Liaoerwa in late autumn looks quiet and serene.I saw that the open space in front of the mountain and behind the mountain was already covered with a layer of golden yellow. Whenever the lake wind blows, the fallen leaves all over the mountain dance with it, making people feel so beautiful and enchanting.

On a slowly approaching ship, Wang Lun and the others stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the giant island that had been parted for two months, feeling a sense of wanderer returning home lingering in his heart.

Except for Ruan Xiaoqi and Jiao Ting, everyone around Wang Lun is newcomers.I saw An Daoquan and his wife, Zhang Shun's mother and son, Wang Dingliu's father and son, and the four generals, Dragon, Tiger, Xiongjiao, were all staring at this legendary green forest holy land, only greedy.

But at this time Chixulong Feibao sighed, and praised: "What a dangerous big island! Brother Duan has a good eye, so he chose this place for his foundation. The four of us have traveled far and wide, and we have been to many places. But is there any place that can compare with my brother's cottage?" Ni Yun, Di Cheng and Bu Qingjian said that they all nodded in agreement with joy.

Wang Lun turned his head and smiled, looked at the crowd and said: "Everyone has gone up the mountain, this is our cottage, but in the future, the family should not talk about two different things!"

At this moment, Fei Bao laughed out loud when he heard the words, bowed his hands to the crowd again and again, and slipped his words, but he heard Zhang Shun, the white strip in the waves, suddenly say: "In the past, I heard people talking about the terrain of Liangshanbo, but I didn't think so at that time. What! Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that the rumors are true! If you want me to say, if there are no thousands of sailors, who can go to the island?"

Ruan Xiaoqi saw that his cottage was praised by so many new brothers at this time, a strong sense of pride came from the bottom of his heart, and he smiled and said: "My Xiaoqi grew up here since I was a child, and I see this every day." Da Dao didn’t have any idea, why are you dumb? If it wasn’t for my elder brother who was born with a heroic spirit and brought Du Qian and Song Wan here to gather for righteousness, I’m afraid that Xiao Qi would still be fishing in the lake at this time. How can we get together with so many good men and share our loyalty? Now my navy has added six generals like you, and everyone will work together to build a barrier for my brother's foundation, isn't it good?" Yes loud applause.Wang Dingliu was particularly elated at this time, he subconsciously exchanged glances with his old father, and saw the look of joy on the faces of the father and son.

At this time, there was movement on the island, and I saw a group of heroes rushing out of the first pass in front of the mountain, rushing straight to the golden beach, Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and said, "Coach Lin, Junshi Wen and the others are here to welcome my brother!"

Wang Lun nodded with a smile, and Ruan Xiaoqi pointed at the people on the bank and introduced them to the new leaders one by one. He said that this was the instructor of the 80 Imperial Army, and that he was the teacher of the Royal Golden Spear Class. Ren is the grandson of Lord Yang Linggong of Jindao. Hearing so many well-known figures in the rivers and lakes, why didn't the newcomers on the boat be happy?Even an old woman like Mother Zhang smiled from ear to ear, pulled her son and said, "Our little Xunyang, when have we seen so many real heroes? If you only care about hanging out with that group of people, you will be able to do it in the future." What's the future?" Zhang Shun lowered his head and didn't speak, but thought to himself: "There are indeed many heroes here, but don't I still have heroes like Hunjianglong Li Jun in my place?" It's just that he saw at this moment The old mother recovered from a serious illness, and she was rarely happy, but she didn't talk back.

Everyone was sighing, the big boat had already docked, Wang Lun took everyone off the boat quickly, and immediately asked the leaders waiting on the shore to catch them, they saw that there were many new faces on the boat, they were all happy and thought to themselves : "Brother went down the mountain this time and recruited so many heroes to vote, it's really a worthwhile trip!" Thinking that everyone here warmly greeted them, Xiao Er and Xiao Wu couldn't help shouting: "Qilang , my brother went up the mountain with so many heroes, is there anyone who knows how to swim?"

The leaders on the mountain and Wang Lun were friends with each other, so they were not in a hurry to pay respects, but they all looked at Ruan Xiaoqi with a smile on their face, and then they heard this fast man laugh and say, "Why is there no one who knows how to swim?" The next trip to the south of the Yangtze River, my brother met all men who can swim! Haha, the brothers in the Ma Jun and the infantry can only watch, envious of the growth of our navy!"

Lu Zhishen laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Xiao Qi, you are the one who always looks at me waiting to accept the hero, so why did you three brothers let you go once?"

Everyone laughed when they saw this, and at this moment, the four of them looked at the big fat monk, and couldn't help asking: "Could the master be Lu Zhishen, the flower monk who overthrew Thunderbolt Qin Ming before the battle?"

Lu Zhishen laughed, and said: "The Sa family took advantage of it. If my brother hadn't fought him for a hundred rounds first, it would not be easy to overthrow him!"

When Long Hu Xiong Jiao saw that he had admitted it himself, they couldn't help being horrified, and said, "That's not easy! It's a hero who pulls willows upside down!"

The four people were amazed for a while, and then asked: "There is another general who competed with Shenjian Huarong, I don't know if he is here!"

Seeing this, everyone on the mountain couldn't help but had strange expressions on their faces. Xu Ning and Yang Zhi looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.At this moment, Wen Huanzhang stepped forward and said with a smile: "General Tang has gone to Qingzhou to find a friend. When he comes back, he will definitely introduce him to the four heroes!"

The four people didn't know what was going on, and they all sighed: "General Tang fought with Huarong before the battle, I don't think they are getting better now, it really is that heroes value heroes, and good men know good men!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and laughed at the four people until they didn't understand. As soon as Wang Lun heard what Huanzhang said, he knew what Tang Bin was up to, and he didn't say anything. Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu were overjoyed and pulled Zhang Shun, Fei Bao, Ni Yun, Di Cheng, Bu Qing and Wang Dingliu to give them To catch the wind, Wen Huanzhang stepped forward and said with a smile: "It is to catch the wind for all the heroes, and the cottage will catch it first. Brother Xian must postpone it for a while!"

The three Ruan brothers laughed loudly when they heard the words, and said: "The military adviser is right, my three brothers will specially invite six heroes to a banquet tonight! Then please ask Brother Song Wan to take care of our sailors, and we will also invite us this time Sailors have a good meal!"

Song Wanyi couldn't listen anymore, and shouted: "Look at what your brother said, it seems that my kitchen is biased. No one in the whole village knows that I cook small stoves for your navy, but there are those who swim in the water. Eat, which bowl is not served by land? At this time, those who opened a small stove still blame me, and those who don’t open a small stove hate me even more? Is there any reason for this? No, no, this is an errand It’s over, it’s just that my brother is back, I have to talk to him!”

After listening to Song Wan's complaint, everyone laughed out loud. The newly joined leaders were infected by this harmonious atmosphere, and the muscles on their faces were almost stiff from laughing, but they couldn't get it back.At this time, Wang Lun saw that they were talking happily, so he didn't join in the fun. He just pulled Lin Chong aside. When my brother has nothing to do at night, I will take a rest with my sister-in-law later, and I will invite him to come over for a while!"

Wang Lun's words were vague, but at this moment Lin Chong's heart was like a mirror, he didn't want his elder brother to still think about his regrets in his busy schedule, and he was deeply moved, but at this moment, the relationship between the two people was still useless Some false prevarication?Seeing that Lin Chong was only clinging to Wang Lun's hand, he nodded repeatedly.Lu Zhishen watched from the side with a smile and didn't intervene. At this moment, he suddenly saw a middle-aged Confucian scholar standing aside with a delicate and elegant lady, listening to everyone's conversation with a slight smile on his face. Lu Zhishen thought to himself He was afraid that the genius doctor that his brother was talking about was this person, and he was afraid that this person would be a little cautious when he first went up the mountain, so he pulled away, stepped forward to catch An Daoquan, and started talking with him.When An Daoquan saw this monk Mang for the first time, he was startled by his aura, he didn't expect this man's words and demeanor to be very reasonable, he was surprised for a moment, and hurriedly chatted with him.

Wang Lun talked to Lin Chong again, and introduced him to An Daoquan. Lin Chong was originally a gentle surname. When we met on the first day of junior high school, we got along very well with An Daoquan. Then Lin Chong met Mrs. An again. Li, this weak woman who walked before the gate of hell felt very warm in her heart. At the beginning, she was very worried that her husband would not be able to get along with this hero in the green forest. She didn't want these people to be heroic, but not reckless. joy.

At this time, Wang Lun didn't see the face of his old brother Du Qian among the crowd, he was puzzled, he pulled Song Wan, who was drooling and bragging with the three heroes of the Ruan family, and asked directly: "Brother, why don't you see my brother Du Qian? "

Song Wanjian was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I don't know, brother Du Qian went down the mountain a few days ago! I think his old father-in-law went back to Lijia Village to talk to his old neighbors, but he suddenly fell ill that night and couldn't move. , the little guy who went with him came up to report the news overnight, and made my little sister-in-law very anxious, and she wanted to go down the mountain to see his father with a big belly! Brother, you said that little sister-in-law is pregnant for several months, why? Can you go down the mountain? It’s not like Du Qian’s brother-in-law went down the mountain for her, and he hasn’t come back for the past few days. It is said that our mountain leaders are planning to go down the mountain alternately these two days to see Uncle Li!”

At this time, Wen Huanzhang also came over upon hearing the sound, and said: "It was originally agreed today that Master Lu and I will be on duty here, and the other leaders will go down the mountain to visit. When I heard that my brother came to report that my brother was back, I changed it. It's tomorrow!"

Everyone gathered around when they heard about it, and you said something: "The village has gone down the mountain to invite doctors a few times, but there is no good news. I can't sit still, so I want to go down and see that old man Li!"

When Wang Lun heard this, he was surprised when he suddenly saw a little woman staggering out of the gate, and came straight here. Seeing her eagerness, she ran straight with her little feet, and told the two maids to trot behind her. Unable to keep up, Wang Lun saw that the situation was abnormal, and was afraid that she would make a mistake, so he hurt the lifeblood of the old Du's family, and rushed to meet her, and everyone followed after seeing the situation. When the little woman saw Wang Lun , was about to bow down in a hurry, and everyone was worried when they saw this, but they couldn't help them. At this time, Zhang Shun's old mother suddenly walked out of the crowd, stepped forward to support the young woman, and blamed: "Girl, you This has been pregnant for several months, why is it in such a hurry? If there is a mistake, it is not to make the child in the belly suffer!"

With tears in her eyes, the young woman thanked Zhang's mother, and cried to Wang Lun, "Uncle, I still hope to save my old father. The head of my family once said that Uncle went to the south of the Yangtze River to invite a famous doctor. I don't know... I don't know this." Have you picked it up in time?" (To be continued.)

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