Water Margin Survival

Chapter 186 A Stepping Stone That Everyone Wants to Step on

The preoccupied Wu Yong bid farewell to Dai Zong after sending Song Jiang back to the prison camp.Just because he was bored in his heart, he walked to the Xunyang River alone, when a gust of cold wind hit his face, the icy coolness made Wu Yong very awake at this moment, in this bleak chill, he thought in a daze: " Is this the rest of my life, really?"

Seeing that there was an endless stream of boats and boats on the river mouth at this time, Wu Yong looked at the river carrying the boats and murmured to himself, "I am the boat on the water, and you are the water under the boat. Your fate is on you now, so give me a ride!"

He let out a long sigh, made up his mind, and immediately went to look for Dai Zong, the man broke up and went straight back to his residence, so Wu Yong went straight to look for Dai Zong in the Guanyin Nunnery on the wall of the Town God's Temple.Dai Zong saw that Wu Yong had just left and came looking for him again, so he hurriedly asked, "Is there something wrong, brother?"

Wu Yong didn't say anything else, and asked him straight to the point: "Brother, I don't think this Jiangzhou is an ordinary place, but is there any top-notch figure in the rivers and lakes who wants to live here?"

Dai Zong lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "Famous heroes are rare in the city, but there are a few strong men outside the city!"

Wu Yongjian was taken aback by what he said, but he just looked at Dai Zong inquiringly, and waited for him to finish, then he listened to Dai Zong:

"Brother, don't worry, listen to my younger brother one by one. Let's talk about the closest ones first. The first place is the four people on Jieyang Ridge. That is the first person in the rivers and lakes. He is called Hunjianglong. His surname is Li and his name is Jun. Around him There is a pair of brothers who stay close to each other all the time. These two are born of the same mother. The eldest is called Dongjiao Tongwei, and the second is called Fanjiang Mirage Tongmeng. The three of them get together and live on the Xunyang River. Ming is a boatman, but he is actually a private salt dealer. These three people and a judge named Li Li occupy Jieyang Ridge."

Having said that, Dai Zong listened to it, saw that Wu Yong was engrossed in listening, and did not interrupt, and continued:

"In the town of Jieyang at the foot of the mountain, there is another pair of brothers who dominate the market. People in the town and passing guests, whoever wants to make a living here, have to rely on them to make a living. Forget it, only that elder brother worshiped a good teacher when he was young, and his martial arts skills are extraordinary, so no one dared to provoke his two brothers. Of the two, the older brother is called Mu Hong, who is not blocked, and the younger brother is called Mu Chun, who is small. There is a water thief who robs single travelers there, this man is called Chuanhuoer Zhang Heng, and there was a younger brother who cheated with him in the past, but now he is gone!"

Dai Zong looked at Wu Yong after finishing speaking, wondering in his heart, this elder brother came here for the first time, why did he suddenly become interested in the strong man?Just as he was thinking, Wu Yong looked at him again, seeming to be urging him, so Dai Zong hurriedly said:

"Moreover, a hundred miles away from here, there is another stronghold with four chieftains leading hundreds of minions to occupy the Huangmen Mountain. Jing, Iron Flute Immortal Ma Lin, Nine-Tailed Turtle Tao Zongwang, these four are not easy to deal with, how can the officers and soldiers in the city dare to attack him!"

Wu Yong was overjoyed when he heard that, he didn't think this place was really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, it seemed that he had already got [-]% or [-]% of his plan, and seeing that it was still early, Wu Yong went to the town to find the two brothers Mu Hong and Mu Chun first, Seeing this, Dai Zong went with him.

Let's say that Song Jiang went back to the copy office and fell asleep for a long time because of the drunkenness. Seeing that it was getting late, he got ready to get up and tidy up. The two caught in the middle bowed when they saw him accepting their heads. Song Jiang was shocked and hurriedly asked their names. I was assigned here, if Wu Xuexue hadn't come to find my brother and told me the news, wouldn't I have missed it?"

Mu Chun also said: "Why did my brother come here? They are all heroes who walk in the rivers and lakes, and they didn't inform my brothers. If someone asks about it in the future, brother Song Gongming will be sent to Jiangzhou. You brothers will meet him If we haven’t, how can we answer them!”

Song Jiang saw that these two people were not like ordinary people, so he hurriedly apologized and said, these two people saw Song Jiang's low profile, which was very face-saving, and they were all very excited. The five chatted for a long time. I just left and made an appointment to visit Song Jiang again in the future.

On the second day, another six big men were ushered in to the copy office. They were still recommended by Wu Yong, accompanied by Dai Zong, and Li Jun and four other people came. The county paid homage to my elder brother, but I couldn’t go because of the shallow fate. Thanks to Mr. Wu and Dean Dai who came to report the news, my younger brother met my elder brother just now, what’s wrong with these two heroes?”

I saw that after he finished speaking, he introduced Tong Wei, Tong Meng and Li Li to Song Jiang, and all three of them kept talking about "long admiration" and "admiration".

Song Jiang saw that these four people were in an extraordinary posture, and they were very polite to him, so he sighed endlessly. He held Li Jun's hand and talked for a long time. Taking the opportunity, Song Jiang went to call the teacher he met yesterday, and introduced to everyone during the meeting: "This is a well-known hero in the Jianghu. The superior hated his colleagues and was not compatible, so he came to Jiangzhou alone, thinking that my brother is a good martial artist, and he is generous, I am very happy to meet him!"

Xue Yong saw Song Jiang lift himself up so much, even his breathing became heavy, his face was full of gratitude, and he toasted Song Jiang frequently during the banquet, the six people chatted and laughed, and another day passed.

On the third day, Wu Yong brought Zhang Heng over again alone, and it was unavoidable to be courteous again. At this time, Song Jiang gradually became suspicious. He only felt that Wu Yong was too enthusiastic, and he was afraid that there was something wrong with him. Good to ask.

Speaking of this night, Song Jiang tossed and turned in bed, thinking hard for half a night, when Dai Zong came to see him the next day, he took Dai Zong by the hand and said: "I have something to do, and I want to ask the principal to do it!"

At this time, Dai Zong was not the Dai Zong when he first met Song Jiang, not to mention that he was forced to pay 20 taels of garlic gold by Song Jiang. Seeing Song Jiang had something to say at this time, he hurriedly asked him what was the matter. I am not used to living in this room, I want to ask the principal to change a room!"

Dai Zongjian burst into laughter, patted his butt and said, "What's the matter with me, brother is really good at joking, why can't you ask or not for such trivial matters? The younger brother has the final say here, where brother wants to live, just ask!"

When Song Jiang saw this, he just smiled apologetically and said, "Can I change to live in the city?"

Dai Zong was taken aback when he saw that, but he heard Song Jiang say again: "Principal, don't be embarrassed, I just want to serve my sentence in a prison in the city!"

Dai Zong bowed his head and pondered for a moment. Although he didn't know Song Jiang's real thoughts, the matter was not difficult for him. On the same day, he transferred Song Jiang to Chengzhong State Prison and found him an easy clerical job. Seeing Dai Zong taking care of Song Jiang in such a way, no one dares to tease him, so Song Jiang can come in and out here without hindrance, and he is still free.

Dai Zong settled Song Jiang well, and left without any doubts. He went back and told Wu Yong about the matter. Be safer in the city, so as not to affect you and me!"

Dai Zong was shocked when he heard it, and he didn't think it was because of this, so he froze on the spot.But Wu Yong thought secretly in his heart: "I've been recommending good men to him for the past few days, but he just made good friends with them, and didn't say a word about inviting them to the mountain to join the gang. The cottage, at this time, proposed to live in the city again, I'm afraid it's not just to guard against Chao Gai!" Seeing that Song Jiang was already a little wary of himself, Wu Yong didn't have the heart to go to Huangmen Mountain anymore, he just thought of tricks in the house.

A few days passed slowly, because during the Chinese New Year, Song Jiang was very lively, and he couldn't stay in the prison, so he told the prisoner that these people had accepted his benefits, and it was ordered by his immediate superior. Are you willing to be a villain to stop him?Then I saw Song Jiang coming out alone, neither looking for Dai Zong nor Wu Yong, but only looking for Xue Yong, who knew that the sick man had gone out early in the morning, and he couldn't find anyone, so he had to wander in the street alone.

I was walking past a restaurant, and when I looked up, there was a looking pole beside it, and a green cloth wine box hanging on it, which read: "Xunyang River Zhengku", and there was a plaque on the outside of the eaves, with Su Dongpo's big book on it. "Xunyang Tower" three characters.Song Jiang looked at it and said, "When I was in Yuncheng County, I only heard that there was a good Xunyang Tower in Jiangzhou, but it turned out to be here! Although I am here alone, I can't miss it. Why don't you go upstairs and have a look for yourself?" By?"

Song Jiang went upstairs and sat in a pavilion near Jiang, ordered a table of wine and food, and drank by himself.I saw him drinking a glass or two while leaning against the lanai, unconsciously intoxicated, suddenly came to his mind, and thought: "I was born in Shandong and grew up in Yuncheng. , who is now in his thirties, with neither fame nor success, but with tattoos on his cheeks, he deserves to be here. How can I reassure my father and brothers in my hometown?"

At this time, I didn't feel the wine pouring up, and I burst into tears, facing the wind and touching my eyes, feeling sad and sad.Suddenly wrote a poem, and called the bartender to ask for a pen and inkstone.When he got up to watch and saw many chants written by ancestors on the white powder wall, Song Jiang thought: "Why don't you just write it here? If he is honored, he will pass by again and see it again, so as to remember the years and think about the suffering of today. "

At present, riding on the buoyancy of the wine, the ink was ground thick, and the pen was full after dipping it, and swiped a brush on the white powder wall and wrote: I have studied classics and history since I was a child, and I have power when I grow up.Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking its minions to endure.Unfortunately, the tattooed cheeks are worthy of being in Jiangzhou.If he had to avenge his revenge in his youth, the mouth of the Xunyang River would be stained with blood!

After Song Jiang wrote it, he was overjoyed and laughed when he saw it. He drank several glasses of wine at the same time.Picking up the pen again, I went to the word and wrote four lines of poems, the way is: the heart is in Shandong, the body is in Wu, and the rivers and seas are fluttering.If he was Ling Yunzhi at the time, he dared to laugh at Huang Chao for not being a husband!

After Song Jiang finished writing the poem, he went to the back to write in five characters: "Song Jiang wrote in Yuncheng." After writing, he threw a pen on the table and sang to himself again.After drinking a few more glasses of wine, I felt intoxicated and overwhelmed, so I called the bartender to count, took some silver to pay back, and rewarded the bartender if there were too many, and came downstairs with a huff.Staggering, take the way back.When I opened the door, I fell into bed and slept until five o'clock. When I woke up the next day, I couldn't remember what happened yesterday.

It is also in this Song Jiang's fate that there should be such a thing. On the same day, a frustrated person came out of Cai Jiu's official residence, depressed, and came to the first floor of Jiangzhou to drink away his sorrows. The words and poems on the wall, after reading it, I was overjoyed, and secretly said:

"I spent so much time trying to infiltrate Cai Jiu. I thought I had a little face in front of him. Now he is throwing a banquet at home for all the famous people in Jiangzhou city, but he missed me. Alas, I thought the situation was poor. There is no way out, it’s really another village, and now I bump into this brave thief with the army to leave a poem here, but it’s not my day in the first place?"

I don't know who this Song Jiang and this frustrated person owed to whom in the previous life. In short, because of this poem, there is an endless situation. (To be continued.)

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