Water Margin Survival

Chapter 13 Turning Upside Down and Generosity

Du Qian and Song Wan's grinning mouths haven't closed since the villagers who were so emotional and eager to scream and scream to go up the mountain were put into a pile and counted.

A total of 310 seven strong men!Almost equal to the number of elite minions dispatched in the first batch of Shanzhai tonight, you know, that is the maximum that Liangshan can mobilize to go down the mountain to fight in the field.

As the only two military leaders in the cottage, Du Qian and Song Wan knew best, except for the naval army with more than 100 people, the ability to gather 500 people to go out this time has almost emptied the cottage.At this time, the one or two hundred people who stayed on the mountain to follow Zhu Gui to guard the village were mostly the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and there were more than two hundred people from the rear army of Song Wan's escort team. Be stronger.It's okay to rely on them to pull a cart to transport food. If they really start fighting, apart from making up numbers to scare people, they really can't expect too much in other aspects, lest they be flashed to the waist at that time.

Looking at those young people in the queue with hot eyes and childish faces, Du Qian and Song Wan's admiration for Wang Lun in their hearts has reached an incomparable level at this moment.

You must know that these people still regarded themselves as scourges just now, even if they took the lead and killed Baozheng and his son who caused the trouble, they did not get the eager response of these villagers.On the contrary, the panic and avoidance shown in the eyes that looked at him timidly had already shown the villagers' feelings at that time.As old Jianghu, how could Du and Song fail to see that these distinct actions were clearly unwilling to get too close to themselves!

Unexpectedly, wait until the village master releases the food, good guy!These originally dull and indifferent villagers, as if they had taken Mongolian sweat medicine, brought their wives and belts in small groups, and they would go to the cottage even if they died!The huge change in attitude before and after made the two bandit chiefs who had seen the world all over their tongues stunned.

These are good seedlings!They can't see the oily temperament of the minions who have been on the mountain for a long time, but they are replaced by uncompromising obedience.Coupled with a pair of good bodies trained in long-term physical labor, Du Qian and Song Wan, two knowledgeable people, were so happy that they couldn't bear to get out of the crowd, and they couldn't help sighing back and forth.Squeeze this muscular arm straight, pat that hard and thick shoulder.The children who grew up in the village knew dignity from an early age. Seeing that the king on the mountain valued themselves so much, they all straightened their chests, showing the Bole the last capital bestowed on them by God.

However, at this moment, Wang Lun stood far away, not as ecstatic as Du Qian and Song Wan in his heart, but he felt a rather heavy feeling on his body.The scene in front of him suddenly reminded him of a scene that he could only glimpse in books before. He remembered a memorial to the emperor when Song Renzong's minister Ding Du gave him a sentence that was still fresh in his memory, "Next There are only three to fifty mu or five to seven mu per household, and a family of more than ten people will die if they don’t know each other well.”

Wang Lun felt like a stick in his throat, and felt unspeakably uncomfortable when he thought of the fresh life that turned into the nourishment of the vast and boundless land that originally gave birth to them in a blink of an eye.

Not only is this just five or sixty years ago when the country was founded, the annexation of land was not too serious in the old days of the Renzong Dynasty, let alone the current situation?Wang Lun sighed and remained silent.He was wondering to what extent the government outline of the Great Song Dynasty had collapsed, so that his people would be cornered and take pride in joining bandits and stealing?He didn't understand, why couldn't this huge and rich empire give his lowest-level people a sense of security?Let them rely on hard work to get rich, rely on self-improvement to start a family...

He shook his head helplessly, a sense of loneliness that he had never felt before surged into his heart, silently took the box that Zheng Qian copied, found a mound, and sat down helplessly.

Opening the box whose lock had been smashed, Wang Lun saw that the wooden box was full of all the real estate of the person who was killed by Li Si.He casually picked up a stack of land deeds and sat there looking through them carefully. A clever young man stood beside him with a torch to illuminate their village master.

Wang Lun flipped through the scattered land deeds of two acres, three acres, and five acres in his hands, as if the tragedy of farmers selling themselves as tenants was being played out in front of his eyes. The cruelty of land annexation, he only got a clear impression from these native Song people in front of him tonight.

"Bring the brazier!"

Hearing the instructions of the village master, someone had already rushed to Baozheng's resting place, and after a while, they returned with a brazier full of charcoal and respectfully placed it in front of Wang Lun.

One, two, three...

The fiery red charcoal greedily licked the excellent fuel, and the land deeds turned into ashes and drifted in the wind.It burned until the end, and a piece of yellowed paper that looked like a hundred acres of land was still in his hand. Wang Lun hesitated, and finally put it aside. Throw into the sea of ​​fire.

"Zhaizhu! Zhaizhu!! The old man is really clever, you guys have copied it! You have copied it!!" A loud voice came from behind, and when Wang Lun looked back, he saw Zheng Qianman Running ahead with excitement, Du Qian and Song Wan followed behind ecstatically.It seems that Zheng Qian is a little enlightened, and remembers to inform Du Qian and Song Wan first when he is overjoyed.Seeing this situation, the solemn Wang Lun calmed down a little.

"Villager, under the bed in Baozheng's bedroom, I found large gold ingots melted into 500 taels, a total of twelve!" Zheng Qian was a little out of breath in his eagerness. , and hurriedly added, "Thanks to Leon, who is alert, seeing that Mrs. Baozheng's eyes were unsteady, and she was always looking at the bed intentionally or unintentionally. After digging more than two feet deep, I got these twelve gold ingots! Hehe, if it wasn’t for the order of the village master, I don’t know how many years the 6000 taels of gold would have been hidden in the ground!”

"That's why you don't know, kid. Who is the elder brother? That's someone who has been to Tokyo and passed the imperial examination. Even Zhao Guan's family has seen it with his own eyes several times! Naturally you can pinch that, oh, you can count, you can Pinching will count! How can the little trick of Baozheng be played in front of my brother, and I will give it to him in a few moments, haha..." Du Qian laughed heartily.

Everyone's emotions gradually infected Wang Lun, making him no longer as heavy as before.At this time, he saw that Du Qian was overjoyed to say what he said, as if he was in the scene, and he didn't know whether it was true or not, but he shrugged helplessly.The three-headed leader, Song Wan, was also full of excitement at the moment, and he only echoed yes, yes, yes, he had brought too many surprises to this King Kong in the cloud tonight, which made him feel so happy that he was speechless.

"Yes yes yes... Leader Du is right! The younger ones copied more than 1000 pieces of floating wealth just now. I don't know what the village master has ordered. Do you want the younger ones to continue copying?" Zheng Qian looked forward to it. Asked, having tasted the sweetness, he has reached the level of blind faith in Wang Lun.

6000 taels of gold is [-] coins, and the other [-] coins plus the [-] coins and grains that were copied earlier, the total value is [-] coins, um, almost!Wang Lun took it when he saw it, and ordered: "The gold and silver that Baozheng's family has accumulated in several lifetimes is almost the same amount, all right! Everyone has worked hard for half a night, let the children pack the food and put it in the car, we are going to go on the road. Back home!"

Hearing this, Du Qian hurriedly said: "Brother, it's already been loaded. The carts we brought from the cottage are already full. I just found more than [-] empty carts in this village and put them on the cattle. They are all loaded with grain and rice, but there is still a small half of the grain that cannot be taken away. How about elder brother and Song Wan brothers go back to the mountain first, and younger brother wait here, and come back to carry it when the cart is empty!"

"Second leader, you don't know! Just now, the people in the village saw that we didn't have enough grain carts in the cottage, and every household pushed a wheelbarrow and came to help us transport grain spontaneously. Now there is not a single grain left in the warehouse. We It can be sent back to the cottage in just one trip! Hehe, it’s just that the guys from the Navy have suffered, it seems that they won’t be busy until dawn, and they won’t be able to rest!” Zheng Qian added gloatingly.

Du Qian and Song Wan were taken aback, their faces full of disbelief, and they said after a long time: "They are all good people! Brother, we can no longer borrow food from this Xixi Village, otherwise we will not have the face to meet such kind-hearted folks! "

Wang Lun nodded, and waved his hand: "That's right, when we get to the lake, the farmers who have a car have a family of ten pennies, and those who don't have a car but have a man, a family of five pennies. In this cold weather, you can't Tell the folks to work in vain!"

"That's the truth, that's the truth!" Du Qian and Song Wandu said. After seeing Wang Lun's methods and the villagers' reactions, they no longer had the heartache of throwing gold into the water for nothing before distributing food. At this time, he raised his hands in favor from the bottom of his heart.

"Villager, what should we do with those family members in Baozheng?" Zheng Qian asked again.

Wang Lun thought for a while, and then ordered, "One life is worth one life. Now that Baozheng and his son have subdued the law, Li Si's parents have also avenged their revenge. Now that the chief evil has been eliminated, there is no need to add another evil. This hundred-acre land lease is They have been handed down from their ancestors, and there is also the house deed of Zhuangzi, you take it and hand it over to them. Tell them to tuck their tails to live a good life, and don’t make trouble! If there is any resentment, go straight to Liangshan to find me Wang Lun! The other ones Baozheng's old minions, each with twenty sticks, were expelled from Xixi Village overnight, and they would never return. If there is any disobedience, tell them to wash their necks and wait, and see if my Liangshan sword is not good enough!"

Du Qian and Song Wanjian said with a smile: "We don't want to kill people in the cottage, but it's not that we don't know how to kill people! If these bastards don't open their eyes, there is no need for brother to make troubles, we alone will take care of him!"

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