Water Margin Survival

Chapter 148 The eldest brother is like a father

The distraught Wu Song himself didn't know how to get out of the gate of this house.Hearing a burst of tittering behind him, Wu Song felt that he had fallen into a predicament he had never experienced before.This wall of air, invisible from all directions, kept him under house arrest who had a lot of worries. Although Kong had amazing strength, he couldn't get rid of the predicament in front of him at all.

The Zhang family made it clear that they wanted to marry Jinlian to their elder brother. If they turned around and snatched Jinlian away, wouldn't they be talking about snatching their sister-in-law with their elder brother?This family has no virtue at all, their lips and tongues are poisonous to snakes and scorpions, maybe they still hope that they will come back to snatch others, and they have finally achieved their goal of disgusting themselves.

Thinking of the woman's lovely and pitiful eyes, Wu Song lost his mind for no reason, and walked the streets of his hometown distractedly, leading the BMW behind him.Before I knew it, I had already reached the door of the house. I saw an iron lock, but there was no one in the house. My brother must have gone out to sell cooking cakes again. Wu Song sat at the door alone, depressed.

I don't know how long I sat there, and finally I saw a short-bodied man come back carrying a load. When the man saw the man sitting at the door, he was so surprised that he dropped the load, and rushed over, saying: "Second brother, can you I miss my brother!"

Wu Song, who was not happy, saw his brother came back, put away his messy thoughts, forced a smile and said: "Brother, but the younger brother is back! I haven't seen you for half a year, how is brother?"

That Wu Dalang said: "Okay..." Before he finished speaking, he was about to pull Wu Song home, when he suddenly saw the horse behind Wu Song, Wu Dalang was shocked, seeing that the horse's back of this BMW was higher than his own After a few heads, he said in surprise: "Second brother, who did you vote for? It looks like you have made a fortune!"

Wu Song smiled wryly when he heard the words, and sighed: "There is an elder brother in the world who loves me very much, so he gave this BMW as a gift!"

When Wu Dalang saw that his younger brother was very energetic in new clothes, his face was round and he didn't look like he had suffered a lot, he was overjoyed, he hurriedly looked for the key to unlock the door, and pulled Wu Song in.I just heard Wu Da praise as he walked: "How can I find such a BMW in Qinghe County? I'm afraid it's not worth more than a hundred dollars! I don't want that elder brother to love you so much. Now my brother is really struggling." !"

He patted his head again and said: "Look at my brain, I don't have any livestock at home, and I don't have any fodder to eat with it. Second brother, sit down, I'll go and exchange some wheat beans to eat with this BMW!"

Seeing that his brother was in high spirits, Wu Song sighed and didn't stop him. Seeing the big man running outside, he weighed the purse for a while and put it on. After collecting some broken silver, he thought to himself: "There are some rice noodles at home. Let's buy all the good ingredients with this money!"

I saw him go out, first picked up the load and put it at the door, then ran out again like a gust of wind, walked to a livestock store in the market, and said with a smile: "Please trouble the shopkeeper, use it with some of my livestock." Wait for the fodder!"

Seeing that it was Wuhan University, the shopkeeper said with a smile: "Da Lang, your family has neither raised mules nor led donkeys. Why do you need fodder? What's more valuable? Wheat beans are more valuable than grain!"

Wu Dalang smiled blushingly, took out his purse, glanced at it, and handed it to the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper looked at Wu Da with strange eyes, and said with a smile: "Dalang, I think it's because you're just living a life and not marrying a wife? Feed all the money to the beasts? In the future, the number one woman in my state will ask you to marry her back home, but what will you do to support her?"

Wuhan University is used to being teased by others, and didn't know what the shopkeeper said, so he said straightly: "The shopkeeper looks at me and weighs me, it's urgent!"

The shopkeeper laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "Hurry, hurry, I know you are in a hurry! The beauty of the golden lotus can't be said to be you, it is the old man in his seventies and eighties. He is anxious when he sees it. , I’ll tell you, you don’t need to wait three or four months!”

How did Wu Dalang know the meaning of the shopkeeper's words?It's just that Hanhan apologized, and at this time a clerk came up and said: "The shopkeeper, you don't know! I saw his second brother come back today, riding a tall horse. Don't say that this horse is rare in Enzhou. Even in Daliao, I think it is rare! I see, with one or two hundred coins, there is nowhere to buy it, and I say his second brother is promising!"

The shopkeeper suddenly realized when he heard the words, and said: "I said that you even took out the original money for marrying a wife. It turns out that your second elder brother has returned, yes! Third son, send half a catty of good food to Da Lang!"

Just now the shopkeeper teased Wu Da a few words, Wu Da is simple and honest, it's not a problem, but his family Wu Er came back, it might be inappropriate for him to hear it, so he hurriedly rounded it up at the end.Sure enough, Wu Da was all smiles when he heard that, and thanked him again and again. Seeing him like this, the shopkeeper felt more at ease.

The clerk took the money and went in to get the feed. After a while, he came out with a big basket full of high-quality horse feed. The shopkeeper said: "Da Lang, this is a feed for a day or two. Come back after eating, you still have eyesight, there are at least a dozen livestock shops in my city, but my family is the most honest! Just remember to send me the basket!"

Wu responded with a big smile, thanked him again, carried the box on his back and waited for the horse feed, and then went home. Don't bother him, just put the food in the courtyard, and then led the horse over, looked at the horse with great care, and when it started to eat the food, then went back to the house, and smiled to Wu Song :

"Second brother, it's good to come back. When will you invite your acquaintance brother to come to the house to talk about it? I have a good banquet to thank him. I got a BMW from him for no reason. I heard from the guy at the livestock dealer that more than 200 cars You haven't got the money to buy it yet, and that person is so extravagant, so I can pay you back!"

Wu Song saw that he just nodded, but he didn't say the name of this person. He was afraid that he would frighten his honest and responsible elder brother. Seeing that Da Lang was about to make a meal, Wu Song took off the package on his body. , Passed it to the elder brother and said: "Don't bother me, brother, you have worked so hard. You have been standing outside for a day, and you should rest and wait for my brother to go out to eat!"

The big man shook his head and said: "How much does it cost to eat out? Now that you are promising, I still want to save money to marry you, so that my parents will not blame me!"

At this time, when he saw that his younger brother was only handing over the burden, he subconsciously went to pick it up. When he took over the burden, he felt that the burden was extremely heavy, and his tentacles were full of hard spindles.This Wu Dalang was startled, he hurriedly opened the package and looked at it, but suddenly a package of yellow and white things flashed into his eyes, which shocked Da Lang and sat him down on the ground, the package also fell to the ground, only to hear what Wu Dalang said He muttered: "Second...Second brother, you...have you become a thief?"

Seeing his brother's reaction, Wu Song rushed over to check his package. This package has not been opened since Wang Lun gave it to him. Although it feels heavy on his back, he only thinks that there is a hundred taels in his heart. Baiyin, who knows when he looked at it at this time, he found that besides Baiyin, there were also big lumps of gold ingots stuffed in it. Wu Song sighed when he saw this, and said after a long time: "It's all from my brother, don't worry, brother! Take it with peace of mind." Let's go!"

How can Wuhan University believe it? In his life, has he ever heard of such a strange thing that someone gave away hundreds of thousands of taels of gold and silver?He just sat on the ground and stared at his brother. Seeing this, Wu Song stepped forward to help him up, and persuaded him, "My brother doesn't know what I am? If I want to be a thief, I don't have to make my brother suffer like this!"

Wu Da believed this, with my younger brother's skill, if he made a fool of himself, his family would have no worries about food and clothing.I also remembered that my younger brother was a normal person, but his surname was straightforward, and he never lied to others. Only then did Wu Da feel relieved, and stepped forward to count the money. It's worth seven or eight hundred guan, second brother, who is that man, how can he love you so much?"

Where did Wu Song dare to say Wang Lun's name, he just sighed, closed his eyes and said, "It's a gift from Cangzhou Chief Chai!" Compared with a white-clothed scholar, it's just like that.This is only on the face of money. When it comes to the face of affection, where can I find a second one in this huge rivers and lakes for the sincerity that this gentleman in white is showing to himself?At the beginning, I was very wary of him, but now thinking about it, I only feel that my cheeks are red and I am extremely ashamed.

"Then I have to thank this official Chai!" Wuhan University sells cooking cakes on the street all year round, but he has also heard of the name of Chai Jin in Cangzhou. It is reasonable to be loved by high officials for his ability.

When Wu Song saw that he just sighed, Wu Da saw that there was a hint of worry between his brows, and felt that now that Wu Song had money and a man in his early years, why was he still depressed? Wu Da put down the gold and silver, pulled his brother and asked straight: " Brother, what's wrong with you!"

Seeing his elder brother asking questions, Wu Song hesitated to speak, Wu Da became more impatient when he saw this, and persuaded him for a long time, Wu Song just let out a long sigh, and told the full story of what happened in the Zhang family just now, Wu Da listened more and more. The more frightened he was, he thought to himself: "I said, why did the shopkeeper just use those nonsensical words to attack me? It turns out that my brother hated that big family, and that's the cause and effect!"

Wu Da saw that Wu Song was caught with words, and his heart was sore. He thought that his brother, an upright and upright man, although his family was poor, still abided by his duties and respected the king's law. Will fight with people.Seeing that he blamed himself for not rescuing the golden lotus, Wu Da and his fellow countrymen, how could they not understand his younger brother's state of mind, Wu Da sighed and said:

"Second brother, I'm a useless person, and I don't know much! It's just that even I can see that this matter is obviously disgusting to you by Zhang Dahu. It depends on your jokes! I miss you for half a lifetime, so don't fall for him. Plan! This woman looks like a fairy, but I am a cripple, and you have come forward to save her, but I will definitely not marry her! It is rare that you think so highly of a woman, brother, if she and brother you There is fate, but they are a pair of talented men and women!"

These words hit Wu Song's heart sorely. He saw that he was about to interrupt when he could still sit still, but he asked Wu Da to hold him down, and said affectionately: "Brother, I am a half-crippled person, how could I be so stupid?" How thoughtful? After my parents have left, it is my greatest wish to bring you up, you just listen to me, I have my own idea!"

Thinking that Wu Da has been a coward for half his life, his tone at this time was so decisive that it calmed down Wu Song who looked shocked. (To be continued.)

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