A faint ray of morning light pierced through the misty night, lighting up the darkest moment before dawn.Under the darkening and whitening sky, the eight-hundred-mile water moor supporting the giant island has long been awakened by heavy ships breaking through the waterline.Until the rising sun shoots the first light, the blood-like crimson seems to indicate the birth of dawn.

Under the faint green smoke emitted by the extinguished torches, the Golden Beach, which had been noisy for most of the night, still continued the bustle and noise of last night.Looking around, I can see people of all colors rushing to and fro on the beach, transporting the rich harvest of this campaign like hardworking ants.

Zhu Gui, the leader of the left behind, was standing on a high ground by the bank.Looking far into the water.The two completely different feelings of turmoil and hesitation, at this time, had a fierce collision in his heart, which made the middle-aged man's face reveal a complex expression of mixed feelings. An indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

Looking at the two spot-billed ducks flying on the lake, Zhu Gui's thoughts gradually spread.

A few days ago, a friend from the rivers and lakes in the old days came to the Lijiadaokou Hotel and told Zhu Gui that he wanted to go to Dazhai.Hearing this, Zhu Gui, who was overjoyed, entertained this friend with wine and meat, but unfortunately the owner of the village had just been struck by lightning and was still lying on the sick bed at this time.So Zhu Gui didn't recommend him to the mountain immediately, but just told the village master that he was in trouble, please wait for a few days.Unexpectedly, this friend stayed in the Zhugui Hotel for two days with delicious food and a comfortable stay. After getting a glimpse of all the inside stories of the cottage, his heart suddenly became turbulent. , let it go.

Zhu Gui thought that there was no negligence in hospitality these few days, and he devoted himself to the accommodation and hospitality, and talked with him about the world in his spare time. The slightest bit of secrecy is hidden, just because I have long regarded this person as a brother of Juyi in my heart.

So when this friend expressed his intention to leave for a while, Zhu Gui didn't think much about it.At any rate, we have known each other for many years, so we can be regarded as old acquaintances. At that time, we prepared a package to send each other off, but we kindly asked to return as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the friend's words of returning home were nothing more than making false claims with him, so he turned around and threw himself into Chao Gaizhuang.If this is the case, it's fine, after all, people have their own ambitions and there is nothing to say about him.The point is that when this person attacked Xixi Village in Liangshan, he should have leaked the secrets of the village to Chao Gai at the same time, and this action put Zhu Gui into a desperate situation!

Later, after Chao Gai found out the reality of Liangshan, he became coveted without any surprise.Fortunately, the village owner was fully prepared for this battle, and the villagers of Xixi Village were strong and powerful, so they frightened off the powerful enemy and turned the crisis into safety.But when he thought of the thrilling scene last night described by Zheng Qian when he returned the report, all kinds of remorse, annoyance, hatred, and anger welling up in Zhu Gui's heart were superimposed, and it was as violent as a mountain torrent. A friend who is not particular about eats it alive.

Han Bolong, Han Bolong!You can kill me!

Zhu Gui exhaled in embarrassment, looking back at the busy scene on the pier, he saw piles of grain and grass piled up like a mountain, excited minions leading cows, sheep herding sheep, and even more two A group of people carried a wooden cash box full of gold, silver and copper coins.During the jolting process, the pleasing metal crisp sound made by the collision of money strings and silver coins infected the emotions of everyone present.At this time, the joyful atmosphere on everyone's body made Zhu Guisheng a strong sense of guilt, which enveloped his warm heart full of regrets.

"Captain Zhu! I couldn't find you everywhere, but I didn't want to see the scenery here. What a pleasure!" Zheng Qian and Zhou Zhi, the little bosses who came hand in hand, shouted at him with smiles on their faces.

Zhu Gui turned around with a wry smile and said, "In terms of age, I'm only a few years older than the two idiots, just like in the past, it's enough to call Big Brother. The days are still long, don't give birth to me!"

"Then how can I do it? My brother is now the leader of the village. How can I be the same as before? If the village master hears about it, why don't you scold me for being indiscriminate? Just don't say it, the village master doesn't scold people now. Yes, but it makes people feel a little uncomfortable!" Zhou Zhi said with a smile.

Zheng Qian laughed and cursed at the words, and then looked at the fourth master who stayed behind tonight, but Zhu Gui sighed and didn't answer.I saw that face with fists and bones was full of melancholy, and his eyes were dimmed, staring at the thin layer of mist on the water in a daze.He also listened to Zhou Zhi's jokes, but how could he be in the mood to joke at this moment?If others were afraid of Wang Lun's scolding, but he wished that Wang Lun was right in front of him, scolding himself severely, so that he could feel better.

Zheng Qian noticed that Zhu Gui's expression was abnormal, so he hurriedly asked, "Brother Zhu, what's bothering you?"

But Zhu Gui sighed again, and the forced smile on his face was as bitter as medicine, which made Zheng Qian and Zhou Zhi feel palpitations, but they were inexplicably puzzled.

Seeing the embarrassment of the two people, Zhu Gui felt something was wrong, so he pulled himself together, found a topic and said, "It's time for the village master and the two leaders to come back!"

"It should be soon, why don't Brother Zhu go to rest for a while, and I will report when the village master and the others come back?" Zheng Qian said with concern.

Zhou Zhi also persuaded from the side, "Captain Zhu has been blowing a cool breeze here all night, so you must take care of your body!"

Zhu Gui shook his head, he just wanted to wait for Wang Lun's return and plead guilty to the three leaders who went out tonight.

Zheng Qianzhou stared at each other, facing the situation in front of them, the two of them were helpless, so they had to pick up some happy events to talk about, hoping to cheer Zhu Gui up.

Then Zhou Zhi said: "It's a pity I didn't go down the mountain, otherwise I would have seen the majesty of my brothers! Not only did I avenge Li Si last night, but this time, the money and food transported back to the mountain may not be enough for my cottage. The use of the year? Thanks to the village master's far-reaching plans, he resorted to this good strategy of killing two birds with one stone!"

Zheng Qian stole a look at Zhu Gui's expression, saw his face showing off slightly, thought that this move was effective, and hurriedly said: "It's more than killing two birds with one stone? The village owner burned the land deed, and the government is busy encroaching on the Baozheng family's land before it's too late. How can there be any?" Energy to provoke my cottage? It is the kindness that was sold to Chao Gai in the end, which really shows the heart of the village owner! If the scandal of Chao Baozheng's group of birds tonight is spread, why don't this piece of Hu Tianwang be eaten in the rivers and lakes in the future? ridiculed?"

Zhou Zhi nodded in agreement, and sighed, "Brothers, are you a coincidence? How does the village owner know that Chao Gai is a bad guy who only likes to do bad things halfway? If it wasn't for the help of many villagers last night, I'm afraid that the village will be in trouble this time." It really hurts my vitality!"

Hearing Zhou Zhi talk about the real danger last night, Zheng Qian also sighed, and said seriously: "But as my brother said, thanks to the support of the people this time, the village was able to overcome the difficulties! When the owner of the village released the food earlier, I was still in my heart. There are bumps, and the food is more than 4000 shi! It is not blown by the strong wind, who is not heartbroken? But the later encounters have to convince me! The village owner has ordered on the return trip, and the village will not use weapons for no reason in the future , to oppress the good. Not to mention ordinary people, even businessmen, no matter how much money he has, don’t destroy him. Now that the world is going down, and the evil is in the wild, I will only do justice for the sky, punish and wipe out Evil, it’s enough to be busy! You must know that it is not easy for the common people to make a living. Although we can’t help much, we must not disturb him! These are the original words of the village owner, I can’t think of them!”

When the two of them said this, Zhu Gui suddenly sighed again. It was obvious that the conversation between the two had touched his heart. Both Zheng and Tuesday couldn't figure out what happened to Zhu Gui this time, and it was difficult to ask each other. Only look at each other.

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers from the pier, and all three of them looked over there, only to see a fleet of ships appearing in everyone's sight.Zhu Gui, who had always lost his soul, rushed towards the beach without waiting to greet the two of them.Zheng Qian and Zhou Zhi looked at each other, followed closely by each other full of doubts.

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