Fallen Genius

Chapter 50

Hideyoshi and Bingying sat at the foot of the tree trunk, while Huling sat opposite them.The blazing flames shone on the three of them, condescending, and Fu Shubao finally saw more clearly the face of Hu Ling, a sexy stunner. Her skin was completely different from Bingying's snow-white and delicate skin. The wheat color, coupled with her tall figure, gives her a sense of weakness and strength.

"It's a good thing that the prostitute's master is not here, otherwise he must have jumped down to make a deal at this time." The person hiding in the tree had unhealthy thoughts.

"Strange," Ling raised her head suddenly, and murmured, "I always feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at me, but where is that guy hiding?"

Bingying interjected: "Captain Huling, you have performed very well all this way, and you have taught us a lot, but now there is no one or spirit beasts around, why do you have such a strange feeling? Did we really meet some kind of expert?"

Hu Ling smiled and said: "Miss Bingying, I live a life of licking blood. Although our Black Wood Mercenary Group is not a big mercenary group, the mercenaries in the group are all experienced soldiers. What I learned was actually learned from my parents and the old mercenaries in the regiment, without these experiences, I would not be able to live today."

Bingying said: "This is also the reason why we chose and finally chose your Blackwood Mercenary Group. We still don't like those big mercenary groups with empty names."

Mr. Hideyoshi, who had been listening to the chatter of the two beauties, finally said: "The experience mentioned by Captain Hu Ling must also contain an intuition for crisis. It is said that some people, even if they are not wrestlers, can use this innate ability The intuition has been developed to a very strong level, and I have a strong sense of danger. It just so happens that I am also training this intuition ability for danger recently. I wonder if Captain Hu Ling can give some pointers?"

"Just brag, you didn't even notice that Lao Tzu is on top of your head, you still practice your intuition ability, the head of Hu Ling has already noticed that someone is there, why didn't you see you bragging at that time?" The corner of Fu Shubao's mouth floated out There was a contemptuous smile.

At this moment, Hideyoshi, who was pulling up the fire with a branch, suddenly raised his head, "Your Excellency has been hiding in the canopy of trees since we came here. Aren't you afraid of poisonous snakes? I think you have enough time." Now, why don't you come down and talk."

The contemptuous smile on the corner of Fu Shubao's mouth suddenly froze. If there is anyone who can be contemptuous, it is himself.Hideyoshi's intuitive ability to the crisis and insight into the environment is not a rookie who is still practicing, but a veteran who is better than Huling who is good at this!

It's called modesty, and it's also called hiding...

Fu Shubao finally figured this out.

Hearing Hideyoshi said there was someone in the tree, Hu Ling suddenly raised her head, her pretty face couldn't hide her annoyance, and said angrily: "Sneaky must be uneasy and kind, if you don't come down, I'll let someone shoot you down!"

As soon as the regiment leader got angry, the mercenaries working around dropped their work one after another, took out their bows and arrows, opened their bows and set their arrows, and all of them looked like they were about to fight.

"Ahem..." Fu Shubao poked his head out from the dense canopy and smiled, "Mr. Xiuji, Miss Bingying, what a coincidence."

"Fu Shubao?!" Hideyoshi and Bingying froze on the spot.

It could be a boar.

Can be monsters.

It can even be a venomous snake.

But why Fu Shubao?

boom!Jumping down from the canopy of more than ten meters high, Fu Shubao stood firmly beside the campfire.The firelight shone on his face, but it was a smiling face that made a woman's skin crawl.

"Haha! What a coincidence! How did I meet you here?" The young master added cheekily.

There was already frost on the icy pretty face, "Hmph! We should ask you this, why did you appear here?"

At this time, Hu Ling had a puzzled expression on his face, "You guys know each other?"

"It's not just that we know each other, we're still friends." Fu Shubao said with a smile.

"Who is your friend?" Bingying spat.

Fu Shubao couldn't laugh anymore, he didn't really like doing things with a hot face and a cold butt.

"Fu Shubao, didn't you hear what Bingying girl asked you just now? Why are you here?" Hideyoshi said coldly.

"I am a person who likes nature. I usually like to swim in the mountains and play in the water when I have nothing to do. That's why I am here."

"This is too coincidental. The Buried Treasure Forest is so big, but you will appear on our route, and you have been hiding in the canopy of the tree to spy on us just now. I am not a fool like Tian Dan. I was counted by you in front of me. There is no place to get justice for the face of thousands of people, saying, I want to know the real answer, why are you here?"

Facing Hideyoshi and Bingying's aggressive aura, Fu Shubao was already furious, but on the surface, he still had a lazy expression of not rushing to get angry, "Mr. Hideyoshi, why should I tell you these things?" , have you forgotten that I came here first, and you came later, I didn’t suspect that you were following me, but you suspect that I have bad intentions, what’s the reason for this?”

Hideyoshi's face became more and more gloomy, "Then you mean you don't want to tell us?"

"It depends on my mood. I do have an important matter to do when I come to Bury Treasure Forest, but I feel very disadvantaged if I tell you all for no reason."

Bingying said angrily: "Could it be that you want something else?"

"Hehe, I'm thirsty. I wonder if there is any water?" Fu Shubao didn't even look at Bingying, who was already furious, but instead looked at Captain Hu Ling, who had been unable to insert his mouth.

"It's simple, take it to drink." Hu Ling took off a water bag from her waist, and threw it to Fu Shubao generously.

"Gulu, gulu..." A bag full of water just entered the young master's stomach.

"Fu Shubao, you drank the water too, now is the time to tell the truth?" Looking at Fu Shubao who was belching full of water, Hideyoshi already had the urge to beat him up.

"Actually, I'm a very self-motivated person, and I'm also kind-hearted..."

"Shut up! Who cares what kind of person you are, talk about business!" Hideyoshi was so angry that he was so angry.He and Bingying's trip to the Treasure Forest was very secretive, and there was absolutely no reason for the outside world to know anything about it, but at this juncture, the number one villain in Hucheng appeared on the route he had planned, and all kinds of weird things happened... He couldn't help but check it out.

"Okay, let me say," Fu Shubao shrugged, "After I tell you, don't tell others that I'm actually here to hunt for treasure... Why are you looking at me with those strange eyes? I have a treasure map , Here, to open your eyes, I spent [-] gold coins to get this."

A crumpled map appeared in front of everyone.

Amidst the astonishment, several elderly mercenaries laughed out loud first, followed by Hu Ling, and finally even Hideyoshi and Bingying laughed.

"You...what are you laughing at?" The young master had an innocent expression on his face.

Hideyoshi laughed for a long time before he could barely stop his laughter, "Fu Shubao, Fu Shubao, I really don't know how that boy Tian Dan got into the hands of someone like you, saying that you are stupid, but you can come up with the idea of ​​iron chain transporting ore?" Way, you are smart, you actually spent [-] gold coins to sell this kind of fake treasure map, what are you thinking?"

"You must be crazy about treasures to be deceived, hmph, you deserve it." A trace of disdain emerged from the corner of Bingying's mouth.

"This picture...is it fake?" The young master's stunned expression contained sadness, doubt, anger, excitement... In short, it was just right.

"You can buy a stack of this picture with one silver coin on the street, do you think it's real or fake?" The young master's painful expression and tragic experience made Hu Ling feel a little pity.

"This...impossible!" The young master's complicated expression added a new element, remorse and collapse.

"Your performance is very good, but do you say that I will believe that a person like you will come to the buried treasure forest to explore and hunt for treasure alone?" Hideyoshi is not the kind of master who can be easily fooled.

"They... are all dead." Fu Shubao's voice choked up, and tears glistened in his eyes.

Hideyoshi asked anxiously: "Dead? How many people did you bring? How did you die?"

The inner light in Fu Shubao's eyes grew stronger, "I hired twenty mercenaries and 21 house slaves, a total of 40 people. Five days ago, we were attacked by another group. Those mercenaries In order to protect me, I and my slaves... all died..."

If it wasn't for the young master's expression that contained sadness, doubt, anger, excitement..., and if it wasn't for the young master's precise casualties, not only Hideyoshi, but also Huling and Bingying would not believe it. Even those mercenaries with simple minds and well-developed limbs would not believe it.But with such a performance, even though Hideyoshi and his team didn't say they believed it completely, at least they believed it sixty percent of the time.

"Take all the weapons away, and do what you need to do." Hu Ling sighed softly, people are already in such a miserable situation, she is not capable of making such a decision to add insult to injury.

Under Hu Ling's order, a group of mercenaries immediately withdrew their weapons, those who made food made food, those who set up tents set up tents, and they got busy again in the blink of an eye.

Hideyoshi still looked at Fu Shubao with a scrutinizing gaze, "Master Fu, then, what are you going to do next?"

Fu Shubao pointed to the fake treasure map and said, "I'm afraid I'll run into those villains again when I go back the way I came. I'm going to go from here, here, and then to here... and finally here." Flicking his fingers quickly, some terrains on the map are more obvious. After clicking on the place, the young master made a big circle in the buried treasure forest, and finally returned to the end of Tiger City.

"You are alone, with your cultivation base, Master Fu, do you think you can walk out of the Buried Treasure Forest alive?" There was a hint of contempt in Hideyoshi's eyes.

"Maybe maybe... yes?" Fu Shubao didn't think so, relying on his preliminary proficiency in parkour, as long as he didn't love to fight when he encountered a spirit beast, he would have no problem running away to save his life, so why couldn't he walk out of the buried treasure forest alive?

Hideyoshi was a little puzzled and said, "Aren't you looking for treasures?"

"It would be best if I could find the treasure, and it would be considered a comfort to the souls of those brothers who died for me, but if I couldn't find it, I would look down on it. Money is always something outside the body, isn't it? Survival is the most important thing." As he said this, Fu Shubao said in his heart: "If I didn't want to find out what you guys want to do, I would still stand here and talk nonsense with you?"

Hideyoshi didn't know what the young master was thinking, so he was silent for a while before he said: "No one is protecting you, Master Fu, I'm sure you won't be able to leave Buried Treasure Forest alive, so the purpose of my trip is to experience, you can come with us Together."

It turns out that this noble boy also came here to practice, no wonder he didn't bring any powerful bodyguards with him, he just picked a little-known small mercenary regiment to accompany him, but Fu Shubao didn't believe that Hideyoshi would be so kind and caring about the life and death of people like him , In addition, Hideyoshi thought for a while before saying this, what is this noble son thinking about?

"Brother Hideyoshi, why did you bring him with you?" Bingying said at this time: "With his master Fu's ability, there should be no problem in getting out of this buried treasure forest."

Hideyoshi chuckled, "Sister Bingying, although Young Master Fu has a bad reputation, he is not the kind of villain who commits inhumanity. I really can't bear to see him throw his life away in this buried treasure forest." Among them, let him stay."

Bingying's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, "But, according to the current speed of action, we will reach that place in two days, if we take him..."

Hideyoshi interrupted suddenly: "That's the decision, there's no need to talk about Bingying sister."

Bingying glanced at Hideyoshi with some resentment, and then slowly shifted her gaze to the young master, but the resentment full of affection turned into disgust again.How can a peerless woman like her who is as pure as ice and pure without a trace of fireworks be with someone like Fu Shubao?

Seeing the two people's different reactions and mysterious expressions, Fu Shubao said inwardly: "Sure enough, it's not pure experience. There must be some other purpose. One of the reasons why Hideyoshi wants to keep me is probably because he is afraid that I will leak his information." Whereabouts, but, what exactly does this noble boy want to do? Hearing from Bingying that she will arrive at a certain place in two days, she obviously does not want me to go with her. So, what kind of place is that? What are they going there for? ? Could it be..." Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat, "Could it be a treasure?"

"Master Fu, what do you think?" Hideyoshi asked the young master who was thinking about something.

"Then I... thank Mr. Hideyoshi for your kindness!" Fu Shubao's voice trembled slightly, already full of excitement from the bottom of his heart.

"That's not necessary. After all, we are half of the academy's seniors. It is right to help you when you are in danger." Hideyoshi smiled lightly, and Yushu faced the wind.

"Hehe...hehe..." It was also a subtle smile, but the young master's smile gave people a completely different feeling, that is...wretched.

For a nobleman like Hideyoshi to rush into the Buried Forest with only twenty or so ordinary mercenaries, and a mysterious Bingying sister, this matter itself cannot withstand scrutiny, there must be an ulterior purpose .It would be absolutely unrealistic to connect the treasures of the Buried Treasure Forest with a pig butcher, but if people with identities like Hideyoshi and Bingying were connected together, then...very possible!

If it's really for practice, then it's fine, it's not too late to leave after two days, and with his parkour skills, these people in front of him still can't stop him, so he is not afraid that Hideyoshi will turn his face when the time comes.

If he wants to play dirty, with his professionalism in this area, why should he be afraid of it?


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