Water Margin Survival

Chapter 10 Must Have a Base Area

Li Sihou had been five zhang away from Wang Lun for a long time.

Just now, after being woken up by Du Qian's spout of saliva regardless of wine, his first reaction was to go over and thank the village owner.It can be seen that Wang Lun, Du Qian, and Zheng Qian have been discussing major issues, so they consciously stood aside and waited.Later, when Song Wan brought the rear team to meet up and joined the conversation, he did not bother.When the last three leaders were smiling, he guessed that the leaders had finished discussing the business, so he slowly stepped forward with a blushing face.

Just walking not far from the circle, he heard Chief Song laughing there, "God must have seen my brother's loyalty and the courage to stand up for him this time, so he will make up for my brother!"

At this time, Zheng Qian, who was standing in the circle and listening quietly, noticed something moving around him, turned around and saw Li Si coming, and hurriedly beckoned: "Li Si, come quickly, the brothers are talking about you!"

The three people who were having a good chat heard the words and looked out of the circle. Seeing this, Li Si walked forward quickly, bowed his legs, bowed to Wang Lun and said: "Today, Li Si's revenge will be avenged." , It’s all due to the kindness of the village master, when the village master asks me to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, if I, Li Siruo, frown, I’m not raised by my parents!”

Hearing Li Si's poisonous oath, Wang Lun hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and comforted him: "Since you have joined Dazhai, the blood and deep hatred on your body is like ours! Don't talk about two different families, don't be polite, Please get up!" Seeing that Li Si was still on his knees, he sighed again: "It's all my fault that I made you treat Xue wronged until today, because I was careless beforehand!"

Li Si's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he broke free from Wang Lun's hand that came to support him, but he kowtowed heavily at Wang Lun three more times, and fell down on the ground.Seeing this, Zheng Qian stepped forward and dragged Li Si up.

"Good boy! It's no wonder that my brother came down to avenge you when he just recovered from serious illness!" Song Wan praised from the side.

Li Si hurriedly thanked Song Wan, and Wang Lun patted Li Si's shoulder lightly, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.At this time, his eyes drifted away inadvertently to the outside of the circle.Suddenly tens of meters away, hundreds of villagers in Xixi Village were still standing in the icy cold wind, shrinking their heads and feet, trembling, but they did not dare to leave without permission.

Wang Lun patted his forehead, wondering why he had neglected this matter, and said, "Li Si, how many families are there in your Xixi Village?"

"As for the village master, there are probably three hundred or seven hundred to four hundred households in my village!" Although Li Si didn't understand what Wang Lun meant, he didn't think too much about it, and immediately replied.

Wang Lun nodded thoughtfully, and said solemnly to Du Qian and Song Wan, "Brothers, I will make a judgment on something tonight, brothers, don't blame me!"

Hearing Wang Lun's words, Du Qian and Song Wan, who were originally in high spirits, were a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and shouted: "What is the brother talking about? I have something to do, but please tell me, we have nothing to say!"

Wang Lun bowed his hands to Du Qian and Song Wan with a solemn expression, which made them at a loss, and hurriedly put away their smiling faces and returned the salute.

"Li Si, you should go tell the folks right now. You just said that there was a lot of trouble tonight, and everyone was blown by the cold wind for a long time, and they were frightened in the middle of the night. The two leaders, Du Qian and Song Wan, and I are very sorry. In order to express apology, the Shanzhai distributed ten stones of grain to each household, which is not much, and it is a way of showing compensation!" Wang Lun turned his head and told Li Si.

Li Si was stunned when he heard the words, and before he could answer, he heard Wang Lun order Zheng Qian again: "Take Li Si to distribute food first, don't forget what I just said!"

Zheng Qian reacted quickly, and hurriedly replied: "The villain will send someone to ask Baozheng's family members for questioning!" After speaking, he saluted the three leaders present one by one, and pulled Li Sichao, who was still in a daze, to the villagers. go.

Finally, when Zheng Qian and Li Si walked away, Du Qian couldn't bear the pain in his body, and he fell down and said, "Oh, brother! That's a full four thousand shi! These four thousand shi grains are enough My cottage has been spent for half a year! Just one click, and it's gone! Brother, brother, my good brother!"

Seeing Du Qian's ridiculous appearance of wanting to cry without tears, Wang Lun couldn't help it. He suppressed a smile and persuaded him: "Brother, you and I also came from a bitter background, so we don't know the meaning of these grains to an ordinary farmer. What are you thinking? I think you are not that stingy person, why have you learned all my bad habits from the past?" After speaking, Song Wan, who was standing aside with a smile on his face, said, "Brother Song Wan, you say yes!"

Song Wan subconsciously opened his mouth, ready to echo Wang Lun, but like Du Qian, when he thought of the cruel fact that four thousand shi of grain was lost out of thin air, how could he say anything to persuade Du Qian?But his heart is also in pain!After the two complex emotions collided fiercely in his mind at this moment, Song Wan's train of thought had a temporary short-circuit, leaving only an empty mouth: "Ah! Ah?"

Seeing that Song Wan was like this, Wang Lun put away his smile and shook his head helplessly in his heart.The food must be distributed tonight, and it must be at least ten shi!He has calculated this number for a long time, and it is just enough for a family of seven to eight to ten people to use for a year. There is a saying that giving one stone of grain will make others say you well, giving five stones of grain will make everyone think of you well, and sending Ten stones of grain, I'm afraid someone is willing to stick their head on their belt and follow you!This is an important reason why he went down the mountain in person this time, and just taking advantage of his presence at this time, he made this rule a common practice for borrowing food from the village in the future!

When the matter developed to this point, Wang Lun had no choice but to pick up some good words and praise the two of them: "If there is a way, there are rules. In our business, we should pay attention to robbing the rich and helping the poor. This is the responsibility of our green forest heroes! Today The next time, when the deeds of my cottage spread to the rivers and lakes in the future, everyone will say: Duqian who touches the sky on Mount Liang, King Kong in Yunli and Song Wanzheng donates money generously. They not only stood up for their brothers, but also helped the poor. Two good men who are resounding, affectionate and righteous!"

When Du Qian and Song Wan saw each other, they both looked at each other in blank dismay, and were speechless for a while.After a long time, I saw Du Qian begging with a sad face: "Brother, stop talking, I am ashamed! It's not that brothers don't want to rob the rich and help the poor, it's just, it's just... two stones per family, ah no! Three Isn't five shi grains enough?"

After hearing this, Wang Lun laughed, thinking that Song Jiang broke Zhujiazhuang and got 50 shi of grain, and then distributed one shi of grain to each household, which is not equivalent to [-] kilograms for future generations. to the support of the surrounding people.But now Du Qian, under his own influence, obviously not only dumped Song Gongming, who was generous and donated money, by a few grades.

But this is far from enough!

Wang Lun patted the two of them on the shoulders slightly reassuringly, and continued to persuade: "Brother, don't you hear that good people will go to the end and send the Buddha to the west? If there is a drought or flood in a disaster year, ten stones of grain can be enough to make money." The whole family survived! Isn't it your merit that there will be so many people alive?" At this point Wang Lun sighed and said: "Our business is too heavy to kill. I think the distribution of food is not done too much, but It's doing less!"

Du Qian and Song Wan saw that Wang Lun's words made sense, even if they wanted to argue at the moment, they couldn't argue.He also thought that it was Wang Lun's idea to go down the mountain this time, and it seemed petty of them to fight in vain.At any rate, there were still four thousand shi of food left to move back to the cottage, and the expressions of the two of them eased at the thought of this.

Wang Lun knew that the two of them still had some knots in their hearts, and he didn't want this matter to become a knot in their hearts. He said, "Besides, the banner of doing justice for the sky is to deceive people." Are you saying that my right-hand men, you, Du Qian and Song Wan, are peddlers? I don’t think so!”

What he said only made the faces of the two of them hot and unbearable. Du Qian couldn't help it, and said first: "Come on! Since my brother said so, there is a reason for my brother! As a brother, do you want to tear down your brother? I still That way, brother will do what brother tells me to do!"

Just after Du Qian finished speaking, Song Wan sighed and said: "My brother always sees farther than us, and I will always listen to my brother! It was just that we couldn't turn the corner for a while, and I just made my brother laugh. Already!"

"Who's too idle to laugh at you? It's too late to praise you two with your thumbs!" Wang Lun exaggeratedly stretched out his thumbs and said to the two with a smile.

For a moment, the three of you looked at me and I looked at him, and finally couldn't help looking at each other and laughing.

Seeing that the atmosphere was harmonious, Wang Lun hit the iron while it was hot, and said to the two of them, "Then let's make a deal like this. If we go down the mountain to borrow food in the future, we will follow tonight's rules: at least half of the food and grass we get will be distributed to the local people every time. Hu Shishi to count! This will also add some glory to the banner of our cottage!"

Du Qian and Song Wan are both men with straight surnames. They either don't nod their heads when they do things. Since they nod, they won't go back on their word. At this time, they both replied in unison after hearing Wang Lun's words: "I will obey my brother's order!"

Wang Lun nodded in relief. It is easy to understand that Du and Song didn't understand that he opened a warehouse to release grain, but he, a traveler who came to the 21st century, knew the great significance of this move. The reason why he insisted on doing it knowing that Du Qian and Song Wan disapproved in his heart.Thanks also to Du Qian and Song Wan's deep loyalty, although they didn't quite understand it in their hearts, they still agreed because of their own affection.

Everyone chatted for a while, and when they were talking about going down the mountain tonight, Du Qian said angrily: "When I get back to the village, I will follow my brother's example and go down to visit in person. But if any brothers in the village There is a grievance on my body, and I, Du Qian, don't eat, so I must go down the mountain and avenge him first!"

After hearing this, Song Wan echoed, "Yes, yes, if the children are suffering in their hearts, our cottage will definitely let him decide!"

Wang Lun saw that the two men had decided on the idea of ​​making up for the losses inside the embankment and making up for them outside the embankment. He secretly thought it was funny, and joked: "Then why don't you hold a meeting to complain about your grievances? Your brother Du Qian will be the regular president, and brother Song Wan will be the regular president." Vice President, I guarantee that everyone on Liangshan will be happy, and there will be no more grievances to sue!"

Unexpectedly, Du Qian and Song Wan didn't laugh this time, they both bowed their heads seriously, thinking about the feasibility of Wang Lun's suggestion, which made Wang Lun a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the mountain that night, Du Qian would really ask everyone if he had any grievances. As time passed, Du Qian gained a new nickname in the cottage, which was even better than his original nickname. The nickname is even louder.

In private, the minions have mentioned Du Qian's office, and they are all in a generally respectful tone: If we talk about our second-in-chief, he really deserves to be "the most loyal and touching the sky", what! ?You do not believe?If you don't believe me, just ask the village owner, it seems that this is what the old man called out first...

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