Water Margin Survival

Chapter 11 Dramatic Scene 1 During Grain Release

Just when Du Qian stumbled in pain, Zheng Qian was dragging Li Si, who was also full of disbelief, to the crowd who had been standing in the cold wind for a long time.

Considering that Li Si grew up in this Xixi Village since he was a child, he is very familiar with everyone in the village, so there should be no obstacles in communication.So when the two of them came in front of the hundreds of uneasy villagers, Zheng Qian simply ordered Li Si to follow the instructions of the village master.

Seeing that the ignorant Li Si just nodded stiffly, Zheng Qian didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Li Si wouldn't mess up something as simple as passing a message without any technical content.After the arrangements here were settled, Zheng Qian hurried to the backyard.He also needs to arrange manpower, ready to rummage through the boxes and cabinets to thoroughly investigate the hidden furniture that the village owner confessed.

After Zheng Qian left, Li Si was the only one who knew the inside story, except for those who maintained the order.

At this time, Li Si opened his mouth to the frightened folks who had been blowing the cool breeze for half a night, but he didn't know where to start.In fact, this is no wonder Li Si.Even Du Qian, Song Wan and other strong professionals couldn't understand Wang Lun's mind anyway, and were greatly surprised by the food distribution tonight, not to mention Li Si, a straightforward guy who just went up the mountain not long ago and had no major incidents in his mind!

Besides, Li Si was stupefied even in his own heart at this time, and what he said was naturally confused, so that the villagers were all confused in the end.

Hearing what Li Si said to ask the big guys to go in and carry ten shi of grain each, the villagers only thought that the king wanted them to help the cottage deliver grain and grass.Although there was some reluctance in their hearts, but when they thought about the fate of Baozheng and his son in Hengshi Zhuang, everyone gave in.Although Baozheng and his son deserved their crimes, who can guarantee that the kings on this mountain will not be moody and violent?

In addition, the weather was too cold, and the villagers in tattered clothes couldn't bear it any longer. They just thought in their hearts, help move, it's better than offending strong people and causing disaster!Fortunately, the farmer has nothing, but he has all the strength.Thinking of this, everyone silently hoped in their hearts that Li Si would remember the feelings of the same village, and later help to say something nice in front of the king, and just tell those strong people not to make trouble for themselves, and after the food is moved, they can be released earlier. They go back home for a family reunion.

After figuring this out, the crowd finally moved.There was no need to be urged by strong people, and everyone was familiar with the road, and went to the place where the emperor's grain was handed over in the old days.Not long after, everyone came to the gate of Baozheng’s granary. At this time, there was no need to be forced. Everyone stepped forward, took the heavy grain bags from the kings who came out carrying grain, and each looked for the empty carts outside the granary. , work hard to transport upwards.

At this scene, the young people who were originally transporting grain and grass were taken aback for a while, but when they saw Zheng Qian walking briskly from the outside, each of them suddenly realized.It turned out that these common people were all coerced by Boss Zheng to work for free. Seeing this situation, some smart minions leaned against the door wall to hide, and those who had some good deeds began to call out three times to get people around.The villagers are used to receiving mermaid meat on a daily basis, and they all bear it silently with their heads down.

Zheng Qian, who called Shi Shi to come, couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the scene in front of him.

He was born as an accountant, unlike Du Qian and Song Wan, who are pure Jianghu people. He has read a few books in his spare time, so he somewhat guessed Wang Lun's intentions.So when he first heard that Wang Lun was going to open a warehouse to release grain, he was not as surprised as others.I only vaguely feel that his benefactor's behavior can no longer be measured by the general law of the green forest.

But the scene in front of him had to surprise him!Just relying on the cheerless villagers shouting and shouting on the opposite side of the minions, he was keenly aware of where things must be biased!

Does this seem to be distributing food?It's almost like being a bitch!

Knowing that something was wrong, but there was no room for him to think about the reason, he hurriedly shouted, "Stop, stop! Stop it!" Seeing that Boss Zheng had spoken, the young men hurriedly helped and ordered the indifferent villagers They stopped their movements.

Regardless of everyone's blank stares, Zheng Qian thought that he had to ask the person who tied the bell to untie the bell, so he hurriedly found Li Si from the crowd, and asked loudly, "Li Si! Let me ask you, how did you treat the folks just now?" they said!"

Seeing the king on the mountain questioning Li Si angrily, the hundreds of villagers under the steps were very puzzled and looked at Li Si in unison.

Suddenly, the eyes of hundreds of people present were focused on him. Li Si, who had never been the focus of the crowd in his life, panicked for no reason, but stammered and explained, "I... I asked the villagers to recite ten Shi Liang, this... this is the village... the village owner ordered it!"

Seeing him like this, Zheng Qian guessed the beginning and end of the matter without any effort, and immediately resisted the urge to go up to Li Si and beat him up, but asked again: "Back the food, where are you going to carry it? Are you talking about it?" Clear?"

When Li Si saw that he was startled, he immediately blushed and felt ashamed. He lowered his head and said, "I, I don't seem to have made it clear..."

Zheng Qian asked Li Si to make him cry for a while, neither laughing nor laughing, just because he bears the blood and deep enmity, suppressed the resentment in his heart, and said helplessly: "My brother! I'm sorry to bother you again! Explain it clearly to the folks!"

Li Si was so angry that his face was flushed, and he hurriedly turned around and explained loudly to his neighbors in the same village: "Everyone... fellow villagers, I didn't make it clear just now, I... our village master meant that each of the villagers carried ten shi of grain Go home, just... even if it's a little favor from our village master!"

Li Si's words were like a bomb exploding in the crowd with a "buzz".

Ten stones!That's a whole thousand catties of grain! (Song Jin, equivalent to about [-] Jin in the current market).Even if a family has worked hard for a year, excluding the rent, it may not be able to leave so much food!At this time, the king on the mountain actually wanted to distribute ten shi of grain to every household. Could it be a dream! ?

Immediately, someone stretched out his hand and pinched his arm fiercely, and he didn't feel relieved until he felt the tingling pain like a heartbeat!Then he thought ecstatically there: If this whole ten stones of grain is eaten with some wild vegetables in exchange for some miscellaneous grains, it can at least feed a large family of ten people for a whole year!Thinking of this, the ecstatic villagers couldn't help the complex emotions welling up from the bottom of their hearts. They all knelt down towards Zheng Qian, who seemed to have the most respected status present, and said their gratitude They all prayed to their gods and Buddhas to bless him.

Unexpectedly, seeing this situation, Zheng Qian was startled and hurriedly avoided.He clarified sharply: "It's not me...it's not me...it's the order from the king in our village! I'm just here to distribute food, and it has nothing to do with me!" Get up, aren't these people hurting themselves!If it gets to the village owner's ears, and he accepts the villagers' kneeling here with confidence, then it's fine! ?Thinking of such a very serious consequence, he almost became angry from embarrassment, and scolded Li Si who was at a loss: "Li Si! What are you doing by poking there! Hurry up and ask the villagers to get up! What did I do to you? kill me!"

Zheng Qian was still angry after yelling at Li Si, and then cursed at the little guys around watching the fun, what time is it, these bastards are still there and have nothing to do with others watching, that kind of focused expression is even more It made him so angry for no reason, these bastards just put a bowl of rice in their hands, and watched while eating.

Zheng Qian, who was in a panic, yelled and scolded, but his feet were not idle. He kicked the flying kicks so that the surrounding minions who were watching the show flew straight.Everyone saw that Boss Zheng was really angry, so they dared to be negligent, and ran to two to set up one, and pulled up the kneeling and thanking people around him one by one.

Finally, when the villagers all woke up, Zheng Qian's expression turned slightly better.He thought in his heart that he had to do something quickly to remedy the situation. After he pondered for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said to his subordinates: "Go, lend the ox cart to the villagers, and you all go to help! A family of ten shi, every They have to be delivered to every household, so I will go and come back as soon as I can according to the time!"

The minions around didn't dare to be negligent at this time, they all rushed to the warehouse to carry the grain parcels, and transported them to the carts.Seeing this situation, the villagers were stunned for a while, and when they came to their senses, they all rushed to contribute.In an instant, more than a hundred ox carts at the gate of the warehouse were fully loaded.Zheng Qian didn't even look at Li Si at this time, he just found a few experienced villagers and asked him to lead the way in front, and asked the younger ones to drive carts and distribute food from house to house.

Li Si, who was ashamed, hid in the team to make up for the omissions, but he never dared to approach the ten-foot-square area with Zheng Qian as the core, lest he would ask for wildfire.

The long convoy travels through the simple and lonely villages, but the moonlight is shining in the wild, and the Milky Way is shining brightly.Along the way, the minions and the villagers hand in hand and give in, so harmonious.

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