Fallen Genius

Chapter 89 Iron Sand Fist Superimposed Punching Fist

After escaping from Hucheng, Xiaoxing stayed overnight all the way. After leaving the boundary of Hucheng, he spent money to buy a good horse and went straight to Honggang. It was a month and three days later when he arrived in Honggang.Until the end of this significant spiritual training, Fu Shubao actually only stayed in Hong Kong for one night.However, this practice took him most of the day. He started to practice after getting up in the morning, and it was almost dusk when he finished.

Standing at the window and looking at the sea view for a while, Fu Shubao felt a little hungry, so he packed up and went out.After eating something casually in the hotel, when he was about to go out, the hotel waiter came over, put a simple map in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Master, this is the place you inquired about, young man." Draw it as a map, follow this road, and you will be there in an hourglass."

The map is very scribbled, but there are signs on how to go, and it is still detailed. Fu Shubao glanced at it, took out a few silver coins and threw them on the table, "Your reward, take it to drink."

"Thank you, young master. In the future, you can tell the young master if you have something to do, hehe." The waiter smiled obsequiously, grabbed the silver coins scattered on the table, and then retreated humbly.

Fu Shubao put away the map, left the hotel, and walked down the simple map drawn by the waiter.In order not to be discovered, the hotel he stayed in was an inconspicuous small hotel in Red Harbor.But the reason why he came to Honggang was not simply to avoid the people of the Poisonous Wolf Clan and the Guiyun Sect. A mythical figure in the world of Hercules, Lian Tianjun, Xie Yue Ming Feng.A great cosmic-level warrior who has been refined.

The Tianshen scroll created by Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng is not an unknown thing. As the secret book of the Lianshishi of the universe, ordinary people may not know it, but in the world of Lianshilishi, it is a person standing on the side of evil. existence at the top.Not only are there many powerful fighters who have refined it, but some ancient books and histories have recorded it, so it is not difficult to find out something.

During the more than a month since he came to Honggang, he found something through various channels, and the clues he had finally led him to a very strange place, the old grave slope.It was also thanks to the rewards of those few silver coins, otherwise it would be impossible for him, a foreigner, to find a place that even the local old people can't remember.

The reason why he wanted to investigate was not because he was afraid that practicing the Heavenly God Scroll would eventually bring him some bad consequences, but that since he was practicing with the Heavenly God Scroll, he had to understand what kind of thing it was , if you don't do this, you may not have any problems in the later stage of strength training, but to understand the scroll of refining the gods, it is most direct to start with its creator.

On the way to Honggang, Fu Shubao read many historical records about Lian Tianjun Xie Yueming Feng, and also learned some things from some unofficial history and legends.However, from those very limited channels, he only knew that Lian Tianjun Xie Yue Mingfeng was a very evil person, and his death was also related to this Lian Tian Shen Scroll.That's all, it's far from satisfying his curiosity, let alone satisfying his need to understand the scroll of refining the gods.

Crossing a street, he took out the simple map drawn by the waiter for comparison, and then Fu Shubao walked towards the north of Honggang.When we left the north gate of Honggang, the sky was already dark, and the lights of Honggang behind us were full of lights, and the orchestra was lingering, still a bustling scene.The road under our feet has been leading to a strange place. The tall trees on both sides of the road are towering, and the brilliance of the new moon can only sprinkle part of the luxuriant branches and leaves, and we can barely see the situation on the road.There was a burst of frogs and grasshoppers croaking from the fields in the distance, corresponding to the pale moonlight and shadowy scenes all around, a gloomy feeling that made one's skin chill.

"I hope I can gain something this time, otherwise, this annoying feeling of gloom will be in vain. Really, why would Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng choose such a place to live?" On the gloomy path, Fu Shubao was talking to himself.

He didn't go far, and when he was sure that there was no one else on this remote path, he nimbly jumped onto a big tree, quickly moved between the treetops, and went straight to the destination indicated by the simple map.With the parkour agility and the power refiner boots he earned from the drug workers, his speed can only be described as wind.

If the improved and strengthened Iron Sand Fist is his means of attack and defense, then this parkour movement technique is undoubtedly his life-saving means in this world.When encountering an opponent that Iron Sand Boxing can't solve, the Parkour Movement will solve the subsequent problems. Therefore, whenever there is an opportunity and a venue, he will practice it once.The first is proficiency, the second is refinement, and the third is experience.

The body shape is like the wind, and the parkour movement this time seems to be a little different from the past.First of all, the transmission and use of mental energy has become very fast, almost heart-pounding, and the body's agile response is stronger than usual.In this regard, even in Shengu Valley, the level played by Du Yiner, the little witch chasing him with poison, cannot be compared to what it is now!

The improvement of strength cultivation from the third level of internal force to the first level of spiritual power is not the only reason for the extraordinary performance of parkour and body skills this time. The strength cultivation has entered the first level of spiritual power. The buoyancy starting point of the mental force field is Fifteen catties, compared to the third level of internal strength, it is only a catty increase in lifting weight, and it takes four catties to reach the second level of spiritual power. Therefore, for now, although he has entered the spiritual power It has been a long time since the first level of strength, but the cultivation of spiritual strength focuses on the spiritual aspect, and the cultivation of the perception ability of the elements. His strength cultivation has not improved as fast as before. The increase in buoyancy is almost deliberate.

The real reason why he can perform so supernaturally is that the element perception training during the day has a comprehensive understanding of the five elements, and a major breakthrough has been made in the perception ability of the wood element. Wood can generate wind and drive away Wind, under the influence of this perception of the wood element, his speed and reaction have obtained a qualitative leap in a subtle way, how can he not be fast?

"Hey! It seems that in the future, while using the source of power mental method to cultivate strength, I still need to focus on the wood element for the elemental perception training provided by the Tianshen Scroll, and the other four as supplements. I can't always think about eating it in one bite. You're a big fat man, you want one kind of kind." The body turned into a black shadow, walking like a ghost among the luxuriant tree canopies, Fu Shubao had a little plan.

Whoosh!The body soared into the air, and went straight to the crown of a tree ten meters away.When he stretched out his arms and was about to grab a branch, Fu Shubao suddenly changed his movement plan, retracted his right fist, and immediately pushed it out.With a whistling sound, his fist hit the thick tree trunk through the air.

boom!The tree trunk slammed and shook.

puff!After a moment, the tree trunk suddenly made a not very strong cracking sound, and a pile of bark scum suddenly splashed away under the impact of the force shock wave, and a fist mark half a fist deep appeared on the part of the punch!

The fist of iron sand fist.

However, this did not end.

After punching through the air, relying on a certain extremely sensitive feeling in his heart, Fu Shubao slammed his left fist out at the same time when his right fist stopped, and his body appeared to reverse thrust and stay in the air for a short time.Then there were right fists, left fists, right fists, in the blink of an eye, but when his body flew to the tree trunk, he had already struck eight times with both fists!

This is the comprehensive application of the buoyancy point of the force field and the force shock wave pushing back the phenomenon of staying in the air.

pass by.

Turning around suddenly, a thigh-thick tree behind him suddenly broke, and the huge treetop fell to the ground, leaving only a broken tree stump as tall as a person on the ground!

The Iron Sand Fist's Punch Fist is just a crude boxing technique with a straight punch, which was scoffed at by many people, but at this moment, a flash of inspiration from Fu Shubao gave it a new vitality again!

The eight punches are completed in an instant, and they are played out under the characteristics of the heartbeat of the spiritual power. It is completely the eight most powerful punches for a one-time blow, and the superimposed damage caused by the attack will be the same level. Lux can't bear it!

The kinetic energy of the thunderous thousand shadows transformed into a thousand fist shadows, but in the end, only one punch was used as an attack, and the remaining 99 fist shadows were all phantoms. None of his superimposed punches were phantoms, but there were eight punches Real attack!

In contrast, Jingleidong Qianyingdong, who is known as a masterpiece, can only be regarded as an embroidered pillow in front of his superimposed punches.

Looking blankly at his fist, Fu Shubao frowned suddenly, "It's only eight punches, I thought it would reach twelve punches, it seems that this superimposed punch still needs to be improved, hey..."

He was still not satisfied that a sudden flash of inspiration had reached such a terrifying level, and he wondered how many wrestlers in this world would be ashamed to hit the wall for it.

Whoosh!With a little step, Fu Shubao disappeared into the vast night in a blink of an eye.

Coming out tonight is not for practicing boxing, and investigating Lian Tianjun Xie Yue Mingfeng is still his primary goal.

night, deeper.


Let me sell my super group, there are four major maids to welcome you book friends, Shanghao Biluochun, Yuxianchui...whatever, of course, the above is purely nonsense, friends who like to post pictures and chat can add it.Group number:???


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