Water Margin Survival

Chapter 128 A filial son-in-law is better than a son-in-law

Seeing that Du Qian's wife was so excited, Wang Lun looked back at An Daoquan and said, "Wang Lun is not an ignorant person. The imperial physician has been exhausted all the way. At this time, he shouldn't bother the imperial physician. It's just that Du Qian's brother has been with me the longest. , I am as close as a brother to him, and his Taishan is just like my elders, Xiao Ke is helpless, and I hope the imperial doctor will help me!"

An Daoquan didn't say a word when he heard the words, he turned around and went to get the medicine box and put it on his back. After packing it up, he didn't say a word, just nodded to Wang Lun, and he was ready to go.Seeing his reaction at this time, everyone nodded secretly in their hearts.Seeing Wen Huanzhang pondering: "Brother's vision of people is really good, I don't think this person, a person in the apricot forest, has such loyalty, no wonder my brother travels thousands of miles to invite him back!"

Wang Lun was also feeling emotional at this time, he went forward and cupped his hands to An Daoquan's wife: "Your brother is not good enough, I hope my sister-in-law will forgive me!"

Mrs. Na'an heard the words and said hurriedly: "The leader of the king is always so warm-hearted. Isn't it the same when he saved the slave's family? Go, you two, be careful along the way!"

When Miss Li saw that Wang Lun heard the words without hesitation, she arranged the matter properly in a moment, and the gratitude in her heart instantly suppressed her sadness. She wiped her tears and went forward to thank her, but Zhang Shun His mother supported her. Seeing her like this, Wang Lun thought to himself that he should give her a sustenance, so as to avoid excessive sorrow and hurt the fetal gas.

Thinking of this verse, Wang Lun stepped forward and said: "The miracle doctor An I invited is a rare miracle doctor in Xinglin. He has saved countless lives. It's easy to solve! Sister-in-law, look at the woman who helped you, she had a back disease in Jiangzhou not long ago, her filial son took her to seek famous doctors everywhere, but they couldn't be cured, but in the hands of Doctor An It's effortless, and the medicine cures the disease! You look at her old man's body and bones are so strong now, you would never have imagined that she would not be able to get off the ground half a month ago? Don't be afraid, I will ask the genius doctor to fly over, and your father will be fine. !"

When Miss Li saw this, she looked at Zhang Shun's mother, and she saw that the old woman didn't look like she had been terminally ill. Seeing her looking at her, Zhang's mother grabbed her hand and said, "Everything that the king said is true. No one in the south of the Yangtze River knows the medical skills of this divine doctor An? As an old man, I was the one who stepped into the palace of the king of hell half a month ago. Now, look at me, I am more energetic than a young doll like you. Girl, you just follow the leader of the king! Words, rest well in the cottage, and wait for the good news!"

After listening to the two people's persuasion, Miss Li's heart that had been gripping her for several days and nights finally eased up a bit, and she saw that she was going to pay respects to An Daoquan again. Seeing this, An Daoquan's wife hurriedly stopped her, and said straightly: "Don't worry, sister!" , my husband will definitely do his best, and will not dare to neglect your lord, now that you are pregnant with a child, you must not be too sad!"

Miss Li's teary eyes were full of gratitude, and she said straightly: "My sister doesn't have a place to live yet, so I live with my younger sister!"

Wang Lun saw that Du Qian's family had been persuaded by everyone, and said, "It's not too late, let's go there now!"

Lin Chong stepped forward and said, "I'll order a hundred-horse army and go with my brother! Can this genius doctor know how to ride? How about preparing a carriage?"

An Daoquan hastily cupped his hands and said: "Be a little bit better, don't dare to bother the general!"

Lin Chong saw and looked at Wang Lun, Wang Lun said: "There is no need to order horse troops, just go with my own troops!" After speaking, he pulled Wen Huanzhang and asked him to arrange the newcomers properly. Good man, Wen Huanzhang said that he only told Wang Lun to rest assured, at this time Ruan Xiaoqi said from the side: "Second Brother, Fifth Brother, I will send my brother and the genius doctor to Lijia Village. The old place is familiar with the road, and all the good guys are here. Leave it to the two elder brothers to receive it!"

The six newcomers all said when they saw it: "What are you receiving? They are not guests. It's not too late to come back and have a drink together after my brother and God heal Mr. Li!"

Wen Huanzhang said: "Let my brother and the genius doctor go first, the rest of us are not in a hurry to do anything!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, Wang Lun asked An Daoquan to board the big boat again, Ruan Xiaoqi and Lin Chong also followed, Song Wan also bowed his head and walked towards the boat, but asked Wang Lun to take him He stopped him and said: "You are indispensable to welcome the new leader. It is enough for me and Teacher Lin to escort the genius doctor. Brother, don't worry!" Wang Lun.

Not long after the boat left, Wang Lun suddenly remembered something and asked Lin Chong, "Why didn't you see my iron bull?"

Lin Chongjian said with a smile, "Brother, don't tell me, after you left that day, he made a fuss, saying that you didn't take him down the mountain, and he was sullen for two months. These days, he doesn't sleep every night. He was required to be on duty at night, and fell asleep during the day, and when I came out, I saw him working hard, so I didn't wake him up!"

Wang Lun smiled wryly when he said this, and asked about Lin Chong's affairs in the cottage in the past two months. Before he knew it, the big boat had arrived at the Lijiadaokou Hotel. and go.



Standing at the door of Hun's old house, Du Qian couldn't help letting out a long sigh. If Wang Lun and others were here, they would be surprised by his haggard appearance.

Within a few days, this burly and strong man was listless, leaning against the door wall, dazed there.

I think his life has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past year.Now the cottage that I personally participated in creating is no longer the shabby appearance of the 800 people in the past. It has become the number one village in the world. Not to mention handing over the Dazhai money and food to him, he also asked himself and his old brother Song Wan to be in charge of the garrison of the village. This heavy trust made him wake up with a smile when he fell asleep.

Not to mention that half a year ago, he married a beautiful lady. This is a good thing that can't be dreamed of!If it hadn't been for my elder brother who said that he wanted to do justice for the heavens, and after a series of encounters, which rich family would have lost their minds and married their precious daughter to themselves, the king of the mountain?Speaking of his wife, Du Qian is full of pride. This woman really wants to look good, she wants character and character, and now she is pregnant with the future hope of the old Du family, why can't he be complacent. .

Unexpectedly, at this time, Lao Taishan suddenly got terminally ill!Seeing that he was still alive and kicking two days ago, clamoring to go down the mountain to meet his old neighbor for a drink, but in the blink of an eye, he was lying on the sickbed crying again and again!

well!Could it be that God saw that he had managed to live a hard-won good life, and deliberately entertained himself?Thinking back when I wandered alone in the rivers and lakes, finally followed the right person, and married a rare and beautiful wife. All this has just been on the right track, and my wife has been pregnant for several months. At this time, such a bad news suddenly came out , how can she be accepted as a weak woman?What if the fetal gas is moved?

It is said that he is really on the verge of graying his head these few days, and he keeps asking famous doctors around him for diagnosis and treatment. The brothers in the cottage are not idle, they are all looking for news about famous doctors, but after these doctors came, after seeing the condition, one Both are helpless and helpless.In the end, I was so devastated that all thoughts were lost, and I didn't even dare to send the news back to the mountain, because I was afraid that my wife would worry!Seeing that the old man's time is running out, he still doesn't know how to explain to his wife when he goes back in the future.

At this time, Du Qian's brother-in-law Li Ye walked out of the house with a sad face. Seeing Du Qian's appearance, he also sighed. In front of me, I still go outside to seek a good doctor, which is more dedicated than my own son.Thinking of this, Li Ye sighed a lot.At this moment, Du Qian noticed movement around him, turned around and saw that it was Li Ye, and hurriedly asked, "Why, what's the matter with the old man?"

The relationship between the two of them is a bit strange. Before they were married, Li Ye had no pressure to call Du Qian one brother at a time, but once the girl married the leader Du, and then called her brother again, not only was he a little awkward, but Du Qian It was strange to hear it, but over time, the two of them had a tacit understanding, and they didn't even address each other. Anyway, no matter which of the two spoke first, the other must know whether he was talking to him or not.

"Father invites you in, he has something to tell you!" Li Ye sighed and said to Du Qian.

Du Qian was taken aback. Could it be that he wanted to explain the funeral to himself?Before he had time to ask more questions, he saw him rushing into the room. At this time, five or seven doctors were shaking their heads and sighing frowningly. Du Qian pulled one of the most skilled doctors over and asked, "Don't you Tell me, how is my Mount Tai?"

The doctor sighed, and whispered in his ear: "At most three or five days, at least two or three days, forgive me for being unable to recover, the leader should prepare for the funeral!" These doctors have been in contact with Du Qian for some time , knowing that apart from his surname being a bit anxious, this great king is not a villain, and he also knows that the heroes on Mount Liang will not abuse their beloved for no reason, so they don't shy away from speaking, just tell the truth.

Du Qian sighed, walked to the bedside, looked at the dying father-in-law, and didn't know what to say. The old man Li had saved up his strength for a long time at this time, and when he saw Du Qian coming, he quickly said, "My son-in-law, you must not hide it. Look at my girl, don't ask her to hear it, the only thing I worry about now is her, she is pregnant with Liujia now, don't be surprised!"

Du Qian nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, the doctor said that Mr. Ye's condition will improve in a few days!"

The old man Li squeezed out a wry smile with great difficulty, and said: "How can I not know my body? My son-in-law don't try to persuade me, it's just that I still have one last wish!"

Seeing this, Du Qian hurriedly said: "What about the first and last one? If you have something to say, just say it, and I will do it!"

The old man Li said: "The old folks in my village don't suffer from any illnesses, but they just don't have the chance to seek medical treatment. Now you invite these good doctors to treat me. Isn't it a waste to treat a dying person? Take this opportunity , give my old brothers a medical treatment, it is better than guarding me, a dying man, it is my last favor to them!"

Du Qian felt uncomfortable when he heard the words, and shouted at the minions guarding the door like a slut: "Go and invite the sick folks in this village, and say that my father-in-law has invited a good doctor to treat them. , don’t need them to pay a penny!” (To be continued.)

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