Hearing this loud shout, the beater and the beaten stopped their movements, and looked at the door together.But he saw a gentleman dressed as a small jail rushing in quickly. When he saw that the person being beaten was Song Jiang from Yuncheng County who had met once, he only heard him say "ah" and hurriedly grabbed Dai Zong's hand Said: "Brother, you made a mistake, how could you hit a good man by mistake!?"

In panic, Song Jiang saw the face of the brawler clearly, and was overjoyed in his heart, but wasn't this person Wu Yong, the white paper fan that he told him to rescue at Chaogaizhuang that day?But he didn't ask why he was here, and immediately shouted: "Professor Wu save me..."

Dai Zong looked at the black and short man in surprise, and then looked back at his confidant. His face was full of doubts. Seeing this, Wu Yong whispered a few words to him. At the beginning, Dai Zong's face was still cloudy. After that, his complexion changed drastically, and he immediately bowed to worship Song Jiang, how could Song Jiang dare to accept his worship?Hastily pushed back with him, I just felt that this person's smiling face came quickly, but he also turned his face quickly, how could it be easy to get along with him?

Seeing Song Jiang's cautious appearance, Wu Yong said straightly: "This is not a place to talk, let's find a quiet place and suppress the alarm with Song Yasi!"

Dai Zong came to his senses immediately, and even claimed that he was right. He stepped forward and grabbed Song Jiang, and then he left the office.Speaking of which of the little prisoners he met along the way dared to stop him, the messenger and Guan Ying didn't know where to hide, and the journey was unimpeded.

Song Jiang was dragged by Dai Zong, he felt a little embarrassed, but couldn't help looking back at the old man, he saw that Wu Yong was much thinner than when he first met, and the prisoner's clothes looked very uncoordinated on him.Let's see that when he walks, intentionally or unintentionally, he slightly pushes his crotch forward, making people look awkward.But Song Jiang is a delicate person, he sees such things as soon as he sees them, and he rots in his stomach. How can he open his mouth to ask the reason, but he is disgusting for no reason.

Seeing that these three people walked out of the prison camp quickly, they only found a hotel outside the city, and Dai Zong asked someone to arrange a secluded private room.The three of them waited for the dishes to be served, Dai Zong got up and closed the door, bowed his head towards Song Jiangna, and said, "I don't know that the nobleman is Brother Song Jiang, who is famous in the world for timely rain. Dai Zong has no eyes and offended his brother, please punish him!"

Seeing the obeisance, Song Jiang didn't know what it was like, he only thought that the embarrassing incident on Qingfeng Mountain that day hadn't reached this side yet, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, but Wu Yong also bowed down, and only thanked him that day The kindness of giving your life to report the news.Song Jiang persuaded them left and right, and finally pulled the two of them together, and the three of them sat down at the table again. Song Jiang turned to the guests and filled the wine for the two of them, and asked, "Why is Wu Xuexue here?"

Wu Yong sighed, and only said that he narrowly escaped death in Liangshanbo that day, and wandered here. Fortunately, this brother took him in, so he survived.As for the matter of being hit by an arrow, and the matter of those dealers taking advantage of their own injuries and sneaking away with the gold passed down from Chao Gai's ancestors, it is natural to ignore it.

When Song Jiang heard it, he was very sad, and offered a drink to Dai Zong, without hesitating for the beautiful words, so that Dai Zong hurriedly picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and explained repeatedly: "My little brother only heard that there is a surname Song's hair came to the prison camp. Usually, but the dispatched troops sent five liang of silver as a routine. Now it has been several days, but no one has been sent. Today is a leisure day, so I come down to ask for it. I don't want to give it away It’s my dear brother. I really offended my elder brother in the camp, I hope you will forgive me!”

Song Jiang laughed loudly and said: "It's okay, it's okay, but it's not that we don't know each other! If the younger brother doesn't come down, wouldn't Song Jiang miss the hero in person?"

Having said that, when Song Jiang suffered from an occupational disease, he felt a little bit of a sigh in his heart. The Jiangzhou and the two courts are afraid that there is a lot of oil and water.Jiangzhou is a prosperous place, and most of the prisoners who are sent here are those whose family circumstances have been arranged to seek sentencing.According to him, five liang per person, if you stay in this position for three to five years, won't you be able to make a lot of money?It's just that this person has a huge fortune, and he came down to ask for bribes in person, fearing that he might fall into the eyes of money.But Song Jiang is not afraid of this kind of people the most, and there are many ways to win his hearts.

I saw that Song Jiang's expression did not change, and he was still smiling all over his face. He just offered a toast to Dai Zong attentively.After the two of them counted the cups, Wu Yong asked, "Why is your brother living here?"

Song Jiang sighed when he saw it, and said some things that had happened before, and then said: "That's why my younger brother fell into grass at King Chao Tian's place. But when he went home to pick up his family, unfortunately, he leaked the news and was taken by the county's public servant." If you catch it, it will be distributed here!"

Wu Yong and Dai Zong sighed after hearing this, but Wu Yong was overjoyed secretly in his heart, so he suppressed his joy and sighed: "Since my brother has been wronged, King Chao Tian is a person who will repay his kindness, and my younger brother will send back a message, asking him to send troops." Come and rescue brother!"

Song Jiang heard that his heart was like thunder, but he still looked as usual, talking and laughing happily, and only heard him say: "Isn't this called Dai Yuanzi sitting on wax? This is really not what a hero did. It must be! Scholar, don't get involved because of the younger brother's affairs." Dean!"

Dai Zongjian got up quickly and said: "Your younger brother is here, so don't let my elder brother suffer! But when you want to go out, let my younger brother think of a way first!"

Song Jiang got up and thanked him, but Wu Yong's eyes were bright, he looked at Song Jiang thoughtfully, paused for a moment, then immediately tested him and said, "Let me think of a way to tell Dean Dai not to let him down, but also to let him go." How about asking my brother to go out safely!"

Hearing this, Song Jiang glanced at Wu Yong, who was smiling, but avoided his eyes, and immediately murmured: "Before my younger brother came, my father was busy taking care of things, and only asked my younger brother to serve his sentence here in peace, and my younger brother always thinks of my father. I really dare not disobey the teachings! Professor Wu's kindness, my brother appreciates it!

Wu Yongjian said that he had a good idea, and the matter might not be as simple as this person said, but this person is a man of virtue, and if he tried again, he might reveal his truth, so he just smiled and tried to persuade Song Jiang to drink.

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang pointed to the sky at this moment, and said: "Mr. is a great talent. He dared to lie down in front of his son after offending that man. It's really courageous! I just don't know why Mr. didn't go to Erlong Mountain to vote for Chao Baozheng. How dare you do that?" It’s inconvenient to get information, sir, don’t you know?” When he was on the mountain, when he asked about Chao Gai, Wu Yong’s whereabouts, Chao Gai just looked embarrassed and kept silent, so he gradually became confused about what happened between the two. Get interested.

Wu Yongjian shook his head and smiled wryly, sighed, and said: "How can a villain have any talent? After a lot of trouble, he sent several brothers away. When I got news from my elder brother, knowing that they are happy on the mountain now, my younger brother feels at ease." Already!"

As soon as Wu Yong finished speaking, he and Song Jiang casually glanced at each other, and the two couldn't help but meaningfully looked at each other and smiled, and the next thing seemed to be getting better, the two of them stopped testing each other, and saw the three of them having a big drink here , Wu Yong got up and counted the money for the drink, Dai Zongdao: "Why do you want Mr. to spend money!"

Wu Yong said with a smile: "You and my brother, why should we divide each other!"

Song Jiang also said: "Extremely, extremely, next time, villain, please return the two virtuous brothers!"

The three of them left the hotel and strolled outside the city, Dai Zong confessed, "Elder brother can live in peace of mind in the future, and younger brother will take care of everything!"

Song Jiang thanked again and again, and the two chatted.Wu Yong walked side by side with them, but he thought about it in his heart, just vaguely felt that the arrival of this person might be an opportunity for him.

The three of them walked and chatted, and suddenly saw a group of people in front of them forming a circle, the three of them were drunk, they all stopped to watch, but saw a big man playing tricks there.I saw this man used a spear stick once.The instructor put down the gun and stick in his hand and punched again. Song Jiang cheered and said, "What a good gun and stick!" But the man picked up a plate and said, "Small people who come from afar, throw it in." You are here to do things, although there is no amazing ability, it is all done by benevolent officials, boasting from a distance, showing off in the near, if you want a plaster, you can redeem it immediately; if you don't use the plaster, you can give me some silver and two copper coins for hair , The teaching break is over."

The instructor swept the plate, most of it was scattered copper coins, when the plate was delivered to Song Jiang and the other three, Dai Zong was reincarnated as a Pixiu, the money was easy to get in, but difficult to get out, so no one would pay attention to him.Wu Yong was also full of thoughts, and he was indifferent to this person at the moment.Only Song Jiang turned around to take the money, and he still had the 50 taels of silver that he was going to give Dai Zong just now, so he took twelve taels immediately and put it on the man's plate.

Seeing this, the onlookers called this man rich, but the coach begged for a long time without any action, and felt uncomfortable, seeing how generous this soldier engraved with a gold seal on his face said, "It's rare for this benevolent officer to find himself As an official, and here in the past, ten taels of silver were handed out upside down. Exactly: Back then, he laughed at Zheng Yuanhe and only bought laughing songs from brothels. It is customary not to care about the wealth of the family, but not to wear a lot of clothes. These ten taels of silver It is better than other 100 taels. I bow to myself, and I wish to ask the benevolent official Gao's surname, so that the villain will be spread throughout the world."

Song Jiang replied: "Teacher, how much are these things worth? No thanks."

The man just wanted to ask Song Jiang's name. Although Song Jiang was not skilled in martial arts, he was also a well-informed person. Seeing that this man's skills were not like those of the Jianghu, he wanted to make friends, so he said straightly: "Teacher, it's better to close the place. I'll wait for a glass of water and wine." good!"

The man quickly collected his belongings and went with Song Jiang. Naturally, Wu Yong and Dai Zong would not disobey Song Jiang's wishes. The four of them found a nearby village shop, drank a few glasses of wine, and reported each other's names. Shocked, he bowed to Song Jiang Natou. Song Jiang smiled, helped him up, and handed over 20 taels of silver, saying that he was in the prison camp, and he could come and play tricks on him when he had nothing to do.That person has traveled the rivers and lakes for half a lifetime, and his ears have long been filled with sarcastic remarks. Now that he meets such a person, how can he not fall in love with him?He quickly told me where he lived, and made an appointment to see you later.

Sitting at the side, Wu Yong saw that Song Jiang's methods of winning people's hearts were many times better than Chao Gai's, and he sighed in his heart, just thinking of his own suffering.Now that I have offended Cai Jing, who is on the white road, and Wang Lun, who is second to none on the green forest road, and now I am penniless and dependent on others, I don't know how long I will end up.

Fortunately, this person is sent in front of him now, but isn't it the opportunity God gave him? (To be continued.)

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