Fallen Genius

Chapter 13 Comprehensive Cultivation Power Refiner

Judging from the knowledge of the spirit beast power pill that Dongmei bought back, it was a wolf spirit beast power pill, and its level was only at the general level.Still, that's more than enough to accomplish its mission.

Take the Xiuzhili Refiner out of the drawer again, and put the Spirit Beast Lidan into the opened hole.Originally, the volume of the hole was slightly larger, and it seemed a little loose when the Spirit Beast Lidan was put in, but just as Fu Shubao was about to use some method to fix it in the hole, the hole suddenly shrank a little, and it was firmly inserted into the hole. The Spirit Beast Li Pill got stuck in the middle, and then a more weird phenomenon happened, the whole Cultivation Power Refiner suddenly became icy cold!

It was getting colder and colder, and in a blink of an eye, the whole Xiuli Refining Tool was like an ice ridge that would not melt for thousands of years, and it was so cold that the palm of the hand ached from the cold.What's even more weird is that the material that was originally black stone became crystal clear in the process of cooling down, looking like a kind of precious white jade.

"Could this be the Wannian Xuanhan Stone that the prostitute Ali mentioned?" My heart was full of surprises, but Fu Shubao quickly calmed down again, sat cross-legged on the ground, and after taking the posture of practicing the general mind method, he practiced the power of cultivation stuffed into the mouth.

Anything else, whatever, can be ignored...

However, this way of using the cultivation power refiner is really fucking nasty!

The moment the Xiuzhili refiner entered his mouth, Fu Shubao felt that his tongue seemed to have turned into a popsicle, and the loss of flexibility, not to mention the key, was extremely uncomfortable.But in the end he persevered and worked hard to carry out a weekly general mental exercise.Just when the first trace of innate spiritual energy appeared in his lungs, a warm stream of heat suddenly came from the Cultivation Force Refiner, and passed to his lungs along several meridian roots in his mouth. It merged with that faint trace of innate spiritual power.

The power pill of the spirit beast is originally a collection of innate aura, which is equivalent to a concentrated crystal of innate aura. It naturally has the same nature as the innate aura obtained by running the general mind method, so this fusion not only does not feel uncomfortable , on the contrary, the strength of that trace of innate aura has been strengthened by dozens.Surprised in his heart, Fu Shubao hastily used his training consciousness to guide the innate aura that was strengthened into the position of the sub-universe along the lung-yin-heart meridian.

It was a warm feeling again, and the strengthened innate aura entered the sub-universe immediately refreshed his whole body and mind, and the cold feeling from his mouth was also much weaker. In short, the comfortable feeling is already very comfortable in words indescribable.

At the end of Zhou Tian's true strength training, Fu Shubao took out the Xiuzhili refiner. After careful observation, he found that the color of the spirit beast power pill had weakened slightly. Although the change in the strength of that color was very small, it was still I can feel it.This discovery made him understand one thing, that is, in the behavior of using the cultivation power refiner for strength training, the spirit beast power pill is actually a consumable, and this kind of training is also a kind of... The behavior of burning money!

However, is money still a problem for the young master?

Without thinking about it, Fu Shubao stuffed the Cultivation Power Refiner into his mouth for the second week of true power training.

For the next ten days, while waiting for the purchased equipment to be delivered back, Fu Shubao practiced with the Xiuzhili Refiner, and did not forget to do physical training when he got up in the morning and evening and before going to bed. His life was very fulfilling.It wasn't until ten days passed, No.11 Tiandi afternoon, that the purchased equipment was delivered to Mr. Duoqian's mansion one after another. After another three days, the equipment that he planned to purchase at the beginning was finally ready, and he also started the assembly work.

The assembly work was not as smooth as expected. The craftsman who received the order may have never seen what Fu Shubao described, so the parts made are more or less different, and it is inevitable to encounter problems of one kind or another when assembling. .However, Fu Shubao re-polished and assembled all the accessories with his own hands.This way, it took another five days.Calculated from placing the order to returning the accessories to assembling, the new comprehensive refiner took about 20 days in total.

In the past 20 days, Fu Shubao never stepped out of the study room. Four maids brought food and drink, and even slept on a floor in the study room.He put all his heart and soul into his creation, but the four maids were completely confused, directly suspecting that their young master was possessed by a demon, and did things that they couldn't figure out.However, if the young master doesn't say anything, they can only guess secretly and discuss in private. In front of the young master, they are still better than the other, and they dare not ask in person.

Early in the morning, four maids appeared at the door of the study with washbasins, towels, tea sets, and a fairy mallet in their hands. There is also a string of inexplicable lyrics.

Chunlan's expression darkened suddenly, "The young master is finally crazy."

Dongmei almost burst into tears, "In the past, the young master was really fierce... However, during this time, the young master has not been fierce at all, he is very friendly, sometimes he would say something to make us happy, I think the young master seems to have changed I became a good person...but why did he go crazy?"

"If the young master is not crazy, can he do those inexplicable things?" Qiu Ju asked.

Xia Zhu sighed, "Oh, it's hard for the young master to be sensible and curb the bad habits of the past, and the good days for our four sisters are finally here. Unfortunately, I didn't expect the young master to be so crazy... What shall we do in the future? ?”

The expressions of the four young maids were all overshadowed. When they were all sighing, the door of the study room suddenly opened, and Fu Shubao, whose face was full of red, suddenly appeared in front of them. What are you doing? Lost in a bet or something? Why are you all so stern?"

"Just now, we heard the young master laughing incessantly in the study, we thought..." Chunlan was a little timid, hesitant to speak.

"What do you think of me?" Fu Shubao asked.

"I thought the young master had dreamed of a beautiful woman." Xia Zhu was clever and hurried to stop.

"I thought the young master picked up... the baby." Does Qiu Ju have any reason not to go against the wind?

"I thought the young master must be... yes..." Dongmei was obviously the most stupid one, she hesitated for a long time without saying why.

"You bastards, do you think I didn't hear what you were talking about?" Fu Shubao put a serious face on purpose.

The four maids, who knew it well, panicked immediately, and all of them knelt down in front of Fu Shubao, "Master, we made a mistake. Please, Master... punish us."

Fu Shubao suddenly put away his serious expression and replaced it with a smiling face, "Today, the young master is happy, so the punishment will be spared, but you have to pick one out to cooperate with the young master to do an experiment."

"Experiment?" The four young maids had never heard such an "avant-garde" word, and they all froze on the spot, at a loss.

"So, who will come?" Mao Youcai's gaze swept across the four maids one by one again. To be honest, he is a maid, all of them are as beautiful as flowers and jade, and they are fat and thin. Who can I choose?

But at this moment, Chunlan, Xia Zhu and Qiu Ju pointed at Dongmei who was still dumbfounded, "Her."

"I, I..." Poor Dongmei finally came back to her senses.

"Only Dongmei, come in with me, Dongmei, while the rest stand outside and wait."

"En." Dongmei responded obediently, and followed Fu Shubao into the study.The door slammed shut again.The three maids outside the door look at me and I look at you, with strange expressions.

As soon as Dongmei entered the study, she saw a big iron cage. Under the iron cage was an iron frame. On top of the iron frame was a round iron wheel. In the middle of the iron wheel was a groove. There is a strong rhinoceros tendon, and on the other end of the rhinoceros tendon is a slightly smaller iron wheel. Under the iron wheel is a three-foot-square iron box. There are two outlets of the iron box clamped with bamboo boards. The copper wire stretched out, and the other end of the copper wire is a three-foot-square iron box. On the top of the box is a seat made of pure steel. The seat is full of various metals. Accessories, cone-shaped, round, particle-shaped... Finally, she also saw the object that Master Duoqian sent back from Boiling Island, which would make her blush at a glance. It was suspended by a delicate bracket. It is hung one foot above the seat, and the end is wrapped with yellow copper wires, which looks very strange.

"What kind of experiment is the young master going to do? Could it be that I... sit on that chair, and poke me with that thing..." Thinking of this, Dongmei no longer dared to think.Her face was already redder than that overripe persimmon.

"Dongmei, why is your face so red?"

"I, I... I don't blush."

"Take off your clothes."

"Sure enough..." Dongmei was terrified in her heart, but she still nodded shyly on her face, slowly unbuttoned her skirt, took off the maid's apron, and then began to untie her belt.

"what are you doing?"

"Take off your pants."

"What are you doing with your pants off?"

"I... Didn't the young master tell me to take it off?"

"I asked you to take off your clothes because you will be very hot when you start exercising later. If you have too many clothes, it will be troublesome. Just take off your apron."


"Go into that cage now." Fu Shubao pointed to the iron cage on the iron bracket.

"What does the young master want me to do? Why did I get into that iron chain? Could it be that Dongmei did something wrong, and the young master wants to lock me in that iron cage?" Dongmei looked aggrieved, Chuchu looked at the young master pitifully.

"Nonsense, just go in if I let you in. If you talk too much, I will really lock you in that cage." Fu Shubao understood that instead of explaining to her, it would be more straightforward to scold her for doing things.

Sure enough, when Fu Shubao was fierce, Dongmei didn't dare to talk anymore, and then crawled into the iron cage from the opened entrance.The iron cage was about two meters in diameter, and there was still a lot of room for her to stand in.At this time, Fu Shubao also sat on the seat made of pure steel, corrected his posture, took a deep breath, opened his mouth again, and embraced...

"Young master, please forgive my slave for talking too much, I dare to ask another question... Don't you think I should be the one who should sit on that chair and hold that thing in my mouth?"

Hearing Dongmei's words, Fu Shubao almost fell off his chair.

"Being bullshit, run quickly! You are not required to be fast, but you must maintain a constant speed, understand?"

"I see...I'm going to run now."

With Dongmei's footsteps, the big iron cage on the iron bracket also moved, and when the big iron cage moved, the iron wheels linked to the gears also moved, and when the iron wheels moved, the rhinoceros tied in the groove moved. The tendons pulled the iron wheel at the other end to rotate, and the second iron wheel moved, and the gears and connecting rods on the pedal base also turned, and then the one-foot-square iron box made a "crack, crack" sound. There is a slight noise, and if you look carefully, you will find electric sparks flashing out of the copper wire joints clamped by bamboo boards.What's even more peculiar is that after the flash of electricity, Fu Shubao, who was sitting firmly on the chair, trembled slightly, that kind of tremor resembled the surface of a lake swept by a breeze, wave after wave without end.

This is Fu Shubao's Comprehensive Cultivation Power Refiner. (One more chapter at 5pm)


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