Water Margin Survival

Chapter 190 Night Attack on Jiangzhou City

As soon as Wu Yong rushed to speak, Liu Tang looked back at Chao Gai's face under the torch, subconsciously feeling worse.

For the situation where Chao Gai and Wu meet today, Gongsun Sheng is actually the most predictable. In the past, when Liu Tang was fine, he asked Gongsun Sheng what would happen if Chao Gai met Wu Yong again. He only said one sentence: "Look at the white mouse and you will know what brother wants. His today is Wu Xuexue's tomorrow."

Although Liu Tang is a rough man, the friendship with him who robbed the birthday card together is not easy. For the few people involved, it may be a past that they will never forget in their lifetime.Because of this special experience, Liu Tang spent a lot of time "studying" this matter in private.Thinking that Bai Sheng committed such a big taboo and confessed to the government how many people he was, Brother Chao Gai still let the past go, always thinking about him in his heart, and even pulled down his face and begged Brother Wang Lun to rescue this person.In the final analysis, Wu Xuexue's running away is not much worse than Bai Sheng's surrender.

At this time, Liu Tang showed a rare expression of emotion, just like Gongsun Taoist said in a joke: I am afraid that the loyalty in my brother will overflow at this moment.

Sure enough, when Chao Gai saw Wu Yong suddenly appearing here, he was stunned for a while, but then he burst out two words from his upper and lower lips: "Brother!"

For Chao Gai's reaction, not only Liu Tang sighed repeatedly, but even Han Bolong in the team behind Chao Gai couldn't help cursing: "Wu Yong, do you have any shame? You left me and escaped alone that day. Brother Chao Gai doesn't care about you, so why are you showing shame?"

Liu Tang didn't like Han Bolong at first, but he just felt that these few words were very pleasant to his ears.

Seeing this, the two brothers Mu Hong and Mu Chun looked at each other, feeling that Wu Yong was not as happy as he said he was in Erlong Mountain.Seeing that he was being scolded repeatedly at this time, the other party showed no mercy to him at all. Except for the Tota Heavenly King Chao Gai who seemed to have some affection for him, the rest of the people looked a little unfriendly no matter what they looked at. Could it be that this person took To prevaricate his brother with lies?At the moment, I can't help thinking in my stomach, is it worth it to destroy the family and go up the mountain like this.

Wu Yong saw that this ear came out to make trouble, making the people around him who had just wooed have some thoughts, and he couldn't help yelling at this person for making trouble, but this time he couldn't bear to make trouble, but he said very sincerely. : "Bolong, it was my younger brother's fault that day, please forgive me!"

Han Bolong snorted when he heard the words, although he didn't continue to curse, but his expression was quite disapproving. Seeing that the situation was urgent at this time, Wu Yong directly raised a topic that everyone present couldn't avoid: "My brother's fault, after today You can do whatever you want! It’s just that Song Jiang’s brother is in danger at this moment. He owed my life to me that day. Even if I, Wu Yong, die, I have to rescue him from the sea of ​​misery first! In the future, he will be beaten, scolded, killed, and cut to pieces. ,As you wish!"

Sure enough, Hua Rong asked at this time: "Wu Xuexue, what happened to my brother!? Wasn't he sent to Jiangzhou Prison City? It's not a damn sin. Is there something hidden?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Wu Yong sighed and said, "Brother Song Jiang was drunk that day, and he wrote anti-poetry in the restaurant, and someone reported him. Seeing that the prisoner is in the state prison, he will be released soon. I was so anxious that I wanted to cut him with a knife, so I asked the heroes of Jiangzhou to help. They are all loyal men. After hearing the news, they gathered together and wanted to discuss with me to go to the prison together! This is not childlike. Two heroes, Tong Meng, went to the mountain to invite Li Lishi, the judge who ordered him to order, and met Hua Zhizhai and brothers Liu Tang and that hero, and they got together, and this led to this incident!"

When Chao Gai saw this, he looked at these people in astonishment, not thinking that they were also going to rescue Gong Mingxian, he quickly got off his horse and cupped his hands and said: "I don't want you to take my Song Jiang's life and death seriously, Chao Gai is not talented, Thank you here!"

Hua Rong sighed when he heard the words, and finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter, he couldn't help but lamented in his heart: "Poor my brother, when will I be reduced to calling a black shop owner to rescue him?"

But at this time, Tong Weitong suddenly settled Li Jun, who was injured and passed out, and shouted at Huarong angrily: "You killed my brother Li Li, and ruined the lives of thirty or forty of our brothers, how should you explain it!? "

"Let me tell you, old mother! You heartless people, who opened a black shop in the mountains to harm people. You can beat me, but I can't kill you? Don't say that I met you by accident, but I know you. Even if you get a bad name, I will still kill you!" Liu Tang said angrily.

But hearing these words aroused Tong Wei and Tong Meng's anger even more, but right now he couldn't fight against this group of people, and his brother was unconscious, so he turned his head and said to the heroes of Jieyang: "Brothers and I, brother Li Jun, are both Brothers who drink from the same river, now that outsiders come to the door like this, do you still remember the word "loyalty"!"

Zhang Hengjian said that he turned his head to one side, hugged his chest and said nothing.At this moment, he felt a little impatient when he saw these three people, thinking that Zhang Shun was his own brother, since he brought his mother to Liangshan by accident, when he asked someone to bring a letter, he didn't mention a single word about his going up the mountain and settling down. On the contrary, the three were invited up the mountain more than once. I really don't know if Zhang Shun, who is elbowed out, is his Li Jun's real brother, or his own brother Huo'er.

But Mu Chun smiled and said: "Those who don't know are not guilty, not to mention that everyone is trying to rescue Brother Song Jiang! Why are the two brothers so serious? The brother over there is very reasonable. You can kill others. People can't kill you? If passers-by come to avenge you, you kill me, I kill you, when will it be the end?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Chun only felt extremely happy in his heart. This Tong Weitong followed Li Jun and his companions all the time, always holding a long face to himself, as if someone owed him hundreds of taels of silver.It's all right now, Li Li is gone, his subordinate Yan Ding is dead, and Li Jun's life and death are also unknown, let's see how you two look down on my young master!

Seeing that his younger brother had gone too far, Mu Hong smoothed things over and said, "The top priority right now is to rescue Brother Song Jiang. Please be safe, don't be impatient, and don't get angry!" But as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at When the younger brother glanced at them, both of them were holding back a burst of pleasure, and there was nowhere to release it.

Tong Wei Tongmeng's face was suffocated into a pig's liver, and he stretched out his thumbs to his comrades: "Good, good, loyal, good man!"

But Tong Wei turned around and said to Wu Yong: "Scholar, I'm too busy to take care of myself now, and I don't have the energy to save Brother Song Jiang, so don't let it go, there will be a later date!"

Wu Yong was speechless, thinking that he was a sensible person, seeing Li Jun's subordinates called Hua Rong to kill him, how can this hatred be resolved with a few words?Therefore, I don't make that unnecessary effort right now, so I just hug my fists and send them off.It was a pity that these three people left, but seeing that Chao Gai wanted to accept him again, he felt that his wish had been fulfilled. As for whether to pull eight people up the mountain or four people up the mountain in the end, these are not important anymore .

Seeing that Tong Wei was about to leave with Li Jun on his back, he suddenly heard Liu Tang yelling, "It's not that easy to leave! My virtuous brother wrote on the wall for nothing?"

Wu Yong was puzzled, he didn't know what he wrote, when he went to visit Chao Gai, he found that Chao Gai was also in a dilemma, one side was friendly soldiers, the other side was brothers, how could he express his opinion?Wu Yong had no choice but to ask Liu Tang for details, but Liu Tang replied: "We are both famous men. We said that we would kill all those who opened black shops. How can we not keep our promises? Seeing these three It belongs to Li Li and his gang who run a black shop, how can we let him go!"

Tong Weitong suddenly saw that he couldn't even walk away at this time, and he really fell into the situation where thousands of people were beating him. He couldn't help being very sad and angry, and he said angrily to Liu Tang: "Kill, kill, you come to kill, the master is gone, isn't it?" hero!"

Seeing the turmoil, Wu Yong hastily explained: "These three brothers are all good salt smugglers. They are doing good deeds for the people here, so that they can buy cheap salt. Brother Liu Tang, don't blame good people!"

Xue Yong, who had been silent all this time, also said: "Although I just met these brothers, I also know that they are just sworn brothers with that Li Li, and their business is just selling private salt, so why don't you kill Li Li?" Just kill them, I'm afraid it's not right to pester other people!" He is a traveler, and he has the most personal experience of this kind of black shop, and he is afraid that one day he will become a dish in their hands if he is not careful. Li Li is not polite either.

Liu Tang saw that he couldn't make up his mind, so he looked straight at Hua Rong, saw him nodding his head slightly, and he was determined, this brother is a delicate person, so he might not be deceived by others, since he nodded, it should be close, Only then did Liu Tang give up.The two boys walked away desolately, Chao Gai looked at their leaving back, sighed, and asked Wu Yong again: "Sir, what happened to my virtuous brother Gongming?"

"Brother Gongming got drunk in the Xunyang Tower by himself a few years ago, and wrote a word and a poem on the spot. It was... but... there were some inappropriate things in the poem, and in the end he called a retired official, known as the Wasp The idle judge who assassinated Huang Wenbing saw that until here Zhizhou and Cai Jing's youngest son filed a complaint. Crazy, refused to admit it until death, but in the end he couldn't bear the severe punishment of the Yamen, so he was finally recruited. Then Huang Wenbing wanted to leave his name in front of Cai Jing, and only said that he would ask Cai Jing to leave. Because he has very good legs and feet, people in the world call him Dai Zong, the Taibao of Shenxing. When Cai Jiu heard about my brother's name, he asked him to take a letter to Beijing. Escort brother Song Jiang to Beijing, and I will save people on the way. Unexpectedly, Huang Wenbing saw through it and put my brother in prison, and he will be executed in a short time. That's why I found these local heroes. They were generous and loyal, and immediately agreed, ready to go to jail!"

Wu Yong had already seen that the people around him were a little shaken, so he just used his words to stabilize them, and as expected, he listened to Xue Yongdao: "Brother Song Jiang is such a hero, how can he be trapped by the government? He comes out!"

The Mu brothers and Zhang Heng had some ideas about Wu Yong's previous lies, but at this time they asked Wu Yong to put him under house arrest. Even if he wanted to retreat now, it would be too late. After uttering bold words, the three of them wanted face, so they had no choice but to follow suit.

Chao Gai was very moved when he heard it, and comforted the four of them with kind words. After saying that, he subconsciously looked at Wu Yong and said, "What do you think, sir?"

Wu Yong was overjoyed, and offered a plan: "The gate of the city will not be closed tonight. In order to prevent the night from having more dreams, the younger brother will be imprisoned first as an internal response. Why don't we choose to do it in the middle of the night, and we must rescue Brother Song Jiang!"


Speaking of this night, when Huang Wenbing came out of Cai Jiu's official office, the moon was bright and the stars were thin, and he met an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time on the road and had a drink. When he said goodbye again, it was already four o'clock.At this moment, the streets were sparsely populated, and he was drunk and prepared to stay overnight in an inn opened by an acquaintance outside the city gate, but when he arrived at the gate of the city, he found a group of more than a hundred officers and soldiers passing by. After watching for a while, he finally went to the soldier who was on duty at night in front of the city gate and asked about the situation. It happened that the soldier knew that Huang Wenbing was a celebrity in Zhizhou's mansion. The uncle sent to give the New Year gift to Zhizhou was delayed on the way, so he came all night, and the clerk Luyin checked it, and it was correct!"

Huang Wenbing didn't think too much when he saw what he said, he went out of the city alone, when a gust of cold wind hit him, he shivered all over, he patted his head and said: "Then Murong Yanda just wanted to curry favor with the Cai family, and that was also to curry favor with Cai Jing himself." I think he is also an uncle of the state, even if he sees Liang Zhongshu, who is staying behind in the Daming Mansion, he doesn’t feel that he is short, so why would he give Cai Jing’s youngest son a gift without regard for face?”

I saw that the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, he just turned his head and followed the group of people, thinking that if they want to give gifts, they must go to the private office, and follow up to have a look.

It is said that Huang Wenbing followed all the way, and at a cross street, he found that this group of people did not go to Cai Jiu's mansion, but actually went to the prison. Huang Wenbing was so shocked that he was in a cold sweat. Cai Jiu rushed to his residence.

Thank you Albino Moratti for the great reward again! !What can Xiaoke say, anyway, thank you for your support!Be sure to write this book well to repay everyone's love!In addition, thanks to old friends hansire and Langlang Qiankun Jian my heart hero, cabbage n hero for their rewards!thank you all!

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