Wang Lun stood outside the hotel with a smile on his face. After all the leaders of his family went in, he prepared to go in with his host, Gongsun Sheng, who was by his side.At this moment, he suddenly felt that someone was pulling him from behind. When Wang Lun turned his head to look, he realized who else could it be if it wasn't Shiqian. Wang Lun smiled at him and said, "Finally willing to show up?"

"Could it be that elder brother has already discovered younger brother!?" Shi Qian said in shock.

"It was this Daoist Gongsun who noticed it first!" Wang Lun pointed at Gongsun Sheng and smiled.He has practiced martial arts diligently in the past year. Although he has a lot of hearing and eyesight, compared with Gongsun Sheng, he is still a lot worse.

Seeing that Shi Qian was shaking his head and shaking his head, he was very frustrated. Seeing that his self-esteem was still strong, Wang Lun smiled and asked him, "But is there any clue to what I asked you to investigate?" Before coming to Dengzhou, he did tell him It took less than a month to collect information about a person in the rivers and lakes, and he would have a clue. It seemed that the fleas on the drum were born to be meticulous.

Seeing that there were outsiders present, Shi Qian just nodded his head, but didn't say much. Wang Lun thought that everyone was already seated inside. If he didn't go in, he might not be able to open the table. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Does it matter?"

"It's not in a hurry!" Shi Qian said hurriedly.

Gongsun Sheng turned back and smiled and said, "If it's not urgent, this brother will wait in with me to eat some food, and then talk after filling his stomach, how about it?"

Shi Qian chuckled, cupped his fists at Gongsun Sheng, and followed Wang Lun and Jiao Ting in.At this time, Liangshan old man saw that another village leader had come, and they all enthusiastically got up and invited him to sit down. Shi Qian looked back at Wang Lun, Wang Lun nodded with a smile, and Shi Qian greeted everyone when he saw this.At this time, there were new leaders who didn't know him, and they all asked the people around him for his identity, so it was naturally lively again.

After the banquet started, everyone took turns toasting. Gongsun Sheng, the host, had a modest surname, but it happened that Liu Tang liked to be lively, so he frequently toasted to the leaders of Liangshan on behalf of Erlongshan. He is a person with a clear and sharp personality, so naturally there will be exchanges. After you toast, I will return the salute. They are all talking and drinking, and the atmosphere immediately reaches a climax.

Seeing that after more than an hour of laughter, everyone finally had enough to drink, Wang Lun still had business in mind, so he got up and sang to everyone, then pulled Shi Qian to the back, and Gongsun Sheng specially left a speech for them during the dinner In the private room, Wang Lun left the table with Jiao Ting Shiqian. At this time, Li Kui followed up after seeing this, and Jiao Ting said: "Tie Niu is full and go to rest! Brother has business !"

Seeing this, Li Kui shouted: "Brother Jiao Ting, you are the leader of my brother's entourage, and I am also the leader of my brother's entourage. Why do you treat me as an outsider? I will go in!" Man, he had tasted it before, even though he was drunk at this time, he still didn't dare to make a mistake.

Seeing this, Wang Lun waved to him and said, "If you just listen but don't talk, I'll call you in!"

Seeing that he was overjoyed, Li Kui hurriedly nodded, turned his head and glanced at Jiao Ting triumphantly, followed Wang Lun into the room, and imitated Jiao Ting's appearance, not sitting down, but standing behind Wang Lun in a very majestic manner , the two broad axes were pinned to the waistband of his trousers, which made people worry that his trousers would be crushed from time to time.

Wang Lun shook his head with a smile, but at this moment Shi Qian chuckled and said, "Brother, you asked my younger brother to inquire about the news, and my younger brother has already heard about it! That person is currently visiting Qingzhou!"

Wang Lun nodded his head and didn't ask him any questions. He just made three cups of tea and handed them to the three of them one by one. !” After speaking, he poured it into his mouth and drank it.Seeing his fuss, Jiao Ting glared at him, while Li Kui stared at the tea in the cup, where could he see it.

After Shi Qian took a sip of hangover tea, Wang Lun signaled him to start talking. Shi Qian held the teacup in his hand and played with it, and slowly narrated: "In August of this year, when my brother went south to Jiankang Mansion, the Song Jiang killer After meeting Yan Poxi, he fled in a panic and came to Qingzhou in early September. At the beginning, he stayed in the Kongjia Village of Baihu Mountain for a few days. Their martial arts, I don’t know why it took only three or five days, and then they rushed to Qingfengzhai. Hua Zhizhai's residence!"

"Damn it! So you were talking about that black guy! To tell you the truth, brother, if I hadn't looked at Chao Gai's face, I would have punched him to death! This guy's three-legged cat's martial arts, how dare he accept apprentices? I beat him He didn't even dare to fight back! And he killed someone out of jealousy, how can he be a hero? Why is my brother only looking for news about him!" Li Kui yelled.

This is the person who was willing to kill you before!Wang Lun looked at Li Kui who was full of disdain and sighed secretly.He glanced at Li Kui and said, "Do you want to refill the water?"

Li Kui laughed when he saw that he was talking, and immediately threw Song Jiang thousands of miles away, and stretched out the cup. Wang Lun filled him with water, put away the teapot, and asked Shi Qian, "Is this Jiyu running away alone, or is he with him?" His compatriot brother?"

"The wind that my little brother received, I only said that he was the only one!" Shi Qian replied.

Wang Lun nodded when he heard the words, thinking to himself that Song Gongming didn't know why he was thinking about it. In the original trajectory, he and his younger brother Song Qing went to live in Chai Daguan's village until next year before returning to Jingdong, so they went straight to Qingfengzhai One line, I'm afraid that many things will not happen as before.Qingfengzhai Wenzhizhai Liu Gao's wife, at least he can't meet, so there is no relationship with Liu Gao, Hua Rong and Qin Ming Huang Xin have become life-and-death friends, and they won't be angry as before, and probably won't fall into the grass I am afraid that the dispatch to Jiangzhou in the future will not happen.In this way, I am a little confused about the future development trend of this arena.

Wang Lun pondered for a long time, and asked Shi Qian, "Brother Tang Bin, have you returned to the village at this time?"

Shi Qianjian said with a bright smile on his face, and said straightly: "My brother never urged him, so of course he is still there!"

Wang Lun also smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Forget it, I happen to be in Qingzhou this time, so let's go to propose a marriage for Tang Bin on the way! Maybe we will meet the well-known timely rain in the world!"

Li Kui shouted: "One or two of them want to get married. What is there to be attached to that pink skull? Let me tell you, only my brother is a real hero!" After Zhu Fu went to Yizhou to pick up his old mother and came back, the man saw his old mother and regarded the cottage as his home completely. He was also an older brother to Wang Lun, and he never added the word scholar in front again.

Wang Lun shook his head with a wry smile, is a bachelor really a hero?This man's thinking is ridiculously simple.It’s just that when it comes to proposing marriage, I don’t know where my fate is. Thinking of this, Wang Lun subconsciously looked out the window. The window was facing the southwest, but it was not the direction of his hometown in his previous life.

Seeing Wang Lun lost in thought, Shi Qian and Jiao Ting didn't speak for fear of disturbing him. Only Li Kui finished his tea and saw that Wang Lun wouldn't pour it for himself, so he poured it by himself clumsily, and accidentally carried the pinned tea on his back. The ax knocked down a teacup, and Wang Lun who was distracted was awakened by a crisp sound of "pop". Seeing this, Wang Lun shook his head mockingly, and asked Shi Qian, "Will you go with me, or go back to the cottage first?"

Shi Qian chuckled, and said: "My little brother has already found out the whereabouts of Tang Niu'er, and my brother and Zhu Gui's orders have not been fulfilled, so I will rescue him first, and then I will look for my brother!"

Seeing this, Li Kui shouted: "If you don't go, I will go! Brother, don't leave me anymore!"

Wang Lun said with a smile, "Come on! You can go with me, but don't act recklessly on the road!" Li Kui got what he wanted, and laughed and said, "Listen to my brother's orders all the way!" Wang Lun nodded, and then He said to Shi Qian: "Among the people I rescued on Shamen Island, several of them were famous thieves who were good at flying over eaves and walls in the past. , you don’t need to do everything personally in the future!”

Shi Qian was overjoyed, he had always been a bare-bones commander, he had nothing to do when he walked alone, but when he arrived at the village, he saw that the leaders were all accompanied by his confidants, but he had no one by his side, which was very boring, seeing Shi Qian at this time When he was about to go out to choose someone, Wang Lun got up and sent him out, and said: "There is no need to take them with you at this time, the wounds of these people have not recovered yet. When you finish your work, come to Qingfeng Village to find me!"

Shi Qian took the lead again and again, Wang Lun took Jiao Ting and Li Kui to send him out, seeing that everyone still hadn't withdrawn from the table, and Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang were not considered outsiders, so they just confessed their plans, and everyone saw that the big boss was going to follow him When Huarong proposed marriage, they all laughed and clamored to join in the fun, but here you have to go north to go to Beiqinghe, and go west to go to Qingfengzhai. He was extremely enthusiastic, and it was not suitable to leave anyone behind, so he listened to Wang Lun and said, "I just take my two personal leaders along with me. Coach Wang is not out of danger yet, and I still need everyone's support along the way. If Hua Zhizhai agrees, I will wait for you." I picked up the couple and came back, and it won't be too late for everyone to make trouble in the bridal chamber!"

Lin Chong cupped his hands and said, "Brother, don't put yourself in danger. There are no good people on Qingfeng Mountain. Even if you don't ask me to accompany you, you should ask my senior brother to go with you!"

Lu Zhishen laughed when he saw this, and said, "That's right! Stop arguing, it's good that the Sa family and brother go together!"

Everyone looked at Wang Lun, Wang Lun nodded, and said, "Master, you can go with me! Let's set off immediately with [-] cavalry. I'm afraid I can make it in time, and I'm afraid I won't be able to reach Qingfengzhai before sunset." ?”

When Lu Zhishen saw this, he went out to gather troops, and after a while, he gathered all the troops, and everyone came out to see him off. Wang Lun entrusted the team to Lin Chong. Lun and his party of 60 people rode away on horseback, only to return disgruntled.

Everyone walked forward lightly, and walked for two hours on the road. Gradually, the sun was setting, and they saw a hill in front of them, full of strange trees and weeds. Dressed up as a man, he wanted to grit his teeth and ran straight up the mountain.

When Wang Lun saw this person, he felt a "thump" in his heart, secretly thinking that this is not his brother! ?Seeing him like this, could something serious happen?But without waiting for Wang Lun to say anything, Jiao Ting shouted, "Brother Wu Song!" (To be continued.)

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