Fallen Genius

Chapter 49

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Fu Shubao's parkour and agility had been brought into full play and perfected while traveling through the virgin forest. He not only mastered the buoyancy of the internal force field, the rebounding force of objects, and the internal force itself more proficiently. He also created a lot of flowing movements. In this way, his parkour agility is not only very practical, but also quite ornamental, just like a dance derived from all things in nature.

It is not the physical strength that is consumed the most by parkour agility, but the internal strength.The increase in internal energy consumption has also led to an increase in the number of practice times. He used to do the Spirit Cream practice every two or three days, and now he does it once a day. Lang Lidan conducts an intensive training.Lingshuang and Lidan were consumed little by little, but what they got in return was a substantial increase in internal strength.

According to the established route through the Buried Treasure Forest, compared with the fake treasure map bought by Ali, Fu Shubao has gone deep into the center of the Buried Treasure Forest after half a month's journey.The terrain here is more dangerous, the environment is more complicated, and the number of spirit beasts active in this area is gradually increasing, but in the forest, relying on parkour and body skills, he can always avoid some high-level spirit beasts. He chooses to hunt and kill the spirit beasts of Puling level.After half a month, besides the first giant white-haired wolf, he also hunted down a wild boar of Puling level and a python of Puling level. Dan and a metallic Li Dan.

Going deeper, Fu Shubao came to an unnamed mountain in the evening of the 16th day.Instead of pitching a tent on the ground, he climbed atop a giant tree big enough for him to sleep in its branches.Lighting a bonfire in the forest is undoubtedly a good way for most people to drive away wild beasts, but that is only for ordinary wild beasts. If they encounter fire-attributed spirit beasts, they are not afraid of fire. The experience he gained from living in the jungle for nearly 20 days.It is much safer to choose a place to sleep above a big tree. In addition, in a place with dense trees, relying on his parkour skills, he can slip away even if he encounters a tree-climbing spirit beast.

Spreading the dirty quilt on the huge tree branch, Fu Shubao took out the Cultivation Energy Refiner that was close to him, stuffed it into his mouth, and sat down cross-legged.Without the auxiliary equipment and the electric energy provided by the maid's running, the effect of the cultivation power refiner cannot be compared with that of the comprehensive cultivation power refiner, but it is also many times stronger than traditional cultivation, and it is suitable for use in the jungle.

The familiar cold feeling came, and the energy of the white-haired giant wolf Lidan entered Fu Shubao's body through the cultivation power refiner, and then entered his sub-universe along the meridians and blood vessels.In the sub-universe of a chaotic scene, there is a strange light faintly, and those objects that look like stars and nebulae are actually internal forces that are initially liquefied.Their numbers and intensity are vastly different now than when they were first discovered.

A cycle of Heaven's source of power mentality is over, and the normal operation of the sub-universe suddenly trembles, and in a chaotic scene, those internal energy energies that look like stars and nebulae converge towards the center of the sub-universe. One drop, one drop, gradually merged into a complete small group.A hazy luster emanates from the small group of internal force, mysterious and unparalleled.At the same time, an indescribable feeling of comfort came, like the warm sun shining on the head in spring.

Fu Shubao, who finished his practice, was stunned for a while before he suddenly said a word, "Damn it, this is a phenomenon that only occurs when the internal force enters the second stage. Why did it break through without knowing it?"

The breakthrough of strength requires accumulated hard work, and the critical moment is always difficult and difficult, and it must be a lot of hard work, but the young master not only does not have much joy, but feels a little boring when he breaks through without knowing it.

Opening the top of the Xiuzhili Refiner, Fu Shubao also discovered that the relatively high-grade Puling-level power pills hunted from the white-haired giant wolf had been exhausted.Looking at the empty interior of the Cultivation Power Refiner, he felt relieved again. From this point of view, it is not a coincidence that this practice has raised a level unconsciously, but a matter of course.

The night fell slowly, and the endless primeval forest gradually became blurred. The roar of wild beasts came from a distance from time to time, and the dangerous atmosphere was everywhere.

"Sleep, I'm too lazy to think about it. I'll continue my journey tomorrow morning." Fu Shubao yawned, his limbs spread wide, and he slept comfortably on a huge tree branch.

Drowsiness hit him, but not long after he closed his eyes and fell asleep, the sound of noisy footsteps suddenly came, and he suddenly woke up again.

"Someone!" With a clear shout, the noisy footsteps disappeared immediately.The other party obviously noticed it too.

Lying on the branch, Fu Shubao blocked his breathing, and looked at the source of the sound through the gap between the branches and leaves.Although the sky was dark, some scenes in the forest were still faintly visible under the light of the stars and the moon.

About 20 meters away from the beginning of his hiding, a group of heavily armed mercenaries were looking around.At a glance, there are 22 mercenaries in this group, and the leader is actually a female mercenary in her early twenties, wearing tight red leather armor and wearing a black scabbard sword around her waist, she is quite tall, but But it is plump, the place that should be convex is convex, the place that should be warped is warped, there is no excess fat in the small place, coupled with a delicate face, delicate and small facial features, it is really a hot stunner .

Moving his gaze back, two familiar faces suddenly entered Fu Shubao's sight, and he froze on the spot.The people protected by a group of mercenaries are actually Hideyoshi and Bingying!

How did these two guys appear in this place?

"Don't hide, come out, I've seen you." The red-armored female mercenary said loudly, but her pair of beautiful black eyes were still wandering among the dense jungle.

"Trying to lure me out, this trick is too old-fashioned." Fu Shubao, who was hiding in the tree canopy, smiled subconsciously.

"If you don't come out again, we'll shoot you with arrows!" The red-armored woman never tires of luring the enemy, but she didn't see any movement after she shouted twice, and her expression turned serious instead.

"Captain, are you too nervous? There is no one here?" A male mercenary in his early thirties said in a loud voice.

"Impossible, I felt right just now, but the strange thing is that in the blink of an eye, that person didn't move." The red-armored female mercenary frowned slightly.

"Could it be... that we met an expert?" said the male mercenary.

"Brother Zhuoman, take your two brothers to the front to have a look, and call the police if there is any situation."

"Understood, Captain." The mercenary known as Zhuo Man called his two companions and searched forward.Soon he came to the tree where Fu Shubao was hiding, but he just looked up briefly and then searched forward.

Fu Shubao thought to himself: "In this group of mercenaries, I am afraid that only the red-armored female mercenary can barely get on the stage, and the rest are ordinary. I don't know how Hideyoshi and Bingying hired such a mercenary team? And why did you come to a place like the Treasure Forest?"

Amidst the young master's confusion, Hideyoshi, who lived behind the guard circle, suddenly said: "Captain Huling, it's getting late anyway, why don't you just camp here and rest, and go on your way tomorrow morning."

It turned out that the name of the red-armored female mercenary was Hu Ling, and Fu Shubao couldn't help but shifted his gaze to Hu Ling again.The tight red leather armor tightly wrapped her delicate body, and was as soft as the skin attached to her body. For a man, no matter from which angle he looked at her, she was an irresistible temptation.

"Okay, let's camp here tonight." The female mercenary called Hu Ling then sent several mercenaries to search from both sides, and then personally selected the place to camp, and it was actually in the place where Fu Shubao was hiding. under the tree.

"Damn it, did this sexy female group leader find me? Should I go or stay?" Fu Shubao was a little confused. If he left now, with the advantage of parkour and agility in the forest, these people would just want to stop It is impossible to leave him, but he is attracted by Hideyoshi and Bingying's motives, and he doesn't want to leave just like that.

A bonfire was quickly ablaze.A group of mercenaries were busy fetching water for cooking and setting up tents.


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