Fallen Genius

Chapter 66 8 Wolf Riders

Using the Cultivation Power Refiner for strength training allowed Fu Shubao to regain the feeling of quickly improving his strength and cultivation base, which was very enjoyable. However, after three days, this feeling subsided and was replaced by a strong sense of tension .Because what he has to face is not only an expedition into the ancient tomb, but also a test of life and death.

However, Fu Shubao would never have imagined that Duhuo would directly "lift" him out of the Shengu Valley, turn eastward and westward, and Duhuo actually brought him and Duyin'er to the pool under Wubao Mountain.

The sound of the rumbling water was still there, and the events of that day came to mind again, but Fu Shubao's head was in a daze, and he couldn't figure it out, "Du Lao, didn't you want to go to the treasure of the ancient tomb? Why did you come here?"

Du Huo said: "This pond is the entrance to the ancient tomb."

"What?" Fu Shubao was stunned for a moment.I don't know how many treasure hunters with various versions of treasure maps passed by here, and even camped here, but who knew that the bottomless pool in front of them was the entrance to the treasures of the ancient tomb?

"Grandpa, shall we go in now?" Du Yin'er couldn't wait.

Du Huo shook his head, "It's not just us who came here today, there are others too. If we don't deal with it, they will become our future troubles."

"Anyone else?" Fu Shubao suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that old witch Mo Chou is here too?"

Du Huo sneered, "Who else is there besides her?"

"Where is it?" Fu Shubao looked around subconsciously, but the mountains and forests were quiet, so there was no one there.Could it be that Du Huo's cultivation is so strong that he can sense the movement of creatures far away?

Du Huo said: "Boy, have you forgotten that old woman Mochou has a flat-haired animal that can fly?"

"Du always said the eagle of the earth?" Fu Shubao suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.Suddenly there was a hiss of an eagle, and in the haze, a black shadow could be seen hovering faintly.

"Grandpa, we didn't show up last time because we were afraid of revealing our whereabouts. This time, the old witch must have discovered us too. We just deal with her and enter the ancient tomb!" Du Yin'er has already shown his murderous intentions .

"This can't be a coincidence." Du Huo frowned deeply, "If Mo Chou noticed our existence and left eyeliner, then today she came here specially for us, but she seems to be a little anxious, too Wouldn't it be better to show up early and wait until we get the things?"

Fu Shubao also frowned slightly, "I believe that old witch Mo Chou will not come to the danger alone, she must have brought a helper, Du Lao, although your cultivation base is strong, but two fists are no match for four hands, even We succeeded in the ancient tomb, and I am afraid that the old witch will take advantage of it in the end."

Du Yin'er said angrily: "Then get rid of the old witch Mochou and her people before entering the ancient tomb!"

Fu Shubao looked up at the sky again, and pondered: "The enemy on the bright side is nothing to be afraid of, but the enemy hidden in the dark is probably not so good. I'm guessing, at this moment, that old witch Mochou probably has the same kind of evil as you." After confirming that we have no helpers, she might attack us first and eat us, so it is not difficult to deduce where her people are."

"What direction?"

Fu Shubao looked around and said calmly: "The encirclement is of course an ambush from all sides."

At this time, Du Huo sneered and said: "I don't dare to do it first, even if I measure her up! Do you want to bully the few with more people? She Mo Chou was already prepared, and I also did Du Huo. Two days ago, ten of our Poison Wolf Clan Eight Wolf Riders are on this Wubao Mountain!"

Eighteen wolf riders, each member can stand alone, proficient in assassination, tracking, poison production and use, etc., even the mounts under their crotch are all spirit beast wolves of the general spirit level, which can be called the most powerful wolf in the East Continent. A strong cavalry team, no cavalry team dares to compete with it.The Eighteen Wolf Riders are also the most mysterious and powerful part of the Poisonous Wolf Clan. No one outside has ever seen their true appearance.

It seems that Fu Shubao and Du Yin'er's final preparations are a pair of power refining boots and a piece of power refining leather armor, and Duhuo's final preparation is the Eighteen Wolf Rider.

"It turns out that grandpa had already prepared for it. Brother Du Pan brought his people to support us, so the old witch Mochou and her people are nothing to be afraid of!" Du Yin'er suddenly became excited.

"Wow——" raised his head and let out a deafening wolf howl, and Du Huo began to summon his clansmen in a special way.

"Wow——" There was also a loud wolf howl from the halfway up Wubao Mountain, corresponding to the vicious wolf howl, echoing in the misty forest together.

A moment later, there was a sound in the dense forest on the slopes of Wubao Mountain, and shortly thereafter, the sound of running was heard, and after that, a burly man in black armor rode a giant wolf that was almost bigger than a horse from the front row. ran out among the trees.Black armor, black helmet, black boots, and even the scabbard of the war knife hanging on the waist is also pitch black.Bitter like the wind, murderous like blazing!The wolf of the spirit beast is as strong as a bull, with blood-red eyes, and its wolf fur is as hard and sharp as steel needles. The sound of its steps is like thunder, like a drum of war, hitting people's hearts one after another, making people nervous. Panic!

Immediately after the leading wolf knight, seventeen wolf knights rushed out of the dense forest in an instant. In an instant, a howling of wolves echoed around the pool, and the sound shook the sky.

"The commander of the Eighteen Wolf Riders, Du Pan, pays his respects to the patriarch and Miss Yin'er!" The wolf knight, who claimed to be Du Pan, jumped from the back of the wolf of the spirit beast, and bowed down in front of Du Huo and Du Yin'er.

Only then did Fu Shubao see Du Pan's face clearly. It was a sharp-edged face, with a strong nose, thick and slender eyebrows, and bright black eyes. In addition, he was nearly 1.9 meters tall and extremely burly. They are all like a steel tower that will not fall down, extremely sturdy.

"What a domineering man!" Fu Shubao couldn't help admiring in his heart.What he always wanted to be was such a tough man, but things always backfired.When I saw it, I was envious.

In fact, Du Pan was only in his early twenties.At such a young age, he sat on the position of the commander of the Poisonous Wolf Clan's Eighteen Wolf Riders, so one can imagine his abilities.

After Du Pan, the other eighteen wolf knights also jumped off their wolf backs and bowed down in front of Du Huo and Du Yin'er.Only then did Fu Shubao discover that the Eighteen Wolf Riders were not very old, most of them were under 30 years old, but their commander was the youngest among them.

"What did you find?" Du Huo asked straight to the point.

Du Pan replied in a deep voice: "Mochou and her people are also here, the exact number is not very clear, but it is estimated that there are five to sixty people, their positions are encircling and changing at any time, so the exact location cannot be determined. "

Du Huo's face once again fell into a gloomy state.

If you can't determine the specific location, you can't attack. Summoning the Eighteen Wolf Riders to show up is just to make Mo Chou feel scruples and dare not make a move, but it is of no help to the upcoming matter.

In the silence, Du Yin'er suddenly said: "Grandpa, this stalemate is not an option. Why don't we find those people hiding in the dark one by one and get rid of them! Then enter the ancient tomb."

Du Huo shook his head, "Guiyunzong is a giant, if we fight them now, it means that our Poison Wolf Clan and Guiyunzong will go to war. As the patriarch, how can I put my clansmen in this way?" In danger? The old hag Mochou also has the same worries as us. If we were just three of us, she would probably do it after finding out the details, but now, with the Eighteen Wolf Riders, she has no choice but to Because of the concern of silence, I dare not take the risk of an all-out war with our Poisonous Wolf Clan, and it will cost us."

"But, Grandpa, we have been preparing for this day for ten years! Do we just give up like this?" Du Yin'er was very unwilling.

"You can't be anxious about this matter, one wrong step will lead to eternal disaster, I have to think hard about it." Du Huo stopped talking and fell into silence.

Things seemed to be at an impasse.It would be extremely unwise for the Poisonous Wolf Clan to start a war with Gui Yunzong, who claims to have over ten thousand disciples.For Mo Chou and Gui Yunzong, it is extremely unwise to fight against the poisonous wolves. It is tantamount to taking revenge on an extremely poisonous snake. Was poisoned and knocked to the ground.Besides, Mo Chou is only the hall master of Gui Yun Zong's Hercules Hall, and there is a suzerain above her, so she dare not rashly make any decision that is not conducive to Gui Yun Zong.In this way, both sides had scruples and it was exhausted.

But in the midst of everyone's desperation, Fu Shubao burst out laughing.


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