Time flies, and the moon flies like a shuttle.

It has been more than a month since the Jingdong Qunhao rioted in Jiangzhou that day.It is the weather in late February at this time, and there is a spring full of vitality between the sky and the earth.

I saw three well-dressed men walking together on the official road, one of them was born with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a body of eight feet, he was very heroic and extraordinary.It's just that when he walks, his shoulders seem to be a little inflexible, so he has been empty-handed.The two companions beside him were also extremely capable, although they carried luggage on their backs, they carried the weight lightly.

The three of them drove on the road for a while, and when they came to a place, they saw a big mountain in front of them. Seeing that the mountain was dangerous, the three of them couldn't help looking at it for a while, only to hear one of their companions say: "Brother, brother, this mountain How is Ridge compared to our Jieyang Ridge?"

Hearing the words, the person in charge stopped and looked at the mountain for a while, before he sighed and said: "Although this mountain is good, it is not my home!"

The companion who asked the question was silent for a while, and the leader gave a wry smile when he saw that, and said, "Let's hurry!" Both of them agreed, and followed him to the ridge.The three of them hurried for a while and rushed to the ridge, only to see a big inn at the end of the east end, with a big locust tree on the other side of the inn door, which was the way down the ridge. store away.

Let's say that under the big locust tree, there is a wooden armchair, on which is leaning against a big black man. There is a jar of wine and an empty wine bowl at the man's feet.

The three of them walked to the hotel and stared at the man for a while. Seeing that the visitor did not seem like an idler, the big black man did not dare to neglect him, so he hurriedly stood up to greet him, cupped his hands and said, "Where are the three heroes from? Where are you going?"

"Come from the south, go to the north, and go find an acquaintance. The three of us passed by your place, hungry and thirsty, and bought two bowls of wine drunk by the owner's house to quench our thirst. If it's inconvenient, then that's all!" the leading man replied.

The dark and thick man was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Since you have seen through my methods, you must be a hero who has become famous in the Jianghu. The villain Deng Yun, I haven't asked the names of the three heroes!"

The three of them looked at each other, and then the leader cupped his hands and said: "Li Jun from Luzhou, these two are my brothers, the people in the world call Tongwei Tongwei and Tongmeng Fanjiang Mirage are my brothers. They brothers!"

Deng Yun was shocked when he heard the words, and said: "Could it be Li Jun, a private businessman on the Xunyang River? Disrespect, disrespect! Hurry up, please come inside, please come inside!"

Seeing that he was polite, Li Jun hurriedly bowed his hands in return, and took Tong Wei and Tong Meng into the shop together.As soon as Deng Yun entered the store, he yelled at the guys to serve wine and food. Seeing Deng Yun's enthusiasm, Li Jun was also happy. He was a bold man, and seeing others sincerely befriending him, he didn't have any pretensions, let alone in this foreign place. , this ridge is very similar to Jieyang Ridge on the edge of Jiangzhou, and the man who opened a black shop reminded him of Li Lilai, the judge who had died not long ago. This situation made him feel a little more emotional for a while.

But because of these emotions in his heart, he asked Li Jun to look at Deng Yun's eyes, and he inadvertently became more cordial.

Deng Yun courteously invited Li Jun to sit in the upper seat, and asked Tong Wei Tong Meng to sit on both sides, and he sat on the opposite seat with him.After the ceremony was over, Deng Yun asked them why they left Jiangzhou.When Li Jun first saw this person, he had a good impression of him, and he was also a straight person, so he didn't hide anything from him, and just told what happened that day. When Deng Yun heard that Liu Tang and Hua Rong had killed Li Li, he said angrily: "I Waiting for the opening of the shop, what are you doing to these fellows? If these two donkey heads fall into the hands of the master, they will definitely avenge the brother Li Li, the judge!"

Li Jun raised his head and drank a bowl of bitter wine, but he was not happy. Seeing his appearance, Deng Yun stopped scolding him, and just asked, "I don't know what kind of hero these three heroes are going to the north to vote for? It's that Cangzhou Xiaoxuanfengchai?" The official Jinchai, or the Hebei Tianhu?"

Li Jun put the wine bowl away, and replied: "Neither, but we are going to Liang Shanbo to join forces!"

Deng Yun's face froze when he heard the words, and he immediately covered it up, saying: "But the three heroes specially invited by the white-clothed gentleman on the mountain?"

Li Jun shook his head and said: "I have a brother, known as Langli Baitiao Zhang Shun. Seeing that he joins a group in Liangshanbo today, he has sent letters many times inviting my three brothers to Dazhai together. Whenever there is a catastrophe, but it can be regarded as complete relief, so I want to go up the mountain and get together with my brothers!"

That Deng Yun lowered his head and didn't speak for a long time. Seeing that he had something different, Li Jun hurriedly asked him why. Deng Yun raised his head and said, "Man, your sworn brother Li Li runs a black shop just like me! But you I don’t know, the person you want to vote for burned down a famous shop in Shizipo, Mengzhou, and Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang died at the hands of him! This person is the same as Huarong Liu What's the difference between Tang's actions, isn't it a bit reckless for a hero to vote for him now?"

Li Jun and the three of them looked at each other, but they didn't say anything, but Deng Yun said again: "If the three heroes don't give up, I will stay with my younger brother, but it will be better for him to see his face!"

The three of them were speechless when they saw each other, but Deng Yun talked sweetly again, and finally got up and said, "It's rare for the four of us to meet today, why don't we just make oaths, dominate this place, and live happily on this mountain for the rest of our lives? ?”

At this time, Tong Wei Tongmeng couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help saying: "Brother, what is it to vote for? Since Wang Lun is a person like Huarong, when I go, I might give him a cold look! Brother Deng is so generous, why don't we just stay here, as before, this brother opened a shop on the mountain, and we will still smuggle salt!"

If it hadn't been for Song Jiang being sent to Jiangzhou, causing Huarong Liu Tang to kill his sworn brother Li Li, he would still be living such a comfortable life now.

It's just that all of this was ruined by Li Li's death.

Li Jun never dreamed that he could continue to live such a life at this time.Looking at Deng Yun's earnest face, Tong Wei and Tong Meng also persuaded him in unison.In this situation, where Li Jun is not tempted,

Deng Yun caught a glimpse of Li Jun's heartbeat, and was overjoyed at the moment, he didn't wait for him to speak, he just called out to the people inside to come out and show off, and he was about to get married.At this time, I saw a woman coming out of the store, about 25 years old, with a high nose and big forehead, red eyes, wearing a red spring spinning blouse, a green satin skirt, single pants, and paint She smeared her face with makeup and powder, and combed her long hair into a heart ingot bun.With a wave of his hand, Deng Yun asked the woman to come to worship Li Jun. Li Jun saw that the two of them were so intimate and casual, and feared that the woman was Deng Yun's wife, but rushed forward to pay respects. Deng Yun said with a smile : "She's my daughter-in-law, brother doesn't need to be polite, she's a generation away!"

Li Junjian was taken aback, and asked, "Where is your son?"

Then Deng Yun sighed and said, "It's been many years!"

Li Jun and the three of them looked at each other with a little surprise in their hearts. It is not uncommon to see black shops for husbands and wives in the Jianghu, but it was the first time that the father-in-law brought his wife to open a black shop.The three of them stared at the Weng and his daughter-in-law with wide-eyed eyes once, and they all felt a little awkward in their hearts. When they looked at Deng Yun again, they felt that this person's figure was a little out of order. With a look of disgust on his face.

Seeing this scene, Li Jun's old dream was shattered. He immediately raised a glass of wine and said to Deng Yun, "Thank you Brother Deng for your hospitality. I would like to take this glass of water and wine to show my gratitude to Brother Deng!"

That Deng Yun is a wine family who is used to watching people's faces. When he saw the faces of the three people, he couldn't guess what they were thinking, but he was secretly angry and thought: "Master treats you as a brother, and you will not hide such hidden things. You, now you dislike the master, let it go, it seems that you really don't know how to flatter you!"

"What did you say, brother? We are all brothers in the rivers and lakes. Since you have met such an honored guest as your brother, how can you make it through if you don't want to receive them?" Deng Yun said without changing his face. Seeing that Li Jun's glass was empty, he immediately poured wine for Li Jun. .

Seeing that he suddenly stopped mentioning the matter of marriage, Li Jun secretly became vigilant, seeing that this person was going to pour himself wine, he just said: "I was seriously injured not long ago, so I really can't drink too much. Today is too much. Heroes stay here!"

Then Deng Yun laughed, poured himself a glass of wine, and said: "Do it first!" Then he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and immediately picked up the jug and poured wine for the three people, saying in his mouth: "Since the elder brother has already overdose, the younger brother dare not pay any more respect, and drink this last bowl, and have a reunion wine!"

Li Jun saw that Deng Yun drank the wine in the flagon himself, and there was no abnormality, and he didn't want to make things too stiff, so he immediately took the bowl of wine. Seeing this, Tong Weitong picked up the wine glass and listened. Li Jundao: "Hero, my little brother is very grateful for your hospitality today, but after drinking your wine, there is something stuck in my throat, I have to say it, I hope the hero will forgive me!"

Deng Yun still had a smile on his face, looked at Li Jun and said: "Brother has something to say, but it's okay to say it!"

"Those of us who walk the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is the word of fame and integrity. Other small mistakes can be made, but if you lose your reputation, it will be difficult to look back. I hope Brother Deng will take care of himself!" Li Jun finished speaking , then drank the wine in one breath, cupped his hands at Deng Yun, and walked straight out of the door.

Seeing this, Tong Wei and Tong Meng drank the wine in one gulp, put the wine bowl away, and didn't even want to look at Deng Yun. When he was about to search for his luggage, where was the package?The two were surprised for a while, but the woman laughed and said: "The two uncles are looking for packages? They are all in the slave's room!"

Tong Weitong was furious, and was about to explode when he suddenly heard a feeling of lightheadedness and dizziness, he couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground.Tong Wei was still a little conscious at this time, and yelled at Li Jun at the door: "Brother, go, don't worry about me waiting!"

Li Jun gave a wry smile, but at this moment he lost feeling in his legs. He didn't expect that he would capsize in the gutter after being in danger all his life. Moving his body to the ground, his eyes gradually drifted away outside the house.

Seeing this, Deng Yun sneered, and said: "You don't have to drink a toast! Li Jun, I love you as a hero and want to make a sworn oath to you, but you look down on me, so I'm sorry! On this day next year, I will burn a stick of incense for the three of you!"

Li Jun didn't turn his head, just looked at the increasingly blurred double image outside the house, and murmured: "Retribution..."

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