Water Margin Survival

Chapter 198 "Horizontal" Death in Xunyang River

Seeing that Song Jiang had always shown others with a kind image all his life, how could he suddenly show such a majestic side at this time, Chao Gai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't think of any words to persuade him.

Right now, there are less than 20 remnants in my team of defeated soldiers, and there are four seriously wounded who have lost their combat effectiveness. If you start, at least two people should be left to take care of them and the horses. There is no dawn of odds.

At this time of helplessness, Chao Gai subconsciously looked at Wu Yong, the mastermind who had reunited, but saw that the old friend shook his head slightly, pulled him aside, and said in a low voice:

"Now it's a dead end. The Yasi Song has suffered such a big loss, and now he leaves so easily. How can he face others in the future? How can he appease Mu Hong, Li Zhong and others who destroyed their homes for him? People? Now that guy Huang Wenbing is absconding in a hurry, not necessarily because he is afraid of revenge from me, maybe he is also jealous of Cai Jiu to trouble him! Baozheng, do you think he is an unemployed judge, what powerful role can he have in the family? Maybe At this time, all the people have escaped, so I will accompany Yasi to go to Quan to vent my anger, even if I set off the fire in vain, so I will have an explanation for everyone! Otherwise, it will appear that Baozheng is irresponsible, and I don’t want to avenge my brother! "

Seeing this, Chao Gai sighed and patted Wu Yong on the shoulder.He was not afraid of what others would say that he didn't take responsibility, if he really didn't take responsibility, he wouldn't be able to lead his brothers thousands of miles to save people, but right now it's really not the time to show off that momentary arrogance.

Chao Gai pondered over and over again in his heart, and when he was about to persuade Song Jiang a few more words, he didn't want to be seen by his sad eyes. Chao Gai thought of his friendship for many years, why did Song Jiang do such a bitter thing, and he couldn't help it at the moment Softened, and recalling what Wu Yong said just now, he finally sighed and stopped talking.

Seeing that Chao Gai had acquiesced, Song Jiang let out a foul breath from his chest, and immediately said: "First settle down the four brothers Dai Zong, Bai Sheng, Kong Ming, and Zheng Tianshou, and then leave Kong Liang and Wang Daochang here to take care of them. My brother took the other brothers to touch it at night, no matter what, tonight I will avenge my brothers Mu Chun and Zhou Tong!"

As soon as Song Jiang finished speaking, Mu Hong, who was in the pain of ruining his family and losing his brother, and Song Jiang's two buddies, Xue Yong and Yan Shun, immediately agreed loudly.Li Zhong looked embarrassed at this time, according to his mind, he was a little afraid of difficulties, but suddenly thinking of Zhou Tong's voice and smile when he was alive, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, and finally turned his heart away, put aside other distracting thoughts, and spoke in agreement.

At this time, Song Jiang's words had already explained that it was not necessary for Kong Liang and Wang Daoren to take part in this matter. One of them was Song Jiang's apprentice, and the other had a tendency to move closer to Song Jiang.

Seeing this, Wu Yong felt very anxious, and thought in his stomach: "My family is Baozheng, why are you so confused? As the saying goes: There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the mountains! How can you ask others to do such things as giving orders? Afterwards, wouldn’t it be possible for you to speak more, and he can also speak more!? Didn’t it end up being neither big nor small, and the order was unclear?”

Chao Gai didn't think as much as Wu Yong did. After all, he regarded Song Jiang as a confidant and didn't deliberately guard against him. Seeing that everyone agreed with Song Jiang on this matter, he didn't say anything, but just pulled Hua Rong aside. , said: "Brother Huaxian, you will stay close to Brother Gongming, and you must protect his safety!"

Hua Rongjian said that his heart was very moved, and he nodded towards Chao Gai with sincere eyes, only feeling that his elder brother was able to meet such a loyal brother, it is really a blessing that has been cultivated for many years.

Song Jiang took advantage of his anger to issue the order, and saw that Chao Gai didn't respond, his heartbeat accelerated slightly, he just suppressed the excitement inside, and took advantage of the momentum to tell everyone to separate and prepare to go.Only at that time Hou Jian stood there dumbstruck, dizzy for a while: "Why did I ask him to be assigned?"

At this time, everyone had their own concerns. Whoever noticed the thoughts in the mind of this little character who had just reported the news, even if Xue Yong had this apprentice in his heart, he stepped forward and patted the dazed gibbon and said, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!" Go get ready!"

Seeing that it was the master who came forward, Hou Jian looked bitter and said: "Master, you know that I am a craftsman, what are you doing now? Half an hour ago, I didn't know this group of people!"

Xue Yongjian stopped Hou Jian when he said he was busy, and said in a low voice: "You spend a whole day walking around from house to house, what will you end up with in the future? You are the only one in our group who knows the way, why don't you take advantage of this Opportunity, make friends with these brothers, and go to Erlong Mountain in the future. Brother Song Jiang is a bold person. He will let you change into clothes and divide the gold and silver. Will you be killed by force?" Speaking of this, Xue Yong Looking left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention, he said: "They will not hide from you what they are going to do. It is for my sake. If you say you are going to leave at this time, don't you even want to kill me? Then Mu Haven't you heard of Hong Zhi's methods in the past?"

Hou Jian, who lives in various towns in Jiangzhou, has heard of the domineering Mu brothers in Jieyang Town. They bully and dominate the market, committing all kinds of crimes, even killing people by themselves. If you want to harm someone's life, you only need to wear the hat of Wang Fa. I don't know how many innocent people have been harmed.If I let him know that I am showing timidity at this time, I'm afraid... Thinking of this, Hou Jian can't help but feel afraid for a while.

Seeing that he had made a fool of his apprentice, Xue Yong patted Hou Jian on the shoulder with satisfaction, turned around and went to announce the good news to Song Jiang.It was the first time for Hou Jian to gather in this group of strong men, and at this time it seemed a little intimidating, and he couldn't relax, because he was always highly nervous.

Suddenly, he felt itching at the back of his head, as if there were bugs crawling, and when he hurriedly turned his head to look, he saw an obviously unfriendly gaze shot at him, staring at him with a swollen face and a black face. , his complexion was extremely bad, Hou Jian remembered that just now his master introduced him to be Zhang Heng, the water ghost who used to kill tourists in the Xunyang River, so he lowered his head immediately when he dared not look at him.

Who knows that people don't provoke ghosts, but ghosts haunt people.

That Zhang Heng didn't say a word when Song Jiang gave orders just now, it wasn't that he was looking for Chao Gai in his heart, like a lone water ghost like him, he cherishes his life the most, either he doesn't make a move, or he doesn't return empty-handed, he really doesn't want to do it This is a kind of loss-making business.Moreover, he suffered a big loss just a few days ago and was imprisoned, which dealt a great blow to his confidence, so he had an instinctive aversion to this action at this time.If it wasn't for Hou Jian, who knows the way, to join in the fun, maybe the group of people would already be on the way out of the country at this time.

"You guys like to show the way so much, be careful that King Yama will come to ferry you down sooner or later to show the way!" Zhang Heng viciously left a word in Hou Jian's ear, and immediately pulled out half of the knife in his hand, and put it back again sheath.Seeing Hou Jian's face turned pale with shock, and worried that his actions would attract the attention of others, Zhang Heng reluctantly let Hou Jian go.

Hou Jian stood there blankly, unable to calm down in his heart for a long time, even after many years, when he dreamed about today's scene in the middle of the night, he would wake up in a cold sweat.This was the first sentence Zhang Heng said to him in his life, and it was also the last sentence.


"Mu Hong, a thief, dare to harm your grandfather! If the master is reborn, I will swear to kill your whole family!"

Looking at the blood column continuously pouring out from his chest, Zhang Heng exhausted his last strength and shouted at Mu Hong who made him fall to the last.It's just that at this time, the crowd was full of excitement and voices, who could hear Zhang Heng's wailing before his death?

While escaping for his life, Mu Hong did not forget to look back at Zhang Hengluo's difficulty, and said in his heart, "I can't outrun these fellows, and you, a water ghost? You have a sense of loyalty by blocking me for a while. Remember you, I will burn incense for you!"

Mu Hong thought that he and Zhang Heng were the only ones left behind tonight, and no other acquaintances saw him, but he didn't know that a shivering body hidden in the cold river by the bank witnessed all this.

When Zhang Heng finished cursing his last words with the last length of his life, he heard a "plop", and his body was thrown into the river by the angry people, but at this moment the river water around him was stained red by the blood gushing out of him. , this water ghost who is used to taking people's lives in the water has finally become a veritable water ghost.

I don't know how long it took, and finally when there was no sound of people on the shore, Hou Jian moved his numb body out of the water. What happened to him that night was really hard for him to let go of. Use bizarre to describe it.

As a craftsman who has been a tailor for half his life, how could he have seen a team of hundreds or thousands of people consisting of farmers, servants, townspeople, and yamen servants chasing and beating a dozen people?That Huang Wenye is really worthy of the good reputation accumulated over the years. Seeing that his brother's house was on fire, the good old man immediately climbed up and shouted. Immediately, followers gathered, all of them came to fight with fire-fighting equipment, but they just blocked Song Jiang and a dozen people. inside.

When the two sides met each other for the first time, they were shocked. Huarong and Liu Tang saw that there were many people on the other side, and they were all firefighters. They also belonged to the first group of people who got out of trouble. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the others just used their magical powers and oiled the soles of their feet wherever they had other thoughts.

Only Mu Hong cared most about setting fires, he wanted to throw kindling everywhere, hoping to burn down the enemy's house, so as to pay for the pain of losing his house.And that horizontal line was created on a whim, as the saying goes, thieves never leave empty space.Seeing that the action was going well that night, they wanted to go in to find some things that the head of the household had missed. Just as the two hesitated, they fell behind, and there was a scene where the awakened people picked up weapons and chased them.

After being separated from Xue Yong, Hou Jian was in a state of panic all day long, he had already been recognized by others, and when he went home, he would have to surrender himself, waiting to be sued.For the past few days, he has been hiding on the north bank of Jiangzhou. He has nothing to eat, and he dare not sleep when he sleeps.I don't know how long I slept, but was suddenly woken up.When he opened his eyes, he saw a man squatting in front of him, with more than 20 subordinates standing behind him, very imposing.

Hou Jian didn't know this person, but he did know him, so he asked, "You man, are you not Hou Jian, the arm-armed ape who is a first-hand tailor in Jiangzhou?"

When Hou Jian first saw such a group of people, how could he dare to admit his identity, he just hid and covered up, the man laughed and said: "You swallow this heart back into your belly, I am not a government servant, I will take you What's the use?"

Hou Jianjian said hurriedly and said: "The villain has eyes but no eyes, so I don't know who the hero is?"

"How do you know that Chao Tianwang escaped from danger? It wasn't my elder brother who brought my four brothers to snatch it back from Cai Jiu. I didn't think this birdman was vengeful, so he went to the town in the middle of the night. , hehe..." The man shook his head and sneered.

"This matter...wasn't Chao Tianwang's idea, it was Song Jiang who insisted on going his own way to vent his anger by killing Huang Wenbing's family..." Hou Jian said truthfully.

"Song Jiang insists on going his own way? Isn't Chao Gai the head of Erlongshan?! Forget it, I don't bother to take care of other people's affairs. Now you are wanted by the government, what do you think?" Jian said that he plans to come in the future.This man has a good needle and thread, which can be used on the mountain.

"I wonder if the hero is the leader on Huangmen Mountain? Could it be Brother Ma Lin who is known as the Iron Flute Immortal?" Hou Jian asked cautiously.

Seeing this, the man turned around and smiled at his followers, then looked at Hou Jian again and said, "How did you see that?"

"The four heroes on Mount Huangmen, the leader of the fortune teller Jiang Jing is a scholar, so he is naturally not the elder brother. I have heard for a long time that Ou Peng, the master of the great village, is nicknamed Moyun Jinchi, and the master of the four villages, Tao Zongwang, the nine-tailed turtle. There is a lack of free and easy, elegant fairy spirit!" Hou Jian said.

Ma Lin laughed when he saw that, pointed to Hou Jian and said, "My brother Ou Peng is a famous tough guy. When Wang Lun brother first met him, it was most appropriate to say that he was "boiled". A man who is as fine as steel, but what do you want to be elegant? I am the most incompetent person. I have some eyesight, I see that you are a craftsman, and you are also quite clever, I have never heard of a talent like you in my Liangshan, how about it, would you like to go to Liangshan with me?"

Hou Jian has nowhere to go, he is already registered by the government, where is there any safe place to go?Seeing Ma Lin's invitation, there was no hesitation at all, and he bowed down immediately, thanking him: "If I get my brother to take care of me, I will never forget my gratitude in this life!".

Ma Lin chuckled, turned around and told his entourage: "Go, find some clothes for the waiting boss, and some wine and meat. Look at this, I'm afraid I haven't had a safe life for a few days!" According to the tacit understanding between Wang Lun and himself , he consciously gave this person the position of chief executive.

Seeing Hou Jian eating wine and meat without hesitation, Ma Lin's eyes gradually shifted to the distance. This person is just a windfall, not too important.It's just that Li Jun, the Hunjiang dragon that I was looking for so hard, has been silent all the time, without any movement.There are two Tong Wei and Tong Meng, usually eight sticks can't make a fart, but at the critical moment, I didn't see that they were really two talents. When I took Li Jun to hide, I told him that the old rivers and lakes on Jiangzhou Road would look at him There is no clue.It's just that the rumors are getting tighter and tighter now, and I'm afraid something will happen if I wait for a long time. It seems that I have to hurry up.

The needle is stopped today, let's make up a [-] chapter first!

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