Fallen Genius

Chapter 88 Red Harbor Liberty City

The energy of Lingshuang turned into thousands of trickles, washing every meridian and blood vessel of him. The oval-shaped energy cluster in the sub-universe emitted five colors of strange light, greedily absorbing the energy of Lingshuang, and transforming it into spiritual energy.This time, Fu Shubao still chose the green wood element to perceive.

Time progressed quietly, and at a certain moment, he saw that weird seed image again.

Without taking any action, Fu Shubao just carefully observed the seed image with his mind, expecting it to prompt or change.

In the first period of time, the image of the seed did not change at all, but as time went by, Fu Shubao felt that the outer skin of the seed was peeling off, and there seemed to be a kind of energy emerging from the seed. It becomes more and more obvious as time goes on.

After a while, two new sprouts quietly emerged from the front of the seed, green and lovely, and the strange energy became clearer and thicker, forming an indescribable rhythm with his thinking for a while.At the same time, the changes of the wind and poison branches of the wood element are still going on in his mind.However, this time his cognition of the wood element has changed significantly, with some more subtle and profound content.

"Could it be that when I observe the seed with my mind's eye, I actually use the energy of spiritual power to nourish it, allowing it to enter the state of germination and then growth from the state of the seed, and at the same time, it returns to me the ability to sense the wood element? " Fu Shubao thought secretly in his heart.

After a mental training, Fu Shubao was still thinking about this question. Compared with the thoughts during the training process, he was more sure after the training.Ordinary wrestlers need to spend a long time and energy to find a sense of union with a certain element in nature when they enter the first level of spiritual power, and then they can use that sense of union to slowly comprehend a certain element. The existence of elements, and gradually improve the ability of perception.If he didn't have the content transmitted to him by the refining scroll, he would have to do the same, but now, he could practice the perception of any element even if he was sitting in the room.Take the perception ability of the wood element as an example. He doesn't need to practice in the forest, he just needs to sit in the house and observe the seed with his mind.

It seems that all the benefits brought by refining the Tianshen scroll so far have been good, so why did Du Wushuang, a cheap mother, have to enter a 200-year sleep period when she practiced it?Waking up and forgetting everything about the past?Since she claims that refining the Heavenly Scroll is an ominous thing, where is the ominousness?

In fact, Fu Shubao couldn't help thinking about this kind of problem every time the training ended, but he still didn't take it seriously in his heart. With the precedent of refining the weapon with the power of cultivation, even if there was something ominous about refining the god scroll, he wouldn't mind it. Don't be afraid, this is called not worrying about debts, not itching when there are too many lice.As long as he can reach the realm of eternal power earlier, how can he have the time to worry about hidden dangers that may not exist?

Sweeping away the troublesome sense of worry in his heart, Fu Shubao quickly adjusted his state again, "I now understand the changes of the two branches of the wood element, that is, wind and poison, wind dominates speed, wind and cloud and thunder, poison dominates toxin and rescue. The antidote for people to cure diseases, so what kind of branch changes do the other four elements have?"

The sensory seeds of the wood element are still only in the state of germination. It may take a long time for it to become a towering tree. If the seed grows into a towering tree, it is the cultivation of the sensory ability of the wood element. If the standard is qualified, what about the other four elements?

"Instead of making unfounded guesses like this, why don't I try the other four by training the perception ability of the wood element?" With a move in his heart, Fu Shubao screened his messy thoughts and sat quietly on the cold floor again. The source of heart method has entered the practice of spiritual power.

In his mind, the five-color element powder flying all over the sky appeared again. This time, Fu Shubao did not choose the green wood element, but chose the transparent blue water element.

After making the choice, his brain trembled slightly, and his mind suddenly came to a field of ice and snow, and his vision was boundless pale color.There was no wind, but the sky was always covered with heavy snow like goose feathers, which covered everything.

This is a glacier where water elements gather.

Going deeper, he came to the tip of the glacier.At his feet is a river seeping out of the glacier, slowly flowing into the distance.

A cold breath came suddenly, and Fu Shubao, who was staring blankly at the glacier, suddenly raised his head, only to see a drop of water dripping from the deep blue sky, splashing into one of his palms.A strange thing happened, he could clearly see his palm, and he could also clearly see the water drop, but the moment he didn't realize it, the water drop pierced through his palm and fell to the ground.

Puff, with a soft sound, the snowflakes on the ground were smashed out of a small hole.

Staring blankly at the small hole punched out by the water drop, and at the palm pierced by the water drop, Fu Shubao's heart suddenly trembled. The two branches of water have changed in his chest, that is Ju He Gang.Gathering is gathering, gathering water to form a river, gathering rivers to form a river, gathering rivers to form a sea, and gathering branches should be the most powerful attack of water element power!

Rigidity is the rigidity of rigidity, water is soft and pervasive, but dripping water can penetrate stones, the so-called rigidity of water is the strongest rigidity!

After comprehending, the snowflakes scattered all over the sky, just like the scene of training the perception ability of the wood element, a mysterious image appeared in his mind again.This time it was not a seed, but a drop of crystal clear water.

After finishing the training, Fu Shubao lay down on the ground exhaustedly.Practicing mental power will not only cause physical fatigue, but also mental fatigue to a certain extent, making him feel drowsy.

But Fu Shubao didn't stop there. Although he was a little tired physically and mentally after seeing the mystery of refining the Tianshen scroll for the first time, he was very excited in his bones.After closing his eyes and resting for a while, he took a small spoonful of Lingshuang again, and then entered into spiritual training.In this way, after resting again, he took a small spoonful of Lingshuang for the fourth and fifth spiritual training.

The third time he chose black gold elements.

The fourth time he chose the red fire element.

The fifth time he chose the brown earth elemental.

As he expected, each element has two kinds of branch changes and related training images.

Among them, the two branch changes of the gold element are change and attack, and the training image is a piece of black metal.The two branch changes of the fire element are calcining and light, and the training image is a flame.The two branch changes of the earth element are escape and solution, and the training image is a rock.

The change of gold element refers to the fusion and change between various metals.Attack is the strongest attack of metal, intended to be sharp and cut.

The calcination of the fire element refers to the calcination of the flame, which melts everything.Light is the light of nature, which is generated by fire, which illuminates all things and all things are born. It is used to heal and change the microscopic structure of matter, and it can also be used to destroy.

The escape of the earth element is the escape of the earth element.The solution is the solution to understand the structure of the earth, and it is used to decompose matter.

On the surface, the powers of the five elements are clearly distinct from each other, and the various attributes and branch changes are not related to each other, but in fact, they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and there are thousands of changes.Soften them together, that's the only thing the Alchemist can rely on to forge new metals and create smiths!

The earth property can decompose matter, the fire property can change matter, water can gather matter, metal property can endow matter with change and strength, and wood property can obliterate the bad things in the matter and make the good things stronger and more perfect.

This is the complete interpretation of the power of the five elements, and the warriors who master them will make them create all kinds of miracles.

After a long time, Fu Shubao recovered from the shock after finishing his last practice, and a sincere smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the original world, he had done in-depth research on both physics and chemistry, and had a high enough professional quality, but now he discovered that the structure of matter he had mastered in the original world, and the way to refine certain This kind of substance is simply incomparable with what he knows now. Using chemical means to change and refine substances is an act of destruction, but the alchemist seems to endow certain substances with new attributes, and it can even be said to be life. !

Destruction and creation, that's the difference.

After a short rest, Fu Shubao got up from the cold floor, walked slowly to the window, opened the curtains, and a blue sea came into his sight immediately, and a few white seagulls were flying freely in the distant sky , desolate and magnificent.

Honggang, a beautiful city bordering the sea, is second only to Kyoto in scale.Merchant ships from all over the world came and went, and adventurers, businessmen, mercenaries, prostitutes, and poets of all races walked freely on the bustling streets, creating a scene of prosperity and prosperity.

This is the first stop of the young master's journey of freedom.


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