Water Margin Survival

Chapter 147 This woman belongs to Wuhan University

Let's ask why the second brother Wu is haunting the border of Qingzhou at this time?It's just a long story, and this matter has to be talked about after he parted ways with Wang Lun in Enzhou half a year ago.

Speaking of that day, after he parted with the only leader in the world who knew him and loved him, Liang Shanbo, although he was walking on the familiar streets in his hometown after a long absence, his heart was filled with sadness of parting. Suddenly, he was hit by a fork pole on the wooden building facing the street. Wu Song was furious. When he looked around, he found a beautiful woman with Liu Yaotao was being molested by a fat old man. The helpless eyes touched the softest part of this chivalrous man's heart.

Thinking that Wu Song was a hero when he was young, how could he tolerate such injustice in his eyes?Seeing that he used his magical powers, he pressed his hands heavily on the saddle, and the whole person immediately stood on the Beidi BMW gifted by Wang Lun, and climbed up along the extension of the wooden building. After three or two clicks, he saw that he had already climbed through the window and entered the room.

At this moment, I saw a beautiful woman whom I felt pity for, lying on her back, her hands covered her chest, her eyes were extremely terrified, and she begged involuntarily: "Don't...don't..." And the old man in front of her But the man couldn't see the situation clearly, he didn't know whether it was Wu Song's lightness kung fu that was too good, or the old man was taking the lead, the man didn't even notice that there was a man standing behind him.

When Wu Song looked at him from behind, he saw that this man was obese, his behavior was terrible, and the sound from his mouth was even more disgusting.He only heard the turbid sound of swallowing saliva coming from his throat, and immediately said to the graceful and charming beauty of his wife: "After all, my tigress has gone out. How can there be such an opportunity? Take advantage of this good time, Jinlian, you will become me!" Then, in the future, the master will give you a title!"

When Wu Song heard this, he slammed against the door angrily, and shouted angrily: "Where did the pickled and dirty things come from? They are doing such ugly things in broad daylight, and they won't stop!"

The reason why he just stopped at this time, instead of doing it immediately, was not for anything else.Though Wu Song is capable, he is not a reckless person.In the original trajectory, his elder brother was killed. At the beginning, he was determined to seek a solution through judicial means, and he did not seek revenge in private. It was just that the county magistrate took black money, and Wang Fa's way was blocked, so he burst into anger. He avenged his elder brother, but surrendered himself after the murder. It can be said that he is a simple and kind man bound by etiquette.

For Wu Song, the use of force is always the last resort, and blood is bound to be seen.The fifteen surnames in Zhang Dujian's family in Mengzhou are the true portrayal of this man after he couldn't bear it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a shout from behind, the old man was taken aback, he didn't even have time to wipe the saliva from his mouth, he hurriedly turned his head to look, when he saw the person coming, his heart trembled, and he was annoyed, how did he provoke this person? Tough guy?He hurriedly straightened his clothes, wiped off his saliva, took a deep breath, and said to Wu Song, "Wu Er, you and I have always been on the same page! What are you going to do now?"

Now that he was face to face with this person, Wu Song could see his appearance clearly.It turned out that I walked to the street in front of this big family's house with my head down.This person, Wu Song, also knew his details, this Pocai used to be a famous hob meat in Enzhou's street market, and he was also known for his bravery and ruthlessness when he was young.It's just that now that he's older and has a family and power, he doesn't show his face anymore, and he starts to learn how others live the life of a rich family.Gradually, the notoriety of this guy made the neighbors forget it. Only people like Wu Song who mess around in the rivers and lakes have heard of the evil things he did in the past.

Even so, how could Wu Song be afraid of him?Seeing that he was still pretending at this moment, Wu Song shouted: "Under the bright sky, what do you want to do? Just pretend that there is no king's law, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

Seeing Wu Song talking about Wang Fa to him, the big family member immediately felt no fear.Thinking that the person in front of him has a lot of fists and feet, he is the person with the hardest fists in Qinghe County.I think what this big family is most afraid of at this time is that this person rushes forward like a stunned young man, holding him down and beating him up, that would be wronged, even if he is reported to him in the future, he will have to suffer a lot in front of him. Pain of skin and flesh.

At this time, Zhang Dahu saw Wu Song talking about Wang Fa and keeping his mouth shut, and cursed childishly in his heart. At this time, he felt relieved, patted his clothes, and laughed: "Wang Fa!? She is my maid, I So you took her by force, but so what? You go and sue me? If I give her a title, I won’t be afraid even if you sue the magistrate or the magistrate! It’s you, Wu Er, who trespassed on a private house at this time. What should I do!"

Hearing this, Wu Song became angry, clenched his fists with both hands, and approached the big family step by step. The big family panicked and said, "Wu Song, what are you going to do? But you want to explain the king's law, and if you can't explain it, you want to commit murder? You When eating in prison, you must not implicate your Wu Dalang who sells cooking cakes!"

At this time, the helpers waiting downstairs heard the noise from above, and rushed up immediately, only ten men helped the big family up, but they didn't dare to go forward.How could these people not know Wu Song, but although they were afraid of this enemy in their hearts, the benefactor was right in front of them, and there was really no way out, so they all shouted and emboldened, but no one dared to go forward.

At this time, seeing this big family speak clearly, Wu Song pondered: "I killed this man, but I may not be able to save this woman, and it is not worthwhile to implicate my brother!" After pondering for a while, Wu Song said: "I will redeem him!"

Seeing that all his confidantes came up, the big family became more courageous, and said straightly: "If you want to redeem this little bitch, it depends on whether I am willing to sell it or not!"

Wu Song got angry when he heard the words, stared straight at the big family's dodging eyes, and said word by word: "If you sell today, you have to sell, and if you don't sell, you have to sell!" However, if this weak woman is left alone, she will definitely be humiliated. At this time, Wu Song's chivalrous heart is aroused, and he must deal with this matter to the end no matter what.

The big family was stared at by Wu Song's decisive eyes, but he didn't dare to irritate him anymore. The helpers saw that the master had turned off the fire, so how dare they talk too much when facing Wu Song, the two sides were in a stalemate like this.

Suddenly at this time, I saw a pungent old woman rushing up from the stairs, saw the maid Jinlian who was huddled into a ball, and saw the embarrassing expression on the face of the head of the house, where there was no clue, she went straight forward and grabbed Zhang. The big family shouted: "Wow, you Zhang Xiaosan! You dare to steal your mouth when my mother is not here. I have long seen that you are uneasy and kind to this foxy girl, so you have taken care of it. You will seize the opportunity! Zhang Xiaosan! Do you remember?" How did you get rich? Didn’t you rely on my natal family’s power, now you dare to do this, my old lady will die! Let’s see how my natal brother will deal with you!”

After the woman finished speaking, she started to make a fuss, her hands were scratching at the head's face, which of these helpers would dare to take care of them?It's not like they haven't experienced the pungentness of their mistress!

At this time, the big family member Zhang couldn't be more annoyed, while hiding from his wife, he scolded Wu Song in his heart, secretly thinking that all good things were disturbed by this guy in front of him!At this time, I asked my wife to come back and break it. Sooner or later, the maid will ask her to be kicked out. It seems that I will definitely not be able to touch her.At this moment, seeing the cooked duck fly away, how could he be reconciled to such a stunning beauty who had no chance with him?

He snatched his head out from under his wife's hands, and scolded angrily: "Wu Er, what kind of onion are you, but you came to manage the affairs of the master's house! You obviously saw the beauty of this woman, and you have evil intentions. What kind of a good person is he at the moment!"

Wu Song saw that this big family's wife was vicious, but it was only because of her disturbance that the situation became favorable, and he didn't care about Zhang Dahu at the moment, but said seriously: "When the road is injustice, it is the true nature of a man to draw his sword to help! But with this woman What does beauty and ugliness have anything to do with it? I have seen such scandals, and I just need to take care of them! If you don’t want to cause trouble, tell me to redeem yourself with her!”

When Jin Lian heard such words in a desperate situation, she couldn't help but peek at the big man who was about to save her. At this time, a golden light came in from the window, and the afterglow of the sun fell on this tall and mighty man. It was as if a layer of gleaming golden armor had been plated on this person, and Jin Lian was so fascinated by it.When she came back to her senses, she felt that the savior in front of her was like a god descending from the earth!At this time, coupled with the righteous words and warning words that he uttered, the scene in front of him has been deeply engraved in the heart of this weak woman who was rescued.

Seeing such a scene, the big family member felt that he had become a buffoon, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He was also an old rascal who had been in the market back then, and he raised a vulture, seeing that he couldn't get this girl at this time. , Suo surname did not call Wu Song Luohao, just heard him say: "Okay! You are a hero, but I am a villain! I don't want this girl anymore, so I will give it to you for nothing!"

When Wu Song heard this, he felt deceitful in his heart. When he stared at the big picture, he heard the big picture say again: "I will give up this maid, what is it! If this is the case, I will give you ten pennies." , as a dowry! Just three or four months later, on a good day, I will marry him to your brother Wuda! If you don’t agree, I will settle the lawsuit. Intimidate me, and go to the county magistrate to argue it out!"

Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard this, and felt that this matter was too unimaginable, and it went beyond the limit of their thinking!Who is this Wuhan University? How could they not know, the three-inch Dinggu bark is the laughing stock of Qinghe County!It's just that such a good piece of mutton fell into the dog's mouth, and these helpers were unwilling. At this time, they couldn't help stealing a look at the woman, and saw her covering her mouth with catkins, trembling. The poor little appearance made them feel very hot in their hearts.

The old woman stopped making trouble when she saw that, and seeing Jinlian like this again, she felt extremely proud, and thought that you, a foxy son, are still alive today!At this time, she smiled and said: "Well, well, he is a good match! Wu Song, don't worry, Jin Lian is my maid, how can you ask him to marry off in a hurry? It takes three or four months to prepare, and let the whole city hear about it. Congratulations on your brother's wedding! Don't worry, this Jinlian is still a baby, and I guarantee that she will still be a big girl, if you don't believe me, you can ask your elder brother after the wedding night and see what he says!"

Seeing the vicious words of the couple, Wu Song couldn't see the family's tricks, but this woman would inevitably be humiliated if she stayed here. He would find some messy people to marry. Thinking of this, Wu Song clenched his hands into fists, wishing he could bleed out, and stared at this pair of dogs up and down, obviously unable to hold back his anger.

Just when Wu Song was about to erupt, Jin Lian suddenly heard her voice, and she said: "Don't make things difficult for a hero, it's not worth taking risks for my family, my family agrees!"

Wu Song was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at the weak woman in disbelief. Seeing Wu Song looking towards her, Jin Lian immediately greeted his gaze with the most beautiful smile in her life. I don't know what is filling my heart, it's warm and hot.

At this moment, the woman's vicious voice sounded again inappropriately, and she only heard her say: "Wu Erlang, don't worry, during the period before the wedding, I will ask Jin Lian to serve me personally, I will see who dares to open her without eyes!" After speaking, he immediately glanced at Zhang Dahu.

Where did the big family not see that the beauty he coveted was so considerate to Wu Song, and the smile that appeared on her face at this time, had he never seen it in his life?Zhang Dahu, who was so jealous, stomped his feet and said angrily: "I say what I say, this woman belongs to Wu Dalang!" (To be continued.)

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