Fallen Genius

Chapter 63 Witch Training

Bang bang bang!There was a rhythmic knock on the door, and then Du Yin'er's crisp and pleasant voice floated in through the crack of the door, "Slacker! The sun is shining on your butt, you are still sleeping on the bed, I count to three If you don't get up yet, I'll be poisoned! Two...three!"

I didn't count one, but when Du Yiner counted two, the closed door opened, Fu Shubao poked his head out from the door, and said sleepily: "I talked with your grandpa for most of the night yesterday, sleep late Can’t you feel it? Why are you shouting so early in the morning?”

"Grandpa told me all about it, he asked me to help you perfect your... what kind of movement?"

"Parkour agility."

Du Yin'er said seriously: "Yes, it's your parkour technique. Since grandpa asked me to help you, I have to be responsible. So, from today onwards, I will monitor and supervise you all day long."

Fu Shubao said depressedly: "How can you help with this kind of thing?"

"I don't know how you practiced that parkour agility, but I do know that a person will burst out with amazing potential at the critical moment of life and death," Du Yiner's wicked smile suddenly emerged from the corner of his mouth. "So, what I can do to help is to put you in a life-or-death situation from time to time."

"Wait...you can't..."

"I didn't use to poison you in our fight yesterday, but today I will, so, when I count to three, you can use your parkour agility to evade my pursuit. It's okay if you dodge. If you don’t drop it, then taste the poison I carefully prepared for you.” After a pause, Du Yin’er suddenly raised a hand, “One... three!”

Whoosh!The body shot out of the door like an arrow off the string, and when Du Yin'er just counted to three, Fu Shubao was already at least ten meters away from her.

"Damn it, you dare to cheat!" Gritting her silver teeth lightly, Du Yin'er ran after her.

Fu Shubao didn't turn his head back, "Aren't you also shameless and treacherous, you didn't count one the first time, and you didn't count two the second time!"

"You don't want to distract me by talking, no way!"

"Haha! Then who am I talking to? A pig?"

"Bastard! Wind Poison Skill... Poison Snow Falls!"

puff!A strange sound came from behind suddenly, and Fu Shubao, who was running fast, hurriedly turned his head and glanced back. At this glance, his back skin suddenly went numb, and he saw a piece of miserable green poisonous mist flying toward him like heavy snow in winter. When he rolls over, all the plants and trees in his path are dead, and even the ground is scorched black!

"You're really capable of such a poisonous hand!" Seeing that he was about to be engulfed by the poisonous mist like heavy snow, Fu Shubao's body leaned forward steeply at 45 degrees. Swinging again, his speed suddenly increased by a third, narrowly dodging Du Yin'er's attack.

"I didn't expect that although this guy's body skills are extremely ugly, he can actually reach this speed. There are indeed some mysteries, but if you want to get rid of me, that's not enough!" Suddenly improved a lot.

In the open place of Yimapingchuan, with Du Yin'er's strength and her exquisite body skills, she thought it was very possible to catch up with Fu Shubao, but the fact was on the contrary. Whenever she saw that she was about to catch up, she suddenly Speed ​​up and distance yourself from her again.Although she was itching with hatred, she couldn't figure out what the reason was.

The ancient valley of the gods is not big, and the flat grassland is even more limited.

A dense forest stood in front of him, and there was no way.

"Hey, let me see where you are going!" The sudden change in terrain made Du Yin'er very happy, and finally saw a chance to poison Fu Shubao.

The corner of Fu Shubao's mouth was a slight smile, Fei Chong's figure didn't stop at all, his feet stepped on the ground suddenly, his whole body jumped up immediately, and appeared among the branches of a tree with the posture of flowing clouds and flowing water superior.

"How could it be possible to jump to such a height?" Du Yin'er was taken aback, because, just now, Fu Shubao's leap was at least ** meters high!With her strength cultivation at the third level of mental power, she can indeed achieve that level, but she can't be as chic as Fu Shubao, so her strength cultivation is only for Fu Shubao who has just entered the third level of internal power How can it be done so easily?

There was a slight sound of the wind, and the poisonous voice who was eager to poison someone was just leaping from the ground. It was about the same height as Fu Shubao, but not as skillful and free as Fu Shubao, so that the center of gravity was slightly unstable when it flew over the branches , Hastily stretched out his hand to support the trunk so as not to fall from the branch.

"Chase again!" With a loud laugh, Fu Shubao's figure was like a shuttle, and lightning flashed out again, and moved to another tree in an instant.

Seeing Fu Shubao's unrestrained and unrestrained movements, Du Yin'er suddenly stretched a pretty face, "Are you a monkey?"

"Then you are a female monkey!"

"Shameless!" Annoyed in her heart, Du Yin'er chased after her again.

It is especially impossible to catch up with Fu Shubao on the flat ground, and it is even more impossible in the dense forest, because the original intention of Fu Shubao's parkour movement is to move quickly in the forest, and in the forest, the dense trees For Fu Shubao, it is like the effect of water on fish, swimming freely.Soon, Du Yin'er realized this, and she could no longer see Fu Shubao in front of her eyes, grievance, anger and some inexplicable emotions suddenly came to her heart, and the delicate and lovely girl slapped her side On a tree with a thick bowl mouth, then turned and left.After walking not far, the trees in the middle palm withered quickly, and there was no green on the whole body.

But at a high place, above the sky covered by thin smog, Du Huo watched with deep frowns what happened in the dense forest.The huge wings of miserable green power flapped, and the hissing sound of wind flow did not stop at all.In deep thought, Du Huo sighed softly, "I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, there are only dozens of top moves in the world, although I haven't seen them all, but I have seen ten cockroaches, and the rest are just a few. I haven't seen it before, but I know some information, but why can't I remember which kind of movement technique this kid used? Could it be that he created it by himself? Impossible, absolutely impossible... "

In fact, it is not only Fu Shubao's mysterious movement that troubles the poisonous life, but also many other things...

The next day, earlier.

"Fu Shubao, wake up!" Du Yiner's face turned pale when he came.

"What are you doing? How can it be so early?" Fu Shubao muttered in the bed, opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at the sky outside the window, and then said angrily: "Damn it! It's not even dawn yet, what are you talking about?" Nervous?"

"I'll count to three, if you don't get up again I'll poison you... three!"

Ga!Fu Shubao poked his head out from behind the door quickly, feeling lucky, "Fortunately, I caught up... I knew she wouldn't count one and two this time."

Du Yin'er then retracted the hand that was about to poison, and said angrily: "You are lucky."

Fu Shubao shrugged, "Sister Yin'er, we need to talk, do you understand the meaning of talking? It's a heart-to-heart communication, well, I'm sure there must be some misunderstanding between us, that's why you treat me like this , in order to resolve your misunderstanding of me, I am willing to open my heart to you...

"Have you said enough?"

"What's your attitude? I really want to talk to you!"

bang!A pair of shiny metal gloves were thrown in front of Fu Shubao.

"What is this?"

"This is the weight-increasing anklet my grandfather made for you after staying up most of the night. Put it on."

"Haha, what are you kidding? You want me to wear this thing, and then you catch up with me and poison me?"

"That's right, put it on quickly, I can't wait to poison you, do you know, knowing that Grandpa will make such a pair of foot gloves for you, I rushed to make several kinds of poison overnight."

"If you want me to wear... no way!"

"That's easier, I'll poison you now."

A lot of black sweat suddenly appeared on Fu Shubao's forehead...

Day three...

Day [-]...

Day [-]...

Day [-]...


"Damn it, why do I feel thinner and haggard the more I look at it?" Standing in front of a bronze mirror, a teenager muttered to himself.

At that moment, he was like an uncle who had lived in isolation in a cave for 30 years.The once stylish and stylish long black hair has also changed, like a nest where a lazy hen hatches eggs, and the eyes are no longer sharp and full of wisdom, just like a starving chicken. A black goat that hasn't gnawed on a blade of grass for seven or eight days...


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