"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

A trembling and very old shout came from not far away, making Wang Lun, who was chatting with Du Qian and Song Wan, feel as if he was in Journey to the West for a moment.He turned around in surprise and looked around where the voice came from, only to see a hunchbacked old man standing not far away from him with the support of two young men, stretching out his head and calling out. Hey, stay out of the circle.

Under the light of the swaying fire, Wang Lun visually judged that the old man should be around eighty years old. He knew that even if this age was in front of him, it was not common in this country with the most advanced medical level in the world.Moreover, according to his experience, generally, elderly people of this age are quite prestigious in the local area. If there are any disputes between neighbors or major issues that are difficult to decide, the villagers will always ask these old people in the village to discuss their opinions face to face.Thinking of this, Wang Lun didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly told the minions to back away, and walked quickly towards the old man.Seeing this, Du Qian and Song Wan also followed.

Wang Lun stepped forward to help the old man. He felt that the muscles in the arm of the old man's dilapidated cotton sleeve were thin and loose, which reminded him of his grandfather in his previous life. Grandpa, it's so cold, why did you come out!"

The old man broke free from the left arm supported by the young man beside him, waved it vigorously out of thin air, and said: "My lord, although the old man is old, his body is not weak. Why should he be afraid of this little wind and cold! It is the fifty catty one This old man can still carry the packaged food for half a mile!"

Wang Lun smiled knowingly when he heard the words, knowing that the person in front of him was an old man who refused to accept his old age, he hurriedly said with a smile: "That's it! The old man is old and strong! It's just that it's so late, I don't know why the old man came to see Xiao Ke overnight Enlightenment?"

Seeing that Wang Lun spoke kindly and his temper was very appetizing to him, the old man took Wang Lun's hand and said, "What can I teach you? I just want to have a good time with the king when I'm old! I don't know if the king has time to listen. My old man chatters!"

After hearing this, Wang Lun helped the old man to a nearby dirt spot. After the old man sat down, he sat down too, and said, "Old man, my surname is Wang, and the single name is Lun, so I will call Xiaoke by his name." The last name is ready!"

There was a smile on the old man's wrinkled face, and he nodded seriously at Wang Lun, but he still did not change his address, and said, "To tell you the truth, this old man has lived for more than 80 years in vain, and this is the first time I have met such a benevolent king. You people! Opening warehouses to release grain, I have only heard people talk about it before, but I really saw it with my own eyes, and it was only this time! Tonight, the king eliminated a tyrant in our village again. This time As far as I can tell, it is the government, and it may not be better than the king!"

The old man sighed, and without waiting for Wang Lun's answer, he continued on his own, "This old man has taken over the farm and house from his father's generation, so he has been born for six years. I remember that it was the old Huangli in the third year of Qingli. At that time, it was Fan Wenzheng and Fan Xianggong who were sitting in the court, and he was a good official! In the past, when we suffered disasters here, Fan Xianggong spared us money and food, so life was still good at that time. But who knows that the further we go, Life is getting harder and harder! It’s also my fault that my grandsons were not up to snuff, they were lured to gamble by Baozheng, and lost the family’s original 50 acres of land to less than [-] acres, and the family of more than [-] people Living on this little Susukida, after paying the royal rations, how can there be a lot left? It’s hard for my great-grandchildren. Seeing them grow up so big, but they have never had a full meal. I am so sad! Every time During Chinese New Year, I saw how these children smelled a little bit of meat, and my old lady hid aside and wiped her tears!"

Hearing what the old man said emotionally, Wang Lun patted the back of his hand lightly, the old man nodded his head heavily, and continued: "Listen to what Xiaosi who delivered food to us just now said, the king treats people benevolently, righteously and generously, and on the mountain After hearing this, my two great-grandsons don’t want to stay at home anymore, they just want to go up the mountain with the king! I can’t stop the old man from suffering, so I can only let go of this old face for these two. The children begged the king for mercy, hoping that the king can take them in!"

Wang Lunjian said that he looked up at Du Qian and Song Wan, and found that behind them, before they knew it, villagers who had returned from receiving the food had already surrounded them, and they all had expressions of anticipation.Wang Lun pondered for a moment, got up from the ground, and said to the two young men beside the old man who were eager to try: "Going up the mountain is not just about eating meat in Li Si's mouth, you must know that we all do things with our heads on our trouser belts. It's 'Once you enter Jianghu Road, you will never turn back', have you two thought it through?"

"Your Majesty, we have all made up our minds! We are all strong, and we may have endured hardships! We just want to live like the little fourth brother, raising eyebrows... raising eyebrows... yes, yes, that is called raising eyebrows! I We don't want to live a life of being bullied and starved of food! Your Majesty, just take us in! We are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and we can resist beatings!" The two young men were not intimidated by the difficulties in Wang Lun's words , but the eyes became more and more hot.Perhaps in their hearts, they have long believed that they have nothing, and have nothing to lose except their lives.

Wang Lun nodded noncommittally, looking at the two bearded boys, he suddenly felt a heavy feeling in his heart, he sighed, and asked again: "Can you eat enough and not be bullied? It’s the truth. But you have to know that our business is a business that licks blood on the edge of a knife. If you are careless, it will hurt your muscles and bones at the slightest, and lose your family and life at the worst. Don’t you regret it?”

The two young men looked at each other, then nodded to Wang Lun with firm eyes.I think I have had enough hard times, like a drowning person hitting a life-saving straw, and will not let go of whatever he says.

At this time, seeing that Wang Lun was still hesitating and still hadn't expressed his opinion, the old man struggled to stand up from the dirt, took Wang Lun's hand and confided, "My lord, I have lived for more than 80 years. I am not a person who doesn't know the importance. Just now At home, I really persuaded these two children, but these two children are stubborn, alas, in fact, we can’t blame the children for being stubborn! Majesty, it’s really hard for us peasants to live! When the times are bad, we are afraid of going hungry. When the time is good, I am afraid of getting sick. When I am old, the thing I am most afraid of seeing is white-haired people giving away black-haired people. I am afraid that they will walk in front of me one by one. But my lord, I can’t stop it! We farmers, our stomachs are full If you can’t fill your stomach, if you have another headache, you can only hold on. If you are unlucky, you might leave without finishing a sentence, just say...just talk about my family. ..."

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes turned red, and he said with tears, "If there is that Bao Zhengping who is rampant in the village, the number of people who were beaten to death by him will not be less than ten. We really can't live on! Even though we are lucky to have your majesty tonight! Get rid of this harm for us, but there is no guarantee that some new Baozheng will appear in the future! I am already at this age, so I will accept this fate, but the children are still young, so I can't just sit and watch Seeing that they are suffering too! My lord, I know what you are worried about. Take them up the mountain... Everyone has their own good fortune, so you can't blame others. I just hope that the king can treat them well, and I will be satisfied! Like the king Such a good person, if he recruits Anshu and becomes an official in the future, the children will also have a family background, and they will not have to suffer like us! King, I am here to bow to you, please have mercy on me Then one!"

When Du Qian and Song Wan heard the last word from the side, they couldn't bear to pull Wang Lun's sleeves from behind, urging "brother" and "brother" in their mouths, Wang Lun hurriedly supported the old man who was about to salute, and looked at Glancing at the two young men with determined faces, he sighed and said, "Since that's the case, you two will follow Li Si from now on, and he will teach you the rules of the cottage!"

Without waiting for Wang Lun's words to fall to the ground, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd. At this moment, countless eager voices exploded: "My lord!" "I want to go up the mountain!" "My lord!" "We want to go up the mountain too!"

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