Du Qian hurriedly stepped forward to check Li Si's breath, then turned his head and said to the crowd, "It's okay, I just fainted for a while!" Then he asked someone to move Li Si to a sparsely ventilated place, and told the little guy who was waiting next to him Luo took the wine, took a big mouthful of it on his back, squatted in front of Li Si, only heard a "poof", the mixture of wine and spittle poured straight on Li Si's face, not long after, Li Siyou woke up quietly.

Seeing Li Si's movement, Du Qian smiled triumphantly, stood up and said to the people beside him: "My method is really versatile, and it has been tried and tested! Everyone should learn from it!"

The young people who stretched their heads to look around all said yes, and there was endless flattery. Seeing this situation, Wang Lun shook his head and walked to the side, quite a bit amused.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qian was running out of the inner courtyard with a happy face at this time, holding a small wooden box in his arms, seeing that the lock had been knocked out, and it clanked along with his footsteps, as if playing a A cheerful and festive movement.Zheng Qian looked around the crowd, and finally saw where Wang Lun was, and hurried over.

"Village, village owner... This time, our cottage has made a big profit!" Zheng Qian had just stood still, before he had time to catch his breath, and reported.

"No hurry, no hurry! Let's talk later!" Wang Lun reached out and patted Zheng Qian who was panting, took the gourd pinned to his waist, and handed it to his confidant.Zheng Qian hurriedly put down the wooden box in his arms, took the gourd from Wang Lun with a smile on his face, and drank it with a gurgle.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Lun waved to Du Qian, motioning him to come and listen to Zheng Qian's news.

Du Qian had seen the commotion here a long time ago, seeing that Zheng Qian couldn't hide the joy on his face while drinking water, he guessed something in his heart, and laughed and scolded as he walked: "Zheng Qian, you boy, if you don't have enough news, See how I deal with you!"

Zheng Qian's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that his behavior just now was slightly inappropriate.

well!He was overjoyed by the huge wealth he found in the warehouse in the backyard, and for a moment he forgot that the village owner had entrusted Du Qian with the important matters of money and food in the cottage today.And as usual, I only followed the leader of the village, almost ignoring Du Qian, the direct leader who was already in place.If it was in private, it would not be an exaggeration to report to the village owner, but now that Du Qian is clearly on the side, he turns a blind eye, obviously not paying attention to his immediate boss.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qian reached out and wiped the cold sweat oozing from his head, and secretly said "ashamed". Fortunately, the village owner was careful and covered it up for him, otherwise Du Qian saw that he didn't take him seriously again and again, which was contradictory It will inevitably be aroused, and no matter whether it is reasonable or not, how can I put it, as a subordinate, I will have no good fruit to eat.

After thinking about this, Zheng Qian looked at Wang Lun with slightly different eyes at the moment.

He is also a person with some experience. Logically speaking, the worse the relationship between himself and Du Qian, the better for Wang Lun, but Wang Lun did not do this. Instead, he melted away some misunderstandings for himself. Hen obviously hoped that his relationship with Du Qian would become harmonious.

This is really strange!Compared with the previous style, what the village owner did at this time is a world of difference!Could it be that after the village owner suffered a serious illness, his heart became more open?

Putting aside doubts, Zheng Qian savored Wang Lun's intentions in this move carefully.He suddenly discovered that Wang Lun's current method of imperial servants had a brilliant meaning of using people without suspicion and others not using them.Regardless of whether he has any precautions against Du Qian in his heart, just based on his attitude towards his second boss at this time, it is easy for people to have a mentality that a scholar will die for his confidant.Anyone who reads his words and actions can draw the conclusion that Wang Lun fully trusts Du Qian.And since he felt this kind of trust even as an outsider, he didn't believe that the person involved would be so dull and unconscious.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qian suddenly came to his senses. It seemed that his life would be easy in the future, at least he wouldn't have to be caught between the village master and the second leader.Of course, he also understands that it is one thing to respect Du Qian, the leader of his direct management in the future, but his unwavering loyalty to the village owner at critical moments is the foundation of his standing in the cottage.

"Old Zheng! Are you so dazed at the critical moment? Tell me something good about you, so that my brother and I can feel at ease!" Seeing Zheng Qian bowed his head and said nothing, Du Qian was impatient and only urged.

Zheng Qian, who fell into reverie, was brought back to reality by Du Qian's urging. He quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve, saluted Wang Lun and Du Qian respectively, and said in a loud voice: "I report to the village master and leader Du, the children found it in the backyard. A large amount of grain and grass, roughly estimated to be no less than 100 shi! In addition, when the house was searched, it was also very rewarding. A total of 700 taels of gold, 770 taels of silver, [-] guan of copper coins, and jewelry worth no less than [-] guan were found! Cattle and sheep There are countless pieces of cloth, and they are still being counted!" (The ratio of gold to silver at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty was maintained at a level of one tael of gold greater than or equal to ten taels of silver. , this book is calculated on a one-to-one basis. The official value of the Northern Song Dynasty is [-] copper coins.

Before Zheng Qian finished speaking, Du Qian's expression became extremely excited, and his long face flushed red.Finally, he waited patiently for Zheng Qian to finish speaking. He couldn't wait to pat Zheng Qian, who was also excited, and couldn't help saying to Wang Lun: "Brother! This ten thousand guan treasure plus eight thousand shi of grain is enough I have used the cottage for a year! This guy has accumulated a lot of private property, which is even more real than my little brother, who went down the mountain and robbed merchants for three months!"

In fact, it wasn't just Du Qian who was surprised. After hearing Zheng Qian's news, even Wang Lun was quite surprised. According to his previous estimate, the family could already have two or three thousand shi of grain. Great harvest!

Pressing his doubts, Wang Lun asked, "Zheng Qian, how many fields does this house have? Have you ever found a land deed?"

Zheng Qian nodded excitedly, and replied, "Just now, the villain took the land deed and looked it up a little bit. This house has about [-] acres of upper fields, [-] acres of middle fields, and [-] acres of lower fields! It's the land deed of Baozheng's family and the evidence of usury!" After speaking, he pointed to the wooden box he had just carried to the two chiefs.

"Well, it's about the same as the [-] mu of land that Li Si provided!" Wang Lun said thoughtfully.He remembered that the yield per mu of the northern fields in the Northern Song Dynasty fluctuated around one stone according to the quality of the land. The total of [-] acres of upper, middle and lower fields in the Song Dynasty, based on the average yield of one stone, could produce about [-] stones of grain a year, excluding large households. The family's own expenses, the two taxes in autumn and summer and other miscellaneous taxes, and the remuneration to the tenants total about [-]%, and there is about [-]% leftover, which means that the Baozheng family can store nearly a thousand shi of grain every year.Calculated based on the two-year old grain piled up in the storehouse of a general landlord's house, the inventory is at most about two thousand shi, but eight thousand shi of grain was copied out tonight, which can't but surprise Wang Lun!Isn't he afraid of losing so much food if it goes bad?

While Wang Lun was wondering, he suddenly heard Du Qian scolding from the side: "This thief is a bird, I don't want to be a smart guy! Knowing that the price of grain is getting more and more expensive now, I will learn from others to buy and hoard grain! If the more than 8000 shi of grain are put in next year In the beginning of spring, if you sell it on the nearest Hebei Road, you won’t be able to make a lot of money!”

Rising food prices?Du Qian's inadvertent sentence reminded Wang Lun who was in deep thought. He suddenly remembered that the price of grain in the late Northern Song Dynasty was extremely firm and rising all the way. The four guan coins that rose until the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty even reached six guan coins per stone in some areas in the early Southern Song Dynasty!Under this trend of rising prices, big households with a little bit of economic acumen usually hoard some grain at home for appreciation!No wonder Song Jiang got 50 shi of grain when he broke Zhujiazhuang that day, so it makes sense.

wrong!No no no! !

Wang Lun suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed something, and hurriedly waved his hands to stop the joyous Du Qian and Zheng Qian. Regardless of their surprised eyes, he lowered his head and silently calculated in his heart: nine thousand gold and silver jewels plus eight thousand The stone money is probably equivalent to the savings of the Baozheng family for more than ten years, and Li Si said that his family has been tenants in this Baozheng family for generations. According to this, the money and food are far from all his family's savings!

I see!Thinking of this, Wang Lun no longer hesitated, pulled Zheng Qian over and told him: "There must be other secret rooms in Baozheng's house, take the thirty or so family members down for me and ask them carefully! I don't believe him The family has done evil for generations, so they have saved [-] guan of money and food! Find it for me, and I have to dig three feet to find it!"

"Two brothers... what twenty thousand coins?"

At this time, Song Wan, who came before anyone else, yelled loudly from a long distance, making Wang Lun wonder if this person was born with a good ear.Hearing the sound, everyone looked towards where the sound came from, and saw that the rear team escorted by Song Wan had arrived at the village at this time, hundreds of empty ox carts and horse-drawn carriages lined up in a long line, straight from the courtyard. Arrived outside the village.

Before Song Wan came to him, Du Qian greeted beamingly: "Brothers of the Song family, call the children to go to the backyard to load and unload grain! I'm afraid you won't believe me, I've already copied out more than 2 grain at this time, just waiting for you Come and pull!"

"My mother! How much? Twenty thousand!?" Song Wan's face immediately gathered all kinds of expressions, which was exactly the same as Du Qian's reaction just now, like two gourds growing out of a vine, similar in shape and even more similar in spirit.


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