Seeing that the thief who opened a black shop had the loyalty and courage to sacrifice his life to save others, Hua Rong, who was originally full of anger, flashed a trace of consternation in his heart.It's just that the tragic scene in the human flesh workshop not long ago was unforgettable for him.With this scene in mind, he still refused to take back the silver gun in his hand, only heard the blunt sound of the gun blade piercing into the bone, the man's shoulder had been stabbed deeply.

Next to Tong Meng saw that Li Jun gave up his life to save his brother, and took the gun forcefully with his body. He screamed heart-piercingly, and his eyes were immediately dyed red by the surging blood. He raised the knife without hesitation, The general will come up to chop the enemy.

But what kind of skill is Huarong, how could he be hurt?Immediately seeing Xiao Li Guangfei kicking this person down on the lower abdomen, he saw that this person flew straight out like a kite that was unstringed, and fell completely.

Hua Rong glanced back at Li Jun who was on the ground, and pulled out the silver gun from his shoulder, and suddenly saw the blood splashed all over the ground.At this time Li Jun's face was pale, without a trace of blood. At this time, a huge pain hit him, making him feel like his body was about to be torn apart.It's just that even though it was in such pain, Li Jun just gritted his teeth and kept silent, glaring at Huarong with his eyes, wishing that fire would burst out of his eyes and burn this person to ashes.

Tong Wei, who was rescued by Li Jun with his surname, unknowingly had blood and tears in his eyes. At this time, he had the will to die, and he desperately wanted to come forward to save Li Jun.Hua Rong looked at Li Jun, who had lost his ability to resist, and finally gave up the idea of ​​going forward to take another shot, leaving him to go straight to get Tong Wei, while Tong Meng got up, taking advantage of this gap, desperately Li Jun, who couldn't bear the pain and was gradually comatose, was dragged out.

Seeing that in the past on the Xunyang River in the past, Li Jun, the majestic and indisputable Hunjiang dragon, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Mu Hong, who had just caught up with him, felt a strange pleasure in his heart for some reason.

It's just that everyone has some kindred spirits, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mu Hong immediately yelled at Ertong: "Take brother Li Jun down to bandage up, and watch me clean up this guy!" Ting Dao stepped forward to fight Huarong.Hua Rong saw that this man came fiercely and with amazing momentum, so he ignored Tong Wei, and just pointed his gun at Mu Hong.Seeing this, Tong Wei rushed straight to Li Jun. Seeing that he was unconscious, he felt very anxious. He didn't care about anything else, so he just tore off the hem of his clothes and wrapped up his bleeding wound.

But Mu Hong was really surprised, he fought with Hua Rong alone for thirty or forty rounds and there was no winner.Mu Chun, who was watching from the side, looked anxious, secretly thinking that my elder brother has never met such an opponent, don't lose your spirit here!It's all to blame Tong Wei and Tong Meng, even if they ask him to call someone, they can also provoke such a strong enemy.Because he was afraid that his brother would suffer, he disregarded his low skill in martial arts and stepped forward to help his direct brother to marry Huarong. Seeing this, Xue Yong pondered for a moment, and raised his stick to fight.

Only Chuanhuo'er Zhang Heng hugged his chest and sneered sneeringly, watching the Mu brothers and the trickster fight hard, a pedantic middle-aged man next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and said: " Brother Zhang hasn't stepped forward, when will we wait?"

Zhang Heng looked back at this person angrily, and blamed him for making his words clear, but the situation was compelling, so he had no choice but to join the battle with a single sword. At this time, Hua Rong was one against four, although he was not satisfied, but he was also a little bit It's exhausting.Seeing this, Tong Weitong glanced at each other, gritted his teeth and came forward to meet Hua Rong, and immediately it became a one-to-six situation.

But seeing Hua Rong standing alone in the center, with a murderous aura that is rarely seen around his body, he only cares about the silver gun in his hand, making him appear like a ghost, with an aura like a rainbow. Don't dare to press very close.

The pedant was horrified when he saw this, and thought to himself: "I heard that Lin Chong, the leopard head on Liangshan Po, is good at using spears and sticks. I don't know, but he is better than this man? Seeing that he is not very old, how can he have such good skills?" When he looked over the battle After a while, when I glanced at the place where Li Jun and others were ambush just now, by the moonlight, I saw a feather arrow stuck in many corpses. I was surprised and thought: It is not uncommon for an arrow to kill a person. It is even more difficult if the arrows are all directed at the vital points, and there is no need to replenish the arrows.This man has extraordinary marksmanship and arrow skills, who the hell is he?

Suddenly he saw a flash of inspiration in his mind, he patted his forehead and said: "Could it be that this person is the little Li Guanghuarong that Song Gongming and I talked about when we were free? This should not be bad, according to Chao Gai's surname , counting the time, it's time to bring people to Jiangzhou at this time!" Thinking of this, he immediately shouted: "Your man, could it be Xiao Li Guanghuarong from Erlong Mountain?"

Huarong is an enemy of many people, so he is not willing to be distracted.There is another hard hand hidden among these people, although the others are not very good, but one of them has some skills in the stick technique, and from time to time it cooperates with the offensive of the hard stubble, which brings him a lot of trouble.Therefore, Huarong just concentrated on meeting the enemy, ignoring the man's yelling, knowing that it was not their strategy.

Seeing that his opponent refused to answer, the pedant felt anxious. Suddenly he saw a fast horse galloping towards him from a distance. Because it was a moonlit night, he couldn't see his face clearly. When he was guessing his identity, he suddenly saw this man roaring. He said: "You thief who runs a black shop, how dare you bully my brother alone, and when grandpa catches up, you will all die!"

Hua Rong was overjoyed and saddened by this loud shout. Speaking of which, this brother was the closest to him on Mount Erlong.I don't think he has any scheming, but he has a warm heart. When you are willing to make friends with him, he won't frown when he entrusts his life to you.Just now we agreed to go separately, if he didn't think about him at all, why would he rush to look for him?

Hua Rong felt very excited at the moment, and the gun in his hand had a little more strength, and the six people beside him felt the pressure doubled.Especially that Mu Hong, it was said that six beat one, but in fact it was him who struggled the most, thinking that Hua Rong had seventy or eighty percent of his attention on him.Rao Mu Hong had eyes in the sky in the past, and now he has to admit that this person is indeed his first formidable enemy, and besides, the other party has a helper at this time, wouldn't he suffer if this continues?At the moment, Mu Hong didn't care about face anymore. He already had six to one, and he didn't care about adding more troops. He immediately called out to his farmer and said, "Everyone stand shoulder to shoulder, and we'll talk after taking this fellow!"

The dealers were about to step forward when they heard the words, but they saw the pedant shouted: "Brother Liu Tang, don't be rash, it's me!"Is this still a fight?I saw that everyone was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to advance or retreat.

Seeing this, Mu Hong was furious, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, it's not your relatives, come on!" These talents all took up their knives and guns and surrounded Huarong as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Wu Yong, I don't think it's you! You ran for your life in fear of death and left me to wait, and now you intercepted my brother Huarong halfway. How dare you betray me with all your heart. What a face to meet the King of Heaven!" Seeing this scene, Liu Tang hurriedly urged his horse to jump over the pit, and immediately got off the horse, ignoring Wu Yong again, and stepped forward to help the battle with the simple knife, Hua Rong's heart felt hot, and he looked up to the sky and laughed With a sound, back to back with this brother, defending against the enemy together.

Seeing that Chao Gai really came, Wu Yong, who had been eagerly looking forward to it, became a little apprehensive, and immediately explained: "I will talk about what happened that day later, but at this moment, the water really rushed into the Dragon King Temple. , Hua Rong has already joined forces with Li Jun brothers, and here are all old friends of Li Jun, a hero, how can he be willing to see him humiliated?"

"Ah bah, the master suffers because he believed your mouth!" Liu Tang cursed angrily, kicked Mu Chun who was trying to steal the cat, and the simple knife was about to greet him. Seeing this, Mu Hong became anxious, He rushed forward to rescue Liu Tang, fought with Liu Tang, Huarong went to a strong enemy, and immediately became handy in dealing with other people, Xue Yong complained in his heart, he was the backbone of the remaining group of people, he had no choice but to Use the strength of breastfeeding to block it.

Seeing this, Wu Yong was very anxious, and finally found an opportunity in Song Jiang to get married with Chao Gai, but he must not let Liu Tang, a reckless man, ruin his own plan. He Jieyang group of heroes said: "Everyone, stop your hands. The other party is also Brother Song Jiang's brother. Let's put down your swords and guns. Is there anything you can't sit down and talk about?"

At this time, except for Mu Hong, the rest of these people's lives are held in an instant, and they just want to stop fighting in their hearts, but how can they dare to be slow for a moment, Wu Yongjian said that at this time, every day should not work, and the earth would not work. , stomped his feet, and said ruthlessly: "You fight, fight! Just fight, if they are all dead, just wait for Brother Gongming to come and meet in front of the Palace of the King of Hell!"

Hua Rong was startled when he heard the words, and shot the stick in Xue Yong's hand away, holding the gun as a warning: "Wu Yong, make your words clear!"

Wu Yong immediately poured out bitter water: "Brother Song Jiang ordered Cai Jing's son to be imprisoned, and he will be executed soon! These heroes are all found by me, just to discuss the matter of robbing the prison and saving Brother Gongming!"

When Hua Rong heard this, he turned around and saw that Mu Hong didn't give up, he turned the gun head over and stabbed Mu Hong who was fighting with Liu Tang with a simple sword. There was a sense of abnormal pain, and the whole person was thrown to the ground immediately.Thinking about how he has been domineering in the town for half of his life, where has he suffered such a big loss?Immediately he was about to get up and fight Hua Rong, when he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes on the road, the sound was probably at least a hundred riders in size, Mu Hong was shocked and panicked.Seeing that the other party stopped, he also forcibly held back his hand, and only looked at the horse team that was rushing.

Not long after, this group of people approached and saw a mess everywhere, maybe there were dozens of big men lying on the ground?Moreover, Huarong's BMW also fell into the trap, and there was no movement. The big man like an iron tower said angrily: "Brother Huaxian, you are not at a disadvantage? Where did the dog thief dare to be so rude? But Lingshang The accomplice of that group? When I saw the words you left on the wall, I didn't dare to stay for a moment, so I rushed over!"

Before Hua Rong could answer, Wu Yong choked up and said, "Bao Zheng, don't you come here all right?"

Thank you Snow Rabbit Hero and Xia Huaba Hero for the rewards again. In addition, I would like to thank Brother Wuzhun for their continuous rewards, as well as Brothers 123 in the Great Desert for their rewards. There are also many monthly voting tickets, recommendation tickets, evaluation tickets and genuine subscriptions. Like the brothers who support this book, thank you for your support. "Water Margin Survival" will go on firmly, thank you for your company along the way.

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