Amidst the sound of a rooster crowing, the sky was gray and bright.In the lobby of an inn on the edge of the city, a waiter was yawning and tidying up tables and chairs listlessly.Suddenly seeing the three guests who stayed overnight came out early, when he subconsciously went to see it, he was secretly surprised.

Yesterday night, these three people were still dressed as gentlemen when they went to the store, why did the black and short man in the head change into prison clothes today?

The prisoner saw the little second, and asked with a smile: "Young brother, how far is it from Jiangzhou city?"

Xiao Er stared at the gold seal on the man's face for a while, saw that the man was only looking at him with a smile, coughed, and hurriedly said: "If it is a normal walk, it will be about one or two hours away. Look at the three If you bring animals, it’s going to be fast, just throw them to the west when you go out!”

The black short prisoner thanked him with a smile, and led the two gentlemen out. Xiaoer stopped his movements and thought to himself: "This year is almost over, but I have learned a lot. I don't want this prisoner to be assigned. It’s a wonder in the world to bring a horse with you! On the other hand, the two gentlemen are by his side, just like followers, this world is really upside down!” At that moment, I couldn’t laugh or laugh, I just stood at the door and looked around, watching the three men get on their horses. far away.

It is said that the three of them walked on the road for a while, only to hear the black short prisoner say: "You two brothers have worked hard all the way, I have some scattered silver here, you just keep it, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, please be lucky!"

"Song Yasi is so polite. Although Li Wan and I stayed in the state, we didn't deal with the young Yasi. Now that the Yasi has died, what's the point of sending us a ride?" Seeing one of them Jeju Fangsonggong made a false push immediately.

The prisoner pulled his face and said: "That's not what you said. Look at the two brothers who covered me along the way, how much responsibility did they take? I, Song Jiang, don't know anything. How can I ask you to do it for nothing? !"

Then Li Wan said with a smile: "Huang Tuanlian personally ordered me and Zhang Qian to listen to the orders of the abbot, and the wine and meat on the way were bad money for the abbot, and this horse was given away to us for nothing. I really feel ashamed. Why bother to be so polite, it just makes us both feel ashamed!"

I saw that even though he said that, he still stretched out his hand, and when the silver bag was in his hand, he felt very heavy. It was just scattered silver like Song Jiang said, and the smile on his face suddenly became brighter. , It is even warmer than the sun in early winter.Seeing this, Zhang Qian had confidence in his heart, and opened his mouth to try his best to please Song Jiang.

It turned out that the prisoner was Song Jiang. After being awakened by the county magistrate, he begged Wenbin to give him a quick sentence. The magistrate also cared about him. It just so happened that Yan Po lost her daughter and became ill with worry and had no one to take care of her. , At this time, he was dying of illness, Shi Wenbin sent Zhang Wenyuan away again, and sent the copy to Jeju for hearing that day without waiting for the [-]-day limit to expire.

It is said that the magistrate of Jeju was in a state of anxiety all day long, he knew that Cai Jing was very dissatisfied with him, and he had already received the news that the imperial court wanted to replace him, so he couldn't care less about these trivial matters.Song Jiang heard that it was not good to bother Shi Wenbin, but he invited Huang An, the trainer of the Jeju regiment, who had an old relationship, to go to talk about Xiang. Qian and Li Wan were escorted away all the way.

Because this is not an ordinary escort, Song Jiang was afraid that Chao Gai would rob people all the way, so he had to cooperate with the guards from the two prefectures, so Song Jiang had to tell Huang An the truth, and prepared a generous gift for him. He ordered the two men in his early days, and brought three more horses to send them off. Only then did Song Jiang ride a horse to go to prison.

The three of them pushed for a while, and then everyone was happy, and each took what he needed.Seeing that the city was not far away, Song Jiang didn't dare to ride a horse swaggeringly, so Song Jiang asked the two to bring the national laws to him, and the three just walked along the road.

Not long after, everyone entered the city, and the gentleman left the horse in the restaurant, and took Song Jiang to the front of the Jiangzhou mansion, just as the mansion was promoted to the hall.It turned out that the magistrate of Jiangzhou, surnamed Cai, and named Dezhang, was the ninth son of Cai Jing who was the power of the dynasty, so the people of Jiangzhou called him Cai Jiuzhifu.That man was greedy for an official and acted arrogantly and extravagantly.Because this Jiangzhou is a place with a lot of money and food, and it is full of people and things, so Cai Jing specially taught him to be a magistrate.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Cai Jiu still has to sit in the hall. How can he be in a good mood? When he saw Song Jiang, he asked, "Why don't you have the cover of Honzhou on the shackle?" Drenched in rain, but soaked in water."

Cai Jiu didn't bother to blink her eyelids when she heard this, and said impatiently, "Write a post quickly, and then send it to the prison camp outside the city. I will send my servants to escort me down." Zhang Qian, Li Wan Then send Song Jiang to the prison camp for delivery.

At that time, the official of Jiangzhou prefecture sent the text post, imprisoned Song Jiang, and together with the official, went out of the state government office to buy wine and eat in the hotel.Song Jiang is an old oily man in the officialdom, so he immediately took three liang of silver and gave it to the officials of Jiangzhou, only asking them to help recommend the management.This is just a matter of mouth, the gentleman got the money, he agreed immediately, and first escorted Song Jiang to the single room to wait.

The gentleman first went to the management and camp dispatch office to make it easier for Song Jiang, and after the delivery and management, he went back to Jiangzhou.The two gentlemen of Jeju also handed back Song Jiang's package and luggage, thanked him a thousand times, and resigned from each other to enter the city.Yu Lu said to himself, "Although we came and went in a hurry, we earned a lot of silver taels and three horses. It would be nice to have more such errands in the future." He waited in Li, asked for the palindrome, and the two took the road to Jeju.

It was said that Song Jiang sat in the single room, and then he felt at ease, thinking: "Fortunately, I have a horse, and I took another road, but I didn't meet the men and horses of Erlong Mountain. After returning here, I can feel at ease. , I heard the news from the county magistrate that the Zhao family will establish a prince after the next year, and as usual, the world will be amnesty, and then I, Song Jiang, will be able to survive!"

Just as he was thinking about it, the messenger went to the single room, and without waiting for him to speak, Song Jiang immediately took ten taels of silver to give to him. and management camp.With the money to pave the way, the killing stick will definitely not be able to hit Song Jiang. Guan Ying even found him a good job, and only asked him to go to the copy office to do a copy.In a few days, the people in charge of the camp and the military and healthy people who ordered them all got the benefits of Song Jiang, and none of them didn't like him.

Suddenly one day, the messenger went to Song Jiang's room, and Song Jiang hurriedly got up to greet him. The messenger said: "It's not that I want my brother to spend money, but there is a dean in charge of my Jiangzhou prison city. The worst thing is to see the money, if the security guard doesn't take the initiative to send it up, he will get angry, and the younger brother and Guan Ying will not be able to talk to each other!"

Song Jiang was surprised when he heard the words, and said: "I have never heard of my elder brother talking about him, so I will take it away. I don't know how much he will be satisfied with?"

The messenger said: "The chief officer will see and send it away. The man's surname is Dai Mingzong. He is very powerful, and he has hands and feet. If there are some words that are high or low, and he has suffered some humiliation, he said that I will not inform you!"

Song Jiang saw that he had heard this name somewhere before, but he heard that the messenger spoke so loudly, so he hurriedly went to his bag to get 20 taels of silver, together with the one in his hand, he made up a total of 50 taels of silver, and was about to hand it to the messenger. When Diaoyang transferred it on his behalf, he suddenly heard a voice shouting angrily from outside: "The new army, why don't you give me the regular money?"

When the messenger saw it, he was speechless and said: "I said so, the man came here, and I don't want to see him, the chief officer will do it according to his own circumstances!" After finishing speaking, he was about to go out to hide, but he stopped and said, "I also blame me for following him." It's too late for Yasi to speak, but don't disobey this person, he doesn't have to do it himself if he wants to kill you, just order a hundred killing sticks, and you're done, and you have nothing to do with him, as before. It's not without precedent, Yasimo touched his bad luck, hope he can do it himself."

Seeing that Song Jiang was terrified, he hurriedly thanked the messenger, and the messenger left in a hurry, leaving Song Jiang in the room anxiously waiting for this person to come.

Not long after, there was a sound of "Kang Dang", half of the door of the copy room was kicked down, and an angry gentleman stood at the door, staring at Song Jiang, and shouted: "You black and short murderer, who is relying on your power?" If you want, don’t you send regular money to me?”

Seeing his domineering power, Song Jiang recalled what he had said just now, and immediately felt a little timid, but anyway, he is also a special person who has been raped in the Gongmen, so he bravely said: "Brother Jie, the villain is just here. I don't know the rules, here is 50 taels of silver, and I hope the elder brother will accept it with a smile!"

When the man saw Yinzi, his complexion improved a lot, he just shouted: "You are really a pustule, you can't squeeze it out, this money is worth it? Do you want me to walk through it myself!?"

Song Jiang was terrified in his heart, thinking that if he offended the King of Hades, he might suffer in the future, and he didn't dare to say that the messenger hadn't reminded himself before, and when he didn't know how to answer his words, he suddenly thought of something, and his heart suddenly brightened. It was Dai Zong, who hurriedly said with quick wit: "The villain knows that Brother Jie's brother is Li Kui, the black whirlwind, so he wants to wait for Brother Jie to come, so that he can meet him face to face!" hand over.

Unexpectedly, when the man was furious, he stepped forward and slapped Song Jiang and said: "That guy Li Kui is a gangster. I looked at him kindly in the past, but he did evil without telling me. Now I have reported to the official. Who do you say is his brother!?"

Song Jiang saw that this person had completely pushed away the relationship, he was stunned for a moment, and then he slapped his forehead with a palm, thinking that he was an old man in the yamen, how could he not guess the key to this?This Li Kui went to Liangshan. This person is an official, so he must draw a clear line with him. I lost my mind for a while, and I was really flattered and slapped on the horse's hoof. I was very annoyed, and immediately said: "The villain made a mistake, the villain made a mistake!"

Dai Zong was upset at first, but now he saw that this man thought he was smart, and he was so angry that he wanted to hit him with his fists. Song Jiang hurried to hide, complaining incessantly.Seeing that he still dared to hide, Dai Zong jumped up and wanted to beat him. Just when Song Jiang was about to be humiliated, he heard a voice from outside the copy room hurriedly say: "Dean, wait a minute!" (To be continued.)

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