Just when Huang Wenbing came to his senses and came back again, there were a few heroes hiding at the base of the city wall.I saw these five or seven people, although their faces were ashen-cold from the cold, they did not dare to move in this severe winter.I was afraid that there would be some noise, and the guards at the gate would be aware of it, so instead I sent my brothers in to save people.

When Chao Gai came out to rescue Song Jiang this time, he thought to himself, what effort did it take to deal with those two escorts?Therefore, at the beginning, they only brought Liu Tang and Hua Rong, plus a dozen minions.It's just that after searching all the way, there was no trace of Song Jiang's information at all. The more people walked away, the more uncertain they were. In the end, they had no choice but to discuss the plan to come to Jiangzhou to rob the camp.In desperation, Chao Gai sent Feiqi back to call out all the leaders at home, leaving only Gongsun Sheng, Wen Zhongrong, Cui Ye, and Wang Xiaohu who was still lying on the sick bed to guard the house, and even Bai Sheng Bring them all, which shows the sincerity of Chao Gai's heart.

After meeting with Wu Yong, and after talking about the past, Chao Gai followed the old man's strategy and led everyone into the city pretending to be an officer. The documents and seals were specially sent to Liangshanpo to ask for the holy hands. Scholar Xiao Rang and jade-arm craftsman Jin Dajian made, but no one has checked all the way to find out that it is a fake, so everyone is not worried about going to the city to save people, but they are in trouble when discussing who will win the door.Li Guanghuarong is the most skilled martial artist in this group, but he is worried about Song Jiang's safety and decided to enter the city with the army. At this time, Liu Tang volunteered to stay and seize the door.Chao Gai was overjoyed. After all, among the remaining leaders, either their martial arts were not as good as this brother's, or their character was not as reliable as him. In the end, Chao Gai confidently handed over his back road to Liu Tang. Then everyone went into the city.

Liu Tang and others lay in ambush at the base of the city, but after waiting for nearly half an hour, there was no movement in the city, which made Liu Tang a little restless.The five or seven people lying here with him are all former tenants of Chao Gai Manor, they have known Liu Tang for a long time, and they have a tacit understanding with each other, they just whispered to this elder brother to be safe and calm, Liu Tang had no choice , just waiting hard.After a long time, finally heard some noise in the city, like the sound of a large group of people approaching, Liu Tang was overjoyed, shouted, and rushed to the city gate with these five or seven brothers.

Seeing this scene, the officers and soldiers guarding the city were stunned, thinking that they have been in peace for a long time, where have they seen such desperate desperadoes, seven or eight people dare to attack the gate of the city guarded by four or fifty people, it is inconceivable.Fortunately, the reinforcements are just around the corner, so they are not afraid, they are all ready to fight with their swords and guns.

When they were about to rush to the door, Liu Tang and the others were also stunned. The movement inside the city wall was not Chao Gai and the others coming out at all, but a group of nearly a hundred officers and soldiers coming to seal the door. Not caring about that much anymore, he saw Liu Tang straighten out the fine iron plain knife and go straight to meet him, and started killing the officers and soldiers in the doorway.

Concerned about Chao Gai's safety, this is their last escape route. I saw that Liu Tang raised his spirits and became more and more courageous as he fought. Today, the lives of more than a dozen officers and soldiers have been taken away by this red-haired ghost.At this time, although there were many officers and soldiers who came up for reinforcements, they were all timid, and none of them wanted to give up their lives in vain. We have already told us to catch them all, and if you don’t put down the murder weapon, you will be captured without a fight! When my horse team comes up, I will trample you to death!"

Those little guys were shocked when they heard what they said, no wonder they didn't hear the news from the owner of the villa, they all fell into the enemy's hands, and there were dozens of times more officers and soldiers in front of them, so they heard one of them shouting to Liu Tang: "Brother , retreat quickly, leaving the green hills there, no need to worry about no firewood!"

Liu Tang killed his surname, so how could he believe the nonsense of these officers and soldiers, brother Chao Gai and Hua Rongxian were all inside, if he retreated, wouldn't it cut off their retreat and betray the great trust of brother Chao Gai?Then I saw this fierce general only holding the simple knife straight, rushing left and right in the crowd, but he heard ghosts crying and wolves howling, screaming again and again.

At the beginning, the officers and soldiers were going to arrest these few to report their meritorious service, but they didn't realize that the leader among them was very brave, so they immediately put down their thoughts and just wanted to send this guy away. Squeeze this fierce man out.

When Liu Tang saw this, he was not willing to ask them to close the door. He scattered the east with a simple knife, and then slashed to the west. Those minions refused to retreat when they saw this, but just protected Liu Tang's back, so that he would fight without worry. .These few people clashed in the ranks of the officers and soldiers for a while, and finally rushed through the door, but seeing that there were more and more people on the other side, and there was no news of Brother Chao Gai's troops at all, they were secretly worried in their hearts. What the officers and soldiers said was the truth.Liu Tang was furious in his heart, as soon as he rushed in to save people, he saw several people grab Liu Tang and said, "Brother, go first, let me resist for a while!"

Where is Liu Tang willing to give up, suddenly seeing a group of horse troops rushing out of the city at this time, the minions were shocked when they saw this, "When brother doesn't leave, the whole litter will be sent here!" Tang pushed it out, but leaned against the city gate instead, buying time for Liu Tang to escape.

Liu Tang stood alone in the door opening, staring at the closed city gate dumbfounded, the screams from inside tore his heart and lungs, he wanted to rush in without hesitation, but the words of the brothers just now echoed in his ears, If even he was caught, his group would truly have no hope. _

Liu Tang yelled and ran wildly. He didn't know how long he ran, and finally came to the horse hiding place behind the grove. Liu Tang jumped on the horse and said anxiously: "Brother Song Jiang was not rescued, and Brother Chao Gai also broke in. Besides, I Brother Huarong is also in there, how can life like this be good? If I go back to the mountains to rescue soldiers, I'm afraid my brothers will lose their lives! Wu Nai Wu used that guy to offer a good plan, and he was really dedicated to harming his companions Think about what I, Liu Tang, did in my previous life to meet him by accident!"

Liu Tang hesitated, scolded Wu Yong for a while, and suddenly thought: "Wu Yong said that there is a Huangmen Mountain not far from Jiangzhou City, and there are four strong men on the mountain who gathered hundreds of people to rob their houses there." If I don't go looking for them, if they can see their loyalty in the world and are willing to save me, Brother Chao Gai and the others will have a chance of survival!"

Liu Tang is a straight man, he does what he thinks, without hesitation, and doesn't even think about what he should do if the other party rejects him, but with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he just urges the fast horse under his feet to go northeast On this road, when there was a fork in the road, they stopped and asked people. Those passers-by saw that he was vicious, and they dared to tease him, so they sent him away.I saw Liu Tang running from dawn to dusk on the road, I don't know how many miles he ran, until he came to a mountain, and when he was about to push forward, suddenly the horse under him screamed and foamed at the mouth , obviously exhausted.

Liu Tang was very anxious at this time, and immediately cursed, "God, you have to help wipe out the thief, and my brother never died!? Look at the place, why can't my mount move!"

Just as he was cursing, suddenly a few minions who had been ambushing in the surrounding woods jumped out and shouted: "Hey! Where are you from, you dare to come and spy on me at the foot of Huangmen Mountain!"

Liu Tang was overjoyed when he heard it, and he hurried forward and said: "I am the leader of Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou, and I am here to talk to your boss!"

Several minions showed doubts on their faces, and they all said, "Erlong Mountain? I haven't heard of it!"

Liu Tang was in a hurry, and without explaining, he yelled, "I've never heard of Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou, but you must have heard of Liangshan Po in Jeju!? The famous white-clothed scholar Wang Lun on him is my brother! Don't wait!" Don't hesitate, quickly take me up to meet your king!"

Seeing this, the minions burst out laughing, and replied: "You are a playful person. Have you ever been related to you in the cottages all over the world? Do you think you are from Erlong Mountain or Liangshan? Why are you a scholar in white?" Brother Wang Lun is your elder brother? If so, then Zhao Guan's family is still my brother-in-law!"

Liu Tang was annoyed when he heard this, and wished he could go up to someone and scratch his head, but as the saying goes, people are as tall as they don't ask for others. Now that he is asking for someone, he is a head short, even if he has such a violent temper, he can't help but restrain himself, just I clasped my hands and said kindly: "Brothers, I am not here to play tricks. There is really an important matter, and I need to see you as the masters. The rescue of the rivers and lakes, I hope everyone is a fellow green forest, please help me a few brothers! "

The brother-in-law of Zhao Guan's family wanted to make fun of this man, but he saw an old-fashioned young man over there holding him back and saying to Liu Tang, "Since there is something urgent, my lord will go with me to see my brother. But if you are free, you can go now It's not too late to go, my brother is receiving distinguished guests, if you make fun of the distinguished guests then, I will show you the majesty of my cottage!"

Liu Tang laughed loudly, cupped his hands and said, "Let me teach you, let me teach you, please lead the way!"

Seeing that he was determined to go up the mountain, I ordered the two men to keep an eye on Liu Tang's foaming horse, and then led Liu Tang up the mountain. When he was approaching the gate of the village, Liu Tang saw that the city wall was neatly repaired. I can't help being a little surprised.

After entering the door, I saw hundreds of people crossing the road leading their horses. I was very happy, and secretly thought that there were thousands of horses left, my brother might be saved.Just thinking about it, whether this strong man who has never known each other and has no friendship will go all out to save people just because of his own words, and he hesitates again.It's just that my brother's safety is on my shoulders, even if I kowtow to ask this group of people to come down the mountain, I saw that the red-haired ghost's face suddenly became resolute.

When he was about to reach the hall, he heard the little guy remind him again: "If you really have nothing serious to do, there is still time to go down the mountain. Don't disturb my brother's interest, and then I will be blamed too!"

Liu Tang grasped at this life-saving straw, but he was not willing to let it go. He just begged this person hard, but this person had no choice but to bring him in. Then Liu Tang lowered his head and talked in his heart, thinking how he could persuade the people here. King of the Mountain, in such a situation, it is really difficult for him to be a rough man.

"Which one is from Erlong Mountain, claiming to be Brother Wang Lun's brother?"

A person in the hall interrupted Liu Tang, who was in deep thought. When he looked up, he was suddenly stunned, looked around, and then rubbed his red eyes to confirm that he was not dreaming. , crying with joy: "Brother, help me!"

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