Fallen Genius

Chapter 65 Boots of the Power Refiner

As the night fell, the Shengu Valley was quiet.The bright moon is in the sky, and the shadows of the distant mountains are full of shadows.Occasionally, there is a roar of a wild beast in the forest, which adds a bit of ancient and mysterious charm to this valley immersed in the night.

Looking at the cultivation power refiner in the box, Fu Shubao's heart was full of entanglements.

In the past three months, he has not practiced once with the cultivation power refiner, and now that the cultivation power refiner has returned to his hands, it will inevitably arouse his desire to quickly improve his strength and cultivation level.

"I really don't know if I should use this thing to practice again. If I practice, the toxin will definitely return to its previous state. If I don't practice, on the one hand, I dare not use the way of taking poison to detoxify rashly. On the other hand, I can't quickly How can I improve my strength and cultivation base?" Fu Shubao smiled wryly, it's really hard to make up his mind about this kind of thing.

In the following night, Fu Shubao picked up the Xiuzhili Refiner several times and loaded it with the Spirit Beast Power Pill, but he put it down when he was about to stuff the Xiuzhili Refiner into his mouth, repeatedly...

One night passed, and when Fu Shubao, who was in a depressed mood, went out to go for a crazy run, he saw poisonous work falling from the sky, and threw him a pair of black boots casually.

Very peculiar boots, each containing animal hide and metal parts.The animal hide part has a layer of fine scales, which also has a black metallic luster.The metal part has blood-colored lines, and it feels like blood is flowing inside.Hide and metal are two difficult materials to combine, but these two materials in this pair of boots work well together, giving a very strong and durable feeling.

After looking carefully, Fu Shubao suddenly froze for a moment. These are a pair of power refining boots!Moreover, the animal skin is not an ordinary animal skin, but the tiger skin of an armored tiger!

"Hey, the power refiner made of the armored tiger's tiger skin and high-grade metal will not rot even after 100 years of use?" Fu Shubao rubbed his hands, looking at the power refiner's boots in front of him with some envious eyes. While guessing the motive of poisoning in his heart, the old man took out this kind of thing for no reason, wouldn't it be showing off?

"Do you like it?" Du Huo asked casually.

"I like it, Du Lao, could it be..." Fu Shubao's blood seemed to be boiling.

"The armored tiger died on Wubao Mountain. Its tiger skin is a treasure. It would be a waste not to use it. Therefore, I started to make this pair of power refining boots a month ago. Just take it and wear it, it is tailor-made for you, and with your parkour agility, it will exert unimaginable benefits.”

"Haha, thank you very much." Fu Shubao took off the barely wearable boots on his feet, sat on the ground with his buttocks, took the pair of power refining boots and tried them on.

"These pair of power refining boots weigh fourteen catties. Originally, I planned to control its weight to about eight catties, but these fourteen catties are already the lowest weight I can achieve, and I can't reduce it any further."

Fu Shubao, who was wearing the boots of the power refiner, was moved in his heart. No wonder he increased the weight of the metal boots to fourteen catties. It turned out that Du had long been prepared for this.He has been wearing fourteen-pound metal boots for a month to hone his parkour agility, and now the pair of power refining boots also weigh fourteen pounds. As far as the weight adapts, there is no problem of.However, there is still a puzzling thing about his nature, "Du Lao, in that ancient tomb, wearing a pair of fourteen catties power refining boots, do you think it can be more powerful than I wear ordinary boots?" Faster and more stable?"

Du Huo smiled indifferently, "You will know after you try."

Fu Shubao looked at Du Huo suspiciously, then suddenly stepped on the ground with both feet, and his body suddenly flew up, and did not fall until the height of more than 12 meters.Even with the power of brewing, in a light and empty state, and using parkour body skills, his in-situ jumping ability is only between seven and eight meters. After strengthening, the best time is only close to The height is only nine meters, but this time not only added fourteen catties of weight on the feet, but also jumped to such a height!

Boom!As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Fu Shubao leaned forward with excitement in his heart, and his body disappeared in front of Du Huo.It's not an exaggeration to describe his speed as faster than the Phantom of Gale!

Seeing Fu Shubao who disappeared in the blink of an eye and ran away in an instant, a flash of astonishment flashed in Du Huo's eyes, which was hard to conceal.This is not the first time he has seen Fu Shubao use this so-called parkour agility. The so-called agility is nothing more than increasing the speed of movement and the agility of movements. He has never encountered the agility that maximizes the sensitivity of his body and integrates into various environments, and he can't figure it out.

His figure is like the wind, but Fu Shubao can no longer think about other things.The speed of his brain is actually many times faster than the speed of his body.The ground under his feet flew by, and various terrains, even a small mound, were included in his calculations.But this time, he added a new kind of data to his calculations, that is the power refiner boots on his feet!

Injecting internal force into his feet, Fu Shubao felt that the boots of the power refiner had established a two-in-one relationship with him, and the two spirit beast power pills embedded in the boots of the power refiner released energy, and Running along the bloody lines that run through the metal part, its function is to provide him with a kind of internal force blessing, and exert the inherent elemental attributes of the spirit beast Lidan. There is no doubt that the spirit of the two power refining boots under his feet Beast Li Dan is of wood attribute, and has the characteristic of dispelling wind. This characteristic can make the wind breath under his feet produce a kind of buoyancy and thrust, which makes his parkour even more powerful!

After some frantic running, Fu Shubao, who came blowing like a wind shadow, suddenly stopped in front of Du Huo, leaving behind him a pausing track several meters long.Just like the emergency braking of a vehicle, the brake marks left by the wheels on the ground.However, there is no such concept when this power dominates everything in the world, so looking at the two long traces behind Fu Shubao, the feeling of being poisoned is very strange, and the surprise in his eyes is even stronger .

"Boy, the spirit beast power pills used in these pair of power refining boots are two wood attribute power pills at the spirit level. Wearing them will make your movement faster and stronger. Well, it seems worth the two The value of Keridan."

"Hehe, Du Lao, no matter how fast and strong my body is, it can't compare to your powerful wings. Once you shake your wings, you can fly in the sky like an eagle." The big advantage is that no matter what Fu Shubao does, he has to flatter him.In fact, a good flattery is also a manifestation of humility and courtesy.

"Hehe," Du Huo smiled a little helpfully, "With your talent and talent, I believe that you are absolutely likely to reach the realm of eternal power, and even, you may also become an admirable alchemist. At such a young age, the future achievements are limitless."

"Du Lao, are you saying that I can also become a powerful warrior?"

"Of course, if it was someone else, I wouldn't say these words, but you are different. I can feel the hazy elemental characteristics on your body, which is a necessary condition for becoming a powerful warrior. However, this It's just my feeling, what's more important is your practice in the realm of spiritual power and the realm of elemental power. The realm of spiritual power is the key period to understand the power of the five elements, and the realm of elemental power is the key period to master it. , both are very important, in my opinion, your strength cultivation may not take long to reach the realm of spiritual power?"

Fu Shubao was about to speak, but Du Yin'er's laughter came over suddenly, "Grandpa, are you trying to make him use the power of cultivation to refine weapons to practice? That is poisonous."

Looking back, Fu Shubao's eyes lit up immediately.

Du Yin'er, who came slowly, was wearing a black tight-fitting leather armor. Looking carefully, the scale armor was actually made of the tiger skin of the armored tiger.In addition to the tiger skin of the armored tiger, there are also metal parts on the leather armor, and those metal parts also have faintly visible bloody lines.Obviously, this is not an ordinary leather armor, but a power refiner armor suit of mixed materials similar to the power refiner boots on his feet.

What amazed Fu Shubao was not mainly the Armored Armor on Du Yin'er's body, but also her graceful body wrapped in the Armor.

It was a close-to-skin cut and a near-perfect fit.The black armored tiger skin stuck tightly to her skin, perfectly outlining her exquisite and embossed figure.The chest is huge, firm and full, like two cannonballs ready to be fired.The buttocks are plump and upright with extraordinary elasticity, and the deep grooves on them make people imagine.The most beautiful should be a pair of powerful long legs. The slender legs wrapped in the armored tiger skin make people unable to pick out any flaws. The combination of strength and round beauty displayed is full of temptation and makes people Can't help but be around the corner.

On Du Yin'er's feet are also a pair of boots made of armored tiger skin, but they are just a pair of ordinary boots, not a power refiner.

Finally, it was difficult to look away from Du Yin'er, and Fu Shubao said dryly: "Du Lao, didn't you say that no one has made the power refiner armor? How did you make it?"

Du Huo laughed and said: "I mean others, not me, besides, this is not a pure power refining armor, but a light leather armor, have you forgotten, I also said that pure refining armor Will an armor made of metal made of metal lose the meaning of wearing it because of its heavy weight, but it is different to use light animal skin to make a mixed-material armor armor. The armor I made for Yin'er is actually better than yours. The double-strength refining boots are two catties lighter, weighing only twelve catties. In addition, the power pill I used is also a positive spirit-level power pill with earth attributes. Its strong and thick characteristics can just strengthen her defense ability. It fits right."

"Eccentric... It is obvious that the best materials are used to make Du Yin'er's power refiner armor, and most of my power refiner boots are leftover scraps." Fu Shubao muttered in his heart, and looked at it with some envy. After taking a look at Du Yin'er's Armored Armor, when will I be able to become a Hercules of Alchemy and create such an Armored Armor?

Oh shit!No matter what kind of toxin it is, the power of cultivating the weapon will definitely be used!

When a resentment arises, a belief also arises.

Isn't it just a side effect of not being able to touch women?Then...let's touch it later!

When Du Yin'er came over, there was a faint fragrance in the air.

Du Huo shook his head inexplicably, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You girl, what does it have to do with me whether Xiao Fu uses the power of cultivation to refine weapons and practice? He is a sensible person and knows what to do. Alright, I’m too lazy to displease you here, you guys talk, remember to familiarize yourself with your respective power refiners after you talk, and you must achieve perfect cooperation.”

Fu Shubao and Du Yin'er each responded, watching Du Huo suddenly soar into the air, wave his pair of venomous wings of power and fly away in an instant.What Fu Shubao couldn't help thinking about was that Du Huo had made the best preparations for himself and Du Yin'er, so what kind of preparations did he make for himself when he was about to face the python of calamity?

It's unimaginable, but what's certain is that, as an eternal-level warrior of refinement, Du Huo wouldn't take realgar wine or something to challenge the python of calamity?

"Brother Bao, do you really want to use that cultivating power refiner to cultivate strength?" Du Yin'er looked away from the sky, faintly and authentically.

"Of course." He was still hesitating last night, but now, Fu Shubao has figured it out.

"Fool..." Du Yin'er said in a low voice, and a look of disappointment flashed in her dark eyes.

"What did you say?" Fu Shubao didn't hear those two words.

"Don't say anything, let's start! As usual, if you run, I will chase you, and if you catch up, you will be poisoned. I counted...Damn it! You ran away before I counted!"

With a figure like the wind, Fu Shubao had long since disappeared.

Du Yin'er never counted from one to three, so why should he wait for her to count?

In Shengu Canyon, two wind-like figures were moving, sometimes far and sometimes near.

The only thing that is getting closer is probably Du Yin'er's young girl's heart that has sprouted.


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