Fallen Genius

Chapter 64

Three months, for many people, it may be just a short time, but for one person, it seems as long as three lifetimes.

That unlucky guy's surname is Fu, and his name is Shubao.

During the three months, Du Yin'er brought out the characteristics of the little witch to the extreme. The parkour agility training with her presence is no longer a simple intensive training, but a devil training that is at every turn a matter of life and death.

The metal foot gloves made by Duhuo also increased from the initial six catties, ten catties to fourteen catties.This kind of weight is already the maximum weight that can be lifted by the force field of the third level of internal force. That is to say, using foot gloves to train parkour agility is tantamount to erasing Fu Shubao's internal force field.However, on the day when the boots were removed, his parkour agility increased significantly in terms of height, speed, and agility, which was no longer the same.However, the price he paid for this harvest was poisoning. In the past three months, he couldn't remember how many times he was poisoned by the poisonous voice.

In fact, even Fu Shubao himself couldn't believe that he could survive it.

"Do you know why I want you to strengthen and perfect your parkour skills?" In the cave, Du Huo looked straight at Fu Shubao with a solemn expression.

Fu Shubao thought for a while, "It must be that the terrain in the ancient tomb is complicated, and I need to use my special movement technique suitable for high-speed movement in various terrain environments?"

"This is just one of them, and there is another point that is more important, that is, after you enter the tomb chamber, you must come out within half an hourglass."

"Half an hourglass? So little?" There are 24 hourglasses in a day, and half an hourglass is half an hour, which is indeed very little for the things planned to be done.

"Once you enter the tomb, the entire ancient tomb will start to collapse. The time I said for half an hourglass is actually the highest estimate, and it may be shorter." After a pause, Du Huo continued: "When I got there, I tried to To lure away the python of misfortune, Yin'er will enter the ancient tomb with you. She will expel all kinds of toxins in the ancient tomb for you, and you will break all kinds of traps and obstacles for her. You must remember that once you enter the tomb, you will only There is at most half an hourglass left, so you have to come out during that time, understand?"

Fu Shubao nodded, but he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. Indeed, if he could get in and out easily, then the treasure would have been dug out long ago. How can we wait until now?He also didn't need to spend three months to strengthen and perfect his parkour agility.

"Take this thing back." Du Huo handed a delicate box to Fu Shubao.

"What is it?" Fu Shubao took it.

"Your cultivation power refiner, I just gave you an extra box to hold it."

Fu Shubao opened the box, and it really contained its cultivating power refiner. Inside the box, there was also a Puling-level spirit beast power pill, which was also taken away from him by Du Yin'er.After taking a look, he closed the box again, "Old Du, have you found out what kind of toxin it is?"

Du Huo shook his head, "Yin'er didn't find out, and I couldn't find out either."

"Old Poison, you are the patriarch of the Poison Wolf Clan, why can't even you find out?" Fu Shubao was depressed.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Du Huo's mouth, "The patriarch of the Poison Wolf Clan is not an omnipotent god, there are many people in this world who are stronger than me, and there are many things I can't do in this world , Otherwise, would I still let you join such a dangerous operation?" After a pause, he said again: "But Xiao Fu, don't worry too much about the toxins produced by this cultivating power refiner. There is no way to find out what kind of toxin it is, but I have some understanding of your cultivation power refiner, and this toxin will disappear after a certain period of time. There is also a saying that your strength cultivation reaches eternity The venom will be eliminated automatically when you reach the realm of power, so you don't need to rush to detoxify."

In fact, the mysterious toxin produced by Xiuzhi's refining tool has found a way to get rid of it, but for Fu Shubao, that kind of detoxification method is like a dumb man who eats coptis, and he can't tell if he suffers.

"Old Du, don't we have time to act?"

"Three days later, I need to make final preparations during these three days, so you should make adjustments and get ready." Du Huo turned and walked towards the open space where various materials were piled up.Dealing with spirit beasts of the Holy Spirit level is not an easy task, and the preparations he needs to make will definitely not be simple preparations.

Fu Shubao originally wanted to ask some details, but at this moment he had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Jumping down from a cliff at a height of [-] meters, his body fell against the steep mountain. Every ten meters or so, Fu Shubao's feet would step heavily on the rocks to reduce the strength and speed of his body's fall.In fact, goshawks are nothing more than that.

Boom!With a deep sound, Fu Shubao's feet stepped firmly on the ground.The soles of both feet sank slightly into the soft soil, but his body didn't even tremble.

If it was three months ago, let alone the level where his body didn't even tremble, he wouldn't dare to jump off the cliff in front of the cave, but after three months of devil pose After strengthening and perfecting, he is not only brave, but also calm.

A chuckle came from the side, and Du Yin'er's crisp laughter wafted in the wind, especially intoxicating. However, hearing the little witch's laughter at this moment, Fu Shubao frowned subconsciously , because, his trouble came again.

"That's right. After taking off the boots, your posture is at least [-]% stronger than before." Du Yin'er walked over slowly, with a charming smile on her face, as bright as the sun.

Seeing such a touching smiling face, any man would be happy and moved, but Fu Shubao's head hurts, because every time Du Yin'er smiles at him, there is an ulterior motive, and the brighter the smile, the more serious the consequences.Shrugging his shoulders helplessly, he said with a wry smile: "Your grandfather just talked to me, he will spend three days to make the final preparations, and we will start to act after three days, so please take your fooling Put away your tricks, I don't have time to play around with you."

"In your heart, am I such a mischievous person?" Du Yin'er's expression changed slightly, it seemed to be resentment, and it seemed to be slightly tsk, a hazy and complicated feeling.

"Isn't it?" Fu Shubao didn't notice the slight change in Du Yin'er at all, and asked with a smile.

Du Yin'er sighed softly, "Let's not talk about this anymore, I'm not in the mood to poison you today, anyway, it's hard for me to catch up with you even if you put on the heaviest glove, I I just want to ask... what will you do after this matter is over?"

"Of course it's back to Tiger City."

"I want to go back to the territory of the poisonous wolf tribe. I don't know when we will see you again." Du Yin'er said quietly, looking at Fu Shubao from the corner of her eye, as if observing Fu Shubao's reaction to her words .

"Haha! That's good, it's best not to see him." This was Fu Shubao's reaction, he was really... scared of being poisoned.

"You..." Du Yin'er stomped her lotus feet, her expression was also sad, obviously a little angry.

Fu Shubao chuckled, "Just kidding, tell me where your territory is, and I will definitely visit you when I have a chance in the future."

"Really?" A smile appeared on Du Yin'er's jade dimple again.

"Of course it's true. Although I'm not a member of your Poisonous Wolf Clan, I'm no less important than your Poisonous Wolf Clan's."

"Our territory is east of Kyoto, and the fog covers the swamp. As long as you appear there, I can find you."

"Then it's settled." After solving the present matter and solving the troubles of Hideyoshi and Mo Chou, Fu Shubao will definitely go to the Misty Swamp if he has the opportunity in the future.

"Brother Bao..."

"What do you call me?" Du Yin'er used to call him "you bastard" or "bastard" before, but now he suddenly changed his address, Fu Shubao was really taken aback and felt uncomfortable.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me when I poured water on you, Brother Bao? Then can I call you a bastard?"


"Brother Bao, this is the amulet of our poisonous wolf clansman. I will give it to you. Wear it and it will bring you good luck." After being fierce, Du Yin'er became strangely gentle again. She took off a string of stone necklaces from her neck, held them in both hands, and handed them to Fu Shubao with some awkwardness.

A very modest necklace, just a crescent-shaped black pebble tied to a red string.It lay quietly in the snow-white and tender palm of Du Yin'er, the red set off the white, and the white reflected the black, forming a subtle visual impact.On the necklace, there is still a faint body fragrance of Du Yin'er, which is faint and refreshing.

"This..." Fu Shubao didn't understand why Du Yin'er gave him such a thing.

Du Yin'er raised her eyebrows slightly, "Don't you like it? Then I'll give you a better one."

"I like it!" Fu Shubao quickly linked the necklace, and quickly put it on his neck.He deeply knew that if he said that this necklace was not good and he didn't want it, then the "better thing" that Du Yin'er was going to give him next must be poison, a lot of poison.

Seeing Fu Shubao put her necklace on her neck, Du Yin'er smiled, "I knew it would look good on you, by the way, Brother Bao, you also give me a present."

Fu Shubao said with a little embarrassment: "You know that I have nothing on me that I can get out of, only this training power refiner, how about..."

"Pfft! Who wants your perverted thing? I know you don't have any suitable gifts for me. Even the underpants on your body are the ones I wore before."

"Well, can you not mention this matter..." Fu Shubao's voice was so low that only he could hear it. Damn, why does she always poke people's feet?

Du Yin'er turned around and said: "However, there is one thing you can give me, and that is your training method of parkour and agility. I have been thinking about your parkour and agility for the past three months, but, I It's never been as good as yours."

Fu Shubao laughed and said, "It turned out that it was the idea of ​​hitting my parkour agility, that's fine, isn't it just a parkour agility, I'll teach you."

"Do you have any secrets to practice it?" Du Yin'er asked anxiously.

Fu Shubao said with a smile: "I don't have any secrets in this parkour movement. It just uses the buoyancy of the force field. However, it looks simple on the surface, but it is not easy to use it skillfully."

"It's that simple?" Du Yin'er didn't believe it at all, and looked suspiciously at Fu Shubao who was talking about it.

"Of course, this is just a basic theory. In addition to using the buoyancy of the force field proficiently and properly, there is a more important point, which is more complicated, and that is calculation. In the process of using body skills, you need to use The fastest speed is to calculate the resistance of the air, the gravity of the earth, the buoyancy of your force field and your own strength, and then integrate these together to get the most favorable final data, and perform actions based on this final data ……Do you understand it?"

"What is it? Can you explain it briefly?" Du Yin'er was obviously confused.

Fu Shubao raised his finger to the mountain wall behind him, "Let me give you an example. The cave where your grandfather lives is more than 100 meters above the ground. When I jumped from it, I set it to [-] meters, and then Add my weight, force field buoyancy, air resistance, force acceleration... these data at the fastest speed to calculate a final data, and this final data will guide me how much power to take off, and what should I do? Where was the first step, and then, I calculated the new final data... Finally, I completed the cliff jumping action."

Du Yin'er stared blankly at Fu Shubao. At this moment, her strange eyes seemed to see a wild boar with eight fat pig heads.So what, what, what, is that still a kind of agility?

"Didn't understand? Do you want me to explain again, maybe I can draw you a calculation formula or something."

"No need..." Du Yin'er shook her head, "No wonder even Grandpa can't see the clues of your body skills. It turns out to be so mysterious and complicated. I'm pretty good at poisons and the like, but calculations don't help me. How can I calculate such data in such a short period of time, I still don’t want to learn.”

This is actually Fu Shubao's parkour technique. It seems simple, but in fact, who can do it to his level?Calculated in an instant, executed in an instant, and accurate!What's even more frightening is that with the transformation of various terrains, his final data can also be calculated before the action!

This point, let alone Du Yiner, can't do it, even Du Huo can't do it.

After chatting with Du Yin'er for a while, Fu Shubao returned to the hut where he lived.After all, three days is the last time, and Du Huo needs to make final preparations, and he and Du Yin'er are no exception.


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