Pooh!In the middle of the night, with 500 people fully armed, they came out to meet the world?What a smart star who relied on Chao Gai to get rid of Wang Lun, and relied on Song Jiang to force Chao Gai to death.

Seeing that he opened his mouth to talk nonsense, Wang Lun only said indifferently: "Mr. Jia Liang's words are serious."

Wu Yong saw that Wang Lun called out his name as a rural professor as soon as he opened his mouth. Instead of feeling a little bit proud, Wu Yong was slightly surprised, secretly thinking that the master of Liangshan even knew himself. Really prepared.

At this moment, he saw a person beside him timidly trying to hide in the crowd, his brows were furrowed, and he thought to himself that if this person hadn't provided information earlier, how could he and Chao Gai have made up their minds to ambush here? It's good, when he sees the situation showing signs of decline, he wants to shrink his head. Does this person only regard the heroes of the world as a trifling matter?Immediately, he frowned, and suddenly thought about it, and said loudly to the opposite side: "Isn't it? Not only the villagers like me are eager to see the majestic appearance of the white-clothed gentleman, but even the righteous men in the past are unwilling to miss such a good opportunity, which shows the prestige of Liangshan. Sheng!"

Wang Lun sneered in his heart, listening to his words, he must be planning something, but he also wanted to know who else participated in this action against his cottage tonight, so he cooperated with Wu Yong to sing a double reed: " What is the meaning of the professor's words? I wonder if there is another hero who will show up here?"

Wu Yong smiled and said nothing, just set his eyes on the man.This person couldn't be watched, so he had no choice but to step forward and say: "Han Bolong in the west of Xiajing also heard a lot about the famous white-clothed scholar!"

Is it him?

Wang Lun is not unfamiliar with this name, but he doesn't know how this unlucky ghost who was later killed by Li Kui with an ax is in Chaogai Village at this time, and replied: "So it's the brothers of the Han family. Brother Zhu Gui mentioned your name, but he never expected to meet here!"

When Han Bolong heard the words, his face was filled with shame, his eyes were on the ground, and he bowed his head in silence.

Wu Yong smiled slightly, not caring what Han Bolong was thinking at the moment.Even if we get nothing tonight, at least I will tie this person to the benefactor's chariot, and I am not afraid that he will be the first to attack both ends in the future.

At this moment, a sound of shouting and killing came from a distance, and the two groups of people who were confronting each other looked around where the sound came from.I saw Du Qian and Song Wan holding their long knives upside down, rushing to the front, followed closely by a group of vicious men. Looking from a distance, the number of them was no less than a thousand.

The group of people by the stream suddenly became a little chaotic, and immediately heard the sound of knives and guns crashing to the ground. Some of the farmers in the crowd who were lured by the high profits could not help deserting, and regardless of the bitter cold of the stream, they all stepped on Seeing this situation, Chao Gai, the King of Tota, frowned into a frown. Fortunately, the two hundred bankers around him were relatively calm, and finally did not lose face.

At this time, Wu Yong whispered beside Chao Gai for a while, and after listening to the words of the mastermind, Chao Gai nodded and said loudly to this side: "Boss Wang, there are some brothers in Guishan Village who are drunk there. Let him go home when he wakes up! Guizhai avenges his brother tonight, so I won’t disturb you here for a long time, so I’m leaving!”

Wang Lun saw that Chao Gai first put his brothers in the cottage under house arrest, and then deceived himself that few people wanted to come and rob him. Now that the situation is not good, he patted his ass and wanted to leave. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?The anger in my heart was not going well at the moment, I pondered for a moment, stepped forward and shouted: "Heavenly King, wait a minute, I have something to tell you!"

Chao Gai and the others stopped when they heard the words, they all wanted to hear what Wang Lun had to say, when they saw Wang Lun suddenly laughed loudly, and said after a while: "Heavenly King, I have completely destroyed the land deed of Xixi Village, if Baozheng wants to, I have the right to do so." A welcome gift!"

Before Chao Gai could respond, Wang Lun called out to the people around him, and the brigade marched towards Du Qian and Song Wan.

"Vendor Master, what does Wang Lun mean by this? He said that destroying the land deed is nothing to do with us, but why did he say it was a meeting ceremony?" Seeing that the people in Liangshan did not intend to fight, Chao Gai and others did not rush back.Han Bolong was puzzled at this moment, he only blamed Wu Yong for his extreme actions, and he didn't want to ask him, so he only asked Chao Gai.

Chao Gai hadn't answered yet, only to hear Wu Yong sigh and said leisurely: "This man is really not simple. If he robs his house like this, the people in the government happily follow behind him before it's too late. Who would want to suppress him?" ?”

Han Bolong still didn't understand, and looked at Chao Gai in puzzlement. Chao Gai also sighed, and explained: "Bolong, you often walk in the rivers and lakes, and you don't understand the corruption of officials! The Baozheng family in Xixi Village has lost their land lease. After being ruined by him, do you think the officials in the county yamen will seek justice for the sufferer?" At this point, Chao Gai snorted coldly, "If they don't take advantage of this opportunity to forge land deeds and occupy good land, I, Chao Gai, will never Don't touch private business again!"

Wu Yongjian said, and also sighed beside him: "When a gentleman sees money, he is like a fly chasing smell! Even those who have land deeds in their hands, they will not have a good result if they follow them! What's more, the land deeds are completely destroyed and there is no proof. It’s not at their mercy. Waiting for him to forge good documents in the county, and then open up the joints of the superior commercial and tax court, and replace the reserved land deeds, the thousands of acres of land will not change ownership in a blink of an eye? If the owner of the village is still alive, It's a bit troublesome, after all, there are human beings, and the people in the county government don't dare to go too far. But according to my opinion, that person's head has been decapitated in all likelihood. Without the sufferer, it's just the occasional family member who has some mistakes. Dare to go to the gate of the government to make noise? When he divides up the land and still leases it to the old tenants for cultivation, who is willing to bear the responsibility to testify for him?"

Han Bolong suddenly realized when he heard this, and said anxiously: "Heavenly King, this piece of fat can't just fall into the mouth of the government!"

Chao Gai nodded, and said, "I'll go find my brother Gongming tomorrow, and then worry about it!" After seeing Wu Yong and Han Bolong returning empty-handed, he was a little downcast, and Chao Gai sighed. That's not the case, how could it not be annoying for a wealth of [-] to [-] to pass by him like this.

It's just that he's used to being a big brother who has the air of a big brother, so he suppressed the disappointment in his heart, smiled at the two people around him, and comforted him: "Tonight, I thought there would be a big fortune to share with the two brothers." However, Liangshan Bo has a strong army and horses, far exceeding my expectations. But this time, although I didn't take advantage of it, fortunately, there is no loss. Don't be discouraged, two brothers. I will go to the county to find Song Gongming's brother tomorrow, no matter what. Buy some land for the two brothers!"

Hearing this, Wu Yong and Han Bolong both thanked him and said, "How can I ask my brother to spend money!"

Chao Gai shook his head, and said: "They are all my confidants, don't give in any more! Mr. Wu, don't leave tonight, I only come to drink at my village. The guests in the village are tired all night, so they should Treat me well, and invite the two of you to be my companions!"


"Brother, I really told you to figure it out! I didn't expect that Chao Baozheng didn't talk about the morals of the world, and he actually had the idea of ​​cheating on the gangsters! Pooh, I'm still a famous hero in the Jianghu!" Du Qian said indignantly.

"When black becomes white, white is also black!" Wang Lun shook his head and sighed, "Daoyi? We don't have friendship with him, so I'm afraid it's worth the [-] to [-] yuan! In his hands, there is a high probability that he will be silenced by him, and then the children will be sent to the government. Not only will he get money and food, but he will also gain the reputation of protecting the country and the people!"

"What brother said is true! It's just that Chao Gai is so hot, why did you stop us just now, I wish I could kill his mother with a knife! At least treat him to a meal of noodles!" Song Wan was also full of anger. scolded.

"Kill a thousand people, and damage yourself by eight hundred! If you lose your foundation with him, what will happen after the cottage? Two brothers, we must not show off our enthusiasm for a while and lose all our capital!" Wang Lun shook his head, admonishing the two humane.

Du Qian and Song Wan are not people who don't know how to advance or retreat. They also understand in their hearts that if they fight each other just now, it would be the best result for their side to win a miserable victory.It's just that the two of them still felt overwhelmed, cursing and swearing all the way.

When the mood is smooth, the two people said, "Brother thinks long-term! I'm ashamed to say that if the villagers hadn't been so powerful and bluffed Chao Gai just now, it would have been another vicious fight! Thanks to my brother's popularity, we Wait until tonight to be served!"

Wang Lun waved his hand and sighed: "The ancients said: If you have the right way, you will get more help, but if you lose the way, you will get little help. What is the way? The way is to get more people who support our copycats and fewer people who oppose our copycats!" He always remembered Although the old man's explanation of politics seems simple and clear, it contains infinite truth.

Du Qian and Song Wan were stunned when they heard the words, and they stayed for a while before they said happily, "Brother's speech is extraordinary, and our hearts are brightened!"

Wang Lun secretly said "ashamed". He didn't sum it up by himself. He just stood on the shoulders of giants and saw farther than people of this era.

At this time, Du Qian said again: "Brother, when the money will be distributed later, just ask for ten yuan for each family. Don't make any distinctions between people and cars, so as not to chill the hearts of the folks! "

Wang Lun saw that Du Qian already knew the truth of stabilizing the foundation of the masses, which made him very relieved. He felt that the example he set up tonight was not in vain, so he smiled and said, "Brother is the leader of the Shanzhai in charge of money and food, why don't you start?" Come on, who will refute your face?"

Du Qian clasped his fists at Wang Lun happily, and shouted "De Ling!" At this moment, he couldn't hold back any longer, so he rushed towards the front team in a hurry.Seeing this, Song Wan also had some thoughts. It was funny to stand awkwardly. Wang Lun couldn't bear it when he saw a man who was three big and five thick suddenly acted like a woman in front of him, so he hurriedly asked: "Could it be that Brother Song Wan also has a proposal? But please tell, but please tell..."

Seeing that Wang Lun took the initiative to ask him, Du Qian stopped being coy and said, "Brother, we have got a lot of money and food this time, so let's restore three meals a day for the children! Don't always have two meals, which will make everyone feel uncomfortable." My stomach is empty, and I am shaking when I walk!"

Wang Lun heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Song Wan is also the third fire of the new official, and he wants to get some benefits for the brothers. Of course he will give it to him. Besides, he has thought too much about improving the food for the brothers in the cottage. For the second matter, he immediately agreed without hesitation: "Success! In addition, I think there are a lot of cattle and sheep seized this time, and the sheep alone may not be less than four hundred, right? From now on, we will kill another ten more every day." Only a sheep, also add a dish to the brothers!"

Song Wan saw that Wang Lun not only agreed readily, but also generously added to his proposal, and suddenly felt that he was quite important in Wang Lun's heart, and thanked Wang Lun very happily. Lu talked and laughed, very harmonious.

After a while, the two rushed to the place where the creek entered the lake with the rear team.I saw that the shore of Jubo was very lively at this time, and nearly a hundred boats were bustling against the lake. The brothers of the navy army were spontaneously joining the food transportation team, and they were full of enthusiasm to help carry the riches of the night to the boat. seized.

The burly Du Qian was very eye-catching standing on the temporary grass platform, proudly guarding Zheng Qian to distribute money to the villagers.And from time to time, I walked into the crowd, and the villagers who were full of enjoyment and gratitude pushed the bundles of copper coins back and forth, which was very pleasant.

On this cold winter night, a fiery and joyful scene is grandly staged in this corner of the water.


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