tell Chunlan and the others that no one is allowed to approach this study room except for the young master who personally summons him."

"Yes, young master." With her head lowered and her buttocks in her hands, Dongmei walked out of the study backwards.Although the young master's reward was not the "kind" she had expected, it was more or less an expression close to that aspect, not to mention the reward of ten silver coins, this little girl was already full of joy in her heart.

"Hee hee, when I went back, I said that the young master not only slapped my butt, I also said that the young master and I... were romantic and fast... I envied Chunlan and the other three little sluts..." This is Dongmei, the little slut, who quit The true inner portrayal of the study.This is the crow laughing at pig black, 51 steps laughing at 52 steps.

After closing the door, Fu Shubao couldn't wait to open the delicate wooden box. Inside the box was made of red camel's hair, and in the middle was a spirit beast Li Dan that was the size of a pigeon egg and exuded a white luster.


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