This person's voice was very loud, and just hearing this yell, Wang Lun, who was talking to Yuan Lang on the side, was alarmed. When the two of them saw this, they looked towards the sound, but they saw that the person who yelled was the white-haired tiger. horses.

Wang Lun nodded to Yuan Lang, and the two rushed over to ask him what was the matter. Seeing that it was Wang Lun, Ma Xie angrily told the whole story. Jiao Ting who followed Wang Lun couldn't help complaining to Li Kui, saying, "What nonsense is Tie Niu talking about?" How can brother be Wang Qing's kind of person!"

If he heard this sentence on weekdays, Ma Xie would definitely argue with the person who spoke it. After all, his cottage was also gifted by Wang Qing, so how could he be an ungrateful person?It's just that for some reason, these words don't sound so harsh at this time.

Ma Xie just looked at Wang Lun eagerly, the old man's life was in his hands, and he couldn't help but not take it seriously.Wang Lun looked around at the crowd and said, "My Dazhai holds free clinics around Shuibo four times a month, regardless of high or low, but I always refuse to come, and there has never been a case of death. At this time, my family has returned safely, and you and I have not made any big fights, so this Liangzi has been exposed. Besides, brother, you are just being loyal, and this matter has nothing to do with you from the beginning. Since your old father has If you are sick, just take him up the mountain for treatment, but it has nothing to do with whether you go up to Liangshan or not!"

Jiao Tingjian glared at Li Kui. Li Kui looked left and right, but he didn't meet his gaze. The other heroes present sighed in their own hearts. Wang Lun's words were so upright that they were very convinced.

Xiao Jiasui was taking off Lin Chong's armor at this time, he smiled and said: "A few days ago, my younger brother also heard such a strange thing. He wanted to go up the mountain to pay a visit to the king's leader, but today he happened to bump into your lord, so there is such an unfeeling feeling." Please, I only wish to go up the mountain to experience it, and I hope that the king will not give up!"

Wang Lun smiled slightly, and said: "Xiao Ke is flattered to be honored by the heirs of King Shixing Zhongwu's direct lineage! If Mr. Xiao doesn't think the small village is shabby, how about doing business in the water to make a living?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, but unexpectedly, this commoner with high martial arts skills was still a nobleman, and they all looked shocked. Shi Jin had never heard of the title of Shixing Zhongwu King, so he asked Zhu Wu in a low voice. This person's origin, but Zhu Wu said: "Shixing Zhongwu King's surname is Xiao, and his name is Sengda. His elder brother Xiao Yan is Emperor Wu Emperor of Liang Gaozu. Chase that Cangzhou Chai official!"

After listening to Zhu Wu's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they all looked at this person with reverence, but Xiao Jiasui didn't show any complacency on his face, but looked at Wang Lun in surprise, and said: " How does the king know the boy's background?"

"Think of the people in Jingnan who don't know the name of the emperor? You want to find me, but you don't know that I also want to look for you there. I have already found out the address. You live on the wall of the paper shop on South Street in the city, right?" Wang said. Lun laughed.

Xiao Jiasui couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly when he saw what he said, and then he was relieved, but Wang Lun said again: "It's been nearly five hundred years since Zun Zuxian left, and the people still don't forget his kindness, that's evident!"

It is said that people in the officialdom take tea to cool down, but among the people, as long as officials who are willing to do things for the people sincerely, even after a thousand years, they will still be passed on by word of mouth.Thinking that Xiao Jiasui went to Jingnan one day and found that the local people yearned for the benevolence of his ancestor, and they respected him very much.He stayed here. This man has a bold heart, lofty aspirations, magnanimity, extraordinary physical strength, and proficient martial arts. He is a very courageous person.Anyone who has the courage and courage, regardless of high or low, will make friends with him.That's why there is a scene of seizing the city alone in the future.

Xiao Jiasui's heart was touched when he heard the words, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Xiao has little unruly behavior, and has no reputation for country songs. He is an ignorant person. Nowadays, slanderous people are high-minded, wise men are unknown, although he is easy-going, he behaves like a barbarian. However, it will never reach the ninth level. Xiao saw some aspiring heroes, regardless of life and death, and those who went beyond the difficulties of the public. Under the control of the power, it made Xiao feel disheartened and depressed!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Jiasui paused, looked straight at Wang Lun and said, "Xiao has not lived for fame and wealth in his life. He lives in Jingnan in his spare time. When he is interested, he travels around the rivers and lakes. He heard that there is an unworldly man in Liangshanpo recently. He is a true hero who regards the common people as relatives. Xiao Ke was born with a heart of longing, so he wanted to go to see him, but he happened to meet a dear friend here, so you don’t need to go to Jingnan. I went to Jingdong. Eyes, I am destined to have such a fate with Brother Zun?"

Wang Lun was overjoyed when he heard the words. Hearing the meaning of his words, he would most likely agree, and immediately replied: "I think Wang is just a low-ranking scholar, and he doesn't have much ability in him. He is loved by all the brothers and sits on the same mountain with me. First of all, I have a peaceful life, but I don’t want to live. Now the Song Dynasty is in a precarious time. There are strong neighbors coveting outside, and evildoers inside. In the future, the country’s foundation will be shaken. Isn’t it because the people will suffer? I am so loved now, if I get your help , but not Wang’s blessing, Liangshan’s blessing, or Jingdong’s people’s blessing?”

Xiao Jiasui was astonished when he heard this. It is a fact that there are exterminated ministers inside, but where do you start with strong neighbors outside? At this time, Xixia has been suppressed and beaten by the Song Dynasty, but the court of Liao Kingdom is no different from that of the Song Dynasty. How much, the average foolish monarch and ministers, it is expected that there will be no big waves. I originally saw that this white-clothed scholar had done a lot of righteous deeds in Liangshan, and he was loved by the people around the water, so I got a little bit more thoughtful. Just waste this life.

Unexpectedly, the other party's words had a lot of meaning, and he felt a little puzzled, it was only the first time they met, and it was not the place to talk at this time, so Xiao Jiasui restrained his mind, and immediately just cupped his hands and said: "Since you will never give up, Xiao Ke is willing to inherit the legacy of your ancestors." A long-cherished wish, stand up and do something for the common people!"

Wang Lun was overjoyed. He thought that this man had a surname of Zhongliang, and was able to stabilize the country with his literary skills and his martial arts. He was indeed a rare handsome talent in the world. Now that he was able to go up the mountain with him, although he clearly said that it was for the sake of the people, he might have some reservations in his heart , but as long as I confided all my thoughts in my heart like I persuaded Wen Huanzhang at the beginning, it is only a matter of time before I really return to my heart with this person's surname.

Thinking of this, Wang Lun looked at Xiao Jiasui with a smile on his face, and the two looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing that the descendant of the former royal family who defeated him before the battle had all gone to Liangshan, Ma Xie couldn't hold back his words, and confessed his feelings: "The king's leader is so loyal and convincing. If I met you earlier, I would be with you There is nothing wrong with my little brother who went up the mountain together, but I have spoken with Leader Wang first, and Xiaozhai has his money and food to help me. It is not my Jinghu hero who betrayed my trust, and I ask Leader Wang to be considerate of my difficulties!"

Looking at this upright man, Wang Lun felt a little pity in his heart, but at this point, he didn't want to make things difficult for others, he just said: "Brother, don't take it to heart. As the saying goes, people can't help themselves in the world, how can they do everything right?" Gu Quan, go back and take old father up the mountain, I won't be able to go back to the mountain for a while, you just report my name, my military advisor on the mountain, Wen Huanzhang, will make arrangements for you!" Lin Chongjian said, wondering if my brother still has plans?

Hearing this, Ma Xie felt a warm feeling in his heart, and immediately bowed down, Wang Lun returned the gift to him, and the man got on his horse immediately, and after a few years, he was about to go back to pick up his father to go to Liangshan for consultation.Seeing Ma Xie gone, Du Po thought that Ma Xie had come back, and he was about to leave immediately. Everyone said goodbye to him, but Yuan Lang caught up with him and said, "Brother, you love me and invite me to go up the mountain. I have to vote for Wang Qing, I think this person will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, he is not a hero, brother, think twice!"

Du Po sighed and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. After patting Yuan Lang's hand, he turned around and clasped fists at Liangshan people, got on his horse and left.

Seeing this, Yuan Lang returned in dismay. Wang Lun told everyone to prepare for the return journey. Suddenly he saw a horse galloping towards him. It was his "senior brother" who suddenly appeared. Wang Lun nodded and asked everyone to wait a moment, and only brought Lin Chong to meet him.

When Li Zhu saw that Lin Chong was here, he hesitated a little, but he thought of the relationship between the two of them, and felt that he didn't have to avoid him. Seeing him get off his horse, he immediately took Wang Lun's hand and said, "Fortunately, the younger brother is still here." Here, where else can I ask Brother Yu to find you? Haha, I don’t want to think that the famous white-clothed scholar turned out to be my junior brother. It’s just a coincidence. What the hell, isn't the flood rushing into the Dragon King Temple!"

Wang Lun saw that he was very enthusiastic, which was completely different from when the two armies faced each other just now. It was difficult to adapt for a while, and he couldn't figure out his routine for the time being. Brother Wang Qing still has some face, in the future our two families will get closer!"

"Naturally! I have no enmity with the leader of the alliance, and now that I have returned, it is natural that the enemy should be resolved rather than tied!" Wang Lun looked at Li Zhu and replied.

Seeing his junior brother's free and easy words, Li Zhu was happy in his heart, and after talking affectionately for a long time, he took out a bag of things from his arms. Wang Lun didn't understand what he meant, but just looked at Li Zhu in puzzlement. When the small bag was opened, a pile of white powdery particles appeared in front of him. He knew it was high-grade table salt, but just thinking of his identities from these two families, Wang Lun couldn't help but see a common scene in previous life movies in his mind: The underworld bosses on both sides are conducting a drug trade.

Seeing that Wang Lun was a little dazed, Li Zhu thought to himself that his brother's cottage was so big, but he didn't participate in this kind of private business?Feeling a little surprised at the moment, he habitually picked up a pinch of powder and stuffed it into his mouth, rubbing it up and down along his teeth, just like the way drug buyers in later generations test the quality when trading, which made Wang Lun sweat profusely.

Li Zhu tasted the salt on his teeth comfortably. The familiar salty taste made him feel refreshed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He paused for a while before speaking. Said: "This is the high-quality green salt from Xixia, but the transit is very difficult, and it is not enough for the leader of the alliance. Brother Yu thinks that your stockade is not far from the sea. If you want to do this business, brother Yu will persuade the leader to sell it at your place. Buying sea salt, what do you think, junior brother?"

Wang Lun saw that his heart was moved, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "After I go back, I will ask people to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou to investigate. If there is any definite news, no matter whether it is successful or not, I will give it to you...... information!"

Li Zhu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he held Wang Lun's hand and talked about old things about his school.Wang Lun wondered in his heart, when did Wang Qing become a private salt dealer?However, in this salt matter, there are indeed huge profits to be made.The Song Dynasty implemented a salt monopoly system, and it was common for the salt collected from salt households to be sold at three or four times the price, which made people everywhere miserable.From this point of view, this matter has a lot to do.

"Brother Yu will send someone to the junior brother's cottage to wait for the good news!" Li Zhu laughed.

"You don't need to ask the brothers to come here in vain. The old father of the owner of the horse village in your place is ill. He wants to take his father to my village for treatment. If there is any news, just ask him to bring it back!" Wang Lun replied.

Li Zhujian said that his face was quite playful, and he smiled after a long time: "Junior Brother, don't turn back and abduct me, Jinghu General, to make it difficult for Senior Brother to behave in front of the leader, but you don't know, he just complained about Brother Yu for a long time! "

Wang Lun recalled the scene of the confrontation just now, looked at this opponent with a smile, and the two chatted again. After talking with Lin Chong for a few words, Li Zhu left, but saw him on the horse, and turned his head towards the horse inadvertently. Xie glanced hurriedly in the direction of leaving.

"Brother, you just said that you are not busy going back to the mountain, but there are other things?" Lin Chong asked Wang Lun's next plan after seeing that the big thing was over.

Wang Lun chuckled, looked at Lin Chong and said, "This place is not far from Jiangzhou. To the northeast of his city, about three days' walk away, there is Mount Huangmen, on which four heroes gathered for righteousness. Wait and go meet these four people!"

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