Fallen Genius

Chapter 14 Einstein also has to worship

In fact, the Comprehensive Cultivation Strength Refiner is composed of three parts.The first part is the part that generates power, which is the big iron cage and Dongmei running non-stop in the cage.The second part is the part that converts power into electric energy. It is impossible to manufacture sophisticated power generation equipment in this world, but it is still possible to simply use the two poles of a magnet to manufacture a simple power generation device.In addition, after calculation, the required electric energy can be obtained to the greatest extent by using the winding transformer of the copper wire and the insulation transmission of the bamboo board.The third part is a comprehensive training device built with the core of the cultivation power refiner. This part can not only convert the spirit beast power pill into innate spirit energy, but also catalyze the spirit beast power pill with electric energy, and convert the innate spirit beast power pill produced by it into The energy of the aura is transmitted to the body with copper wires, and finally, through the granular and needle-shaped devices on the seat designed for acupuncture points, the transmitted innate aura energy will be applied to the body while vibrating. middle.That is to say, sitting on the comprehensive cultivation power refiner to practice strength, he can not only use the cultivation method and the cultivation power refiner to absorb the innate aura and store it in his sub-universe, but also can catalyze the spirit beast power pill with electric energy. And transport the transformed innate aura energy into the body to strengthen and transform the body!

Now, it is undeniable that, no matter from a theoretical point of view or a practical point of view, Fu Shubao's Comprehensive Cultivation Power Refining Equipment is very successful.

In the original world, Fu Shubao kept a mouse in a small iron cage to provide energy for a fan to rotate.In this world, he replaced the small iron cage with a large iron cage, and replaced the experimental mouse with a young maid, which also provided enough energy for his comprehensive cultivation power refiner to operate.I am afraid that even Einstein, the father of experimentation, would not be willing to be ashamed of this kind of advanced change and innovation consciousness, and he vomited blood and worshiped it...

Like a river overflowing with innate aura, it is transmitted from the lung yin heart meridian into Fu Shubao's sub-universe. Compared with the faint trace of innate aura absorbed by ordinary practice methods, how can the gap be fifty steps? And the difference between a hundred steps?

If you compare the two training methods, the former is undoubtedly a professional runner, but the latter can be a child who has just learned to walk!But this is still only one of the benefits of using comprehensive cultivation power to refine equipment, because while cultivating strength, his body has also been transformed by washing the marrow and cutting tendons, and this will inevitably change his physique, muscles, bones, and muscles. Organs even have extremely mysterious potential!

One Zhou Tian, ​​two Zhou Tian... Shocked by the effect of using the comprehensive cultivation power refiner, Fu Shubao greedily ate that food like a person addicted to a certain food.He completely forgot how long he had practiced, but Dongmei in the iron cage was already extremely tired and couldn't take it anymore.

"Um...young master, how long do I have to run? I, I can't run anymore." As soon as the words fell, Dongmei, whose legs were weak, fell into the big iron cage with a plop, her legs big Zhang, covered in sweat, sniffed, apparently exhausted from running.

As soon as Dongmei stopped, the motivation disappeared. Due to her chain reaction, the entire comprehensive cultivation power refiner stopped.Fu Shubao, who was on the verge of practicing, was forced to stop his training, and raised his eyes to look at Dongmei in the iron cage. At this sight, a raging flame ignited in his lower abdomen.

Without the maid apron, Dongmei only had a tight-fitting sweater on her upper body, which fit her skin even more tightly after being wet with sweat, and showed a kind of fabric that was wetted by water. That unique hazy feeling.There is no such thing as a bra in this world, and Dongmei, who is strong enough and huge, naturally does not use bras and cloth strips. In this way, the pair of snow-white breasts are very eye-catchingly presented on his chest In front of you, you can clearly see the pink buds at the top, and you can also clearly see the two circles of bright red halos, which are extremely seductive.Because of the lying posture with her limbs spread wide, her lower abdomen looks particularly flat and smooth. With a slender waist and a small round belly button, it does not have a feeling of touching.Her maid's short skirt has lost its proper covering function, with a considerable snowy buttocks, a considerable jade-like pink legs and a deeper place, above that deep valley is a pair of crumpled cotton gauze panties, also covered with sweat In this way, the water plants and tender skin between the valleys appear dimly.The most beautiful is hazy, not to mention a particularly moist hazy?

"Huh..." Unable to quell the flames in his lower abdomen, Fu Shubao let out a rough breath with some discomfort.When he first came to this world, because his body was particularly "useless", he kept the four big meals around him without enjoying them. After this period of recuperation and practice, he felt that his physical condition was already several times better than before. , it should be no problem to do something to release the leakage point, so, now...

"Huhu..." Dongmei was also panting, and when she panted, the pair of good tits on her chest kept rising and falling.

Fu Shubao stood up from the comprehensive cultivation power refiner, and came to the edge of the iron cage, "Dongmei, are you exhausted?"

"A little bit, young master. I'll take a rest and run again. Now I really can't run anymore." Dongmei struggled to stand up from the cage, her legs were still a little weak.

"Come out." Fu Shubao's eyes fell on the pair of sweat-soaked breasts again, appreciating their size, color and those two cute little cherries from multiple angles and levels.

"Master, I can still run after I rest."

"Come out as soon as I tell you to come out."

"Yes, young master..." Dongmei obediently crawled out of the iron cage, and stood in front of Fu Shubao gracefully.With her hands hanging down her thighs, her head slightly buried in her chest, her lovely and pitiful appearance is exactly like a little girl who has done something wrong is bowing her head in front of her teacher to admit her mistakes and waiting for punishment.

"Turn around for the young master." The young master's eyes are like a fire in winter.

"Yes, young master." Gritting her silver teeth lightly, Dongmei turned around in a circle according to her words.But this is a very forced circle, her legs were already running out of strength, how can she still control the balance of her body, this way, just after she finished the circle, she lost her balance and fell to the ground. go.

The beauty is about to fall to the ground, how can the young master who designed all this stand by and watch?

"Be careful!" Fu Shubao suddenly reached out to embrace Dongmei's slender waist, and his upper body naturally bent down, quickly forming a chest-to-chest posture with Dongmei.

"Thank you, young master." How could Dongmei know that her young master had some bad intentions, and she thought that the young master couldn't bear her to fall, so he hurriedly helped her up, so that her heart was already full of gratitude.

"Hehe, young master, I will take good care of you in the future, this is really nothing." Fu Shubao didn't feel that he was going too far.

"Young master, you...you can pull me up now." Dongmei was very surprised, since she was pulled before she fell, why did the young master still hold her?

"Well, the young master has something to tell you..."

"Huh? Master's hand..."

There was something to say but nothing to say. After the young master separated the attention of the lovely girl in his arms, a thief's hand had slipped into the narrow maid's short skirt, and one of his fingers managed to slip between the softest valleys. Strolled around.

"Young master, hehe, so the young master was thinking about that." No matter how stupid Dongmei was, that finger had already woken her up.

"Now, take off your trousers, young master, I can't help it anymore..." Fu Shubao could no longer pretend to be a gentleman, he was very anxious, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Gently pulling the skirt with a hand, the short maid skirt slowly fell down a pair of beautiful snow-white legs, first the plump and plump thighs, then the small and cute knees, and then the pale white calves and ankles, Finally, it fell silently to the ground.In the infinite shyness, Dongmei stretched out her hand to grab the top of the only remaining panties, and with light force, she slowly and slowly took them off bit by bit.With her movements, the snow-white skin was exposed little by little, followed by a touch of Udai, vigorously covering the valley.With her movements, the jade-like delicate pink buttocks are also exposed little by little, with a round outline, a straight height, and a red color in the white.Everything is so beautiful.

"Huh..." With a heavy gasp, Fu Shubao hugged Dongmei, and Dongmei let him play around like a lamb. Soon, with a simple gesture, Fu Shubao, who pulled down his trousers, bravely pulled Dongmei away from her. After that, the snowy buttocks moved up...

"Master! Someone is asking to see you!" Chunlan's voice suddenly came from outside the door at the most urgent moment.

"Who?" Suddenly stopped attacking, Fu Shubao was already furious and sweating profusely.

"What does he claim to be... Ali!" Chunlan said loudly.

"Damn it! Why did he come looking for me? Just say I'm not here!" Fu Shubao took a deep breath and continued to aim.

"I, we can't stop him." Xia Zhu's voice was very anxious.

"Idiot, blow the flute, call Reemon out!" Dongmei let out a cry of pain when she made a mistake in aiming, and Fu Shubao also frowned.

"Xiao, Xiao is at Dongmei's place! Besides, Reemon has been beaten unconscious, and there is no flute." Qiu Ju's voice became more anxious and anxious.

Fu Shubao didn't move, he suddenly came to his senses, just now he was burning with desire, and his thoughts were confused, he forgot one very important thing, that is why the prostitute Ali came here - the power of cultivation to refine the weapon!

"Hahaha... Nephew Shubao, Uncle Ali, I came to visit with a basket of fruit, why do you treat guests like this?" Ali's voice came suddenly.

"Master, I..." Dongmei, still maintaining a cooperative posture, turned her head and looked at Fu Shubao pitifully.

"Put on your clothes, I'll take care of them." Fu Shubao also quickly tidied up his body, then took off the core component of the comprehensive cultivation power refiner, and hid it under the desk.After everything was in order, he walked forward and opened the door of the study.

Ali didn't come empty-handed, he actually had a basket of oranges in his hand.But in terms of the quality of the oranges, he probably only spent three copper coins to buy this "home visit" gift.


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