Water Margin Survival

Chapter 145 The Hospitable Host

With more than 100 wounded and sick, it took nearly half a month for the Liangshan army to stop and stop for the [-]-mile journey from Penglai, Dengzhou, to Changle, Weizhou.Not far ahead is the boundary of Qingzhou, which is only a hundred miles away from the south bank of the Beiqing River.At this time, after a night's rest, the team set off again and went straight to Shouguang County.

Fortunately, the work is done, Wang Lun is not in a hurry, and the journey is comfortable, which happens to be able to save horsepower.If they had to travel day and night like they did when they came to rescue people, the loss of horses alone would be too much for the Shanzhai.

Fortunately, I met a few groups of horse dealers along the way. Not only did they wrap up the horses in their hands, but they also told them not to have to work hard to sell horses everywhere in the future. Not theirs.

These people were panicked at the beginning, for fear that the army would snatch their horses for nothing and make them lose everything.Later, I saw that this team not only gave money, but some of the generals were very knowledgeable about horses, so the price was extremely fair.After the money and goods were settled, and when the real gold and silver were held in their hands, everyone swallowed the uneasy heart back to their stomachs.Only when they finally heard that they were good men on Liangshan Mountain in Jeju, did these horse dealers suddenly realize that they all slapped their chests loudly, and promised to spread the news, telling colleagues that if they have good horses, they will definitely send them to them. to the mountains.

Therefore, deducting losses at this time, the total number of horses in the team did not decrease but increased, and there were more than a hundred horses more than when they first descended the mountain.

"Brother, I will be able to arrive at Beiqinghe in a couple of days. The younger brother's two wives and uncles want to go back and pick up their family members up the mountain. The younger brother wants to go with them to pick up the people. Please give me permission!" At this time, several leaders gathered in the team While walking and talking, Pei Xuan told Wang Lun that he was in a good mood.

"Huh? Brother Pei, you didn't pick up the family members of the elder brother and the second brother when you picked up your wife? It's more than three thousand miles, can you bear it?" Wang Lun asked after seeing this.

Although this Kong Mu knew a little bit of martial arts, it was just for embellishment, he was not a practitioner.I think that after he was rescued by traveling thousands of miles to Hebei, he rushed back non-stop to pick up his wife and daughter.After hearing that the two wives and uncles were trapped, they rushed back from thousands of miles to rescue soldiers, and came to this Salmonella Island to rescue people before they had a good rest. I think he has been running here and there for half a year, and has been running non-stop. Hurry up, if you rush back to Jingzhao Mansion again at this time, I really don't know if he can still carry it.

Pei Xuan sighed, and was about to grit his teeth to agree. At this time, Yang Lin on the other side said: "Why don't you go there on behalf of Brother Kongmu? The eldest brother and the second brother will name the route, and then write a letter! The younger brother used to be in the rivers and lakes. Walking, picking up a few family members should be a no-brainer!"

Ever since he went up to the mountain, Jin Baozi has always felt that he has not made an inch of merit when he sees a lot of talented people in the cottage.This time he volunteered to go out with Wang Lun to save people. Although he and Deng Fei recommended Uncle and Nephew Zou, he still felt that his contribution was not obvious and felt uneasy.

As soon as Pei Xuan heard his words, his face was full of gratitude, and he immediately bowed his hands to Yang Lin to thank him.Wang Lun was taken aback when he saw this, and secretly sighed that Zou Run was very tight-lipped. Seeing that he hadn't spoken a word all the way, he rotted in his stomach the news he told him on Shamen Island that night. A person who can keep his mouth shut.

Thinking of this, Wang Lun nodded and said: "Brother Yang Lin, I still have to rely on you to take care of the eldest brother and second brother's family, so I will ask Brother Deng Fei to do it for me!"

Seeing that Wang Lun said these words, Yang Lin obviously had his own place in his heart, and was immediately overjoyed.That Deng Fei is also a generous and loyal man. Since he voted for Dazhai together with Pei Xuan in Yinmachuan, he cherishes this connection with him very much. When he sees Wang Lun calling his name and wants to go by himself, there is no two words, and he agrees with Yang Lin Said: "Brother has orders, but please order!"

Wang Lun smiled and told the story one by one. Yang Lin was overjoyed and said, "I will never disappoint my brother! The two brothers of the Zou family are old friends. The three of us will do this together. There will be no mistakes." Brother, this benevolence and righteousness!"

Seeing Yang Lin, who had been depressed all this time, opened his face, Deng Fei was also happy for him. At this moment, Meng Kang said: "Why don't you go with brother Deng Fei?"

Wang Lun chuckled and said jokingly, "How could you be missing in building warships in the cottage? This time the situation is special. In the future, I think you should not go down the mountain, and just work as a supervisor in the water!"

Meng Kang said with embarrassment: "It's a pity that my younger brother has never built a sea-going ship, otherwise I wouldn't have made all my brothers travel so hard! Sigh..."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and Meng Da and Meng Er also looked at each other and smiled. After half a month of getting along day and night, they had a deep understanding of the loyalty of the leaders of the cottage. It was also resolved, and they were all full of longing for their future shelter, and they were completely relieved.

As they were talking, they suddenly saw Lin Chong riding his horse back in front of him, and said, "Brother, this is already the boundary of Shouguang County, Qingzhou. There is a hotel in front of it, which is the eyes and ears of Erlong Mountain. At this time, Daoist Gongsun and brothers Liu Tang We are waiting ahead!"

Wang Lun shook his head and said with a smile, "I didn't intend to bother them. I didn't want to let them hear the news. In that case, brothers and sisters, follow me to meet these two heroes!" Everyone shouted loudly. Here, Pei Xuan is not very clear about the details of Erlong Mountain, but he just thought to himself, it seems that his elder brother's reputation of benevolence and righteousness has been spread all over the world, and he really has friends wherever he goes.

Let's talk about the crowd galloping for a while and rushed to the front of the team. They saw Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang standing by the side of the road, and Lu Zhishen was talking with them. When the two leaders of Erlongshan saw Wang Lun coming, they rushed forward. Lu Zhi smiled deeply. After hehe he followed, Wang Lun jumped off the horse and said with a smile, "Are you two brothers safe?"

"All right, all right!" Liu Tang hurriedly clasped his fists back with a bright face when he saw Wang Lun.

"King Chao Tian was in Hedong at this time and hadn't returned yet. My younger brother and Brother Liu Tang greeted Brother Wang Lun and all the heroes on his behalf. The hotel here is opened by Xiaozhai, so please rest for a while!" Gongsun Sheng said with a smile.

"You are welcome, Daoist!" Wang Lun smiled and cupped his hands, and introduced the leaders around him to them, except Li Kui who was sleeping soundly in the car behind, Zou Run escorted the rear team, Sun Ding and Mou Jie accompanied him Wang Jin was also in the car, and all the leaders had arrived at this time.

At this time, when the heroes in the world met for the first time, it was naturally another salute. Liu Tang had seen Liangshan's military power before, so he was not surprised by this rare cavalry in Jingdong. He just looked at Yang Lin, Pei Xuan, Meng Kang, Zhang Shun, Fei Bao, Zou Yuan and others said: "Brother Wang Lun is famous all over the world. I haven't seen you for a few days, and he has got so many good men to like him. I am so envious!"

Wang Lun stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Baozheng personally went to Hedong, and he must have invited famous heroes in the rivers and lakes. After a while, the prestige of Erlong Mountain will not be inferior to that of Liangshan!"

Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang laughed loudly when they heard the words, and said straightly: "Where is it, how dare you stand shoulder to shoulder with Liangshan!" When everyone was laughing, Zou Run came from behind and said: "Brother, you have already arrived at the boundary of Qingzhou, on Shamen Island The rescued prisoner wants to come and say goodbye to his brother!"

Wang Lun looked in the direction of his finger, and saw five or seventy people standing on one side, all of them bowing their hands to this side. Seeing this, Wang Lun turned his head and said to Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang: "When Xiao Ke goes to see them off, I will come to catch up with the two of you." !"

Originally, more than 110 people were rescued from Salmonella Island. Later, more than 40 people made up their minds to join Liangshan.

"Brother Wang Lun, I heard that there are many strange people who are suffering there on Salmonella Island. They were finally rescued at this time, but why didn't they stay? Just let them go!"

Seeing that Wang Lun was such a "prodigal" and wanted to let these people go, Liu Tang felt like a cat scratching his heart. Just now he heard from Lu Zhishen that Liang Shan had saved 80 soldiers on the island this time. Such a great talent with extraordinary status has long been jealous, and couldn't help asking Wang Lun.

"Brother, you know that Liangshan has never forced people to go up the mountain. These men want to go home, so I naturally follow their wishes!" Wang Lun couldn't help laughing as he looked at this honest man who wanted to replace Chao Gailuo.To say that this is not the first time Liu Tang has done this, a few months ago he wanted to recruit Qin Ming who had captured him alive, this man's loyalty to Chao Gai was evident.

Liu Tang saw that he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and pulled at Wang Lun, not wanting to tell him to leave, but he couldn't speak. He just looked at Wang Lun eagerly. At this moment, Gongsun Sheng couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Brother Liu Tang, just talk What are you doing with brother Wang Lun, brother still has work to do!"

Wang Lun laughed, looked at Liu Tang who had relapsed and said, "Brother, do you want to recruit some talents for Baozheng among them?"

"Elder brother Wang Lun knows what my younger brother wants, so why not?" Liu Tang first laughed loudly, and then asked cautiously.

Wang Lun looked at Liu Tang, who had worked so hard, and felt a little touched in his heart. He sighed, "Why not? There is only one thing, don't force it! I told them to take them to Qingzhou and ask them to do what they want. If you can talk about it, go ahead Go talk!"

Liu Tang was overjoyed, bowed to Wang Lun, and hurriedly ran to the crowd over there. He just ran two steps, but turned back, and said anxiously to Gongsun Sheng: "Money!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it, and they worked very hard to hold back their laughter.Rao Gongsun Sheng, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't help his cheeks flushed slightly at this time, and he didn't speak. He just took out a money bag from his body and handed it all to Liu Tang. The red-haired ghost was overjoyed when he saw this, and laughed. He ran towards the crowd, startled the fifty or seventy escaped prisoners, thinking that they were sold as livestock by the king on Mount Liang.

After the cautious-looking red-haired man smiled all over his face and explained his intentions in all directions, everyone was relieved. Seeing him take out gold and still make a wish, some people in the crowd were suddenly a little moved .

Seeing the results, this political commissar Liu of Erlongshan hit the iron while the iron was hot, and poured out the compliments he said at this moment, even the first half of his life was not enough. The hard work finally paid off, and there were only seven or eight people Dubiously walking out of the queue, Liu Tang asked them one by one about their origins, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. In addition to some martial arts, there was actually a doctor. Liu Tang immediately smiled, doctor!This is a talent urgently needed by the Shanzhai, and it may be worthy of a general at a critical moment!

At this moment, he wished that all the hairs on his body would be stretched out, and couldn't help winking at Gongsun Sheng who was following everyone to watch. Wang Lun also looked at the doctor with a smile when he saw Wang Lun looking at him. She lowered her head in embarrassment, and stammered in self-defense: "It's not that the villain refused to save people that night, it's just that the villain has healed the sick, and I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

Seeing that Wang Lun hadn't spoken yet, Liu Tang hurriedly asked, "Who have you healed?"

The doctor's face suddenly showed a look of unbearable looking back. He stayed for a while, saw everyone looking at him, sighed, and said truthfully: "The relatives of Zhizhou!"

Liu Tang was taken aback for a moment, wondering whether he should invite this doctor who has cured people up to the mountain, when he suddenly heard Gongsun Sheng say: "Since you have been invited by the Zhizhou, your Excellency must be the top doctor in the local area, don't regret too much." However, who hasn't missed a moment?"

As soon as Liu Tang heard Mao Sai's sudden enlightenment, he shouted: "Since he is a famous doctor in the state, what does it matter if he kills someone? You just follow me on the mountain, and I will decide with you! Of course, you must never miss again. If my life is taken away by the doctor, there will be no one to protect you!"

Everyone couldn't help it when they heard the words, they all laughed loudly, even Wang Lun couldn't help shaking his head, and said to the doctor: "What happened that night is over, doctor don't need to blame yourself. If there is something wrong with you in the future When you are sick, you can ask Brother Liu Tang to send you to my cottage, you have never heard of my genius doctor An Daoquan, you must know the name of the imperial physician Mou Jiemou, you can come and discuss more when you have nothing to do!"

Seeing that the white-clothed scholar who rescued him from the flames didn't blame him, the doctor even pointed out a clear path for him, and the shame that accumulated during the hundreds of miles of journey suddenly turned into two lines of dirty tears, and he couldn't cry.

In this way, both parties were very happy, and bid farewell to the prisoner who wanted to go home. Everyone went to the hotel very affectionately. Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen went to arrange the troops to station themselves. I heard that they were so happy to see them picking up unwanted talents in their brother-in-law's cottage, which made them both sigh in their hearts.

It seems that Liangshan is really not an ordinary place to go, maybe this fall is not a desperate move, maybe it is not necessarily a brand new beginning in his life. (To be continued.)

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